The daily NEWS VlL. vm. so. PHINCK nUPKHT, B. &t Til RSIlAY, JUNtt 28 U.7, Al EM CROSSED THE SEAS THE SAFE ARRIVAL OF THE FIRST CONTINGENT IN FRANCE IS WELCOME NEWS FIRST AMERICAN ARMY iALPHONSO MAY STRIKE MAY PARLIAMENT GERMAN SUBS. ARRIVESSAFELY IN FRANCE : BE NEXT KING TIE UP COAST PROCEEDING AGAIN CROSS CONTINGENT MEN, CONSISTING IS SAID TO OF COMPRI8E INFANTRY,TWENTY-FIVE CAVALRY AND THOUSAND ARTILLERY, : TO BE DEPOSED' STEAMSHIPS LEISURELY! THE ATLANTIC BEING A COMPLETE DIVISION IS LIKELY TO GO IN TRCNCIIES SOON Revolutionists In Spain are Very All Coasting Steamer are Likely,Debate on Military Service III American Government Active and the Movement to Become Involved C. P, R. Will Not Finish This Week f Information of Baa on the Special k TI Daily .lt - Growi, Threatening Firemen, Deckhands Yet Forty Members, Ira ! Cuban Boas Warships aldington. J u n 28, The taken is thai the Ilrilish cannot The Dynasty. - and Oilers Quit. Anxious to Sak. ft Mm. LoekouL contingent of the American lower themselves Ui the level of ,.e rsea troops have arrived German murderers. Military (Special to Ttw Dally Xw.) ' (Special to Tb Dally .leva.) (JprtUI to TtM Dally news.) tSpertal to The Dalit Jews.) safely In France. While no figure plratrgy will Im developed first. London, June 28, The revolu- Vancouver, June 8. The whole Ottawa, June 28, Five Liber. Providence, ft. f, June 28, The b , gs in by the nfllclal statement,! British Official, tionary movement is assuming coasting fleet is likely to become als, three Conservatives and one United Slates Government is in it i said on good authority that) We rheeked at the outset a large proportions in Spain. The involved in a strfke. which has French-Canadian from Quebec possession of information that , , in-1 contingent consists of Herman niiat-a on our new posi- monarch in accused of playing commenced among the men on will speak on the Conscription the German U-boats are again on all arm, tncludlii eleven regiment lions northwest of Pontine on the favorites. Two-third of the poll- the C. P. The deckhands, liill this afternoon. The House this side of the Atlantic. They of infantry, cavalry and Arras front. Hauls on the enemy Itrlanit are said to favor the over, flrertien. oilers and coal naggers i not exnected In Fine until a late are said to have established their artillery. lines continue everywhere. throw of royalty. . The people are have all quit work. The trouble hour. Dr. Clark, member for Red bases somewhere on the south The division In a complete army Franch Official. sympathetic with the movement, is expected to spread to the G. T. Deer, says this ,is a war to end side of Cuba. American warships ji Itself, being fully equipped and Paris. June 28. Heavy artillery' Senor.Maru Is alleged to be the P. and the Union Steamship Co.'s war and cuts all party ties in his are conducting a ceaseless search representing every branch of the fighting continues In the region head of the revolutionary party, men also. Altogether thirty-five outspokenness for conscription. along the suspected shores for mice. It has been given out of Hurtebise. Ho thoroughly While Kinit Alohonno 1m nr- steamers and five hundred men He severely criticised the refer. any trace of bases of this character. that the American soldier- III be complete was the French victory sonally popular with the masses, are likely to become concerned. endum proposals of the" Liberal jriten a four-mile stretch of al this point yesterday that the 8lni ihe system of an aristocracy This strike threatens to lie up leader. rn lif-M between the liritiii and Germans have not yet atjempled ,a been condemned by the work- the northern service. Just when Blame Ontario. MORE REVELATIONS Irene h lines, near St. Quentin, to Counter attack on our new m-n a lliev Ipeialate fur l..m the summer tooriftl trafllc is at. Mr Itiirran Froneh.nnnariian u 1 that they will proceed to the positions. selves only. The (loyal March is laining its maximum, and besides member, blames Ontario for STHt RUSSIAN PEOPLE trenches after some little pre-, being hissed when it is played in which will cause a serious handi. slandering Quebec. There are mmary training in trench war-fa.'c LECTURE EXPLAINS the theatres. cap to the industries in the north, yet forty members who are anx (?jrtal to Tb DaBy flews.) behind (he lines. The Spaniih premier has taken ! ious In speak on the bill. All Pelrograd, June 28. After in British Front. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE .S! democracy gains hope of a division on the second tercepting a wireless L adon. June 28. Throughout . reading this week is abandoned. message v sstaa t v a,a ian i( nasivsa st. si'jjt,rr jraterday. General Halg continued will meet with the approval of the i GROUND IN GERMANY The debate is proceeding in a from the King of Bavaria to Le- i lartiea alone the whole lennthl Al the v estholme Theatre mi people. leisurely fashion, with no show nine, the Russian agitator, the the HrllUh front, harrassing Tuesday night. Mr. Virgil o. of fireworks. It is expected that Soldiers and Workmen's Delegates the enetnr everywhere. Kvenr da Slnckler. C. 8. H.. delivered a (Special lo Tbe DaQj Xi. the hoist will be beaten; but the conclude that further plots e i ihe town of Lens threatened niol interesting lecture on Chris SEVERE REPORT ON Iterltn. June 28. Many news, referendum amendment is attracting are going on to weaken rtussla. ms re and more. The eeent sue- tian Science. The meeting was papers which hitherto have been great attention. The revelation stirs the Delegates cess of the Canadians hae pre- well attended, and a very alien-' KUT-EL-AMARA DISASTER strongly conservative, are now profoundly, and the resolution ted ihe Germans from mining live hearing was gWen ilo Mr. strongly urging reforms., Pro-'festfor i AT THE HI AM against, separate peace gets over. any more coal In the mines to Strfe kief. whVls a"member of the (Special lo the Daily 3i. 'Huntie, the noled'hfslor-ian. whelming support. f - Hi. nt ih inuit fjwal Hoard of Lectureshio of the London. June 28. Tue com- advises that the Government Tomorruw evening the graduation The Congress was called off Its v lies are in progress every day, Mother Church, the First Church mission which Investigated the imerai tendencies, exercises of the Prince Rupert regular session today to avert b result of which the enemy is of ChrisL Scientist, in Boston. ;Mesopotarrian expedition appor- Stettin Riots, High School will be held in disturbances among the Petro- dsilv r.,mpee. to make local re- Mr. Strickler in his lecture lions the blame. The optimism of i Gothenburg, June 28, Severe the school on Ilorden Street. A grad workmen. Charles ltussell, Uremeou. The weather Is very said: Sir John Nixon is said to have ,rioting occurred in Stettin, on ac- special platform has been erected the American Socialist, one of the bot and sultry. ' As it becomes more generally been Ihe main cause of the unto- count of the scarcity of food. in the basement and there wilLbe members of the United States, Hun l.liDra ih. luttderstood thai through the ward affair. The armament and , Machine guns and bayonets were seating capacity for a very large mission to .Russia, will address of Christian Science equipment of the expedition vvere "81 on lne mob' Several were the delegates at a later date. The air fleets are flocking over- ministry number. The teachers and students head under a blatlng sky, but thejpeople are being Jiraled of sick insufficient for i(s neeis. The all. have enthusiastically entered The P.ussians are suspicious of the return of three thousand ......... ....... I 'uiiua iiiacuiiiea arc cur uur ! " -r into the work of making and other discordant con- in-chief in India are held PRINCE RUPERT LEADS inns, who fought with Germans. but c- nuicuouly avoiding battle fear, respon. this first function of its kind in AS A FISHING PORT ill afford the there is ever-increas- ble. Germany can re- whenever possible. ditions, an this city a distinct success, with TlrplU la III. ing desire upon the part of Ihe ; the result that a specially excel- ease of any fighters, hence the Geneva, June 28 Admiral von general public to learn how these ENJOYABLE PICNIC k !!0,n,C'IanpU.KSn, l,h fre,,l lent programme will be rendered misgivings of the Russians. . . rostitt. are arcomnlished. It is AT DIORY YESTERDAY on s TtrplH is seriously ill. He is vu iuii uivaiiuiit III. ............ nt lllia lakflira 111 . during the monht of May, as given tclTertng from diabetes. There will be club-swinging by Austrian Promotion. plain how Christian Science does A lucce8sfu function by "The Pacific Fisherman" show-that the boys, and the girls will give at Prince Rupert 3,623,060 (SpeUI lo Tbs DaHy Raws). Amsterdam, June 28. Count these things. There is no mys- tlk yeserday m the form an exhibition of open gymnastics. pounds were dealt with, while at New York, June 28.- Allen R. heal- CJani.Martlnic, who recently ro- lery about Christian Science of a pIcnjc to t,e Quarantino ta-Ing, Addresses will be given by some Seattle 3,071,000 pounds arrived Haw ley, president of the Aero j lined the premiership of Austria ii-r is it dimcult lo under- Uon on ,)if,by jsailll. urganlied of the students and teachers. during the period. Vancouver recommends to the Ameri after a. very short ministry, has stand. H can be slated without by Mr. and Mrs. F. It :. Hrown. same There will also be vocal and piano Club, haudled 828,000 pounds and can Government the building of been appointed military governor any r.-serauon wnaiever The hostesses were Mrs. l)u Ver- solos by the students. The-school Steveston 96.000 pounds. thousand battle and planes "l-ntiuiegro. every person who is willing lo do n, Mr!t n McMulhn. Mrs. A. glee club will be up lo its usual twenty training five thousand American Loggers In Britain. so can learn now io neni sirs.)M jjanson. Mrs. F. O DaM-son, ( .status of perfection and those SCHOOL PICNIC the Russian front ' aviators for London, June 28. Ten American ness and lo destroy the desire to Mril A T parkin, Mrs. W. K. present will have the pleasure of "Russia is fighting forestry units completely in f-r hinueir a n u owiers wniiams. and Mrs. C. A. O. Arm. hearing choruses sung with real immediately. Yesterday the senior third blind." he "The greatest i quipped, have arrived in MugUnd. through Christian Science, strong, the weather was most vim. Mr. Hobertson, of the Uni- says., scholars of the King Kdward pub practical service we can render lhal there nre "'ore It (s said of British Columbia, who the pr0pjtious and the scenic Jieauties vers.ity ' will assist to turn tli. uaK aa! dvtianl. M ntAal nl a a ...n n I is for forests and woods of Great Hrit-in than two hundred difTerent kinds of ,)jjliy lsamj Wtrt. xery niucu -- -.r , , cU at preienl as pr(J struggling democracy eyes 1 iittA la n omall Itskar nasa Itvjk Art ' religion s i iit1 ist a nuiaii mqj lira tiic? tii her army and artillery. into lumber. of the r.hristian alone.lj Thr wild flowers, which siding examiner, has kindly con- trance to the Salt Lake. The the hundred I Ail In ttlt'. all.-. I tnll- I li I not to mention of,grow in the Island, . a nn , mi u Reprisals. prpfusion on , ji. If 111. If tw f a 7 u t mt. NOTICE Demands for reprisals on the other forms of religion that are,were Ju fuIl oo,,,, anj ai tj,ir l'ui icn hip natriiuii unuui nail eeniug. past under the supervision of one iiot hnslian. It I a fact that w,Cj, aildtJ to the attrac- Owing to the nature of the en t'erman return for i open towns In their teacher, Miss Kason, and returned The Returned Soldiers Associa 'tie people do entertain widely differ- ;tjVenesa or the-spot. Mr. Arm-enl tertainiuent which is a farewell raid have London recently hold at on about nine o'clock. The tion will an afternoon tea. religious beliefs. In many ironB engineered the party over tribute to two of the veteran stu not been stand approved. The enJoyme.1t of the day was due which there will be many raffles, instances the differences are ir- ,n t,,e 4acy jane- an, thers dents of the school, there will be three.) mainly to the kindness of Mr. in their rooms on Third Avenue ( Miitinued on page followed later. Messrs. P. W. no admission fee and everyone ... placing his launch on Wednesday, the 4th of July, and Parkin h,n, ,nvUed to be t Anderson. Hanson, coruiaUy present. WESXHOLMjE at disposal of the scholars. n the evening, they will give a THE JUSILEE OF also helped greatly with tL - trans. During the day every sort of, dance in the St. Andrew's Hall. orlatlou. MORE SHIPS SUNN OPIRA HOUSE CONFEDERATION enjoyment was Indulged in by the! This will be a dance in celebration TONIQHT AND TOMORROW - I Tbe proceeds of Ihe picnic will ' t. i . a i. . ,1.. . t youngsters. They had racing andj (Special to Tbs Dally Mwil. of Confederation. Keep this date DOUBLE ATTRACTION i.,..-t foriret the mass meeting n. k.' " jumping and many other sorts ofi London, June 28,- The Ameri free and come to helpxhe boys. .i. i-.ih..lim Thentre on in UlC nrn"" - , amusement. The Sail Lake was en n sailinir shin Galena. 1018 Charlie PUIIIIU7 at J oCiOCk.,1 GENERAL NEWS ITEMS also visited and a few of the boys t0I,K has been sunk. The crew II O T I e E Chaplin the fiftieth anni- c i,.v next is ami gins a enjoyea pieasanl dip XVere nwed, -The .Norwegian of the Coiifedetalion of All Native-born Canadians are ,n lhn lake' Lunch 8frvMl v-ranrv ln IN wa steamen. King Haakon. 2331 tons, Canada ami every Canadian should .Nowpoil, R. I. The United I li a nl unl.fVA.1 anil. I li mit nl. Hia a .a ' . . . . urged to meet in the K. of P. Hall States cruiser Glyiiipia, Dewey's ...,r..,w.,,. iimmuhu amI. .ne jiaggi,. . iiHU. ions,. . nave "THE CURE" ..A.i..i.ruti that day livery other a...i-i,i iitj. ij..... ii - at 8 o'clock on Thursday, 28 cmU """'"'" ''" "" "ero u also peeu sent to the bottom by lumous llagship. is aground off should come io uus to complete the organlxatlon of latft riot in two acts. resident ni,uv- i,i,n,i I. It Is believed she " tot,,ulV PPiy ior everyone aim the Germans. The crews of both and hear the story of a Canadian Native Sons Soelety. meeting then T,,e laeal "om'- day wa8 an vessels weW saved. told by Fred Peters, will reRoat at high tide. Confederation r.w.,h.B.i,Th. ..!.. nntt " ecn anil every one en- The London Times strain ralta Just SM tent of luma C. There win oe goou arrived, Bertha Kalich Kan K. "lemselvf. to heart's .dnassion fee will be lrtinaly In favor of peace. They !0".il thflr upon Ui. Government to mak coal. Phona Atfcsrt A 4a- iiiusir nor ""X collection taken. r opposed to the breaking off cole,u public all shipping losses. Says Cattery. charged. n...l eoiov yourself and relatlms with tho United States nnwmtt unnar rnnunuar. i llaal silence and composure will SLANDER" JU"1 1U' Ln Vim.,, ihe huinrv but may be forced to it. ' IZZJ not defeat the submarines. Too His ii... Dreat country of yours. ' Chrlstlanla The discovery of trtui u tbs dii nm nuch optimism wilh the conse. acts, a Hun T Allliii4m"nl U,!'T reaction Is Ihe LONDON CAFE A modern Society Pliolo-Oranut plot to destroy Norwegian Athens, June 28.- The (hut woman CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT steamers by explosives Was unearthed plan to have the Greek Parliament, result. AND WHLb every last week ami -has np. elected in May, 1015, tthmid see and men should coh- TMrt Avtfiua Ride a "Perfect" bicycle O. W TINOKRS FOR QRAVIL palled the whole nation. voked ww. study. t.iiiK rr-elsl for ih supply Prompt Ssrvlcs of tke COME EARLY ,lf , mt isrds of Oram. r. 0. D. Tho favorlU houtahold GoaI U fav k U Mi ai H s luriir i r i v aay ten Starts at 7 Sharp. ivhar' p. m, u-t nefnir irrrr. rumr Ladysmlth Wslllnpton. Phona 15, will bnrmier. and General IUh.J" For drsasa lumbar of all kind SB4MHWJ ( la4 SBVtt Admission 10 and M csnts. I ininiara- frt I'ursUaatet !. .Prlnoa Rupert ! . tf. giu; NlnUUr of War, JLIbtrt A BtoBtffsry. 1tS. 0