HIE DAILY NEWS Mnnrlnjr -1- vnf 30 l9il tvdVC ADC cHiQurn nlLi OTinwitiu lUiirtu FOR RENT "PUMP S' Local News Notes BY GENERAL MAUDE dard SmUiht oipumy Seep nhlclrlf tiaa a h!h backed ttan. 4 room, bath, Hntr, ranpe, flo. by a 95,990 guarantee. If a TOt Ith Ae-. W. 28 An offlcla aoep haw no tandard there it I room, bitn, ir, No. 110 Eesv, l-'ec"' yoUP poultry crushed bone Iuidon, April urn itni. with Iheir ration and gel more ttatemrnt received here today Mreaaon nhy it should always I room, bath, sewer Ho. lot Mui- .orm lul"ly alwayi rravs place. eggs. from Oeneral Maude, command eeatia the best msterisls or I room fiat, furniibed. wr, bath, forces In Meso be Hrltih the aytln like toil Ird At. Mr. Oeorge Frlnell left for tho ing as good aa i room, bath, rente, IT I ummli south yesterday. potamla, says the Jirillsn hay leaf) wm a standard. Avenue. driven the Turns rrom iDe wes in roorai, Ttt TbecBpon 8 tree L Mr. V. TeeUell left for the rooms, 110 Sta Avenue. I tit. ank of the Shstt-el-Adhem, to south yesterday's steameri on room, IIIH Ttt Acenue, EaiL about I? miles north of the Juiu room, III lib Avena, WL room nt. beta, sewer, McMordt Undenvood Typewriters for sale tlon with the Tlgrlsi Genera Sunlight Armntntt.v or rent at the City Weigh Scales, Maude's total captures on Sunday room, tot Sib Ave E. In ladles' shoe styles and Monday in the vicinity of Iitn room, rorntthed, bath, in ith Mr. II. F. Slnnol left Prince It A 12 7 rtLnna i ft EaiL "rumps" 1 1 I m. MttM Avenue, are very strongly I room, near diydock. favored this season-. T room, corner Oreen tad Tin Are. W hav th Newest Lasts Section I. inunmuuB. H CALL FRORL If Yee HtuH It hnm Lltt It with Lono and Medium Vamps The Hev. Canon Mix left for the' Concerning tie actions In the AT ROWE'S Ui Wt Om rill It ft Vee. And our stock U very com south yesterday to attend the 'vicinity of Iilabllat, and on the PLUMBING M. Q. HELGEfWOM, LTB plete. We show pumps In 8vnod meeting. .'right bank of the Tigris the state. Artists Rifles, widen, Eng. Patent Leather, Kid, Gun menl lays: SHEET METALWORKs Metal,. Whit Buck, Canvas. There was a heavy passenger Many Captures Made. (Cum Marte Minerva . Prices from list for the south yesterday on the "The full lilt of our captures This notice should Interest any range Princess Maquinna. -for the two days, including those "4 all ma work .,..,!. S3 to MJ.50 the pair old member of the "Arliits" te-sldihg ttet I "The News and Wo fit already reported. Is 20 officers in . C. Would they, kindly l m,. old rsMioD t,; ;r; Duly buckles, when de Mrs. J. L. Illckey has received WITM ALL THt UTtlT sired, free of charge. 667 men, one gun of a'.o calibre forward their names to Itobert woru mat ner womcr I'te. w. n Kruno gun, two machine mm box a. ssvliohts, coact"' Harker, 127, Dally ,ews, CLASSIFIED ADS. If you are thinking of uurne, nas ueen wounaeu by gun. i.7to rifles, a quantity of hand Prince Itupert. II. G or Douglas snot in rrancc. r raetery. BUv. !Z (grenades, 200 rounds of t(,t . gun am buying a new Floor Hug we Spencer, 17 Craven Htreet, Hlrand, atetM U eell. sMnn, .. 'munition. 6 10,000 rounds of rifle can show you a nice range in The Rev. W. 8. A. Lart ot titm IIeMiv,. II In Iindon; object connected with WANTEB. TAPESTRIES, the recently.formed Artitti' ftilles IIMa. PRICES RISHT, StS tX?r??!?r one craie. wUh ".p;;; Heglmental Association, and riaSTL4SS. A SATIMIIC 22 CHAMBERMAID WAITED SAVOY HOTEL. AXMINI8TEM " ?.iiic lu mn.l ..II... I a a . . a - par. roam is ova Aia CONQOLEUMt ticuiars win ic lorwarueu lo any phoni Sao. t. o. ." r'mnt: i.ixteen entrinM." sox an wa..itli uooa capable rirL io per and "KRCX" 9 r -. - intmbers making their address Fttttey tn Ofn( S22 14 , month. Apply Mr. C II. Orme: Phone Earl Ifrown. the netrro whif ,0 nn Tuesday even- known. d Bed Sum, tie. U u, in. u .-.,1 I iA ,i , . i ng. ttenerai. iauue reoorit: Otveemtt Wkirf cciucuicu w mice yearn .im-i - DSL WANTED PolUon by man tod wire..train H J. WALLACE LTD. prisonmenLon Friday, left for the' Aflef "'''Knt march, we made BCaOlM BUILOiaa. ton.COOES.Prince.tuff Hutrt.Mid. Ask I". W. Anderr CO., south on yesterday's steamer In .'l'rZ, a"ac mion charge of the police. I01 M,e ""cenin. rurkisn army J.LHICKEY LADY WANTED to do chamber work. Can to bom nlrbta If preferred. SL Elmo I It har beeiL. learned that Mr. ShalUel-Adhem, about 7 miles Hotel. 9 - LiHn 1st ! Percy Le Neveu was killed at the north of Jts junction with the CONTRACTOR A BtJILBER Prince Rupert Dairy WA.NTED OlrL Apply Suite II Betner siEEA la5d DisTWLf district or tronl on the 10th of April. He Tigris. The enemy was driven Apartment. 7. coast, rasol nvE. .had been wounded a month pre- rrom n" position and fell back Store, and ORlce Fixtures, Ma-Ota wrw bunas tetirr Feune Take noure tbal we. Ovtte Millerd Pack- vlous, and the first day he re- on lne second Turkiih division of 8aih, Door and Moldings. PURE HOL8TIEN mw company, mnueo. or aoconer. OC- t,irnel In Ihm I inr .' h m.t Ifie same Corns, about 10 n h Oak and Hard Woods of all MILK FOUND 8mll bunch or key. Apply Dally rZrnu.it ITS Z ,.,Z::":J Z Jeath. He was well known In further In this action 131 kinds. CREAM icrtbed land. , Prince Itupert. I prisoners were taken. Including BUTTERMILK comroeneinr tt a poai planted at tbtf i four officers, many transport anl We Specialise In Hard- rUND Applyrbaily Lady Vanity Jiews omce. Bar. tr. toatbeait corner or Lot HTi tbence tontb! Word has been received br Mrs.'mals and camela." ' wood Boat Rlbe, Sash, pteoajc M7 p. o. box sm caauu 10 mw wtier marx; inence nortn. f. II. Kllv Ihnt h.r K.t.h..f- Doors, etc. wetterly tt cbaint follow lnr low water Sil Or art rumfUf Ml44 T FOR SALE mark: tbence north I cbaina to tbe Grand brother-in-law, Pte. II. Fowler, of PtSM ARRIVALS Mate and Meet Glass and Trunk Parinc nrbt-of-wty: tbence ton in rteglna, has died of wounds re-eaiteriytt Glazing. R. McKay, Proprietor. FOR SALE Raymond Sewinr Machine, cbaint foUowtnr id rtrbtv ceived on April 16th. Pte. Fowler The Ilelgeland iai arrivel with of-way to the place of berUmlnr and Corner Prater and Seti Sta. Apply room S.JUbert Blocks. ttl. coo' nriirinIIWnl... t .UK II.. fitly, Tt,!. 05,000 pound of halibut; Wash Mtuiui a I acrra. t msecLLAReou cosse millerd PAcnso COMPACT a"". inter iransierrea j ingion. au.ouo; Augusta, ib.ooo; PHONE GREEN Mt limited, jii to the I02nd, Prince nupert's own! Teddy J- 12.000: Cane Srencer. TALBOT HOUSE Good Kooma. Every coo. April tnd. Itl7, i. Pred Rltcble, arenL Battalion. 1 15 000- II. .n,l n R flrtrt- v..i. P. O. BOX A. Harry Harvey Ttnlenee. Hot water bath. St.10 and ft LAMB RCQISTRY ACT 28,000, and the flu ltd ford. 5,000. per week. 10c and Sic a nlrnl. WESTHOLME THEATRE (Late Leeee. af, Ommiuh 4 SlMl) RADUATE.NURSE (C.M.B.London) Term Section and III.) PVPIL Of LAMSOOWMS CCTTtU moderate, apply p. O. Box til, or he AppUcatlon .to. tin l. PUing int.' The photoplay to be shown at Phone II. STEEN & PatJl Taaee for TAKE NOTICE-tbat application bat been ihf WetthnlniA Thlr Innlehl la LONG WILL tlOU.n. PU.HO. VIOU1CCLLO aal FARM LAMM S-rSSIaS STuTtncef " to the lloorah- IMKMOJY Bri tan Colombia, at owBr la fee under ' " estern story which has SANITARY AND HEATINQ HAtu-tamti BEGON AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. jwo Tat Sale Deedt from tbe Louector of been dramatized and which has Peplle Pfpal lee liwbumi RANT LA.tDS. Title to am revetted ENGINEERS AeeeeUled Btere. ,, tmltr In United Statea .by act or Conrre tbe Ttb City day of or Prince December Rupert.till,Deertnr of ALL date A.1D tbe been very successful. How the Application wtU be received at tb tteial Oetlee el . UMm,I 1 aated June t. Itll. Two million, three three bachelor miners, possessed Bra r tb Dlitrtct Enraeer of ProvlaclaJ gLVGl'LAB tbat certain parcel or tract of kundred ttaontand acre to fee opened rttblic Waeka, Prince B. Agenta for TERMS .PHONE BLUE 7f Land and premUe titoate lytnr. and be lot of the, rich mine called the Rupert C. for for nometteada and tale. Timber and tb pottuoa of Duuict Road Sgpertaind McCLARY FURNACES in.tbe Municipality of Prince Rupert, more "Hoorah" set about to get an heir arrlcultural land, cootaiainr lome of tat, and alto for that of omce clerk and feed land left la United State. .Now u particularly known and detcrtbed at .lortb- for their wealth; how they draw irartMnaa. AppUcatlon tboold be ad-Ireeted Weiterly Seventy (70), feet vf Lou Elcfen be opportune time. Larre map, how-la III. and TwelT (f Block .Clrbleen lots to decide which will marry, to tbe Dlitrtct Enrmeer, Provincial PLUMBING land by tectlon and detcrtpUon of and the complications arising fublic Work. Prince Rupert. B. C II I and II). Section One (1), Map ttl toti. eumate. rauralL elevation, etc lit requeued tbal a pertonal appbration phone 3 p, o. eat i; Pottpald one. dollar. Orant Land Lo-eatinr You are required to coot.! tbe claim therefrom finally nut riirhl by tlm ke made If potilble. SHEET METAL WORKS Cc Box I0. Portland. Oreroo. ZXXJTSZ urrfT Pictured. (Sirned) A. L. CARRUTHCRS Phone 5, 831 Bccond Avenue. PACIFIC CARTAGE, UP. noUce wblcb may be effected by peronal n auuttion to mis attraction, Dlitrtct Enrtneer. .Night phones S7o BtrrwcT DurrmoT ernre or directed), and your attention thrre Is a Topical liudget and a OOMT. SUMOC B. caned to tectlon II of be -Land Ret- travelogue scenic. The orchestra TIMBER SALE X and Iilue 270 Transfer ad Storage Ulry Act" wltb amendment, and to tb . The right work, at the Hhl w 11 Hne selec- wrX TAKE NOTICE tbal tbe BrttUh Colombia foltowinr extract tberefromi- f' Pulfon 8eled Under will m received by tbe time, and at the right prioo. BEST LUMP A NUT COIL Caanlor Company. Limited, of Victoria. B aud in default of caveat or certiflcate "on oi music. Minliter of Undi mi later tban boon on C( (tlmon tanner. intend to apply rm of lit pendent be lor Bled before tbe ref - tbe lltb day of May, HIT, for tb pur permUtlon to leate tbe following deerlb Ittrttion at owner of tbe peraon entitled rbaie of Licence Xllt. to ca Stt.SIS NO LONG WAITS ed roretnort land; under tucb tax tale, all peraona to aerved Commendnr at a pon feet of Fir. Hettkvk and Odir m n planted on tbe dot lb bask of lb Sheens wltb notice. .... and tbote claimlnr PIMC ALAJttI STSTCSL area ituied on tbe nor lb tbore of Dean SUBSCRIBE FOR NO SHORT WEIGHTS Rl'erllO reel soutb Iran tbe eoutheaei tbrourb or under tbem. and all pertont Cbannrl. Ranr S, Coati DlitrtcL When You Orfer from U corner of Lot tt. R. I, Coeat Dltlrtetj clabsinr any lotereit in tbe land by vir CIRCUIT NO. 1. One (l) year will Le allowed for re Ibenee eoutb to feel: tbence weiterly tue of any unrealitered initrument. and moval of Umber. The Daily News and pertona claimlnr any Interett In tbe lot IS ltd SL and trd Ave. Dortberly parallel to tbe tbore line. Further particular of tb Chief ror- dittaaee of approximately; 410 fret U land by deteenl wbott title It not real' Boa IS Ilk SL and trd Ave. etter. Victoria. B. C, or Dlitrtct Foreiur point too feet toutb of tbe'" aouU lered under tbe protUtoo of tnl Act. Boa 14 Itb SL and trd Ave. ( at Prince RuperL B. t boundary of tbe Grand Trunk Pacific railway; baU be for ever e lopped and debarred Bea IS Junction of lit. tnd and tbenee weiterly and oortberly par from tettlnr up any claim to or la retpect Ird Ave. -TIMBER allel to tbe laid rlrbt-ofway to point tbe land to told for taxet, and tbe Bee IS III Ave, between Itb and SALE X SIS. A HOT BATH THE due toutb of tbe S. W. corner of Lot tt: Rerittrtr tball rerttter tbe pertoa en ttb St. (Knot Hotel). tbence,nortb too, feet to tbe point or In-tertecMun titled under tucb tax tale at owner of tb Bet 17 III Ave. and 7lb SL (Ceo- Sealed tender wtU be received bp tbe WANT IT MINUTE YOU of tbe',toutb, boundary of sals' land to told for taiet." Iral Hotel). Minuter of Landi not later tban nooa on . lirbl-of.way; thence toutherljr tod easterly A.1D WKZKEAS l aillcatloo U been tbe Itb oar of lone. hit. tor tbe mr- aionr. tald rlrni-of.way to a pplni made fur a 'Certifies it Indefetitbla) TiU biRcurr no. a. t cbaie of Ucetire XSII, U cut r.ll I.S0S You are accustomed to where tald boundary line itrlket ibort to toe abovementioned land. In tbe name Bet atJrd Ave and Ird SLjrott feel of llemla-k, cedtr and Bprac. and . 6lUiur,.c4)Id water in. line; tbence alonr hirb water mark to tbe Tbe Corporation of tbe City of Prince Offlce).' i.io iineai,iv or puinr. on an area ad-f)otnlnr ttxntly. Think of the it-Isfactioit point of commencement. ' Rupert: ha, v Bet rd'Ave. and McBrKN SL Lol.llOI, Jatkilla Inlet. Graham of (Tottintr dt A. W. CARTER. AD WHEREAS ;n laveitlraUnf tbe Utle Bet 14 Itt Ave. and McBrtd SL liland. Ooeen Chariot le liUnd DlilrtcL Aetinr a arent for tbe B. C. Canning, appear"tni prior'w the fourteentb day ea aa tnd Ave. and Ind I Three (ll'yeara tl b allowed for re Water in the same way i Co.. Limited. , September, till, (tb date on wblcb Bea tt nd Ave. tnd itb SL j moral of umber, abundance, regardless of February tlth. 1117. 1 tbe tald land were told for overdue Bee 170. T. P, rurtber partlcnUrt of the Cblr foreal. how much has been ued taxet). you were a mortraree tbereof. jr. Victoria. B. t or Dlitrtct Foreiler. PL'RTHER TAKE SOTICE tbal at lb CIRCUIT NO. S. Prince FuperL B. C before, ame tune I tban cbtccI reriatratlon In Bea SI lib Ave. and Fulton SL HOT WATER LIKE MAOIC pursuance of tucb tpplicatlon and lnue ' Bea SI-.Bordn tnd Ttylor St. CertiOctte of Indtftatibla Till to tbe aiei SL anaon. b.a. Stuart J. Marti Bet S4 7tb Ave. tnu Fulton SL Hanson tald land ln tbe above w, r. Harry name of tbe cor- j Bet a Itb Ave. tnd Cteoox Avt. wiihtni, 1. 1 port tlon unleat you take and protecut Bea ST Itb Ave, and Dodr Place WILLIAMS A MAN80N TSi IBEI Hot Water Service bringi tbe eitabllab to AMAYEH proper' proceedinrt your Boa as Itb Ave. and Tbompton SL claim. If any. to tbe aald land, or to Barrlaters, Solicitors, Etc you this convenience, prevent tucb propoted action on my part. CIRCUIT NO. 4 Mv to Loan PHONE 4M P. 0. BOX 395 HAZELTOff B. C. Dated at Uie Land Rerlitry Omce, Prince Rupert. B. C, tnlt tltb day of December. Bet 41- -Itb Ave, tnd Emmerton Sol mi VtMtW D. ISIft. I'Uce. Rtlrenoa.Ilnrt rrt.fi Sareru ' Bea 42 llh Ave. and Meuride SL H. f, MACLEOD, The oldeet eetaolleheaj ASMjf DlitrUI Retlivar of Title. Bea 4S Itb Ave. and Oreen SL Offloe In fee Bertie. To Frederic Scbattner, Eia,, Bee 44 Itb Ave, and Paul SL L3 care C J- Freeman, C P. K. Bldr. Bea 44 Ttb Ave. and Eberta. V Edmonton, Alberts. - Bea 141 7tb An. and Youor SL Sheet Metal" Work. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE :.. rg-- -; - i --- i . , Having been in tbe Ka.t. I Uve . . become acquainted with all mod. 11 AVE. La Casse Bread ern method of outAttinggsaoline 710 SECOND boat, as used by Eastern hoji. Carpenter'a Toole iulldera' Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Flihlno Tackle Io not just order "a loaf(( bread'' Make t a point to get That's It! Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Iron Pipe Pipe Flttlnoa RIHsa and ShoW1 Lm Caae Domestic 16 oz. Bread and Plumbing, Rope Valves Ammunition ' 1 - 'eeeeeeeeeee and all lines of Sheet Hose lalnt Pump a Get the most for your money let full food value best Iron :: : Metal Work Rubberold Roofing Corrugated MaterialsPurest Ingredivuts. lircad is the world's cheap, : s Btovee and Rangse est food Kat plenty of it And see that It is rronipt Attention and Skilled "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" LA GAME'S BWwCITtC MCAB, 1 OZ. LOAF WorkmanaMp H. LET0URNEAU Qet La Oasse Bread from your Grocer or Telephone 190. HARDWARE THC LA ML PROTECTS YOU l SIXTH AVKNUK FRED STORK'S 1 ho H lac e k 9S6 P.O. lios; 118 wwwewwww rf.4 leeex