THE Daily news vol. vm. t0i I'llINCE nu;KBT, B. C., MONDAY, APniLO, 1017. 'PRICE PIYE CBJflO THE CANADIANS ANT CAPTURE FIERCE HAND TO HAND ENCOUNTERS MARK THE PROGRESS OF BRITISH ARMIES ALLIES ' CONSCRIPTION IS X VAUXARUM SAWCV HOME RULE AND THE MSSATISFACTiOff WITN THE 'Amt PASSED IN THE U. S. MALMAIX1 aWl IMPERIAL COUNCIL FBKRY IECULATIOKS ARE STILL V t(cui to Tfcs tuny .Hcwi.) Ottawa, April 24, Fears are (rrll to TIM Dtily Mews.) Washington. April 30. The expressed here that Premier, Bor-dn. Vancouver, April 30, The sal. ADVANCING volunteer amendment to President when tilled and influential mon canners in Vancouver say Wilson's bill for selective Organic Unioner like Milner and disaster threatens their business, conscription was thrown out on f grime- , s33v Curzon get at him, may pmmfse as a result of the new regulations, TM Oppy Llns Is Msrcsd and l the first vole of the House. The m. first and Hunk: afterwards; The jThey are opposed to an change Alsac, French TWts Many' Selective Conscription Hill was 0A1OCMCS JjjJ il Organic Uinerj"have''no par-J being made In the exismig laws, Prisoners In'iseond passed by a large Tuajorily, both Mwacf ' vawf 5t-m licular goodwill toward Canadian(and declare that a Royal Commls-Hoine H Lin TrwtehM. in Senate and In the House. The ti - Rule unless it can be pared sion should be appointed before vole was 397 lo 21. The railing down to fit in with the scheme of alterations are made in order to ,imci41 u ji- -- of the war army by selective draft a centralized Dowrnjng Street government ascertain what are the proper requirements April 30 The Urltisti will now proceed In every state. - for the liritish F.mpire. of the industry. They London, It I safe to oay that ninety, point to the fast, that millionsof Ifoopi m a desperate altcmpt to 8AUSAQE LOOP EAST OF 80ISS0NS. nine per cent, of the Canadian dollars have been' invented and lorn the northern line,wing have of ad-unced llic LEAGUE OF NEUTRALS Tli in map shows some of the most recent captures by the Al people, regardless of party differences, that a thorough investigation Drocourt-Queand lies. At some points east of Holssons the French advance reaches are thoroughly in favor of should be made first. They allege, AFTER THE WAR front of nearly ten on a .. . f nearly three miles. The Hermans are holding tenaciously . at the Home Rule w'e enjoy now and that discrimination hsa been ml,,, The village 01 Anem en some points in the face of a terrific fire. ofNthe liritish Empire' as it is shown in favor of the halibut Gvbelle nine miles the west of (fiMUl lit lb DtllJ j constituted at present. The Organic fisheries, and assert that the Oovl Mail hi been Attack,captured. Stockholm, April 30, Kriul RUPERT OLD TIMER THE MACLEAN KILTIES' Unioners want lo stick the ernment . must take immediate CounUr Wallenburg, famous banker Hritish Empire together with Imperial action if the business is to be lotl violent fighting marked and foreign minister, has a' IS BADLY WOUNDED REGIMENTAL MAGAZINE Councils and such, but the preserved. and' the suceeseive Oii Utile, scheme for a league of neutrals, Canadian people are content to Gmnan counter attack which which with fresh armies and newi have it knit together as it is now Here in Prince Rupert consider rre made with heavy sacrifice, weapons, may bo in a position to The wounds -usUined during The News has received lron by me am, gootl wl, This ls able has been heard from the foiled to check the victorious ad-unr 'the (lalilinff al Vimr HiUffe vr l.l. Uanta n I'erry t . uoenrain. or (rollers, who under the Impose lis will, when the bellig- the better way, but the Organic new regu of the Hrillsh. Fierce ciu eranis aw einausiea oy war. K. O. Iteitcbel are more serious. the 236fh O. S. Jlattalion New Unioners do not look at it In that lations, are to have close time of ",. n. , r ,h rousler with the bayonet and minister In a (lerman-i'"" nric ui n in a. iciniitu . . la.t n. H v' light. Neither di a certain few- two days per week, the same as tk rifle bull were the order of ophlle pro-Ally cabinet, has .managed i-Jcording. lo a cable received by 1 flrxl issui of that unit's papr. Canadians who chase title and the net fishermen.- lie day The Hrillsh got close ..ii.v Mrs Ileilchel, who is presently jit will be b, that when minv PneinnH Th This they claim is unnecessary, rooofb for hand.Jo hand fighting.; living in Victoria, he was hit in in France with the 16th Hatlalion .h.AiMnlpH Kmnlr thi as trolling, is carried out in .the TbT sprang ,at tic throat of both leg and has been remmed.the Prince Ilupert man was editor maj5e (nej titles more sig-from open sea. The.close time for the Utir foes, and man lo man, the SOUTH AMERICA AMD GERMANY France Jo the 1st LoHJlor, of The Hraiier, and now he is nincant and lhclr borrowing oper-General net fishermen In the river was format! were no match. In lur-UW Hospital, Camberw ell, mainly responsible for a new- aton9 more convenIent To iese put on to give the fish a chance tM (sprrul Tlx ttulf counter attacks, wave after i to, where be is making satisfactory publication for a regiment that may. added a iev more who to get up the rivers, but this cannot iki of the grey coated enemy ian Salvador,April 30. Ouala-mala progress. It was previously stated ls shortly to leave for tie fronU gu(rer from megaIomana, delu-that apply to trolling in the opert has broken off diplomatic wound had been The Breath O' The Heather Is m haltered by the deadly only a slight a g,on8 of grandeuP wlllch only nn water. Brititk lire. relations with Germany,' and the sustained in one leg. .sixteen- page; journal I, with two Injperla. Council will satisfy. Canadians onward, German minister has been handed Lieut,.neitrhe), Jl will, he J-f-.yplendid pholograplia. upple-i- u-B-ifMMrtaTiiiH Tie Canadians' in a brilliant his. passports. membered, left Prince Ilupert with supplements, one of Colonel Sir organic Unioners plan. Tlu'y mu muTMrr suaull captured an important Itio de Janeiro, April 30-The me nrsi conunffenv, as a iirnair, riuroy ionaiu aiacirait, ouiei ui want a centraliied government for rillare, progreas was nuide every-ahfre Ilratilian Government has decided anu was laier iransierreu mj iue me jiacieans oi wuan, ni!.e thrw reasonfl to cnflrm class (SperUI lo Tt DHy: News.) and the German line was that, following the breaking off of Canadian Scottish with which unitarian the Kilties wear, and the prjvjiefres. n'; England, to inoculate London, April 30. No ign of tfjia pierced. Several Wurtem-fcurger diplomatic relations with Germany, lie servea in me awac on rwm- omer oi iintrauier ieuera tiuKii lh(, coionj,.,, w-jth titles soJhat If a chastened spirit Is to be observed divisions were literally all former German consuls uen in me spring " whcu n. jiacL.ean, n. i uumuury coi- Knglish aristocracy Is ever in the account of the tut la .piece The battle ia still must leave the country. The lale ... -xpatriated It win reel at nome in speeches of the leaders of the in progress in an ensterly direction German minister I leaving lor turned to the front only last No- contents feature a capital mili- olher ,g of tne Empire, and to German Agrarian Junker party. from Vlmy Ridge southward Uruguay. vember, and has been In charge, tary nwvelelte entitled "The In- sh,fl a !arge parl of oreat IJrit-of They still insist that Germany to the a machine gun section since competent," by Sergt. T. J. Wren, . . Scarp rtiver.The so-called burden lo the Oversea must have the" French eoal Held; Oppy Merieourt line -which protect FROTEST FROM OFAIN that time. a graduate of Mount Allison Unl- c,.. Allhpr .h han nf di of Longwy and Brier. The Government the Drocourt switch to the versity; that is worthy of a lan- rect annua, tcontrlbutions to the I in a dlfflcult position Hindenburg line has also been (SprcUl to The ZUr Nw.I COMMISSION TO RUSSIA dard magazine. There is a Chrou- Imperjal Navy or a9 an Irnperlal etween the Socialist arid the re pierced. Madrid. April 30, The S'panish ological history of the Kiltles-by .hirh hft . Up. on actionaries. The Junjsers believe French Front. Government has sent another very Washlmrton. April 28 Klihu the orderly room sergeant: a nA a(a until nalil. Thprp that the submarine will,win Paris, April 30-ln Alsace, the strongly worded protest to Germany, HooL former Secretary of State, sketch of the honorary colonel of ,,v M ., hut ilut victory for the Huns, and oppose' French troops moved forward to following the new of attack after conferring early today with the regiment; an introduction by are lhe cnjef one9 Tne nound the return if any of the occupied, U attack and carried the enemy's by aubinarines on the Span President Wilson and Secretary Lleut-Uol.jPercy A. uuinne, Tah,e crusader- (r. Lionel Cur- territory. flrl line trenches completely on ish ateamer "l'rlana " The sev Unsing, formally accepted the or tne Klines, w no win do remem- ;.f and hj9 sjv own up to all id front. In many places the erance of diplomatic relation be chairmanship of the American bered in Prince Rupert, and a lnree HO TRAOHMI M FWTWRM ond line,trenches were also tween Spain and Germany Is considered Commission which will be sent lo story k on "a A f F. t Paper S . Pub-(! pmi- nnrti-n mar" or may- blen and over three thousand probable. Russia. inea on Acuve evlce, oy Pi.'nol aDIroVe of these schemes. If (Srrlal to Tbe Dtlly !Ww KUoners have been Mr. Root snent an hour with Percy F. Godenrath. Under the',. Wanted. already REPRISALS the President at the White House caption "Ricochets by the Sniper"I, ra frnm n!npfvntn np Pnt nf Winnipeg, April 30. Following French Official, discussing the Russian situation, there is a page of humor relating thJ peopje who chose' him as the. soaring prices of wheat, trad rarls, April 30, Heavy artll-lw7 The President outlined fully what to members of the Kiltiej. The Prlme Minister. The Home Rule ing in "futures"on the Winnipeg has been Grain prohibited fighting l in progress be-w- Paris. April 3 0.-Germany he desires to accomplish. illustrations mciuue ire mo father won is good enough Exchange on Saturday., ' St. Quentin and" the Oic. If the French The Commission will oe com- senior non-commissioneu umcers lw U'uih.r h annrnvo- nr reprisals ee .fprll 10 we have taken threatens aS. Am lint h posed of three or four advisory of the battalion and the Queen St.iMlt ,remier norden certainly un. !0,0 priiurn, l?guns, 412 carry oui meir mrw Doaru i member and a staff of secretaries IUrracks, Frelerieton, built by derstand!, the Organic Unioners' STRIKE' OF. FR40S)MHMS German prisoner on every and assistants. expected to the regulars in 1791. The Kilties "chlne guns, and 119 trench protect them scheme, and If he makes prom-depart 'TH to ti Hospital ship few also boast of haVlng a family of (Spsclsl lo Tbo Dtllr Mows.) wrlars. for Russia within a ,ses U)at rianaiia wju help it will against German torpedoes. fighters represented by three gn-lnot 30.-The days. he because his intelligence is Kiev. Russia. April HUNGER IN EUROPE WIRELESS PLANT FOUND The. ueeds of Russia.. as out-. eratlons in Its ranKs. dull, but because his snine is prisoners of war employed upon II 1 ,!...! I I 1 1 1 1 ' work here have on lo Tt DUr Sew.) tweak. It must be remembered municipal gone lrUI lo Th Duly Ats.) (r-lil Salvador. April 30.V new political, financial, transportation SUCCESSFUL EFFORT BY that .under the spell of greater strike. They demand an eight-hour London, San and commercial advice and assist. THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS .minds than his own Premier Hor day and belter working con April, 30, All nations and wireless piani, 'n ance. 'den has done that thing- ditions. Kin-op has very are feeling the pinch complete In every particular The girls of tbo High School f first nnd repented after hunger. Neutrals"and bellig- been found near tne coasi on a promised frfnt in common ore faced by n plantation owned by a German. mmtf milt maa V uv mtm ?,fl)U held n very. successful. Russian. . He did it some four years MILLIONS OF EMS FOR THE OLD lea oiraiuruay auernoon in me he Winston HELB AT MHMSS b age of the necessities of life COUNTRY aRO w,,cn promUej i uimiii vi numn in wiuvi i. inn to the blockades. All are BAKERS ON STRIKE Churchill three dreadnoughts k ng stock of the visible sup-P"'4 A special train of fourteen cars au was maue ior me scnooi pa. I which he couldn't deliver. Chicago, April 28. Herbert A. triotlo fund. Had the weather Hrltain is un hr honor p-rUI lo -Ttw tulljr .Hews.) loaded with fish has been made up I, Premier Horden is a quick and Emerson, who ha been lo the nl for dispatch to the east, en route wen as a usual, a ,rr, ,ant prmniser and it tiometimes fod to eat too jhiueh, but If the Chicago, April 30, The bakers much larger sum would have been! Parifle Coa&t investigating ylem falls, rationing will be are on strike here. The city may loUhe old country. II Is reported nM. l.l.. I.. l. irmni-iAna lhnt ha nnim, up, mnrn conditions for John J. Dillon, "wpieu, he without ila million loaves, that not only halibut this lime is iTumii iun sum arc ly no umi- than the Canadian people will commissioner of the Stale of New businesslike which are required dally, until the aointr pant, but nlaice. sole. cod. gratulatetl on their slnnil tnr .Iilttl hufiirn lh tt'ir York, say there are between Just black and red. and all the other arrangements on mis orcoHion, broko out Premier Horden arrlvd1M tons Whd .irlkn Is sellled. A bread famine prom 30.000,000 and. 30,000.000 egg Is be "i coal Albert Mceaffery, i feared. The striker aV for varieties caught by the trawler, and Prince Rupert to emu ised the Hritish Government, off on the. track in Chicago, held by n increase ..i II.wiw..... .l?.Hf1-A" are included In this shipment. gratulated on its girls. his own bat, that Canada woulr speculators to keep up the high, week, and shorter working Hours. Trawling on this coast is Just stand by the Mother Country in priees. BALFOUR AND VIVIANI yet in its infancy, and as these the war and Parliament was glad CANADIAN CASUALTIES vessels increase In number, as WILL SPEAK IN SENATE to ratify that promise. Later on The. latest easualty list cafrle ...... ...... WESTHOLMF, n..... ....ii..u". i.. ii.. Wellington, April S8 Ar ha nrom sed five hundred thou the name of A. O'Reilly, ofMetla-kaeia, (Siwrlil W Tb iir ' " ' ' "Isand men with a mental reer a wounded. 1 .. . rangement are being made t i .. . ..... . i- Of M A HOME Anrll 30. Yesterday' lur vaiKn aim rariiameni was again minwa. 7 : V""" havo III. Hon, A, J. llalfour. the TONIQHT ARO TOMORROW casually lit bring tho total inco bo despatched more frequently. Hritfsh Foreign Secretary and happy to back him up. Hut the ' L, Lasky prosents April Vth, up to 11,770. head of tho British mission to the Premier muln t think that he LONDON CAR To Blseuss Psao. eau swing Parliament by the tall ANITA KINO United Stales, and M, Viviani, FLOODS IN RUSSIA former President of France and like that all the time. Tnis coun T.HK v (SpcUI to TIM pstir . try is glad to implement his TBSk -B--. - HEIR TO THE HO OR AH head of tli Krunfh mUxIim. nil- m B BBWBJfiajBJ (SprcUl lo Tb D"r Ww.) Amsterdam. .April 30, The dff,M the UhIWI Slate Senate. promises so far as helping the Proms t Ssrvlss tf -2fIBL "HJOOET Petrograd. Alril 3(WA large IWivarian Premier has gone to Mother Country In her morta thsrf Is ! sM At AM hswes. JTrsvaloflu, Scsnlo No. t. part of Rostov I flooded, Many Vienna to confer with the Aus.1 Th favorite household Goal It throes, but when it come t persons have perished. The situation trluu Ministry, regarding peace .Ladysmlth Wslllngton. Phon 18, promising our Home Rule away BOXES FOR LAOMS " 10 sM IS son Is. i of the survivors Is Vrltlcal, prospects. Prinos Rupert Coal Co. tf. (Continued on page three.) I'HXIW