M THfcT DA I Li NEWS Friday- MgJ i FAMILY DOCTOR' ABDICATION FOR WATER NOTICE KAISER WILHELM LC AND STORAOI I Hi"' - T.Ike ftOTIi.e tlul Marna P- Ulaeo, wIwm addrett it Anye, , C will tpply GOOD ADVICE ' I'firM. The abdication of tho for S lltrtw to lake tod tit about tlity cubic feet per tecond and to store about German ttinpcror li forecast by 10 em-feet of water out Of Bcmama the former Oertnan niaglslraie Creek wbleb flow toutbnatlerly aad drains fa 11 it who wroto the cek-brated book, laid Oranby Bay about tt or Dear Lot UTf, T060 OnTawng'i-ruii-a-Tiifes" ' J Accu.e. in'an Interview pub Cattlar Dlitrlcl. Tlx Write-dam will be loci ted at Wd Hfr (tow llRticd In Ouvde. He "The Because Tlwy says: about one tad on-blf miles from tnoath Millions of colds start with Kaiser Is obxessejtf with th of BoMaoia Creek, Tbe capacity of lb thought that he Is responsible for reservoir lo be created It about 3 ter- r tttarnna " "''Mn with ter " the war, a thought whlclpolsons feet, and II will good About twenty acre wet feet, which could and . . . IU. ami f!afttIaUOn. I: I ill tit ia of laod. Tb water wtn t diverted from his whole existence. He feels lb atreara at a point tt or near to dam. should be prevented that he is menaced by the Hired 1 rid win b eted for power for mminr by lr run 1IOWD1 ""'i"1 enemies at home, without counting purpot epos lb mine detcflbed ti tb rubbers. those abroad: First is the Midti, purmlrm tnd ret Group, iltotte wearing r,the turprix) or my ooewr, 1. near l he bradwtMrt of Bonanza Creek. Grown Prince, the real author of 7r none was potted on lbs tround the war; second, Is the Junker on th Htb day of Mtrcb, HIT. Every shape and size of Soihlff lbi I "reiny life to'Tralt. pan.flerrnanist you can not Im A espy of lo.i notice tnd an applica agine the hatred of tion poriuant thereto tnd to the "Water to to those who smouldering shoe be ! w""1 say can trimly fitted, tire" Act, llll," win be filed in tbe era re of the hruperor for those whom be .cfTcr from la dicrUoa,CoitipaUon or the Water Recorder tt Prince ftopert, B.C. FrulUUrei' and you believe lo be the maniacs who Objecuon ta tbe eppUcaUon may tM Bled and made to last a great SSlwcU". OOWNBaAUDKEAW. are driving him into an abyss; with tbe ttld Water Recorder or wltb third, are the peoptie, not the ment lb Crnptro!ter Suildinei,of Victoria,Wtter MrbU,B. C, Parlia within deal longer, by a pair of it i or,rDt r,,r,d bx Fruit- Bocialiet party, but the people thirty Car after tb Brat tppetrtnc or who are starving and who he feels Ubl a notice in a local paper. rubbers bearing one of are growing in number and rising M. P. 0LSE.1, Applicant, Tbe date or tbe drat publication of this these Trade Marks: LAND M 6 tot It V AT little by little against those iotlre la Mtrcb t, HI 7. who organized the war. l mnA Mt.t Opposed to Break. .. tp.ftv"M. -HI III. riuotf' 1.1 1 4. "In "Safety First" is tbe particular he was personal. "JACQUES CARTIEB - "GRANBY" ...tIE SOTICE m that John tppllrtUOB Serstnan. of Ml Prlne 1 8PRINQ SUIT FROM PARIS ly opposed lo a break with I'resi-1 Slogan of Business" MAPLE RUBBER LEAF 2b net mwr in re (Mir A pretty and fiihionable uprfng dent Wilson, but he was forced I -MERCHANTS" -"MAPLE - "DAISY" " ..1. iwni from ine uHKir or w model of tan cloth adorned with to consent. Documents will be 75 years of 1 - . . . . .. LEAF" navy machine stitching-. published one day which will prove OVER in Canada, - "DOMimoir Hi of Bptr. nit. or u. atiu im ... . urn mim Mml nr inrl at that secretly he did every thing) demonstrated IN TNI SUPRCMC OOLUBtatA.COURT Of RITISM not to bring America down upon the strength, security, . . dm Maaietpaiiir or rioe wiperi. hi in and that be considers that the ! ....tieniarlr knuti ll Lot TN 1101. safety and service of The Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. rupture was an irreparable mis-! In tin mailer or lb AdrainlttraUon Act Bank of British North iocs -- aa4 take. The failure of the ub- LIMITED r i . la tlx matter of to eiuto of Ptttt marine war will soon show that America. The history of Larrf Ornaf adarm ef Ba.Wf Caott la tia ttntnk Impin t vv UtLtrMtm. aXtM4 Intcmte. be was right but it will be too' this bank for over three-quarters trirjTiTE crricts - kostblal,pj). im date or uia aerrie of tnu TAiC AOTICE that if order of im late. I of a century has SCTCt LAIC,C?-TO-DATt HAnCFACTUIMRC PLUTO Df CAHaJDA m i.ueb may be aBecied cr Seeii' HxKjf Judrt Tounr. kcat Judra or Um , r 11 Directed, and ruir at tupmu Count, made Um I7ia day of He wants to continue popular been one of progress and 23"SltmZT BCA-UHLS AJtD VABCBOOSS TB900CBWr CAXASA . I. 'UA LA M'tlon 14 of tlM rrtiruarr, 1117, I aaa appotntcd AdraUUt-tralor at any price and that is why he development, and of bertttry r wita amendinenit, r U rtuu of rur McLactiUa. spoke tbe first word ef peace. The MA u it taUovuc ttirtet iberefrocst dtccaaed. Atl artia Lailnr citlmt rainit consistent growth in the people were grateful for it, but -tad I arttiit or t caret t or crua- Ui aaid tut art twrrbjr required u forward regard of the business the submarine as mow prof Mr erifiid W Dm on or war came and; .1.m a kMA Al IflA MMMI Mi uefor tbe Mia dar of April. 117. tod spoiled everything. j world. aU prut Indrtitrd to Uw taid eaute are Suffers In Pride. THE BANK OF i f kmIm fttul lltn rlAlnln reqaiml lo pr Uw tiDotiBl of tbelr la dtblednf forUiatlb. "It is bard to realize how the; British NerMi America Don'I merely smother ctaga at aar leirrvx la Im um or nrlu tnied tb tod da or Mtrcb, MIT Emperor, who enjoyed a popularity ytw ; II. McntLU5, (ifDrial Admtalitrator unexampled in our epoch, Tt TEAMS IS BVUlSLSi. .... .i.ini. an I n L m a I In k ! n4 llalbien'a Syrwp of Tar and Cod Urer OQ not oeiy CAPITAL AKD SLBPI XS. t7.SSt.0Oe. suffers in his pride. He alone ha tonic aad CURE IT ta but thanks to RfJU Si WWW MMW WW mi TMt aurwiM COURT or aWnSK -proaipUr arret coaching, . - ...al.l.n .r Kl A .h.ll ft. perhaps in German? knows the PRINCE RUPERT DRANCI ttrenzthenine properties it help thesTetesi to throw o . . ......A . ... whole truth, since he alone has the cold and thu effrcta t permanent care. It la thl quality which ha MR lor . W.J.SMITH the eale of and cold In Canada. m ut riun fta or in raKMi ui uc ERS,Manager at largeat any ccnagfc remedy fa Um BMitr of Um AdmtsittraUoa Act. in his possession the elements for ft (add far taua. and iLa Ttaaiitrar rtruMr Um iron raiitlod nndtr tod forming a judgment in the situation Xft. Ittrft bottles, evrrywAert. to Um tatiter of Um rata of Joba SUBSCRIBE FOR . yjR V KMX UV DIDrr DI ILHT HI as a whole, j.t- ssATHrro ccv. rep satsRwaMa. Adam, dertad. nuettai. 4 tor uit TAEC 0Tiac uut If order of HU "Once he tried to initiate peace The Daily News Ud WgtAAS ftrfhllratloft lua brQ ft rrf iftr.L A.f tfkAofAJa.lKlA Ytfl Haoor Judrt Toocr, local Jodtt of Um negotiations and failed. To try tnpmat Court, made um (tb day of again would be to admit and pro. January. IttT, t ai tppotated Admlala- but above all claim lo the world, trttor of Um ettai of Jobs Adama, US TIUEAS on UTrilKtunr ttx decetaed. At ptruet ttttttr cUimi trainit lo the Herman people, which he I a Kttrt uut prtor to lb ttb ur Um aald ctlal art hereby required to forward fears most, Germany's real situ Hum, nil. (tM dau oa Uta ttOM ptvprtlf trl0ed to ma on or If the Allies solemnly declared, the u4 tadt r aoid for overdo ation. Keep befor Um um day of April, HIT. and up as they did with Napoleon all paruet lotbfeted. to Um aald hud are assured that quired to pay Um amount of tbelr it in IBIS, that they woutd refuse 1AM mrUM jut notice that at tb dtbtednett forUmllH. to treat for peace with the Ho-henzollern people teUt re-spondjo Dtted to tad day of Mtrcb, HIT. it would be a knockout Food Supply every call I. H. UrMl LUI, Otfleul AdmlaUtrator. imiruigH iiua io in hid blow. Our German people, who to the success m noh oi awn firrnu ani(i neccsscry still believe in him would abandon TMC SUTtlSJIK COURT O BSttTISM m huuui roar (Uim. if am him, for peace at any price will of our cause with b taM laaaa, or ft pntrttt a sea pro soon b the unanimous and hidden and Help the same indomitable In Um mtiter of Um AdnUaUtraUoa Act, thought of tortured Germany. ardour and devotion hr II tk Lao4 Rrttivy Offlc tad ctwrt, B. C, Ud tin day la Um nuiter of Um eauu of iota Lad by Crown Prince. that have filled me with . u, int. dtp title SaroaJrnes. deeetted, latetut. "What recourse is left lo him M. r, MACUOD, TAKE .tOTICr that by order of Kit but a dramatic abdication in order Make Victory Pride and gratitude Dittrlcl Rftiairtr of Till. Honor loot Youst. local Jad of Um to retain tbe sympathies of since the rtvoo, DavttrUI. Cturonua. SvpreoM Court, made tbo titb dty of war began.' rrtiruarr, IS IT. 1 at appotated AdmlaU-tntor the German people and save the Kis Kino Georgk ORDERS of rtut of John Baptiite StrMicnrt political future of Prussia. He Majsstt Seeetted. AO turtle kaitnf clalmi aralnil will say: T sacrifice myself 19 Sure ih at Id etUM art brreby required 14 forward make Without those fHnc Ruptirt Cadet Corp ttOM property ertnrd to n on or peace. me, Ufore lb I lib dAy of April, HIT, tad only are responsible who desired r Urtdy, Instructor. tU partlet Indebted to tb ttld eiula tr a savage war and the complete j It it pmpoird that the above required debtednett to tortbwttb.pay lb tmoaat or tbelr la isolation of Germany; those who; soldiers must be fed; the people at n hl camp for two weeks bated Um tnd dty of Mtrcb. HIT. took at the beginning my son as "la me comltiB urnmer. All I. II. Mr ML LUX OdcUl AdmUUtuator. their party leader and forced me OUR must be fed. And in spite of " uiiing to attend must en-3 to mobilize, a measure I hesitated Wore April 30th. IM THE aUTRUK OOIUMBIA.COURT BRITISH to take.'" Germany's murderous campaign to In lb matter or Um AdmiaUiratlon Act. The Dally Xev.il delivered by cut off the Allles, Food supply, by sinking to Metal Work tod of waiim carrier. 50 cents per month. pvprv shin on the Hih Seas an amnle and la l fee mttter r tb- Jtmet leaUlo. Macartney StndeU, deceaaed, la- WATER NOTICE unfailing flow of foodfto England and bn In tho Et.. I have TAkK KOTICS tbal by order or Hi HfltfHa ! a 1 aa a Honor Judr Touts, local lods of lb DIVERSION ARO USK r ranee musi oe miuuuuneu. Swprem Court mad to llrd dty of TAKE .10TICK that Oeorr McRae. t,0t. m uad by F,iltrn ahop rrbrtary. HIT. I appointed AdmlaU. wbote addrett la Ski derate. B. C wlk irttor of Um ittu of NVUUtm Jtmet apply tor a licence to take and ute 110 This is National Service Gasoline Mtctrtner Saodelt. deeetMd. All ptrii cubic fret per mlout of water oat or Tanks, Pipe-fitting hauir claim rui lb4 l, ,uu " Dcratter Creek, wbicb now noriberly and Not to the Farmer only and hereby required w forward m properly drtlnt Into AUford Bay, about II cbttn Plumbing, verified to u oo or before lb Utb dty from lb it. E. corner of T. l lit. Tb and all lines of Sheet of April. HIT. tod til ptrtlet Indebted lo water will be dlierted front Um stream tt But to YOU to everybody lb ttld etui tr required to pay lb t ptlnl about ten cbtlnt wen rrom NAS'. Metal Work : :: amount of tbelr tnoebledneat forthwith. corner or Lot 4. B. C Fliberlea, and wlU This appeal is directed Prompt Haled tb tod day of Marcb, iw be uaed for power purpot upon tbe Itnd AtUntion and SkllW J, II, MeMl'LUT, omclal AdmlnUtrator. detertbed a adjolnlnf Timber Umll 111 Workmmahlp 0ISTRICT OS In appllctUoo to leaa. must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utilize BS KIR A LAND DISTRICT Tbtt notic wta potted on tb rround WE PLANT H. LETOURNEAU COAST, RAN0K S. on lb I lib dty or January, HIT. A toSAVEand to PRODUCE. Mt n. back yard. Cultivate the C9I aivarii copy or ibll no tic and an application women ami children; the young,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food COlumbU) thereto and to lb Water Act, vr.rirr imi Die BrIUlb pursuant Black 325 P.O. Box 118 Cannlns Company, Umlted. of Victoria, B. I fill will be Bled In tbe omce or tb aged anil the old all can help in the ... intend to trly ft Water Decorder at Prince Rupert. Ob Nation's Army of Production. peVwlatlon U leaa lb followlnr deicrlb. Jeciiona to tbe application may be Bled WOMEN of towns can find no better w lib tb aald Weur Recorder or wltb outlet for their ed foreinor land: -commencm poiyid of FOOD raised, helps important lh in Comptroller or Wtter Rlcblt, Parliament planled north bU or EVERY ftieer. IIS on feel lb touib from lb. w" Bulldinn, Ylciorla. B, C, wttbln the cost of living, and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetable Prince iinri Feed Ro. corner of Lol f. . " Uiirly ihi notice day. In after a local lb nrtt newpaper.appearance of the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. Tb dat or tb Bra I publlrttlon of tbit - oa ,. iikI aoriberly pwaliel W nolle I I'rbrutry I III. HIT, nin Be in act or a patriotic as dtkitnre rpro a a .pom. i. i...vv . . at th- - "",: OCOIIUK McRAK, Applicant. For information on any subject relating boundary of lb Oraad Trunk raclfle rail-way. to the Farm and Garden, write: well as in thought. ihenr wealerly and LAND LEASE NOTIGE WE HANDLE allel to lb ld nsw or waj . j- INFORMATION BUREAU .. . ..... .. k. a xf mrner Of Lot 11 VlL r TAkK NOTICE tbal I, William Jttuei Department of Agriculture "nnlW U ! Ibenr norib 100 frl Mittbawt, aciinc a treat for tb Anrlo-SrtlUb Use meam availaUe--Ovcrlook of tbe ouin every tartectloa Columbia Ptrklny Umll-rd. OTTAWA . .. ...iMlwrlr and tl' Company, Qn and P,d gda. rirni-oi-waj: . . n.inl refUltred offlc in Vtooouter, B. C nothing. AI,o or Arrtndtle, occuptllon store keepear. In-tend FartllUort. where .aid boundary i " to apply for permitaion to let lb "Y. Q"l' AND FEED line. Ihewe alont hiH ' mrk follow lot described lauda. polni f cniimeireuint, Commenclnt at t poll driven on tbe Dominion Department of Agriculture ..mi to? C"" tail a bore of Portland Casil about a mile W Actlns mJ a half north of Dotflah Bay, rrom for Nursery Co.. Miulled. luetics aorUt twenty cbatnii tbenc tail OTTAWA, CANADA. took. r-ibrutry f"h len cUaluait laenc touib Iweuly cbini bj Utence writ ten cbtlnt. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minuter. The Dally M oelivered rebruary I lib. HIT, Ml molh' WILLIAM JAMES NATTHKWI, AppUcant carrier, 50 cents r"