Llfcrafy x . The Daily news VHt. 16' PMNCK IlOl'KIlT, II. CJ, I'HIDAY, MAIlCji; 30, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENT VOL, .... s : DEFEAT OF Ti C TIF I ID ITS1 HEAR J ilUSALEM 0 AUSTRIANS AND GERMANS AMONG PRISONERS TAKEN-MANY TURKS CAPTURED GREAT DEFEAT ALLIES ARE STILL THE SUBMARINE OF THE TURKS FIGHTING ON THE MENACE STILL IN PALESTINE WESTERN FRONT VERY SERIOUS Many Prisoner Taken and Heavy Struggle a t Hlndenburg Line Allied Shipping la Still Being Casualties are iwnciea upon of Ferocious Character Sunk by the U Boat Loaded the Enemy Much War rltleh and French British Transport la Sent MaUrlal Taken. Press Enemy. to the Bottom. ttui to Tb Deny 1 V III lbr pljr (SurtlaJ to TIm bull (", London, March 30 An official: London, March 30. Very little '''wbBbbbbbhbbbHbVbbbbbbhIH vftflr IIbbbbbbbI London, March 30, The weekly report from the Kgyplian expedi- information a to the operations BBr official returns of the losses to Uonary force it published here on the British front have come -BtLPHn merchant ships from enemy submarines loUy slating that a Turkish force through. The Canadian troop and mines continue to numbering about twenty thou- re nol rngaKe in the great ad. indicate that the underwater menace . . - I.I.I. .I.font urc ' ' ij' hut are engaged in con-The is exceedingly serious, ac rf. T1,e serine of this j hatter,,, y UmK fF"' 1BB '"'-BbW HBBBa cording to the naval correspondent UMtr io aza. w,c. r. -u.,u VBBBV't BBBBaU fa harassed without of the Times-, Notwithstand tl mies to the southwest of. . Aftjitlnn and no ntace being jtfu.slem. Wry Uftvy casual. ing this, however, the renewed ,o erma lere inflicted upon the confidence of the neutral nations InornlnK raid, and eommuou, ac. ny. of the Canadians keep the BMAtt'.XlivVER-BHivviBtfJlv BB((F- -" .iLir'aS 4Bn in the capacity of the Allies tq The Ilritish troops took nine,' . . meet the situation,i indicated by tunorru iriun ....... x v I inane French we a ivu Front. the larger number of ships which "Tl.hfKnS'?iS i1"?'"!"? i 3 An ,nl"- are using Allied ports. Three Ships Sunk. .uffcf d , bee , Tie staff Included four Austrian; The British steamer Alnwick lhfj fiomm9 u Mnne dur fflms, and thrty.four ot her Castle has been sunk by a sub , , Soi.eon. has been Aotriana and Germans, which . nirt,inn. h BRITISH CAVALRY PURSUING GERMAHS ON THE WESTERN FRONT .Vote the oddly shaped marine and thirteen men perished-Full there mutt haa been 1 details are lacking yet. The ihoi that jguns of a large calibre. An im. gas masks, which the horses wear Tin photo is of particular Interest because of the large part ice element of surprise, in the porlanl German munition and Ilritish cavalry is playing on the western front. This is an official photo and .one of tha, first Ilritish transport Timlareus with how liters a battalion oS the Middlesex negligent tlUti. Two (our-lnch material depot has been captured cavalry pictures to reach Canada from the western front. trt alio taken. Full details are 1 aboard, struck a mine oil the French troops. by Cape Agulhus. All saved. iHlltf. The latest word received is that PCRMANY AND THE BUSINESS CHANGES ASSISTANCE OF KIND Cape Agulhus is near were Cape Tovn WOaUrt SUFFRAGE NOW to rage with unabated fury. The UNITED STATES IN PRINCE RUPERT WELCOME TO ALLIES in South Africa. The British Q RANTED IN BRITAIN barque Neath, of IGCO tons, with French ore.taking all precautions a cargo of sugar has been tor- that the nature of the operations (petul to Tb Dtr 3tws. , Mr. George P. McColl, who for London. March 29. The Times Pedoed without unrning twenty- call for and in the face of desperate London, March 30. In the resistance by the Hermans Washington, March 30. !n- long has beejt in the grocery trade commenting this morning of the eight miles to the southeast of f ilitk, House of Commons thin The advance is necessarily slow, ator Baulsburg, a member of the in this city, has sold out his busi. prospects of the United States en- reslnet,sank oil the Irish coast. The the franchise has been is-sed owing to the character of the porejgn delations Committee, ad-ground. ness to Mr. George 11. Munro. Mr. tering the war, says, regarding a vessel in seven minutes, but Uiere 'oss of life. The The report that has been received wa no to the Ilritish cmtn of Creat women.Itritain have have On the carried German the left strong.h'vwcalefl lhe abrogation of the ex-French McColl is, one of the old timers here that any American action is captain was taken prisoner as fobl long and hard to get the l ih. ! 4nf isllng treaties between the United in Prince Rupert, having been likely to be confined to the pro- hostage by the submarine com. IS t. They have fought In very Kaaignr and Henay. This section jstates and Germany, because of here since the early days, when lection or American and neutral mander. It is believed that the the city in its Mr. interests on the seas and to as- "British captured the aubmarine way different methods, from ar-remmt runs through a gentle undulating Germany's gross violation of Ihe wras Infancy. 'aer and released the captured and coaling to vandalism, country, which offers admirable'lrealjM jn (he sinking of Ameri- G. H. Munro will take over the sisting commercially and flnan- tod at last they have won their fields of fire to the defender, if can ships and the taking of Amer-1 ashless of the 1st pror. and is cially the Entente Allies: skipper. without "If we so the may oVtlred Bay That the women. the point. j, considered certain that . ftjvfan I ii Mii no stranger to the trade. Before slightest suggestion of indiscre-'MARMACUC CCLEBRATEB a.a ki.. iluii as v v e proved themselves oi worthy Germans Will make oeiernmi ih.nnnPtlninilnir kuing a In ho country's affairs r iUlll UUilUVII VWiW vvn c upiI-' Mr. Munro w WU in tion we have no doubt that it is ON THE O. T. P. THAW say their failure efforts to retrieve bas been shown in the man-Mr that all Americans are warned to business in Montreal and has a help of this kind which would be in which have proved here. leave Germany before April the long and successful experience of most useful and most welcome to An occurrence altogether out tkelr capabilities they in the war work. second. Hi la shows the serious- .the trade. Ir. Munro is well and the Allies. We .should rejoice to'of the usual happened on the last That this vexed question Is now GERMANS PLAY ness. of the. ,situation. favorably known in the city, hav- f-ee American armies fighting train for the east, which left nl.n It.pn hpiv fni ; i it.. .1.1... In i mnnv vnr tHUed will be of satls-Iwtion alongside our troops in vindica-1 Prince Hupert. That was the to a, cause lU tlAln llMt that the German chancellor de-' His many friends will wish him tion of righteousness and hu-'union of impatient lovers right everyone. clares that.. Germany has no every success. inanity, but we agree with the on the train. The contracting ORE MEN FOR THE ARMY Itndon March 28. iinusii inougui LI ui ur ...III.im ,1.. It,(. President and the American press parties were Miss Lucy Lavaleur, military experts today say a play States and does not desire it GENERAL NEWS ITEMS that such aid, although invalu-'of Stornaway, N. B and Mr. behind the day. nliln uiiiilil hfl nMottnnpilv lnlav 'Arehi MpDnnsliI who also hails for time Is the reasqn n -i i--nn.nl on the west- Notwithstanding the Chancel- ISprcMI to Toe D411y ." led beyond the date at which we'from the eastern States, but who to&don, March 30. The Chan-'lor m front ,or IaI,nent, it is understood! Prohibition Is defeated by a hope victory will be placed beyond is now ranching at Topley in the of the Kxchequeur, Mr. It is an attempt to husbaiJd her that the United States will be majority of 822. doubt." - Bulkley Valley. Miss Luvaleur nr Law, has introduced a re-Mamination -mtrri of men In the hope or a siaie oi preparaiion wiien ..oii- .n unconnrmeu uespaicn irom me Morning I'pst expresses came up from the south and join- bill Into the liritlsh deterring the Allied olTensie. In gress meets ext week and it ijToklo states that a Japanese war-jthe hope that whatever action the ed tLe train at Prince Rupert,'and rarliamenl. I ' Under Its provisions the meantime Germany hopes her felt that actual hostilities caunot(8hlp has been sunk in the South j United States may 'tae. it will 'on rriving at Hazelton was Join- proposed to re.examlne all .uhfiiarine blockade will bring the be avoided at this late time. It is Pacific. ' i Include the placing in the United ed by Air. McDonald, bnoruy " of military age who have F.nleiile to starvation. nol expected that Germany win The entire Swedish cabinet has'states prize courts of all German after leaving Hazelton, Mr. Pike, Jo for previously rejected, as unfit a..AMii- i the British mill- be able to oiler any guarantees signed, headed iy Premier Ham-'shipping interned there. The'the Methodist minister, was seen military service. It Is ex-Ptd nennany's leaders which will be accepted, to prevent marskjold. The king has accept newspaper doubts whether the.on the train and arrangements mHlon that thl bill will affect a have foreseen the necessity or the entrance of the Ued states ed their resignations. United States, once In the war,!were made right-there and-then men. More men are required combatting very soon an ufTen. into the. conflict. Guarantees A wire from Pelrograd says could long maintain the distinc-ifor.the knot to be tied. -Mr. Mo " for the army In France to sive from the Fntente of unpre- made by the German government that the ex-Czar is proving a tion between restricted warfare Donald had the licence in his up the wastage and to fill lav Provwl lo be worthless in model prisoner and is causjng no a'nd a full iflfensiy It contends'pocket, so everything was all right P the Power. m have reserve battalions. Men "ti? German military machine the past and no change has been trouble to the new rulers of the that the sea is an essential factor ana proper, wnen tne train been l be rejected previously coldly calculating the neces- notlceanie in t.ermany wnicn country. in America's problem and urges would be abouLMorricetown at 3 taken on for non-cornbat-nt iuv .would lead the Stales to believe in the the of saving as many men as that the sole specific for the sub-io'clock morning, happy condition service, where their physical nosslb e for the manning of Ger- that any future guarantees would WESTHOLME THEATRE marine menace is to defeat Ger couple were united. Two other would not permit them Industries, after the war. be of nny grcat,r eiTcct. many's main fighting forces and passengers on the train stood up "is oing into the firing line, and In manys realulng the nation will be hard At the Westholme tonight will control her naval bases. The with them and witnessed the o fit manner relievo many who are put to survtce in the fierce commercial HALIBUT ARRIVALS be screened William Farnuni in Morning Post remarks in this union. war which will follow "Samson," From dock laborer to respect that the assumption that Sessue wii In mwa anu uevai- The Nautilus has arrived with the greatest financial power In the the Teutonic ileet can not be destroyed Vacuum cleaning Dry-cleaning. Hayakawa, the noted peace lion of the land Intervening be- 2,000 pounds of halibut, and.. the land. That is the story of the as long as it remains in Steam cleaning. Carpets, couches . ll, nnd tllO liew.juo .i, , ...ru, ,uuu a uuuu.i. twentieth century Samson. Mau. port, has not yet been proved, and and curtains cleaned. Good, re JLu,e Poul Weslholnie tomorrow In iweeu iii.wii.iirir uir line" meaus that tno rpu tiiv est n,i uuiiiii ui vt uia c ifu "nt rice Brachard, by natural shrewd. speculate! whether it is impos liable work. Carpets called for of Kura Ban." before they can start their spring salmon has alsro dune in, ness v!ns his way to the top. In sible to,, devise a method for and delivered free. Fritz, phone Allies, there being between six nild seven the midst of his he grand offensive, must rebuild success, marries reacning i(ermau snips in pon. 19. k 77. They must iiRni over hundred pounds In port today. the daughter of n family of we commend tnis suggestion WESTHOLME everything.desert. The halibut arrivals for the whole impoverished aristocratic schem to the inventive genius of Amer NEW WELLINGTON 8ML a In the meantime - week have been yerys.light. A ers. She despises him for his ica," says the newspaper, which Albert & McCaifery. phone 110. OfZKA HOUSE her submarines will accomplish while ago there were few cars and low origin, although his Heart is adds: hopes economic defeat of the lots of flsh and now there are lots breaking for her love. They drift "If America will bear her part TONIGHT ONLY of cars und no fish.' apart and "the other jnan" ap fn,externilnating the submarine, Alles, LONDON C API WILLIAM FARNUM pears. Samson, to crush the she will confer the greatest and "8 Vo The favorite household Coal Is War films showing "The Can. scoundrel who seeks to destroy most enduring benefit on human. ANB ORILL In km H" Wellington. Phone 15, adlan Army in Action" and "The his happiness, wrecks the market. Ity." Third Avenue T.n rt atu. Ladyamlth Coal Co. Advance of the Tanks" will be In the terrific financial upheaval most sensational Prince Rupert Prompt Service of the Beet ProuVedul play shown In the Westholme Theatre that follows, Brachard himself is Wanted Good, smart boy, or ,MtiW9t llrllllant warm sunihlile and on Wednesday - nnd Thursday, ruined. But In his ruin he finds young man for clothing and fur. there Is to eat at all hours. mlaalon 10 and 15 cents. ... . .i ilia mi me- April 4th and Qth, deserved scats his wife's love and exclaims, "At uishiiigs store' Apply Martin BOXES FOR. LAB4M ,our.Sday. Ml ealher. truly. inw on sale at Orme's Drug tstore, last I have come into my own,' O'lleilly. If. xw,i(Minmwwi