TUB DAIL? NEWS Tllrday June 28, toi t.rn,, i-n t Hi" chlldrni, h The Daily News l.i i'n (In ..loled by the Knlser. To I!n c it (unit mind, this Is tlmiM- I HE LEADING NEWSPAPER W HORTfnXH BRITISH COLLUtniA h tiit nig reward. A givnler , Pabli.b-4 Daily ana Weekly frewnrtl will surely await the Km IGLEYS Guaranteed LarflMt Circulation HEAD OFFICE v, Thu ..rman Minister to Nor Daily ws Hulldtrig, 3rd Ave, Pnricr llupert. IMJ, Telephone tfH I I II aWaT Rlil f ffM 1 1 way ha1 resfgneu. Norway hsc'I ii THE Is oaul i" be boiling with rngn at PERFECT GUM I'M AM I KN I' DISPLAY ADVKHTISlNti 50 tnin pr inch lltnv eel J iDim ,.'nnued outrages perpe trnl. il iiuon Us peaceful merchant hrinft Whether Norway will Let us make you acquainted DAILY EDITION Tim rixlay, .1 uno 28, 1 017. boil " ' r not remain to be seen This would Involve JSwcd.'ii with the new, luscious i wf iLr aasr-aaH ''and " unark. ncCording to treat-(. flavour THE WAR TAX t. try. There Is a scarcely a K i'1-esent existing between A dispatch received recently, public body tn Canada which f5sflPB2vfi the i, -op countries. Hut the from Ottawa reads as follows ij has Advocated conscription of n High Seas Fleet could "Sir Thomas devoted aV Stood i men that in the same rcsulu Mjft55SH "h'i Scandinavia, where the deal of attention to the Hon lion has not called for the con. ..f the Allies could afford Mr. (Irnliaiu's remarks about scription Of wealth, which actually teetlon. the mobilization of wealth. The means the conscription CANCELLATION OF RESERVE liovernmenl hnd notbeen slow of excess profits. They realize E IS HtHESV OIVE.1 llMt Um In taxing wealth. He described that one must accompany tho juitnr urrr mall Mnd In th the business profits war tax as other to be elective; Hint not r I'rlnr Rupftl. kro0 i ll ono of the severest in the world. only is it common justice, but Rinr t. CotM Milrlcl, by rrwn Lp to thu end of llio present that without this co-ordination lie apfrtor In tb Brtll& Onluw itu or lh fll April, ItlO. and fiscal year, the Government It is impossible for Canada to I dale ' iflh April. Itlt. It tanrrlfed for would have raised about f 200,-000,000 do her full dutv in the war. lh . irrotc of tnakint a Ml or Km taio by special war taxes." Conscription' of wealth might means let us have conscription, tot I ih Grand Trunk r trine tTf lop-loitiptnr, It's all that Attention i particularly i .?. .... ..! t... ..... Tin I it rnnl Iia mixprlnllitii nf B Llrollmt s intuitu me mting utcr uy wi - ' the OEO K HKttX. Deputy Mlnltler of Laodt. name drawn to the statement that state of most of those Indus- Hie whole Cduntry. It would he trpumnl of UnJ,, victoria. B. c. uta "the Government has not been tries which are directly asso- manifestly unfair to compulsory ,, hit. m.au. tt. suggests I t slow to tax wealth." This is cialed with the conduct of the conscript me lives oi one section MINERAL ACT ....... rfcf Him pntmnitnil nlnim Wlir. of the most flagrant mis - I. i .- v one ttur, uih ttuui oi iiiuii is wus i ,loe(' J,t offer his life for the representations among the any more extreme than the f,TCE TO deu.iqi,e.'t partmeb many that have ever come from conscriution of man.nower. It safety of the realm has every -re :. w. caiboun: Wrigley quality the present Government. In was done in the United Kintr. right to offer all else that he has. Tta notice, wberca I iu?t done and made where ,,r riuwd lo be done aiwmeiit work oa the the accepted .meaning of the dom and in every other bellig- rrseiio- mineral claim, iumm cbewing ffum disoilclies - (i term "wealth" the Government erent country in Europe. Pres. n nnn.ounce ttt lht munc rmr. .uhji tounttn mw aWRrOiEYSa. that Hritish and trench making la a has been exceedingly slow to Ident Wilson has i.W nower American. ftwn Allft Art0 , nM tax it. The wealth they have An tUo civilians are working side by slue ntoinr dituioa or Skrn dutrtti. deace. taxed has been the man's ,7." J V . ".1 . , In the ruined districts of France "fot ork for itu, itu, ni itu. and 5Z3jSLt poor e ueiecm wuuency in cer- -i-min- P" " d rwordiot vj-rv.rjyrzv;; wealth. But the wealth of the tain papers in the East to ques- . 7. .i i tin u-nm of MST.lo. fnii jrou ti rich, the Government has let lion the Kocd faith of those "-.-"' u- i of for xour hr New three flavour off very lightly. Sir Thomas who advocate the reduction of l"c " Aarf ,b ot IW adwtiKiw-t. I abatl. at employed Immediately of the While in this instance is Canada to a war basis, . . proper tb- e.nr.tioo of moir tt do rron Ch0w H after enough of a casuist to make lo Insinuate that they are try- range or ineiilg guns or the lluns tlw dlM ,pply w th mlBl8f w. such a misleading statement. in i ,nmnii.ni .it.,.t ploughing the land and effacing rtr at r-rtnea Rowru a. C- to ba mvery meat As is very pertinently pointed the mark of the German occupa- mr iatii in tb Midnitbt rmtion put by The Times: Vi'L?".9."?. Lm ?" !!! lion . Up to date farming on a ru rum, .d m pr.. viiaivu '""v must? ysuv ucnidiiu .....i prutuiooi or minrai an Get it wberrrer ,c,e la" ,'"clofor The 1200,000,000 special war conscription of men without ',pf.er i.d at rnnco nuj-rt, a. c. tni. ...a taxes received from the com. the conscription of wealth are e lhe.or.'er "f.tne day, n "P " Apru. nu ir u confection are old' mencement of the war up to the innincere or luke. warm in their henceforth..- .. Ill -nrn The scarcity,I. of man il c nutxirs. Sealed Tight Kept Rightl end of the present fiscal year patriotism 49 d ftlUllllCU If.....U k fwri. w,,. .ciiiunc ftiir cicimru MINERAL ACT have, wrung; from those least the other day, the man who use ui iiiijucrii machinery. This MADE IN CANADA war Is not only merely destructive. CartincaU of ImprovtmtnU. able to The extra pay. postage objects lo one and believes in the stamp taxes, the imposts the other is certainly in no This is one instance of "Oouttll;" "botU NOTICK rrattkal.' and The FiavQzsr Lasts direct There not on little articles entering into stronger position than the man progress. were IVftlarrMAl" WImmI rtftlm, Bl.n.l In j general consumption and the wno reverses the process "rj iratiors in ..uru.r in tb glwM Mmm, pimioa or Cattlar Ola increased customs taxation rel-atlively it is infinitely easier T,rewar aay8- trtct -Moreover, Wlvra lorttxt: Oa IhJ ..! iAm t touch the rich scarcely lo carry out iwin together than The commander of the squad- ' nn. at all, yet they represent the it is to carry out one without Mn of nir,hip, Uial drppe,i tr... ""rTi;ff :.."' Vast bulk of that two.hundred- I ho n h,l- II ia n nrnM-m . ....... OrUOralO J.O. 1 1 . million-dollar - ' uoniu on me scnooi in i.onaru. artlof at arm I for Um Dolly Varden Mint! total. The profits which Sir Thomas While will Company, rrt Miner's Ccruacau no. HI tax brings in just of the be expected to solve, but before MINERAL ACT C inirDd, titty daya from Um dtu brr. country's revenue, or t.l 2,500,-000 he can do so, it is evident that to apply to tlx Mininf Rordr for a per year, and even in this he will have to change his point Certificate of Improvements GtttMttH of ImprovdiMnu, for Um par Spring Schedule of ,buiniar t c.. 0r,n, of mall business man in a proportionate of view. What Canada needs is l NOTICK aZKitt cUim. 8. 8. PRINCC QEORGE sense bears .the a few months of Lloyd George, Carttxxi Jiinrral Claim altnat In tn And furitwr taka nolle that tclkoo, n For Anyoi Midnight, June 20th. greater part of the burden. IUg Skrna Mininr IHtliVm of Cattlar Dtttrlct art tcuoo it. must t commrncd b Tor Ocan Victoria and incomes not Wbr located: Jlear brad f A lie for too tttaanco or tutb Ccrtiacato of lm Fall, Vancoutr, are taxed at all. NOTES AND COMMENTS June 21 tL 'Ann. B.JC protmnta. Seattle, Midnight, Enormous profits from war I TAKE .NOTICE that L I. Tfrd RIUDI. Dated Iblt Htn day of April. A. D. Itlt 8. 8. PRIMCE RUPERT contracts, which since the outbreak The fact that the Canadian rrM Miner't oninttt .to. ittt c. attint iy. t. RICHARD . MfOI.H.HIS. of war represent an out- divisions now 'overseas at trrnl for v. A. WllUania, rrf Mlnrt For Swanton Bay, Ocean Fall, Vancouver, Victoria, and are re Ortlflfal 5o. it 1 1 C, intend, tuiy day "WATER ACT, 1914." Seattle, Midnight, June 24th. lay of 1 1,500,000,000, to be not are ported up lo strength from ttM ut nror. to apply to to 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN hardly scratched. is sunifient lor most people lo Uininr Rrrordr for a Ccrtlneaio or Ira- MtrOhE THE BOARD OF INVESTIGATION Sir Thomas White's alTllia. demand that they be reinforced .pwementa, for tn purpoto of obtainmr For Q een Charlotte Islands, June 20th. tlons and environment no at once. Let us get on with the V" " "".!"'. . . In Um Matur of all Strcama In Um Uattl. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE ... i .. luruwr ir nourv 101. icugn, un- loo and Fort I rtr Wtur Di.lrtiU. oouiH inuuence nis point or war. Alter all means have been a., llnn tt m ii.I K. 0frnnmrtA lifAM 4 UrFTIfl rit IK MuM r.f l-..l...ln W4aay ttrr at IliSOa.. fe SmiUiee. Pel Oeeeft, It-mIm, view, but this will have to be adopted and all means have not ine lituane or aucn trtintat or lo. ui t held at lb Court-bou at Haititon aealato tad Wlaalaea. ml lf mumIm tkere fee all h" t tkw ,Hid trala Ttttr tt 4 a, n. altered, and the sooner he rea-1 been adonted veL tn train r pnMneu. on Monday, Um tlrd day or July, It 17, at iey lires it the better for hlmselfcruits in sufficient numbers ol. M ,Un u' of A. D l v vetoes in in lorxumm. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. it Fur Information and retrvationt ni'ply to the. government and the coun- untarily, if that falls, then by all j. fred Ritchie, Arrnt. In lb Matter tf aU Streama la tb Prln City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 2t0 Rupert Wtur DUiricX A nteeuoc or Um Board ot InrcJUfiUon ill tx bcl4 at Um Court bout at rrtnet Rupert on Wednetday, Um tita day or July, 1117. at 19 tfcfcttk la in rorvnoca. A NEAT KITCHEN At tnete tote tin r aU tutementa or WITHOUT A BROOM claim to water prtrllerea nnder Acta patted newpegtj6jsi Wore tn I tin day or Much, ittt, on CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY any or lb itrtam. aU objectfcma UMrtto, No coalhod, no ash-pan, no and lb plana prepared for tb o or lb dirt, no bother. Vou never have talil board, will lb a tM open for Inaction. Lowest Kates o Mil Eastern Pent to sweep up after cooUing on a J-y Li i AU pertont intereaMd are cnuUed to via Steam-r to Vnccurr and tit NEW PERFECTION. It etamln tbete, and . to 01 olijectlona CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY cocks . tbereta In wrliior If tbey deem nu Ml an.t Dtth Inclurl.n on .Kramer more quickl and more Objectloot will bo beard forihwltb If convctiicntly than a ct . I or wood tb party.''objected to bat melted aunv Princess May for Oranby Tay ard Allco Arm Friday 11 p.m. costs less for fuel and take rienl nolle or tb objection. ranee, Tb Board at tte said tneetlnn will Princess May for Vancouter via Ccean Falls, Sunday 0 p.m. up half as much room. bear tb claimaota. will datermin tn quaotiiy or water wblcb may b used undr Princess Alice for the south 8tvrzf, June 30th. These dealers sell them: etcli record and tn ruriber work! wblcb are neeeiiarjr for tocb ute, and will at il.tei for lb mint or fena or aucb work. J. J. PETERS, Cencrr.1 Arrnt and for tb cvnuuenccmen: and completion f of aucb worki. C ntr rrtli Street ni Third Amu r Trlnca Rupert. II.C ThompMn Hardwar PHaoa Hunan Co., And whereat tber may U, percona wbo. Ktltn Hardware.0- " "' brrort lb 1Kb day of Matvb. ItOt, r tork'a Hardware Co., " " bolder yl water record on tbe tJt Hew McNulty, " tlreaiu and yet tut not 0ld tUlemcbU vf tbelr claima witb t&c 8svd of lam " " A. 4. Oalland, taiion, aucb pertona ar rw:rd to nlf. Beyd Vuag & Co., fort aimpeen. B.O. on Nforf tb tltb dty of Jul, if it. a ftateiuent, aa required by accUuo tit or tb Water 4U Itl4." Tb rorm Launch Alice B. (.to. to ror Irrlrttiwff No. it for other purpoaea) may b obtsiiws iruea any 0o-rrnment With Roy alii e Coal Oil the Ntw Afenl in tb rrvriarw. Perfection mill cook your meal Tb rltirot or riparian prow1Mr cm fON TMt SALT UIKCt for from 5 lo 10 cents. bav filed, at required by tecum oof lb Ittry fin Day frt "Water Act, lt4,M aistrmrnli or claim hi 10 . m. walera or any or lb tald atreama will I THC IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY rtiTuaiv rani at, near! at Um tame lluiea and placer Limited Haled at Victoria, B. C ya 7b day or i June. It IT. rail BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES for Um Board or -"'Jralroc. W. J. THOMAS, . I, r. AHMlTHONO, 1 - tlrtt Stt. 1 1. rM'2J3. EMPRESS COFFEE WM4M.ISALE IMSTRIaHJTOR .,.,. ' amwwww-a---- ' 1 v i erv 0. PRINOC RUPERT. II