ilnlnr Mny 30. 1017. THE DAILY NEWS "Safety First" is the IANV0X BALL TEAM Slogan of Business" BESTS ALICE ARM Villi 75 years of lliii.i l ill fjurit fnifii far mid No Eggs, Milk or Butter 0 Hanking in Canada, ll:t i!Iihii tfl f?ftiin lww.-!i has demonstrated An ami Alio Ann at ih n The following recipe shows how an appetalng, the strength, security, of yt whiihmi Lull jmrk(uhI Sllinlay,crhTTilre'fi lo:ii am- fi -nn wholesome cake can be made without expensive and service of The ingredients. safety the ' amp mill "eaiinurir-, mit Hank of British North lilkei H rn llicj iTiovy piMi' nl In many other recipes the number of eggs may America. The history of Aw 1'anir fnitn tvryw lii-.-. The be reduced one-half or more by using an additional this hank for over three-quarters day a- mailf- triMTiler fiml xm-hi- quantity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow-- of a century has nf il tin t.. iun a YhTyriiiit nni IhUt tin'Wi-ii mi Mite.lion der, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg been one of progress and full lai-hinR In fnrnier ;iiih. omitted. and CCCtXSS, M1LKLESS, BUTTXRLXSS CAKE development, of V . I- -ikoi, on thf ni..iitiil consistent growth in the fur iiimra. ffiioxe(l u . lane I I't eaee P beewa water sn(ir I leaspose leapn Bttm,tlnn.mon regard of the business wlr koiiiK lf keep thai (mxi. I e se44 r.Mns H leespe tail i hmh en red t Cape flour world. U ii hi willi the lam. tu If cup snenmleg S leespoens Dr.Priee'l B.WIng Ptwi.l THE BANK OF Fra M Kinnoii, oiif nf lh- l.iii The old method (fruit cake) called tor 2 esca Imii (layel n Mk liamip DIRECTIONS Pit tbe fret rtM Incredienle bile seapaa sag fcoll thrse mlmvse, Whra eoel add the Soar ltd balrnf Mwger whlk hse bsea British North America "ixuiirliiiiit.- Till l:!l!ry sifted toW mil welt Bite la m4erete eeen In laaf ree(reae4 tie with bete lo center tibestl fat 33 Mttmiselea, Ice wUb wMie king. IN II "m ly tlaHf hut thi- re-f ft VI AUS IV Ut SINtNV Deeklct etreetpee wblcti ecenemlf In eec sag CAPITAL AN II SL'itrLUS. ma i thf xUfrjiii wrff wvll ether eipeasive Ingredients melleg free. Aggress mi. l nywc can Inlly nay t St. Lawreoee tssetererd, MeatreeL PRINCE RUPERT II RANT II " f? , thai i UttiP nl iant nrjrnniifii a tii k team, W.J.SMrritFRS,Manancr GENERAL LYAUTEY Ha fur Alirf Arn'b jlltrli-nil Tlii I I'i'iirJi Im'iii rui uli'iif natiif li;i- lw id tiii4ii-n in tli' DitPmas lurk (rariK tit Ui ttic wriil 'n i nCiiitin f tlip l-rfimli nriny wlm-li imnliinft back Hm nrn. 'nil lUirhler rtfpHwei riRI ALARM SrSTIM. 'ifrinnna. hlin an.i li.-ld th- rhiaindir uf lli cw- k-prra frotif CREAM penril e)fii CIRCUIT NO. 1. RED CHOSS NOTES Ses 12 Ilh St tad ird Are, jlel- deinirlion. Yoimir cniJKhl Boi 13 lb 81, ihd ird Am. pV"rthint- ihnt eame liiw mffltii Baking Powder Thr IU-U I 1fis joetlcty hat Iwen 14 tut si, ml ird Ave, 1 i-ak on Ui pi and eeiiind si is Junction of Ik, tnd tixl niitillwl that th I Miotic nf Im ha !e it. a regular rWirn' rort Srd At ft. Voliehlrr lia lifin r-fr!illy Hin t. Sixty Years the Standard Bee 1ft u far a he i erieernrd. "N Id Ae between lib tnd wJ ! hr lliinorory Iriiltil nf lb Mi. (knot Hotel), the KM-ty In Canada. The line-up follow; ' Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. Bei 17 HI Ave. I mi ttb SI. (Ceo- Ilatrliford p . FerjrilWn TIMBER SALE X 9S1. -C, in I Hotel). .You mt ' e ,F. MrKInnoi Made in Canada , No Alum Tin nale f lirtiiiH.i-.MikiiiK win CIRCUIT NO. a. KotiHl tender will t- reled by tb Jpra forl Hi .KatiKau lie liflil n Friday In lh HI Cfkm 12 3rd Ave Md 3rd St, (Poll MMieier nt imte in titer Ihio noon onlMpAlfn . 2h. .JOIIIIT omr). If-nl on Third Avrnur. II will lw ih in dt or JBtx, ttit, tor ibe, por-iMij ..3b, .J. Fergiion 33 ird Ave. end Met)ride SI. ODinlurlfd i Mrs. Tyre and Mr. '",er . .Wall Mo l 24 Ill Art. tnd McBrtde St. MiOitehOl. ANHlxtnuce from the eel jf ttn9 tnd Cedtr. tod 1 t!t0 .'ltf .8. 2S tod Art, tnd tnd 8L tlu IHmil rrl nf llrnilrkviHiir, n ta tret Falconer ..If. .Oaillae of all iin-iiitii-rn 8el?ly and knovB ti t.i lilt, Querv Chirlotte DU iCreelman tti 24 tnd Ave. md (lb St ..ef. . Ileidman 27 a t. p. otlii'r (UieiU will hu apiriHriatnd. trtet. MfttlM Mt laikitlt Inlet I Gordon . . rf. . Merieer 1'iire in alwaj'n a much fsrwitcr Two it jrrtrf ttl be illowed fer re nwetl of timber. Scor Alice Arm Finn. 3; hit ti CIRCUIT NO. S. dintand for ii(tuieM)kin(r 1101-dorlK further pirltmUn et tbe Chief for Anyox 13: hitu 9 131 Sib Ate. tnd Pulton M. than hv at ran supplied Mier. VRtortt. . C r Dlilritl rwriter. 32 Rordea tnd Tutor su. the Friday ale4, and incria.vd rrM IMrert, B. C. Bet 34. Itfc A. and ration St Ml 3 llh Ave tod CoCWII Art. poiitribMliim are asked for. The 8N-cial diewounts of 0X on go. Mi 37. lib Ave. tnd Dodge PUee leinanilii made tiNn the &Hiey TIMBER SALE X 884. I carl an oafoy earrlane al Mi 3 6ib Ae tad TUucnpfjn ft. Tile's. If are now itreater than ever, and In Setleri lender wilt be receded Ij tbe wrder to meet these, the 8K!iely CIRCUIT NO. 4. Mlntoler ef Land not liter Uua mon on Ml 41 lib Art. tnd frtuiwrtee feel eare thai the pnhlir will pro. tbe sttta dT ef Mir. If 17, tor tbe pur Navigable Waters Protection Act. tore vWe Hie wherewithal. rbt at Ucene llli, to cut St 0.009 R. S. C, CHAPTER '.IS. 42 lib At, tnd Mearide St feel ef -Jtprur. Cedtr. Hemlock tnd Btl Ml 43 fib Ave. tnd Orm St The nf G3.00 haw heii lain tm tn tret il lulled tdjotataf Lot IS, Tbe Ortnd Trunk Ptclfle Rtilety Com tjm re. Ml 44 4ib Avn. tad Bml St SMita Brtiilik Arm. Rtnre I, Ct(t DU ptny hereby ctrri notice Uul It nil, under Ml 4ft tib A, tnd tberts. Ct?red friiiH Purl rinipun. Thin Irtrt $ccttan 1 of tbe Mid Act depotlted wrltb Ml 141 'lb A. tnd Yeuer SI. amount wns rahel throiiph the! T tti jrtrt ttl te illed fer re- the Mtnuier of PubUc Work! it OtUwt, enArtM f Mr, liew. Magar, Mm Rwttl ef timber. tnd m tbe office of tbe Dtitrtu RerUlrtr TIME Krnept f tbe Ltnd nerutry omre, OUtrlct of Dudownrd. Mm. Win. . b. vmrKt Prince vwmu. c. r roreiter. 'rtnee Rupert, tt Prince Rupert. I deicrlp Mimgrnve. Mm. Watnon and MiKM niert, n. c. I km ef tbe tile tnd plia of lumber mill Martha Henry, who with a "tall tnd etber workt propoted to be bull! la GAILfS FOR TWO LONG YEARS f helMr ered refreilriDnl TIMBER SALE X 895. ibe Prince Rupert btrbor tt Prince Rupert, Srlllib Columblt, in front of Wtterfront InrniK the aftemoHi ef the Jltli Sealed tenders will be reeelted by tbe Block "I". tccordlar t rerUteted pltn of f May cteliralln at lort.J?lmp-ou. MmHter mt Ltndi not Uter Uua noon oa (be tow tulle of the Mid city of Prince HE SUFFERED . tbe ttlh dr of June. ISIT. for lb pur. Rupert rt filtered In tbe tforettld Und - rati r Ureoce Xlll, t cut t.ttt.SO re riicy race tt .lo. tti, Section 7. LAND REGISTRY ACT l(ret it frnire, Cedtr, Bititra tnd Hem- a.nd TAkE NOTICE tbit after the ex tnrk en ta tret tltaited on tbe ettt ihure plrition of one month, from tbe dtte of r MtUiletun Chtnnel. Bin re S. Oct I oil-;tnct Use 2l publlctUon of ibi notice, Um F(iii.a-ti,es" Made Him Feel (Seettoai ( tad Iti.l Grind Trunk PtdOe RtUwty Comptny he AppOciOuo 5e. tl.lll, rtbat Mil. Tbree S) jein mil be illomed for re- m III, under Section 7 of tbe ttld Act, ippt As If Walking On Air TAlt .NOTICE tbtt ippueiUM ht been J nxoil uf timber. to Cie Minuter of Public Works tt hit SUMMER SHOES nude tu resuier iba bertrnta. of Prtncn S'wrtber iMirUrultrt of tbe Chief foreiter. omre In the City of Otuwt for tppronl Ouuu, OsT., Nov. SSUt. 1911. Kttrt I. c, u ooe"r la fee under t Virin. B. c or Duiiict rereiter tl r toe ttld site tnd pita tnd for leive Tor o. r to ywt, I wat LrouMeJ Tti Mta teed frun tbt CoUertor or Uu Prlnee ltOert, B. C it. io construct tbe itld works. ANT truit yourself to slippery leather, Qty or Prlore Hvpert, beiriof title tbe Dtled tt Wlnnlper. Mtnltobt, UUi till with - Vrruiiru, I Sib dy Of Septeniber. I til. of ALL A.XD TIMBER SALE X 913. day of February. A. D. 1117. in canoe, sail boat or yacht. And, .' v J lUediikei, Oaeday lur ilxoi'LAii Uui reruia ptrcel or tnet of THE GRAND TRU.1K PAUHC RAILWAY -or . .a liitU rrtJ '"rruit-a-t.vca ttnd tnd rrmiie tllutle. 1)102, tad be- Setled tender will be receded by Um COMPANY. IL H. HANSARD. Solicitor. of course, you have to have Fleet Foot oiili f .ti fuel like walking-oa air. " lot io tbe Mabioptiny of prince Rupert, TliU to more ptrtiralirly kaoa tt Lot Ten 10), Minuter of Ltndi not liter thtn noon on LAND REGISTRY ACT, Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and a-foaled tat, to I dr-eideJ to Block ne (li Sectlutf Seea (Ti. Mf Ibe ttb dty of June. ISIT, for tbe por- lry a u. In a very ehurt time, I StI. cboe of Licence XtIS, to cut T.itS.eet lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or low shoes are the feel feel of Hemlock. Cedtr tod Spruce, tnd CSectlont S tnd lit.) " a Utter,am 1 Xoti ire required w contest I be cltin lav, a j:ood appetite,rriii vri ytltiaf of tbe Its purrtuier llbin tbtriy-flif l.teS Unetl fret of pUlnf. on to tret id- lie Applicitlon Not. ! I tnd 90S7-1. proper accompaniment of Summer apparel I ' i and Uuj IleaitcU, t an r'oo dt)i from tbe dale of tbe ten ice of toil liUnd,)Mnint Queen Lot t0S,Cntrlotte Jaiktllt libnd lolet Dutrict Orthun nunc SSOt. And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much less notice fvbleb nuy be effected by Run- TAkE NOTICE tbit tppUcttlon tut been I reooieuieoJ C yam "errj Mtit or t O ire tied, tnd your tl Three (1 jein will be illowed for re- nude to reinter St rib Undo, or Prince than leather, that it is real 'nr.- MArViS to all ray frtemU lrnua l ctlled U tecUon St of tne tn-ivil of timber. Rupert, B. C. tt owner in fee under two D AN M.:.: x. 'ttnd RefUtry Art" ltb tmendmenu. Furtber ptrucultrt of tbe Cbief rrtil- Tai StU Deedt rrom tbe Collector of tne economy to wear them. a Do. 0 for &.&0. trial , tnd to l be fellow tor tttrtcl tbertrrom: - er. Virtorlt, B. C. or DUlrlr! roreiter. Ctly of prloce Rupert, betrtnr dale Ibe A tu Oetlert or mt jvttai.l ! Fruit-t tnd la flefiull tt t ctrrtt or certlO- Prince Rupert, B. C ltnd day of September. It it, and ALL AND Look trim and neat enjoy J n le of tu pendent belof filed before I be SINGULAR tbtt certain parcel or tract of tv a I tuiie-d. otua youTtmlf and rcriiiritMa M "mDr ef ibe perton eo- WATER NOTICE Und tnd premtset tttuttc. lylns tnd belnt save money, tilled under urt ui itle, til perton to tn the Municipality of prince Rupert, more by wearing Fleet Foot this tervtd miib nwliee tnd Urate rltimlof OIVtRSION AND USE particularly known tod described tt Lot tbroufb r under Ibrm, tnd til pertoni TAEK KOTICK tbtt Ocorn McRte, eleven (l). Block twcnty-elcDt (SI) summer. 203 Prince Rupert Feed Co. dtimtnr tor inureil tn I be Und by lrto wboie tddrctt It Skldettle, B. - wil Section Sis Hi. tnd Lot Uurty-taree IIS). ef toy unrt-fi.ured InnrumeDt, tad tli applj tor 4 Ucence to Ukt tnd use Its I lock forty-tit it& . Section Elrbl tl). r. o. bi ass. oa raira -RECEIVED pertunt cltlnuar toy Intereil in tbe Unt cubic feet per minute of wtter out ' I .M ip lis. by dciceat boie title li not rcriitereJ Demiter Creek, wblcb flow! northerly tod Vuu ire required ta conletl Ibe cUUn OUR 1917 SEEDS under tbe provttioni of tbit Act, tbtll be drilm Into Allford Bty, about It cbilnil f Um. Us purchaser wltbin 31 diji from for eer eitopped tnd debtrred frvta Ml rrotu the N. E. corner of T. L. Ill Tbt toe dtte of tbe service of tan notice jf tmr up tu i uiin to or In mpect of toe wtter will be diverted from the ttream at I iwblch nuy be effected by publlctUon), WE HANDLE Und to rr Uiei. tnd the Herlitrir t p tlot about ten rbaim west front N.W tnd your ttlention It called to section Steals A Brlgga, Rennles' klull rrnir tbe perton rn til led under i .rtKr of Lot I. B. a Fliberlet. tnd wtV IS of tbe "Land Retittry Act" with Ferpy'a Mackenzie's tucb In til tt owner of the Und tc be used for power purpose upon tbe lint I jniendtnetus and lo tbe foUowlnr eatrtcl and old tor ttiet " described it tdJotaior Timber Limit III tnrcfroin: "and In default of t Garden and Field Seeds. AMD WHEREAS ipplltitloa bt bees in application to lease. caveat or certificate of Ut pendent beint How do Also Fertilisers. uxiJe for t Certlflctte of Indefetilble Till Thu notice wat potted on tbe rrouac Died before tbe reiiitratlon at owner of to the tbuveroentloncd Undi, ta tbe nime m the I lib day of January. HIT. tne person euU lied under tucb tn lale, all do HAY, GRAIN AND FEED r Juhn Beriiutn: PS f Iblt notice tod tn appucatkx persons to served witb nonce, tnd you Chicken Faad A A.M1 WHIHtAS on lomiKitiDc tbe urtutnl thereto tnd to tbe Witer Act those claiuint; throurb or under tneni and each Specialty. itle It tppetri Hut prior to tN Sth dtj ttlt will be tiled In tbe ofOce of Um til pertunt elatmtnr any Infreit In lb bake day. or ftrptrmber. ltd. (ibe ditt oa whin Wtter Decordrr it Prince Rupert Ob Und by virtue of any unregistered Imtru Do you get perfect We Take Orders for Nursery the itid lindt were told for otrrdue .eriiooi to Uie tppUcttlon nuy be filed meot. and til persons cliiulot any ta- bread with Stock. inn you were tbe tiieiied ownei uh the slid Wtter Recorder or with terest in tbe land tv descent wnose lllle every batch ? thereof. Ibe Comptroller Of Wtter Rlfbti. I'irlla u n' t rctuiered under tbe provuiont or No ll'RTIirn TAkE NOTICE thtt tl tbt turnt Btlldtnti, Victoria, B. ' . wtthlc thtt Art. thall be tor ever estopped tnd question .nl- tiui- i tntn effect retuueuwu it thirty din tfter Uh, nrtl tppetrtnet ot MmriX from tettloa up any claim to or about it if you pur.utncr i f lOCh tppllfttloo tnd Uiue t bti nonce In a local newspaper h r.r-ct ,h land so u.U for lives. use MY flour. . run.lie of fndefetiibw Till to tbe itic Tt' due of tbe flnl publlctUon of tun 1IMl ltH. hettitrtr thall retitter the person They test liiHt irv ibe ntine of John Utrsnun unlrtf aetlce I February tin, HIT. rutttled under teen tat ttle at owner of I'Hi Uke tnd proiecute tbe prcper pro OEOIIUE McRAE. Applicant. be Und to scU for tuts," It O Y A L, reedinn to riubllth your cUttu. if tn AND WIIEIlL-KS tpiUlealloa hat beet STANDARD TIILLNCLktriKEMCNTI tn the u id Undi. or It prevent lucb pre MINERAL ACT siade for i Certincit ot Indefeasible TlUi Sin ( bei cfretlvt KJ ihuuii trtue on my ptrt ' to tb abuve-men Honed lindt, in tbe name over at the mill 44 DATED tt the Ltnd Rrtliiry 0mc Certificate of Improvements, uf Sarah Undo. by actual bread ritucRMaiia anoiMa prince Huprrt. B. C, Ibis tb diy o AND WHEREAS on InvviUtiUnr the title making with lirreuibrr. A. U. lilt. NOTICE lit tppeire that prior to tbe liuiiday of various wheat ci. i.t m. tf J 1J.1t II, P. MACLEOD. "Douiill:" "Dourall rractlonal." and I September, till, (tbe date on which the Merit Fewer, Apr 17 DUtrlrl RetUtrtr of Tlllet. Inltiid sample?. Only Waturrronr Minertl Clalmi. tilutt Undi were sold for overdue lairs). Oil a 1-4 In. br 12 In., 28 Tn Simon Peierion, Dttlirllle, r.tUfornlt I lie Skeena Mlnlut Division of Castitr Dlt-1 J"U were tbe mistered aud tstetsed grain that Herie Fewer, irtrt. I owners thereof. makes delicious 4 1. Ie. tr a In, IS-ae Where Uctled:-0n the welt side of I l l'RTHER TAkE NOTICE thtt at Um bread is purchased. head of Alice Arm. I.line time I thall effect 'sttilrtllon la That's Me n fewer. TAKE NOTICE that I. Richard B. Me- pursuance i of tucb application tnd Usae i ninuti. Tree Miner's Ceruncite No. 11104. frttnrtie of nd feasible Title le Uie sld why KOYAL or Further Information Stuart J. Martin aciiiif ii ateut for the Dolly Virden Mines Uudi in the name of Sana Undo unlets STANDARD Apply to 4 uouniiy. free Miner's Certificate No. Ill- M ttke and prosecute the proper pro is so uniform. ASSAYLrt C intend, tiny jiri from the date hereof, rvvdiiiis lo esiibloh your ".Ulni, if tny. to apply lo the Mininr RMorder for l to the Mid UmU, or to prevent socb pro- W. E. WILUSCnOKT Crrntiriie of improvements, for the purpose tctiuii ou my part ASK tOUt GWCH Prince HAZELTON B. C. of obttiiuur s Crewa Ortut ot tbe lit TID al tbe Land Betiitry ODice. Runert, C, 0. lUne cliim. I't'nce itupcrl. tl. C. thta ittb day of (U And further lake notice that action, un Mvrd. V. I). ISIT, The oldest established Assay der section it, must, be einmienctd be- t II. P. MACLEOD, Vancouver ADVERTISE IN rpre tbe ututnea d such Ctriinetie,of lui. DUtrlrl hfflitrar of Title Milling & Grain Co., Ltd. Office In the North. provenirnti. fe Charles I'laulti, ts ie Lei ill The Piled tins tttu day of April. A, D. HIT. IL V. CUrk and II. Richer AnvimiMnnw w tj 1 MlrtS I Ut.N ANAIMQ.VICTORIA Daily News i,H RICHARD ti, MCOINNIS, It to Lul II