|Lawalative Library AefPrPoPIeDeDODOI OIA as, en Che Daily Netws 40 Yea! i ophira: F. MAGUIRE PRINCE RUPERT Second Avenne _urerernrnensnrnenenrnrnes Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper x], NO. ! PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1920 remier Oliver on Public Af ead of Government Deals has adpetnwne abe Prince Rupert i is ° O i abou unds oO with the Dolly Varden Case the Air Board of Canada. SOundest City in pclares Elliott Charges False and Dares man to Come Out rit to Tae en vin 0.7. P. Tegra ; British Colw VANCOUVER, May 1.—Alleging incompetence of certain in _ in open and make them Mcials ot Gis Air Boord of i Association decided to ask the attthorities at Ottawa to conduct Nsocration deewied 10 ack the authorities at Ottawa (o contu"! That is expressed opinion of w.P. P. 1 wi he BA and se socal heir accent postions, tom, vice-president OF Gaiam Ps Among the questions asked are what amount of money wens thinks Northern part of B.C. nf Ink GAPE expenses. “The; Sia RAOenaoninetaae is ree of Province ) oy why offteers af the Board CHARGE INCOMPETENCE VANCOUVER, B. C., Apeil 30.—"Prinee sage is the doabaies Cina aes” to the nestal MAKES OFFICERS QUIT est city in the province, whose progress for the: time is Deine exhibitions in Chicag ind New Canada, members of the Air Service } ' akes Appeal to People to Work and Not to Talk of the Country in the Balance and would have Hearers Tip Balance the Right Way ¢pecial to The News via Gf. . Telearapna imited by its lack of he ne accommodation, for people — ANCOUVER, May 1.—-Premier Oliver declared at a meeting York last January and March re- Nocking in.” That vas at mé ge! Je WwW. P, H ton, vi ectivels Three of Vancouver G.W.V.A. ; ; last evening that the courts had no power to deal with the . . * loresidextcand #:ne ('t- Gat P., in eut.-Col. ; seott of the ubmit Resi i Varden case. He asserted that they could not throw out ‘ir B ; P. Aes . a eae er oday. Mr. Hinton says... ' Se EXPLORATIONS 5 Vax fins ‘ pa y : evised ind modified specitications which, it is hoped, wil INDEPENDENT | lai oa lang os 5 evel I ta Ne tion driving a stolen sHtomsplie, five — a ha ; j } i} ; f 4 j ; : Mm) naternanuy red i@ COst oO he sti inet ty ears. te the time To Enter loe Pack Around Wran- ne mbingt , . A ROW, DRE SOATe oe aii deh te tae LoeRaEe PILOTAGE IS ” |aoheodt, ae and Pulte’ Ls { the t being made/that over the tracks of the railway. The rest of the bridge will |Schrodt, auto drivers, on man. iX returns goll tsland and Drift Through iyi Dominior Polar Sea. 7 . me “er be On bents instead of trusses. Instead of the two sidewalks on | slaughter charges, five years, , y : Be al ad is = buil it proposed - aither side there will be only one ————-- ---- NOW ARRANGED. Oscar Ross, manslaughter of a Seneem oF 0. T.P. Telmerepne he } per cent of the tax « j man named Champion when drunk ae ~ 6-1 t sidewal ilthough ct) LONDON ar 4 ' Roa he property abulling that road|°7*?0 Pareys 9 ne JAPANESE TREATY Veco jin a launch up the bonst, sus. I ‘ ‘ y road will be of the same width , Amundsen, Norwegian Arctic ex-/in°each section, irrespective \ yy" 1 [Pe nded sentence, — « ae Pe ovOn as has 1 t i i ed his ex 1s i valuation, placing an|!8 feet. WITH RUSSIA TO BE |B. C. Association Formed to Main=| james Rey Robinson, ning prieere 1s WY ea TSAaS? : ; The provision for a portion rf Substati d P ib4 Pereeteteeeeereesees, ‘ashi : ; role butiequal ¢ on each lot, Anothe tain Substations an ossibDly | ‘ran, who ple coon mmewmmeipedition to the North sgt ye. ee don all the bridge to be built of first grad SIGNED VERY SOON . ste ul man tOrirercooe ee lafter his impending visit to Nome ) per cent will be placed | all a ork Establish Others. jslaughter, . Prince Rupe hhh fo ent elothem Jots in the section. not} emock Instead OF Hr 13 also e! pointed a ee Sy eh eee ~~ a 11 | . its th road and the re bodied in the new specifications POKIO, May 1.—The War Of (Spectal via 6.7. P. Tewsranna : | An ce we pack around ranges Sand | ADUSLENG . : oe ~ vhiel il ” at } iD ’ e tiee i ounce the sso-/ ; : m | oo ee Ohurch Service off ’the northern coast of Kastern| maining 50 per cent will be placed bi oe i a ut My JT : vn . : Sei pe men VANCOUVER, May 1.—The fed-| There was vt General: . = er Z epat en : once, Japanese agree »¢ sInn- unday, May 2nd. Riberi nd thence drift acnoss|by weneral debentures on the . : . y tral government's decision — to | Hospital on April | r. , ' ™. Sng ' . ty In the meantime the old tenders ed almost immediately. his ‘ Mrs. J. Slade ® and visiting ne Dolan Bea. whole city. will be retained but the deposits treaty gives to Japan virtually all have free pilotage on the coast | eifth fe w a of 428 i veer ae returned, If the tenders on the the Japanese demants., *thas been quickly Yollowed’ by | ; a , ae iM | a ‘ ¥ ' ; x ill ° DOMINION LAW FOR JUDGMENT AGAINST ew specifications show that a a caine lblans now under way aiming at Mrs. Marry La ni oe ee he considerable reduction in the cost J. Fadool, manager of thé Asia oe Divine Sern. UNIVERSITY PROFS ‘ the formation of ‘an independe nt} by her sister, Mi ° ll be brought about, the origina! ading Co,, returned from a trip} q : “plist Chureh, HOURS FOR GIRLS . t ; ‘ai ‘will b d oi : d “yl ee . E ae ing ' m ele jbody known as the British Colum- hson, returned fre il : ; " PpLenaers 10 dGiscarmied, SOULH Luis Thea in this m u Kebekah ‘Royal lich alltine on Unification ‘court of tnvestigation Upholds) eeetiees Dia Pilotage Association to work| ‘"! norning, f Labor L to Make Re- | Action of Governors. + jalong similar lines to the Van oO abor Laws i d és | ‘ 9 couver Pilotage Authority, whici | eneneenrene | (Special via Gf. PY, Telegrapns,) | ‘In ] K k disbanded when the Government! — — ‘ ue oes | eG Judgment recommendation was acted upon.) Peron, (Special via O. TP. Teleeraphs.) WINNIPEG, May 4. Ju i OTe | OTTAWA. May 41.—Dominion , n yesterday against the ‘ | After May 6 all shipowners rand C Iwide 4 ) linia. of ‘the prin ple rofos s of Saskatchewan Uni- Starring ANITA STEWART must make their own pilglage ar-| oncert f : imum wage and 48 hoi rity the matter of their dis Ditected by Marshall Neilan, rangements, Captain. Eddie, act-| or { j { t { l vel | : : she Tomorrow Nig ht Gwe 1 t r all women and girls, ex issal rhe judgement was al A smashing picture with hundreds of players and a great horse race. ing superintendent of pilots, of-| STHOLME f ce ti th se ong wed in domestic} written document signed by three} Harold Lloyd Comedy Bytapt News ficially advises all concerned. 9.15 s} THEATRE, : fr ult ral . m loyment, is| jude f the King’s Bench ap-| Prices—Suturday Matinee, 35¢ and 15¢; Evening, Se and 30¢ The new pilotage body is to} ~ . or i” . l | T iti : © to tee T “rr ate La age : red by the Royal/pointed to investigate the action] WESTHOI ME THE 4 TRE maintain all sub-stations at Vie-| e = strong avores ‘ ; oe £ ' Don's penne at Drug Stores Bh n the unification of}taken ») the Board of Governors} = toria, Nanaimo and other places} “Ret the Collection labor laws, at a session held herejin relieving, the professors of] Tonight Only Tonight Only possibly, but some adjustment of| r “~ i osilions, eorasere |)ielage rates are likely. Seer er erereserns | yesterday, {thee p { | o i! i i