sane er | AWNINGS T peer eee eee etas eran eee All kinds and sizes made by c. H. Jones & Son N (40 Years’ Experience) T Agent] seorcecosncoweteteeen J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. Northern and PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia’s neon Che Daily Netws PRINCE B. (. PRIDAY, 24, RU PERT, MAY 1920, Kid Returned Men to Hike to >Hi LSTER LEADER SAYS PROPAGANDA CAUSE ( OF ® arson Charges that Irish | Propaganda from New York ° sitators Desirous Not of ‘Helping Ireland, but of Destroy- ing British Empire; Trouble Similar to Egypt and India In the House of Commons yesterday, Sir that the Irish dis propaganda h&s al Egypt and New York Phe said the o{ said FISH ARRIVALS ihere evidence the same was ample om Bought at Exchange Today; Prices Small. EE MILLING OLD QUARTZ MORESBY ISD. 9¢ Clothier Reports Some E Fair Quartz Containing Native Gold. PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION School Children of City Under the Auspices of Municipal Chapter 1.0.D.E. Hold a Domonstration. Cold st Wha yal ft Nault {.000 ibs { at 10.1¢ strat 2 | the cil Ie of the Muni- Ld val Daughters of the Hinpire, is taking piaee this of- ternool At 1:30 the children of se then bled King Edward School wher ited before panad. the Westholme Phe the achipol the Chapter, patriotic demo children of ERTY WORKED BY ISLAND OWNERS - under auspices and Ad pr f the Que operty on GChar- on nee ivasaen in mass ~ WHEAT BOARD WAS DISCUSSED IN COMMONS H. H. Stephens Charges That the Farmers Made Profit of 211 per cent. mil Live ox at the @ dis the fl in A ben eatre i wae #al ly Clothter retorned on/ing theatre d by ¢ they McMordie ENGAGEMENT OF PREMIER'S DAUGHTER «i Miss Alice Oliver to be Married Next Month, It is Announced. OTTAWA, May 21 dehat« ‘ f the v MBERMEN MEET TODAY ling Lumber Market oe Worry to Operators. . May Mi« cam yf vedd here on : : : ire ty Presbyterian Church, itchewan the els May 21. With a , , of wheat zing the falling they declared, and t _iuerawors 2" DOCKERS REFUSE “ see ae TO LOAD MUNITIONS Ee BOUND TO IRELAND dex ure littie demand for were on iny shingle mills rhe morning vq through: board st age budget d that the Lhe poor vas paying In dis Macks taxes well as the In reply to a query ast er the He ild sil on the Government had decisi mnie "EXPECT TO SECURE CREWS NEXT WEEK b. Dd bud- uss nzic pret as » rich Ly Wwheth May 24 no spite the dey ire high and the nference to re order to stimu-|that lrefuse res = May 2! Laity this English load being shipped to British Government. LONDON Telegraph the to use Wot states is reached doek employees munitions gp Ireland mn, it was runced, har ” the MARTIAL LAW IN sale Sale, ' shoes on Day Saturday, ° 20 lhree aay and hilis tied up on ac- at Pitman, R. | in Smithers. MADRID, May 21---Serlous) bread riots have occurred here jreports here and as a result the authorities that the have been forced to declare breaking S tial law. the jthere Mr. Hayward, one cials of the Kitselas Lui arrived at Usk last Tuesday jake an attempt to reach a set jtlement with the striking mill em (ployees there, irike VANCOUVER, last May 21. night strike Visiting seamen’s expressed next week difficulty in officials that ‘by be no Crewa, expects to get away Skeena Tonight & Tomorrow mal and EMPRES THEATRE May Allison “The Walk-offs” A Sparkling comedy of New ork Soe Ne ty ‘ re Gaz “The Tiger ‘s Trail”? opinion would securing | The Venture of the oll nber Ge supplies for Naas points to} with land onj|maot nink failed to court drunken- Ludwigson the police the charge of his 820 bail Nels year in Dance Andrew's | ness, H50c, It eated | Hospital Cinderella lVriday, May 24, in St. iHall, 8:30 pum, Admission Was @8- ao Another Good Quota of Halibut igallon Current} indicated },, : ; i‘Oity Council has decided to logal- | was) River j ap-| this) this cellar Iwas found dead wife is ill, LICENSE FEE N BEER BARS IN VANCOUVER No Bar Maids to Be Allowed. CLOSE EARLY AND nO ae TO ENTER VANCOU VER, M ay 2141.—The incil has decided to charge! fee of 8500 near beer = and similar plac It is further proposed that bar- ers shall pay a of $5 that barmaids be banned. Al! bars in future are to close! dnight and cabarets at 1 a. pt on Satur s when they at midnight. No per- 24 years ,enter a ne DROWNED ! JAPANESE KILLED BY Mee ee) DOCTOR'S AUTOMOBILE. Son of President of Cariboo Gold Piatinum Extracting Co. Lost Life. . Or. A. P. Cathoun May Have to) wi } Answer to Manslaughter QOUERSNEL, B.C., May 21.- Charge—Did not Stop. W. Marsh, only son of Presi- Marsh of the Cariboo) TAOOMA, May Dr. A. iold Platinum Betracting Go., an|Callfouti> 4 eee Piveidiaon and war veteran, wholof this city, kille here six we ago from a m Wei to cross the| mar that thor ser ly co ense on license G,. G. MeGEER, M. P. Who repre s Richie n the P. nd con Legislature. day oh f age is to be ee a stituency ar beer bar. Les- 2, 21. a LseRR se ing, has face a charge. He said becau he had not been whi whil arrested and eks yesterday le, wae drowned ines-| been may slaughter he did ight the man iusly injured, nm attenipting a raft. body se not stop has not ,been re- Tonopah Belmont Company Purchases Valuable Mine Adjoining at Surf Inlet 21.—Clyde A. velopment Co., VANCOUVER, May pah Belmont De st, both of the con- the company Heller, president of H. Garrey, last with George Philadelphia, north en route to Sur operating the Belmont that it has just purchased the It has Reid &n option Governor of New Bru that his property on ig geolog ieft ight on finiet. The there Primrose orge for the h for some Royal W. has been mines annguices nearby for years with Hon. Lieut. Heller ment work on the pl Pugs Mr develop operty lev, uswitk. innounces rying out lt oT r. company plans cat a large scale this year, carrying from two to three per cent ¢ oe PORT CLEMENTS | ix ore iid bear GASOLINE STATION RATIONS CUSTOMERS Shortage at Spokane Causes Cut in Amount Supplied to Pleasure Cars. SPOKANE, Ma iy of, The inde- pendent gasoline station here has had its supply cut in half and is| rationing its Customers to only a a day for commencing today. s a gt Sum Realized a Sheriff Was $3,950 at Sale Yesterday. At the sheriff's sale held yester- day at Port Clements when 195,- pleasure cars, |200 feet of hamber were auctioned off in the action of Harry Plaster jet al. agaimst the Port Clements iBox and Lumber C the Masset! lInlet Jaimber Co., btd., and the | Edmonton Lumber Exchange, Ltd DAYLIGHT SAVING |Vancouver Decides to Legalize It] the sum realized was $3,950. The SPAIN--BREAD RIOTS seetare We Sots ‘tan “| jpurchaser local Port Cle- Pea man. was a Commencing Sunday Next. VANCOUVER,. May 24.—The!| —— PERSIA ‘APPEALS saving here elfective at midnight on Sunday next and| to end on + Sopher nar is. | anntieweeceiaiiiaaions j LOOKED FOR GAS WITH OPEN LIGHT _—o— LONDON, May 21t,-—Persia is in OTTAWA, May 24.— Edward/trouble, She appealing to the Bernier, who carried a light into|League of Nations for help against in search of @ gas leak,/the Bolsheviki, She states thaf a little later. His/thirteen Bolsheviki warships are threatening Enzeli Harbor, ize daylight ing Enzeii Harbor. is P. - LUMBER SOLD : AGAINST BOLSHEVIKT Thirteen Warships are Threaten-| Praapecilall to ‘bes Grubstaked F1 ree F ifty Men to be Sent Out by Provincial Government; Expenses Returnable — Only if Mine Wo Worked or Sold Arri nike ments are being made by the prdlitnetal Goventinetls o send out fifty returned soldier prospectors this summer, paying heir expenses but giving them all the return from what they The fifty men are being chosen from the different mining lisfricts, according to population. While beeause of her com- paratively small population Prince Rupert will send out only two men, most of the men sent from Vancouver, New Westminster ind Victoria will come to this district, so that it stands to benefit any other part of the gountry. Should there be more: tors than can be sent, the , ae through leither of the other districts. The meu will go out in twos, one being an err man land the other a man anxious to learmh While nothing is definitely settled, the general | upon and any returned soldier wishing to take ste ‘yr should at once get in touch PRING, ‘¥ lwith the local district mining .en- gineer, George Clothier, The fol- flowing"l= Ure detail of the schenre — le more than here ee re pe pract Prosp mut in ontrol very it se mineral he may find. these Sloan, aimed al is to eneourage districts selected | mn the advice of Resident Engi- eers of the Department of Mines; | and, secondly, to create now pros-| ectors by giving them a season's struction in the school of prac-| tical experience under exact) working conditions and under the| of an experienced pros- ‘ting in prospec as at present proposed:— The Scheme. ‘he present need is for some prospectors in the hills, and the|