ti Lttwy THE DAILY NEWS V I . ITT'- VOL. VIII. 10. 126. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1917. "-'PHtfig' FIVE mNTV mm (MB PROGR MADE BY ITALIANS VICTORIOUS ADVANCE TOWARDS TRIESTE NEVER CEASES - VIOLENT FIGHTING THE ITALIAN (MORE GERMAN PLOTS NO SHIPBUILDING CONSCRIPTION BILL EXPOSED IN CONGRESS D FOR PRINCE RUPERT FOR CANADIANS DRIVE MEETS j (Ipcdal 4o Ttw Dally ea.- ( Mr. J. H. Pillsbury, superintendent (Special to Tlx Dally, news.) Wnfthington, May 30, A cam-! of the drydock here, returned Ottawa, May 30 The Militia WITH SUCCESS palgu by the Herman propagan. to town this morning. Mr. Hill has been held over. It will . diets to align the South and On-; j Hinton, of the G. T. 1 whom Mr. be introduced next, Thursday or Iral American countries against Fighting of Great Violence la In the United State was exposed by Pillsbury accompanied to Victoria Friday. The Government wants Progress Austrlans Are the Stale Department today. In to interview Mr. Huchart regarding the decks cleared for qulek action. Compelled to Retire lhe three southern republics, Argentina, the securing tf shipbuilding A n anti-conscription parade Under Preeeure. Venezuela and Colombia orders for the plant here, did not took place through the streets of the (ierinan propaganda assumed return to Prince llupert, but is Hull, Ont. The feeling against Sfwciat to Tb Dally .1e.) mr naciug proportion. Argentina conscription grows more bold in Home, May 30. The Italian has become n hotbed of pro. said to have gone East direc. the Hast. Many meetings have troop In continuing their drive Herman and anll-Ajnerican prop-In from Vancouver. been held in different towns, the Plava Sector forced the agandlsl. Still another plot wan There is little I can say," said ,i til i: it I....I. .i'twum Bayo mat ii uvui V" Austrian forces into a small val- revealed. The Germans had tried Mr. Pillsbury this morning, and' A bun- embroil the United States with that tittle is not encouraging." T' ley to the east of Gorilla. to lhee ba 'tile trouble the Allies violating foreign So it Is evident that there is to be wou,d, dred men were captured.. Duinn. by which Is the key city to Trenliuo, trading. Secretary Lansing asks nothing doing at the ship-shed at I.Quebec, " it now surrounded on two sides fr a restrictive act. Active alien Hays creek yet by General Cadorna'w forces. TJie enemies must be curbed. Mayor McCaffery, when Interviewed RUSSIA'S FORCES ARC this to what fiirhtiiiK, which is very bitter ami morning as BEING RCOMANIZEB be taken said: further steps could great violence, is continuing ! been CONSCRIPT LAND "Briefly, the situation is this, Mr. jttd the forces have enemy (Special to Tbe Dally new.) back before the I J. K Merryileld wired us that Mr. forced to fall reunites AND WEALTH TOO Italians. Iluchart was leaving for the coast Petrograd, May 30, Kerensky advance of the Hussia Into action. The with full power to contract for is forcing No News. G. T. new minister Is staking all on his London, May 30. There' Is no Ottawa, May 9. Liberalism ships. We telegraphed .the the fronU. 'made its appeal to the govern P. officials at Montreal and Winnipeg, ability to reorganize tbe fighting from western news forces of the It is believed ment in Parliament for a large which resulted in Mr. Hin- army. eastern rronv. jconscrlpllve i program In the cause ton coming here, and proceeding that he will be successful yet, and Ilerlin, May 30 An attack by his supporters hope that the minister the Itussian and the Hoiimanlan winning the war. Premier jto Victoria, accompanied by Mr. ; Ilorden'e announcement that the !Pillsbury. The result of the in will win out. Liquor must forces is expected soon. flesh and blood of the nation was terview by the G. T. P. officials be abjured, otherwise Hussia LOSE INTEREST IN U-NOATS to be called to service is backed with Mr. Huchart was most unsatisfactory. would alcohol.be submerged in a pool of by the Liberal demand that accumulated The conclusion come rl The Dally Xtwt.t wealth invested in tnorl- to by the G. T. P. officials is that Londoti, May 30, It Is appar-; gage and securities and that there js no possible chance of GENERAL NEWS ITEM ent that the Germans are losing land held for unproductive and procuring the building of a ship (Special to Ttw Daily news.) interest la the ubtnarfne war-j speculative purposes by. railways here. It Is the opinion of the ' fare. The latest reports'"on the and individuals, shall likewise be said officials that the building of Surplus senior Canadian officers operations of the underwatrrcraft conscripted by adequate war tar DOWN" Operator: Up? Xo. You two's going down."" Shields in all ships is arranged for In the in England must revert in rank The Toronto Telegram. to lieutenants or else be returned show a grmat falling off In the re. atlon. Hoik George I Graham, .mtiri i suits. who led in the demand, made a - The O. T. P. have not said to im uominion. strong case for the backing of us officially that they are pre- MORS SHIPS SUNK Canada's soldier boys with "silver HAZELTON MINING NOTES STEWART NOTES pared to build a ship. We have nipcK may cease nil mr cut ui bullets." He pointed Out that t been advised by Mr. Hinton that-tbe war. TheJast calllo the has .Special la The Dally !. wealthy capitalists, with their The tunnel on tbe Indian group The launch Narbothong, Capt, it is useless to agitate. Consider-' ,sued- The ,abor miners London, May 30. The hospital money invested In mortgages and is now in 575 feet, and the face H. K. Freeman, is now- making ing these circumstances and the!bef,n's n miners to resume leadt.r work shin Jfcve Castle was torpedoed securities, escaped Sir Thoma s present status of the G. T. P. at fa shows seven Inches of clear ore weekly trips between Prince 'Hu-perl ch lhe government will in the Mediterranean on Sunday.J White's war-time taxation by the Ottawa, I am of the opinion that ;falllln and eighteen inches of mixed ore. ,Uke action. and carrying mail, Stewart, nothing."' Fix persons are believed to have Minister" failure to assess In-perished. we can do Iconics; while the taxation of va- When another 25 feet has been passengers and freight. The service Evidently the Government will Pa ae nowicnucv we ia- New York, May 30y The French cant land held for speculation driven Superintendent Harris intends is giving every satisfaction. do nothing, and the O.T. P. havo,"0" Poruman, is ueau. liner Meuse which left here on would not alone add to the war to begin sloping and prospecting high-grade not said that they will do any-1. V,ufc" v May Sniwilu a full cargo, has,treasury, but would also aid pro-been various which shoots shows of in the It. K. JS'eill, to whom the Hush thing. What arc the people of -" torpedoed, jduclion and assist in solying the ore Prince llupert going to do? Are property on Salmon IUver Is under BRITISH APHTLLERY workings. Athens, May 30-One hundred railway proulem. Hut the plea they going to accept lhe dictum WITH THE ITALIANS and two Greek vessels have been f.ttind the Minister of Finance un. bond, arrived from thesouth of Mr. Hinton as. final that "it is torpedoed by the Germans. Their receptive. Dominion geological survey last week, and proceeded to the useless to agitate?" total tonnage was three hundred; Hacking Hon. Mr. Graham's ap. work in this district during the claims. Work in going forward .Rome,:1 1 May 29. The British thousand. Only one hundred and peal came that if Sir Wilfrid present season will cduiprjso a under Pat Daly, and it is reported ALLIES PREVENTED artillery men with the Italian forty.nine vessels are now left Laurier and Hon. Dr. Pugsley, final "survey of a small section that good ore has been struck in GERMAN RETREAT !(mna armv Am)brought ahplU.with hut them A full not staff only under Greek ownership. !who called for public production having Hazelton as its centre. a cross-cut from tne mam unit. F. S. Falconer, geologist of the German'.equipment. Their part in the 'of the figures of excessive war a The Hague. May 29.-A CONSCRIPTION IN U. S. profits which were derived by survey branch of Jhe mines department, Dr. Carter, who is interested iScer. wounded in the fighting on k" firms and institutions trafficking with an assistant, is with II. Martin ia the Llnderborg Vimy Ridge, and nowwnt to re- bombardment on certain sectors ; Special to rt Dally .V-.l jln foodstuffs "undue profits." as here to carry'Out the work. group at Seven Mile, on the Sal. place an old Landsturmer in com- ot the line where the Austrian Washington, May 30, Married sir Wilfrid Laurier feelingly de. mon IUver, arrived from Anyox mand of the Hindenburg Guard nces ?r strong and men are eligible for conscription scribed them, "out of the needs of "Hilly" Steele, deputy minln? in.Capt. Frank McKinnon's launch on the Dutch border, declared that ;. maeked. Combined with the In the United States, Only thono'the people, yes, out of the hunger recorder at Manson Creek, who Impolla, LundendQrlT had intended retir-, .m.. with actual dependents w ill be of the people." has been at the, coast all winter, ing on the whole western line an. i1" m rf exempted In the American Selec-i . seeking relief from a severe at W. Tonkin is working six men other fifty miles, but the, attack " K""":r7u M. live Draft sylem. !HAND-CAR ACCIDENT tack of rheumatism, is expected pn his Fish Creek property, on the turning points prevented formidable of barb- 1 to return in a few days. In part-j w,re U . NEAR VAN ARSDOL is manoeuvre. (J u,u, ZrZV A QRAND BAZAAR J nership with Jack Mullan, he has j The telegraph line between The Vaderland says the western Pe of screened a distressing accident, termin- a profitable placer claim at Man-1 Maple Day and Stewart is now in offensive prevented the Germans,""' -u.m.. A baiaar and drawhgating unfortunately with fatal re-will son. (working order, the linemen hav- from simply parading to Petro- commanuing omcer says grand 'log . . . .. ,.. ... i.. . were undistressed by the heat ami be held in the St. Andrew' j mils, occurred on Monday near repaired the damage done by grau ueicuceies .uf- hall on Juno fl and 7, promoted by, Van Arsdol, when Mr. Kugene The miners working on the the heavy snowfalls of last winter. and disorganized Russian soldier,- Sreat y interested in he new n.1 Inrwd a- .1 real line r r U'All Hie Catholic ladles of Prlneo u- lUordan, the track watchman, was Corneal! group Just south of, by the hundreds of thousands. pert, in recognition of the unter- thrown off a hand-car. He fell tovvn.'Hiaye succeeded In tracing i The repairs to the Hear Hiver '.with. their i. Italian. i colleagues,.i.it.who prise of the SisW of St. Joseph'over the embankment and was tho vein a considerable distance bridge is progressing rapidly un. ODDFELLOWS ELEOT xuniisu ibtrb uuiurr u buiuiob In constructing an up-to-date,very seriously injured, his skull down the hill, and have uncovered der charge of Foreman Frank NEW OFFICERS aDle 10 sPeaK r.ngusu. another nice showing of copper Martin. I Tommy of course has already academy for educating and train beiim fractured. Ho died three tag the young-ladies or this northern hour after the accident. ore -Omineca .Miner. The business meeting of the;acquired some Ilallan. A group country. The proceeds of The hotly was brought in on Quite a few bear around this Oddrellows society was held last'-hopping beeide the front were tlie baiuar willhe tendered to the,last night's train, and the funeral HOME RULE FOR IRELAND spring, seven being killed during night, and officers for the ensuing!conduct ng jiegotiaUans with and two ?Utcrn In the form of n.bonus- in i service was held this morning in iii i ... the past week, year were elected as follows: Nr.,wor: "Quanlo-How much, appreciation of their effort ly the Catholic Church by the. Rev", (lrUI la The Pally .Navta.) j Sol Mussalletn. N. fl.; Mr. U. E.'Troppo-Too much." the ladles having the matter In(Father Hunox. The Internment London, May 30. The prospect i Mrs. W, C. Cameron and daugh Walker. V. fl.; Mr. A. It, Phillips, charge. ' J2T.j will take place this afternoon at of tho .settlement of the Home ler returned on the Narbothong F. S.; Mr. W. fl. Harrie, It. 8.; Mr. For dresMd lumber of all kind U o'clock. Ilule issue is growing brighter, after spending several weeki with Milliard. Treasurer Refreshments Albert A MoGarTery. Phone 11S. irapcry department upriii-u un T. P. O'Conner takes hopeful view friends in Pi-ince llupert. er served In the course of the nn Iai...... it.... f n rf .ml tif Dillie Hurke and summer COLOR RIOTS IN U. S. of the- coming Irish Conference. evening. next twu week at Tlt'. tf. ; The recent debate in the House1 The mow is going fast in the dresses. All new fashion goods SpCtal 10 TM Dally KewS.) of Commons has cleared the air. hills and the prospectors are SUN AND TIDE at Goldbloom'i, 125. Fast St. Louis, May 30.-Ser Tim situation was saved by Sir getting. U work again, fourftiuHv ;loti color riots have taken place Kuward Carson e friendly utter-:arrivals are .starting out on an Thursday, May 3tst WJHOLME !hero,. The mob wrecked the meet, ence. jextended trip this week. J Sun rise, ......... ,4:18 a, in.1 LONDON CAFI TONIGHT ONLY log places of the negroes, Many Sun sets . .,,, ..9t p. wi. I lilt KpUwU Of negroes were injured, having re. Just arrived, 260 tons of lump', Gardening is in full swing, a High water . ..o;38a.in. Hi, 15.7 AIM GRILL "Tke Shadow" reived rough handling, at the coal. Phone 116 Albert A Mo- iiumber of vacant lota have been Low water . ..3:Ja. 111, lit. 8.2 ThlrdJ Avenue Shielding hands of the infuriated crowds. Caffery. !put under cultivation In addition High water . ..9:52 p.m. lit. IH.5 Promr Seevlce of the LONIIOMI LUKg OOMIDV i :to the gardens usually planted, so Low water , ..3:30 p. 111. lit. 8,8 there It teett etH rtTMi oaiiTTt The favorite household Coal Is Fancy cups, saucers, and din-1 the patriotic pnductlon of veg. Lsriyemllh Wellington, Phone 15, uer sets at Tile's at reduced prices .tables U being undertaken here Carpel squares, F-xtra special BOXES W9n LAMt ASmlOles 10 an U t JiPrlnce Rupert Coal Co. tf, for the next two weeks. tf, a elsewhere. discount of 20 for cash at Tito's. e O