0 Thursday, June 28. 1017. IMS IJMI.Y NF.WJ LECTURE EXPLAINS 1 1 t THE TONIC THAT CHRI8TIAN ECIEWC Corttlnuw From I'ago Qna No Eggs, Milk or Butter BRINGS IEALTH ' ffP'Tifilaldf, oiid yel ?cry hi-I'filtevet The following recipe shows how an appetizing, with all, of lh ulricflrUy wholesome oekn can be made without expensive f which ho U capable thai hi ingredients. "Frult-a-Jftes" Builds Up The own particular bfliefn riro Irm. It mBt )i cfincpd.Ml,ihatt M Hi" In many other recipes the number of eggs may Whota System iiialii, all pcnplr aro pqualljr' Irirn-eil be- reduced one-half or more by using an additional Thote who take "Frult-a-llres" tot ami equally nitiforff In tliplt quantity of Dr.Price's Cream Baking Powder, the first time ro of I a satonlaLed at rfllRlou lmlifi. The nnlj! r-e-son about a teaspoon, in place of each egg the wif thim f and main why thf y are irrnupwj ia. omitted. Ihtm Jrtl Utter alt ovtr, Tbcy may bo KPther in ilifTM-Mii form of Wli-glonn EGOLESS, UTT KTW, BUTTPrlXBS CAKE MFroHvlles''for rwcifie ia lprnuo lionoAtiy taking m tlny I tmp krewa ttr I teaipeM Dartnec dieeaae, a Constipation, Indi-faUon, llcvf thai thrniigli thHr awi jr-tlculnr IM et watvr 1 tMapoen dantnMfl I eta teeded rtMat S tetaiKM tall Clironlo IlMdtcIie or Neuralgia, form of reunion they vi I mmm en t tmp Sear Bladder Trouble, T.heu. Ami Uip rttas thertealag S ttatpeont Dr.Priee't Baklnf wwoar Klduer r ir.M,d nliiph 1 hey Mtettrrt- niititnior riitlithnjck. And they Tha old method (fruit caka) callad for 2 H DntKCTIONS Pat tht Srel alcM biaredlMtt lata taaeapaB aaS bod "Frutt-A-Uf r"tuu cured fiti.-r.en the Aiini ( i! i.rn llic Milijrf t 1,; three mlaataa. Whaa tool,mid the Bear tad baktaf pewdtr whtta fcavt bn juu, Uut thry tVcl belter ana rwllKfoli :r..in aMad toaalhars mil waO. 3ake la moderttt area to loaf paa(reaad tla with Htk broad vl v - bolt to carter tebaet)fee Si ee3ateatea. Ice with whne fetag.) stranger la every T- Thi U due to IMilnt It bn s fntirp'r tplnir Beefclat of reetpea whkh acaoenrfte In eeae aad wjJer'at Unit of Hies the froptrttet that mt of tri pe.ip la jUt-worlil athar eiaaaale IncradtantemtaedCre. Addraa Liuiout U!i!eH, made from 'rull Jutec. t St, Lawrtnca Boalavard,BteMreal. faff hfdrvifur a" ihir te 60c. a bos, 0 for f S.30, trUl ic-, 2. At all d-jlerorseatfctjuid ly Fiuit NOTICE l tir(t t.W l UxJ, Oils. TABU KOTICK that We, Allien JhtPRHS & MeGarrcry, Liitnted, of the city There ha never been Ulter iimm m U uury ot Jmbc Unpen u l r ua AopeH, iJ wrtlialitit In luj a borne til than ItM pretent have applied to the Dominion in.nL (iuvtriiuitfiit fer pvruiUsiun to Hire la pt'e f Third Avenee Baking Powniti iuill an ad-llMon i. wharf ti-jw Utt that CM beiieht at ptif itualeil tin Iut Ttirrv J and that It ( peeitibrllvt fee retidentltl , street. lour .1 . llluck "F", Cily of Sixty Years the Standar Tbete Iota ero M located thtl li inre Ituperl, said lot are ouneu now lh,y arv4 art will Splendid h fowl reeldeoual txiilartt property Ulm l th i'ri,ifal llovernmrtit and Made from Cresm of Tartsr, derivtMl from grapes. at mo e.tttat date. 7hy h l.tated to u. frootirs W St feet on Third At., Plant of couatructlon of aid Made in Cuia44 No Alum lb front of tlx lull i a lml abova addition are being aubmitled to 11ALK VAIID flUAItl) (enem y S '.rldi ,n Toronto Telegram. lb iimi , Wel and they alopa the Public Works Department prtuly up toward lbs rear Bur now, build jour hum on tbrra L'ui5ion Government by the wvl by is u so Miter car Provincial Uovernment. ligion many tliintt that are n t ,wwwf la In there the tot will be worth ALIJKHT d McavFFERY LIMITED true. Rid the Skin yiKd Jrl mora tut bottom DENTISTRY l pur-than Dated 22nd May. IU17. JSl True religion connitts of npiril- J.L.HICKEY UM twuM and let coil truth, and not of erroneous of disfiguring blemishes, by quickly roil. Tiw? sre lot It and If, block Junl purifying the blood,lmprcnring the tir t, sxuoe I. Price ttf for th NOTICE TO CREDITORS (beliefs; hence it follows that one a caUttao and regulating the habits with CROWN HMO BRIDSS WOH CONTRACTOR A BU1LMR pair. religion Is limited to the amount R BPSOtAXTl 1 . . . . . . l.t THE MATTER Of THE ESTATE OF 01 piniuai iruin ne knows, ami DR. J. 8. BROWN Store and Ollice Fixtures, H. O. HELGEHSON, LTD WALDEMAR (YDSEY MARSHALL, DE-LEASED. jthat erroneous religious beliefs BtEtHAM'S Dfjrriar Bash, Door and Moldings. are only so many delusion that 011 Satlta Btoafc, Tbled Araaaa TALE NOTICE that all penoiu tiaTlar serve no other purpose than to Oak and Hard Woods of all eltUat araibtl ibt lata Waldermar Sydney obstruct spiritual growth. kinds. PIUS Manbatl. Iiu or Prince Rupert, ba died va r about tbe lib diy ot October, III, Christian Science alms to destroy Wt Specialize In Hart-wood ui I rno. are rtuired to tend br pot erroneous religious beliefs "Ik Daily News" prepaid or delieer to tbe nodertifned to-tdlort by substituting a knowledge of taw-tat Set at Aay Metiekee. kt the WatlaV Prince Ripert Dairy Boat Ribs, Sash, fur W. 0. E. Boyd. Admltuttrtlor Boors, etc. truth in place thereof, and to destroy ttt the Etuie. lUrtr otmri and adlrettei CLASSIFIED ADS. and rull parucsUr la wrtUBf of tbtir out of the human mind alt UNDER NEW Plate and Sheet Glass End eUimi and tuuojeata of tbelr account evil qualities by planting good .CHazlng. tad the naior ot tbe tecaniy. If any betd in their stead. It PURE H0L8TIEN BHLK tbrto. qualities wages Corner Feasor 'and Sth Sis. by relentless warfare against all CRCAM Stuart J. Martin WANTED. A.1D TAkE 0TICE thai after the ltd tly. It IT. lb Admiiuttratar will d!a- wrong mental qualities. It seeks BUTTE Rail LK PHONE GftCEN U'A.MID VVotnea for iraeral bout work. llitioie tbe tutu of tbe Little amoof lot to substitute love in place of hate, ASSAYLrf P O. BGX Apply Htul OeutL lit periuot eaUUed thereto, btTinr reatrd unselfishness in place of selfish, PHONI 2S7 P. O. BOX uJy to Mich cltimt of bicb be tball tun VAX1U cuutbaad troofc. Apply tat Ikes recelted noure. Aad thai Um Ad- ness. honesty in place of dis-liunesty, HAZELT0N B. C. ail Or art PraOTatly Rtteaded To. If-, Peiljr Xewt wdlcv. U Mauirttor will not be Utble for tbe and truth in place of ateett or aoy part thereof to any perton error. It lays tremendous emphasis R. McKay, Proprietor. AMERICAS BtSlUllW, TRAVELLER. of wbota cialra b aaall not tra b. AT ROVE'S FLUMBMG lbr tvuta la prmu cxfaJal bun. reeed nttm. upon the necessity for The oldest established Assay Ht rtfrrmor tumUbnl. Olra full DA T.l al Htnullon UMt litajun HIT. "bringing into captivity every, Office In the North. AND partwitUra W tut 111, luUr amc Lata. hobSOV 4ca thought to the obedience of x i.iTtuioor rxiiso.i mr ixk Ml Btnt ef lltmUUMi Chamber, lltmillon. Christ." (II. Cor. x. 5; as the Hible L4KELaSE HOT SPRINGS SHEET METAL WORKS moaitkijr rermpuediac tor iMlane. Sobctlor for lb Admlolitrator. commands. It shows that the They make Saaoiiat Taaks. Sail ay firi l to ! lueaU17 la apart m. 1 11. cause of all disease and sin is HOTEL Plata, seaok Bkaaka, Oklataef Taa UWi iprrlpc MtttvCMMryt M Cia-ttulafi and that OPEN TO SUESTS ON eVSW STM and all the week that la ua tally dee mental, and not physical, ubjcu a(rt(4. Scad tor Province of British Columbia STEEN tUQNGWILL a tha OLD PRSMrONED TMt SttOf, paruraltra. .atuoal rra Iturraa both sickness and sin are destroyed Motor Stage will connect MrTTM ALL THE LATEST DOWH mm IIII, ftaffttab .1. T. DEPARTMENT Of LARDS by the evangelixation of with trains at Terrace. TO-OaTE WORK I the human mentality with truth SANITARY AND HEATING as .ssTLMurrs, Evarythlaf ha UM llae for HUH, BtkM LOST and love. It teaches without any ENGINEERS Eacaltaat Treat Plthlafl la Lakalae -tOTICE r raetory. Stotaa pat as and aa-aaetad tu ueerdue r)nenu oa AppllcaUona 10 reservation whatever that the Lake. to beHte. Raeflaf la aH tOST lxN)MraMd Llrm vilcb. on tliua Phone Oaaaoctloaa with Taerooe. rarrtute 'Jun Lanoa is onutn uoiumcie. and by klada of atatsrlaj. BaaaJrl of aH practiced irr iwtta M&U and UatenU truth taught for Agents Rses S3.00 ROTICE 1 btrtby 11 rcn um. unoer u par day klada. PRIOCS RMMCT, SERHISE Alrntrt Wrdotadar blfkl, Initial. L Jesus, wben understood and applied, ot the "Soldier" Hometuad protuion McCLARY FURNACES riRST-OLASS. A SATISFIES OtrS-TOSHBt i. riaihrr return 14 tily . pkM n rmimI Acl" anr Derion who did DO! is .vunicient without drugs For further particular, apply to IS OUR ajSL Offica. apply under tit "SoMlerf HometUtd Act'or any material means to heal the PLUMBING: 4. SMUCC JOHNSTONE. Bteaaoer. . PHONE S40. .... . O. BOX 4ST. itit ia eomnieu mi arbiicauoo io Dur- sick and regenerate the ainner, Factory and Otsea SEE Sad Aiaaae FOUND cbate. either by payment la full or by tbe t snd and Sad Street, elaee to Cow Bay tetettia or a proportional auowteni, and Christian Scientists cery 9UbMRIbbtK FOR and Soeteaaaaat Wliarf rot.R UJr Vaolly Btf. AiPlf tl'I mt he nroime bla Inlerttt and DtTlnt where are ?ns3ri daily In demonstrating SKCET METAL WOHKS DR. KSRSMN BUIUMtMk. (mr. it. p n full iba balanca of the purtbat and proving this to be Phone 5, 83 p Second Avenue. The Daily News prirr ana itt peiore ue tini wecuuver. FOR SALE. Hi?, obtain a crown orani u prooi taut. true. Night phonet 5?8 r.. inra tii tha Mloltter of Land II fur- Mrs. Kddy is acknowledged lo and Blue 270 r ALEitbr CarrMf. Nwnajlil. aubed that tuch pertoo U inSerlnr Injury be the discoverer and founder of i K,e. The right work, at the right abtenc of DOUr or otherwite. rutt .ue iiiiUr iud tuu ud na. ihr.Mi(b Christian Science, and many people and the at right tlrne, price. And further thai lb inureti in ua-uii buf tay upriabi puua ai a barnin. Ren-Ur ai.olirtlloot 10 Purchat bald by ask whal it is that bas 1490 punu for wtly lltl. I'Uno id) pertoa on Actie Sereic may t pro. discover. ! reply it can be Letterheads U Um offlca ot Mr. C It. ran rt) al ... i.t h ivitinntmn la the Land DW. said that she has discovered the Envelope aulbutlaed 14 Murtlturr. bo Ui Ua mtbi ot lb fact that troa U on Statements law of Spirit which u spiritual ditptwe of aaaio far Um 00 r, Mawo AiUe r.. end by the OUaf of proof Cards. Etc a. iiuch, Lut, VaiKwuvtr. U l. of lb Intcretl of tuch pertoa. truth. Sheet Metal Work Passe 96 miscf LLiritous rurtber infonuaUon will be Mraltbed on Mrs. Kddy discovered the law rB to lb Deputy Minitter of Land, of Spirit as truly as Sir Isaac victoria, B. C the law of Having teen in th EaL I havti Met duo evr. Newton discovered Unas ho)MAii tiy publication of tbla noUc w I thou I u- become acquainted with ali.rcJ- lUUi Third rrtxulr.Aneoua. All cootmlrof. HI tborttr will not be paid for. Tu. Sep. It. be gravitation,thoroughly and understood.this facl should Just era methoda o outfiig gasoline J Tbe News Job Press ILAOUATE ntniE (CM B. Uodoa) Tf not LAND ACT as Newton discovered that the Prteaf, of All Descristiws Dflse . uudrat, apply I. 0. B01 tit. or movements of material bodke ar Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting I bUX t. ' SaEEM LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or regulated and governed by this FAHM, LANDS COAST, RASCi IIVE. material law, so Mr. Fldy discovered and Plumbing, P.O. B.i 89 Programs tue principle that grvcrn X and all lines of Sheet Catalogs 0 Mllierd Tack. CO. Tk notice that w. OHEOO.V AMD CAUfOIWU rUILWAY the entire universe, including 0flA?IT CAXDd, Till W M rl4 . i.iiiunr. Limited. Ot VtCOir. Oe :: : Mcial Work t :: Dodgers lives of detail the in men. runation caBerraea. mi-nd lo apply for every Posters,etc. ia t'nlttd lt tf tl ot Conir dam June t, lilt. Two million, three ,miilon to Icato U foUowini d- That supreme, creative, governing, Prompt Attention and Skilled bundrrd ibotiMDd '.mi o b oprnrd trrlbed una; - omnipresent Mind or Principle Workmanstip fur bi.iradi and al. Timber and . onimcuelnr tl r! Pnted it lb is Clod, the only caust the of lol ITi t hence aoutb of uiheatl cmer Uil arrlculiurat land lfl Und.in United tonuiomt luw. torn Ao it chain fc low water maraj wenca norm-......iv only creator, the only Huler or H. LETOURNEAU t rkiiai followinc low water Hum and the universe. In uporluo luo. Uri mP ! (t SIXTH AVENUK north 8 chain to the Orand In Unit by atction and deteripUon of mark ilience rlthfof-wayi ibenc aouth Phowt Dls-b 3 !.0. Box 118 tutl. cUmau, rUfU. letion. ! rr.!cs laciflo NOTIOE followlnf taid riaht' chln tl Ivtiiaid una dollar. Ortnt Uudt U taiterly ratlnt Co Boa 110. Portland, Oreron. 1 way to the pltc. or Derinaiof ana con- A HOT BATH THE uiuiuf II All Native-born Canadians are MILLEHD PACkI.a cosii'aiit Oi't!E LIMITEO. tH urged to meet in the K. of P. Hall MINUTE YOU WANT IT April IiiJ. IIT- rrtJ flllcUie, aieoL at H o'clock on Thursday, 2H curt,, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. : to complete the organiiatiou of THSLNClNryKtflNtMLN You are accustomed to lor IN the THE lue MATTER ot freth Or AIM certtflcal APPLICkTIOS ot tit) a Canadian Native Sons Society. tF-V getting cold water ia. r. fur Lull Un til wo HI. oca naHCR.san a IMVRt stnatly. Think of tho satisfaction General Teaming Kievra ill). Section On (II, aiy of Salvation Army. of getting Hot lriu Rupert, Nap ttt. t Cl 1-S la,- 7 la, IJ.lt Water in tbe same way lit Ni'TlfK IS lltncni uiiu inai 11 1 Mart tN e. DOMESTio intention lo itu after tha eiplratlon Public meetings, TuenluyH. abundance, regardless of my CL S J- la. by S 1-t la, rt BLACKSMITH COAL r on ruonih from lb Ural publication Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p, ttertt Power. how much has bsen used berrr. a fretli Certincat of TIU for the PIno m. Sunday al 7:30 n, ni. ol. ta i i it. E3-ss bfof. Careful Attantlon to ln uientioned lot In tha nam ot the a, nJ Furnltupa RomoI. Aiianlie Hrtiiy ana improvement cwnpany Hor, Ptwar. HBT WATER LIKE BMflM Llinlled. which Certincil or Till wa Ale I, M Manaoau SJL, ittued on tha tOln October, 1910. on ap W. I. Wtlllarov MA. L I PHONE 83. plication received lb toth Oetc:r, I0, . For Furthtr InforinalioR Harry Hanson WILLIAMS A HANSON r Apply to f . 1 ' :'.' J 1 uiubrd ICil. a HI a a- .' I 't I in not vvauT ervrcti BflBffS M-.i Ji. HIT. Barristers, Sellellorn. Ea Land Rftllry Offlce, you tbjs' convenience. W. E. WILUJCflOt T FOR l-rlnce Rupert, p, C ONtV TO LOAN SIJESCRIBB Frtl(t 44B P. . Mst M II. r, MACLEOD, Dot lilt Prince Buptrt, K. O. The Dailv News ;. It, Diitrict Rtttatrar. Heltorwa Block rrlnr Butert, I eeoeeeeeeeeeejeeeeeeeeeaa,