— = eT - THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. — SUBSCRIPTION RATES: hy City Delivery, in advance, per year $6.00. Jo all other countries, in SUVANCE, DEF YOOR?. os ec chee ess $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $41.25 per inch each insertion. Transient advertising on TPOWE: DONG ses ok . . $2.00 per inch. Local Readers, per insertion, MEN a. eee BOO. per line. Classified advertising, per MNSOTTIONS « sivGinss's «se 5 2c. per word, egal Notices, each insertion, 4.%..%.. te 15e. per agate line. vA Contract Rates on. Application. Ad aiivertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- eeding publication. All advertisi receivéd subject to approval. DAILY EDITION. arrier OF WSGsl,! DET ROME cs + 0.6 0 tds 0 0:3 75e. | By mai! to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, 2 Fis Friday, May 21, 1920. ee — DEMERS 5 Suits, Coats, Millinery Waists. Saturday Only PER CENT. DISCOUNT eee es ON = = — = Queen Charlotte Mining Possibilities. Queen Charlotte Islands are again coming to the.fore from a mining point of view. The news published today of the de- velopment of a free milling quartz property on the west coast and the interest being taken in the east coast by the Guggenheim, Japanese and Ontario people all add to the possibilities of the place from a mining point of view, Besides that there is the oil boring work, which has been temporarily stopped by the strike but which will proceed as soon) as supplies can be obtained. We are in the habit of looking at the Queen Charlottes as purely 4 lumbering and. fishing proposition, buf it is. not at all unlikely that mining and farming will loom much larger within|s ge ae ¢e #« #6 @8 ¢@ @¢e/zrant anywhere 1 the next few years. . Fish Traps at Naas River. 1 eb i g ol ‘ approach to the Naas River by irge numbers of fish traps at fhe American fishing interests is something that will eventually have to be taken up by an international com- mission. Similar action at the approach to the Fraser was the cause of the ruin of that great river from a fishing point of view. If the fish are, caught without, restriction on their way to the Naas, there will soon be no salmon there. | The Naas has been a constant source of supply for canned | salmon for many years, but with the increase in the number of| traps, especially on the American side, it will be only a matter! i | of a few years before the supply will dwindle. Strike Settlement At Alice Arm, > ALL KINDS oF Canvas goods, oilskine, boots, overalls, mackinaws, gloves, waterproof clothing, baggage, harness, shoes, woolen underwear and socks. TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. J. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert oe eae SSS PTET eRe Hes * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * bn > Friday, May 21 High, 3:03 a.tm., 22 feet. A:44 p. »., 19.5 feet. s im i.2 feet. 21:58 p.m., 6.7 feet. Saturday, May 22 High, 3:57 a.m., 20.7 feet. 17:44 p.m., 19 feet. Low, 10:39 a.m., 2.3 feet. 22:56 p.m., 7.4 feet, Sunday, May 23. High, 4:59 a.m., 19.2 feet. 18:16 p.m., 18.6 feet. Low, 11:35 a.m., 3.7 feet. Monday, May 24. 6:9 a.m., 17.9 feet. 19:19 p.m., 18.3 feet. 0:3 a.m., 7.9 feet. 12:37 p.m., 4.9 feet. . Tuesday, May 25. High, Low, - NUKSES’ HOME =, san omroue AL E; TS DISCUSSED sconiust tee, su sat. ae : THE DAILY NEWS 8 een ~ ™ lee eee C8 COR Heh eee e MAIL SOHEDULE . urdays at 10:30 a. m, J. B. Roerig and D. G. Stewart — From the East. | Think that Hon. T. D. Pattullo Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. Friday . NAY 9 7 See boy ss =, | DENTISTRY 00 OF 44 QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HouRS Morning, 9 to 12; Mternoon, 1.30 to § 39 Saturdays, § tg 12 Every Evening trom 7.30 10 4 * Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 jor appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern BC er the = | Not See bes days at 7 pam. : v h. | At last night's Hospital Board Sw stig ena ' p.m Imeeting a lengthy ter written Den redaten a. Se a if — by J. B. Roerig, chairman of tBey sat Wave <8s <> 2 p.m, ispectal committee for the raising Sundays if p.m of $20,000 funds for the building 74" M. + 1 ‘ ‘; in ' sd R rd 25 of a nurses’ home, cca : Pattullo and the 1 ster’s an : ee id samdl ; eth From Vancouver and South. awer as read, ! ne of ° | . RYO wzcecsed fPeocoseoes 0 p. : letter would Indicate that Mr Fundays .. ‘ p.m | Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. Hoerig considered iat Mf. Pat 2 10.50 a.m Itullo had dedit with the matter et Pr om | | PIGSVYS «cseeceseses : ee + pin j t Tere ' ni in not . ‘ jin an indie rent i April 30, May 10, 24 and 31 cae & promise to the board as! : to funds forthceaming from the eae |government. The dis ippointment | For Anyox and Alice rr . DUNGRATS s ! ' te niimated that he ‘ould bring in e “ ~ 5 ' « 2 resolution on the matter at t < ste ular meeting of the board “or Skidegate Charlotte’ City and Lower Island points nt Stewart Oueen Roerig agreed W Mr. Paitullo had not seemed to give the maiter a re © May {, 15 and 29 lceptive ear and was not giving it ithe support it should get. A dele From Skidegat® Queen Chariotte ization to Vieloria Was suggested City and Lower Island points jand a general discussion as to th: May 4, {8 and June 1 ue derived by the govern - revel : al in the district, and the ap | propriations made to it was tered into. The matter will come PP at the next meeting For Skagway and the Yukon, April May 10, 2iand 34 , Ta en. From Skagway and Yukon. May 4, 14 and 25 u- a PRINCE GEORG SALLING Palak TRUNK BRS Nala For Anyox and Stewart Saturday 10 5». m. Swanson Bay, Ocean Falis and Vancouver Monday 10 am TRAIN SERVICE Monday, Wéncedey 800 Belurcey a) 1100 ae te atten ee, tdmoain sod W aes aking al Partenger Prime Ooo Points eee! and & & Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines af Tae vor rut sod re ‘ + sho chy OMce, G26 Third Avenue. Phone 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OOTAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services & 6 PRINCESS BARRY Stagwey, Alaets, from Prince Repert . April ©, 1%, 30; Mey 10, 21 ont FH Fer Vancouver Wicterte and Sesliie from Priece Repent Apri 14, 24; May G, 16, ord 20 for Keltehiten, sunees, The setilement of the strike at Alice Arm makes possible; High, 7:26 a. m., 16.8 feet. 3 ' ie mente Bay ont wil se euteenes einen “conti } i iy Va > This rs » 20346 : “e : for Gwenven Gey, Ox Falla, Hardy Gay, Riot ie the’ continuation of work on the Dolly Varden. This follows the 20:49 Pp. m., 18.3 feet. E Ten yY Ago Point. Orem preden Rupes ter Qvencen Gey, Goran Pelle, Nerdy Oop settlement of the fight for possession of the mine which has been| Low, 1:20 a.m., 7.9 feet. oa eine aoe For—Saturdays . 9 pm Beery Geturdsy 01 6 p.m is 2 a : going on for some time. With the danger of litigation gone and} 13:45 p.m., 6 feet. From——Sundays 17 p.m For rates, revervations end sailings, apply & : ; Wednesday, May 26. “ ay W. ©. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. with the strike settled, there is nothing to prevent a very pros- High:-@:46 a. m.. 16.8 feet May 21, 1910 ; . o ’ ; Ree ae ; : ‘ . SkEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION ' perous seasin at the Arm with a very large amount of develop- 21:14 p.m., 14.6 feet. Commander Stewart, R. C. N.,| DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, Bey ment work on many of the properties in the district. | Low, 2:42 a. m., 7.4 feet. left Otlawa today to bring the ISLANDS Surf Inlet i 14:52 p.m., o* feet. Rainbow from England to Pacific} axe worice wat William J. Leary of eee Phe time used is Pacific Stan-| oo ast waters kidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply Again to Fore, |dard, for the 120th Meridian west.| ee ae for a} OF t fos a) ond ‘ It had been feared that the Surf Inlet mines might shut|!t is counted from 0 to 24 hours,| The astronomers of the great bed tam ae eee? OW e a S are enst 4 j i lands down before long owing to the ore having been worked out. This! from midnight to midnight. i\American observatories are at mmencing st s post planted s The | table is fo variance as to whether ‘ wi ref Di. 1654 danger has been set aside by the purchase of the adjoining prop-| [he table given is for Port!varia i h the ea ag ty by the T pah\B C ah. ‘tend which i€ ie _*, | Simpson but the time for Prince }reaily did pass througu the Hh 60 cha bert ast . and you do not use Electric Lig se the | y erty by the Tonopah elmont ompany, and which. it is under- i|Rupert varies only a few minutes) of Halley's Comet on May 18 ceaat ; = ; — - , have to pay anyhow to Cook, Toast fa 7 oe - stood will be worked and will supply the concentrator. lon some days and on others is| ean a ’ tau aaaete, neebinos While there has not been much business between this port! the same, The range of the tide} The announcement was tnade| paved wis 6th day of March, 191 PATTINSON LING & C0. and Surf Inlet, owing to the lack of transportation, there is every|™ay be computed as 5 per cent|today of the fee a os “. F.| SKEENA IAND RECORDING DIVISION ’ “. lores oT ; . » ‘ . Lonner to nder ’ t dis . : . : ell possibility that with the advent of the Morgan lumber camps to|2"e#ter at Prince Rupert than at|'onne | erby Methodist) “ pisraict OF QUKEN CHARLOTTE , Se th: aj ak ; . }Port Simpson both at springs and|Church to be succeeded here by ISLANDS HOT PLATES - " . $5.25 vat place, and with the added stimulus to mining given by the | heaps. Therefore the rise in the|/ Kev. Chas. R. Sing. i So ie is acquisition of the new property, something will be done to link) prince Rupert harbor is slightty| e. Ge se & Aas mot wien & anes Ovens - - " o the place up with Prince Rupert and bring some of the business |greater than Port Simpson. Pile driving commenced this a licen to prospect far ) Gnd Fans - - - To ; 7 ,noming on the new Scott Buiid ° : nA ‘ . . to this place, It is\got very far away and should be tributary to| ‘The height is in feet and tenths)!" roleum + and under the following ; ae ; this port. " i of feet above the average level of '"* at the corner of Fulton St.| deseribed unde Hot. Plates and Ovens will oper J 7 ; jand Third Ave. to he oecupied by Conmaenang 81 & post planted at the an 5 — oe ” lower low water. { : », | worth west corner of D. L. 1853; thence H our old Hot Plates t H. 8. Wallace, of Rossland, with south 86 cwsins; thence west £0 chains as ae MINERAL ACT. an up-to-date dry goods and de-!/ ence north #0 chains; thence east 86 Prices Moderate (Porm F.) jPartment store. For the present|eheins, to point of commencement CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS, it will be 50x50 and one storey WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant NOTICE. I igh Dated thia éWi day of March, 19% ‘ “Wolf” Mineral Claim, situate in the)" . op thaactetaemnncibaectien citemameaanacasttiitteceiatnamtininns cate N ] fe— vaas liver Mining Division of ‘Cassior pis: | . . . SKEENA LAND RECORDING pIvisron cw 1 ma ret oh s , el “Where located:—Near the head of alee} T- B. Strain, of the Gilfillan DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE new freshness— Art iLumber Go.. ¢ unee i ISLANDS ? . Take notice chat f, 1.& Stark, Free ¢ ms + “o., announces the re ne ; . iner’ Cc B a i ) ae: £ fe aw ‘ 24 é (oe teas tae he dae "nereat vo "appr On ‘ a large sawrnill at Stew- TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of with LUX o the Mining econ ser for s Pertiecete jart. Skidexate, B. C., settler, intends t apply mprovements, for ¢ urpose of obiaining | oS “s Senet, th mai us +d r 0s uire ‘Crown Grant of the shuve claim | , heidi ee splecioumn th cod unde Ga healitl) Thedeietion tee gecmuat the ° ® And further take notice that acéon, un- | petroleum on and under the following +99 ; ler section 85, past be commenced before ENT TAIN described lands more delighted you will be with * z ne issuance of such Certificate of im : oe ene “ } ee “ : : Rooms: 7 ® 8 Smith Block srovemmet ts ti etek anne ov oe | eat . 8 -s od puns " on the refreshing, renewing ae ate ® 8r ay < il, . oa; Un “ae —_—_—_—_—— ate ay, . Brank Entrance Class at King Edward orth #0 chains; thence east #0 ehains;| qualitiesof the LUX bath. . ° *. : se School Hoste Y rda thence s@ilh 80 chains; thence wWeat 80 No Better Equipped Office in LAND ACT, 9, | seat Nesterdey, | chains, 10, point of commencement | For washing the finest pastel LEARY, Appljcan Prince Rupert This equipment, with my experience, will give you the results you desire Phone 575 Lady Assistant Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment Wrtic © Hears: 9-12; 1-6; 7-9, PLEASE PASS THE BREAD. ™y La Casse’s Notice ef Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Cassiar Land District, Keeording Dis triet of Skéena, and situate % mile east we from town of Alice Arm ake notice that H. A. Fowler and A. F Kergin, of Alice Arm, B. €., oecupestions mariner, and married woman, miends to apply for-permission to lease the foliow- ing described foreshore lands:— Commencing at a post planted on bank of Kitsault River; thence south #0 jchaing; Mence east 80 chains more%or lees to ianee River; thence north 20 chains more r less to Lot 86; thence weat 80 ichbains more or less to point of commence- jment, and containing 160 atres, more or east IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. in Probate; In the matter of the “Administration Act» And in the matter of the Estate of Prank Harry Mobley, deceased TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of April, 1920, probate of the test will and testament of Prank UH and administration of his estate, effects and credits was granted to David Gordon| Stewart and Alexander Finnie of Prinee Khupert, B.C, the executors named in the | sald will, and all parties having claims! against the sald estate are hereby required to furnish accounts properly verified to,| and all parties indebted to e estate are) required to pay the amount of their in. | debiedness to the said David Gordon Stewart and Alexander Finnie on or before the 1st day of June, 1920. Dated * ist day of May, A.D. 1990. WILLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for Executors, Mobley, deceasen, @XCellent repast there was noth. | If any person ever doubted the} Dated thie 6th day of Maren, (920 jefliciency of the Domestic Science ere ee ocean aeceeeee ~—- | i E | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION course it would have dispelled DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE their doubts completely to have! ISLANDS. partaken of the dinner prepare prepared) axe NOTICE that William J Leary of | aud served by the entrance C1495 | skidegate, 8. C., settler, intends to apply | at Kind Kdward S¢hool yesterday.|for « liceose 10 prospect tor coal andl The ginls issued formal invita. {Petroleum on and under the following tious and ‘. ' described (rads j . had as guést of honor Commencing | @ post planted at the| Miss Mills, while Mise Marcellus less. northwest sorner of D.L. 1864; thence | K B FOWLER, preg the presiding hostess, and/|sorth 60 ¢rains; thence west 80 chains; | . PF. KERGIN, ‘i ’ . a, ¥ ain in . j H. KR. Fowler, agent. | Miss Margaret Graham was in thence south 80 chains; thence east 60) wi | chains, charge, Vhe guests besides were |’ — Misses McKinnon, Gladwill, King, | and Hothwell. From the daintiest cards and table © point of commencement WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. | NOTICE of place decorations to the i ! THE patree of an sppliestion for : : 1 ssiie Of a fresh Certifieale of Tithe t& ing left to be desired. The girls |}Lot Three (3), Block Pifteen (15), Town | performed their various tasks like |0f SMe¥art (Map 818A), Batistactory proof ;of the loss of the above Certifieate of veterans instead of novices. Too pitta having been produced, notice ia " ie ereby given that it is my intention to} ar sree cannot be given to Issue after the expiration of one month . i oer rom the first publication hereof, a fresh * Marcellus and the class for | Gertincate of Mite to the shove men such an enjoyable proof of their | Uened lands, in the name of Victor A, 6 ability Eiiot, whieh Certificate is dated 24th é | Vetober, 1910, and is numbered #69+1 i Land Registry Omee, Prince Hupert, B.C 30th day of March, 1090 HH, F. MaeLeon, District Hegistrar of Titles, Advertise in the Daily News, tinted Georgette, Crepe ot Silk blouse, sheerest silk stockings. etc, use the foamy, cleansing free LUX lather. There is nothing like LUX. No substitute for it. The matchless purity of these satiny wafers of the finest essence of soap can harm nothing thgt pure water itself may touch. LUX ia sold at all grocers departmental stores, ete. A handy little recipe book, ‘* The Care of Dataly Clothes"’ ts gladly sent free on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORGNTO 85