THE DAILY NKWB Thursday, June 88. ton. CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT WCSTHOLME TONIQMT Local News Notes j The At tin Uiolm Theatre to. Right Furnace will he nn fllra full nlght Ilit-re Mr. It, McOeorge, of F,u-, . There will he show i gene, Ore. is In the city on a programs two photoplays, either of whlc'i McCUry's Sunshine Furnace Is absolutely visit. in itself would he a suflleleht or-dinary right right In Idea, in design, Mr. II. lloyd Young, of Port will attraction.he shown In Charlie the latent Chap-lln of in constructlonf in price and in performance. Simpson.- fs paying a visit to llfi successes. In "The (lure" It's a furnace made for Phiico Ilupert. Charlie attains to height of your needs and is complete in every ' :A' ' ridicule as usual, and this play single detail. Write for free, descriptive Ulilrt a Herfect" bicycle 0. W. Is one continuous ripplo of latjgh-ler Ntckcrson Co., Northern British from beginning to end. Th' booklet. Columbia agents. 131, other attraction is "Slander." whlrli is n modern society drn'mi Mr. II. T,- .Pollock, of Woden In hirh modern every-day problems FFCItryS lli . r. 0. a I- 's In the city on o are brought to the front T.i nUv Hint wilt nite lho SUNSHINE FURNACE Mil for a few day . who sec It much food for thought loidom ToojTO MoirratAL wtnimto vuicotnria Mr. K. K. McOunln. of Shreve. and it is presented In a splendid port. La T paying a visit to the fashion. Uertha halich is the city for a day or two. ; &T. and she needs For Sale by Steen & Lo 3 will . . . i no introduction to the public The lied Cross Tea held at the! here. Owing to the long pro-home of Mrs. Itlance. Seal Cove.!framme an earlier atari will ! yesterday renllied the nuni or;male tonight, the proceeding by I'. F. iMIe- pickles from Mr. "A Dollar which wen!'11 commence at 7 InTime, $6.30. The rallies Smart won by Mrs. Perr; waler- held over from the previous week color won by J, Hnerig; crocheted oaves INine !realized $9.30, I. 0. D. E. LECTURE ON yoke from Mrs.Ja. Uaraplon won CANADA'S SOTH BIRTHDAY The arrivals from tho Queen I by Mrs. Wn. Keith: l.-.f collar VISIT to Tlwc Kank ot Charlotte Islands yesterday in- t nrfer the auspices of the I. O. won by Miss It. Kenny; Marinrellu A Uritivh North America tcimied Messrs. C. X. Tubman, K.j K. the Itnv. Canon Hit will give creams, given by fi. L. Clayton, for the purpose ol J. Tingley and D. B. -MaxwelJ ian address referring lo the Soth won by Mr. McCorkindala; fruit depouitind part of your iThey will be in. town for n day orlirthday of the Dominion, In the from Third Avenue Uali Market, craingt' bccomci a pleasant two. .Presbyterian Church Hall, on Frl won by Mr. I). II. Hayes; laeo collar and profitable habit,when once 'day, June 29th. at 3:30 p. m . from Mn. P. HUck. won by have acquired it. Mr. a J. Clayton, of Port Cle!, A slUer collection In aid of th F.. F. Doyle; baby dress from ihe you mcnts, who is visiting In Princo returned soldiers' furnishing Sister of SUfJoseph, won hy D. The dollar you use to open Hupert meantime, has a son at committee will le taken. It. Kennedy; dolley let from Mrs. sn account In the Savings ,119 front In command of one of, Vlckera won by Mrs. Vlcker. .Department in turn saves l the big new armored seaplanes, RED CROSS NOTES I Tim Society wish to acknowledge others, as the habit of saving .enKnged in hunting submarines. . receipt of 1300, being the FOt W DIRECTION WILUlAfv ' .. . . I r t t. 1 1. t nr m i ! tm. - i i i... ti i i trows. balance of proceeds of the Cnuarrt Appearfnpin "Slander" at tho Weslhulme Theatre tonight. lale of this city. 'sale of home-cooking held in th- Tea held In Mrs. Frlnell s store. THE BANK Of ned Cross tent amounted lo fl. $ISO being previously paid in. Judge Clunnison, of Juneau, ac- The sale was under the charge or making a total of I7S0: also of an Britfcfc North rWrka SUM AND TIDE Mr. W. j C. Shorl. of Kndako. is rnmnnnlml tiv Mr rSnnni.nn nnil M., Vli... an.I Vf ti..i,.n anonymous gift of 11.00: 3.00 Kiu'iiuuig a iev uays in the city.J Mrs. nunnison, Sr who hnve been w ho wish to thapk all who so from Miss Hudson: 18.50 for I. 13 Friday will b under the ' Friday. June 29th. the city for the last few days, to make Hie car- ;ln kindly helped day a wool sold to the Queen Mary Sun rises .....3:18 a, m Amone the; arrival from ! left for the north again yesterday success. Chapter Knitting Club, and 125.00 Mr. II. Peck and Mr. II..jt Sun sets . t ...... i .9:31 p. m.'south yesterday were Messrs. It 'in company with Mr. and Mr.; The following are the articles from Mr. Win. Lynch for a life (Irater upplle of liome-c High water ...8:51 a.m. lit. 14.6 W. Wood, of Fernie. and ft. K. Strickler. Mr. Strickler will de- rallied, the winners and Ihe don-liver membership. jean always ! iilpuril of Hi Low water . . .2:38 a. m. lit. 8.0 Neil!, of Spokane. They left early a lecture on Christian ors: Sack of sugar from Mr. Itenewals of Hod Cross membership !ar reeelvwl. nndto overtake High wpter ....6:1 p.m. III. 18.? this morning for Stewart, where Science at Ketchikan' on his way Illoom, won by J. K. Sharp; slab fees will be gladjy received. demand, sreatrr rontrilmtions a Low water .,..2:8 p.m. lit. 9.1 lliey have mining interests. north. of baron from Lynch Hros won The sale of home-cooking netl necesarjr. tf o M AT NINE O'CLOCK O E O m M Tomorrow Friday o o 1st Morning X3 H o JS o m THE SALE OPENS AT H b o o m m Good The Acme Importers, Ltd., 2nd Ave. We C M H o I Men's Suits Hundreds of Men's Doublethrcad BaU Men's Leckie working 50 pairs men' Hoi.Calf H , thfem brigan Underwear, all boot from shoe value $5.00, for x Bye at $3.90 up. 1 sizes S4.28 pair up. sss. Move H o for 40e garment. U H manfleltl'a lied Label Men's waterproof Para-mata Slanfleld's medium weight Underwear. .Men's wool Sox, 40c value coats at underwear O 2nd S2.95 suit. for Its 97.50 up. at $1.00 garment up. o 30c. pair. to Tooke's negligee Shlrls, Hoys' Cotton Hose, the U m Men' black cotton hosa, Men's wool unshrinkable French cutT and soft best, all alies, o 2 pair 25c. Underwear all sizes for True! collars to match, for 15 M - ,i ,, 1 2So pair. Ave 85c garment. 95c. 3rd O Tooke Iron Flame,fine Indigo blue ' " serge suits at M ihirts Peabody's Overalls for Come Men's Merino Underwear, $16.60 O for 70c. SI.00. v all sizes up. r. o m i SSo oarmsnU All suit cases, trdnks and Men's Worsted Tweed Odd lines of men's working and valises Ave K M , ' .Pants, value 1.00 shirts, vale a to $1.50. Hoys' $7.50 suits in tweed o and worsteds, bloomer Lass 26 per cent. for S2.90. for 76c. pants for Ct Days 50c Neckwear for See! 96.60. $1.00 Men' Ties, your m Men's Penangle woo! sox cholco on K 30o. for 20c. pair. o 10 o(T on all boys' 66o. E M bloomers and Jerseys. O Men- Straw Holler llats, Ktnnfleld'a Silk and Wool MenV black cashmere sox o Great -nlue lo $3.50. Vour choice underwear for ALL m OYS SHOES for o m OOo. 11.90 garmant T COST. o pair, July o M Sale COME EARLY! IT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT FOR THE DOORS TO OPEN ft O m 9th M o QAM TOMORROW ur doors win OP" for th,s G'camlc Sole. The M yiUUIVIVUn Bargulus nrc a ccream. We only mention a few. O Imagine woollen materials offered under present conditions nt such low prices. Conic and sec m o o o M m The Acme Importers, Ltd 1 A 8 sccuna avenue &)&4&p M o . i i . . i I MPiMnnnM' nt' MAina whwaw, mam ww,. m I I , -ww yw- I WuuWUUsiUBUBUBUBUBUMrjBOHOilOMOa0aOXOHQKOMOBQMOKQM