ad _—_—— THE DAILY NEWS Rs Friday, May 21, 1920. p — = SINKING CORNER | * ah en hits . | WILL BE REPAIRED {__ Market Prices | “Local News Notes | Rie 4 | d } . me ee en ee nes es ears as BE ‘Southeast Corner of Mospital pists toak Mente. ie are : tr er BSLOAR «eee ere reeees voe ak d Si sare, ay Sunk ten inches Lower Than a. , odes (a ake Na Bee aoe eee Geo . ' N eel, Oo oast, -» 806 ‘ oe : nt tate | Beef, chuck reast, Ib. ...... 30e Rev, T. J. Marsh preached at an rao IRea . as Sc (Cedarvalé las | say. ; On account of the sinking of Bees a si aki ae. = ent + : . ha the southeast corner of the hos Beef, boiling, |b. #96. £0 7 ; Prize Barred Rt setting ergs eye = Hamburger, per Ib. ........ 30c} ‘ ae pita! the house committee was)” en $1.50 Atkins Meat Market, 0 nM Jast night given authority by the Stew'ne — th ae ca. . ; ae ywoard to have the matter investi- orned 4 aa r a eee oe \. D. Matheisen 1. J. Brown om he gated and repairs made. pte ri BOE {Di vceenece OVC) came in from Port Ks gton yes tae The secretary meported that he mutt % Oe ack ee ee pt terday. ay tisfied and the building inspector had , ee ~ iden inant S00 ta St ~~ th are our satis jinspeeted the huilding and had Mutton, shoul er roast 32c to sty Miss Edith P, ki f Hazel customers found that one sill. at least. was vo ee Somer senna 8 ow Was an arriy al he oily nottén and crumbling, 0 | Works rH bie the Minister of Ve a mart DAS 2D cc\om 3.0004 ¢ 90 " poe 109C | pepresenting t { fi } 4 ith «ay of June, 1920, for th rec Pst lac 6 6 wine oo © 6.49.4 f« Puc « ' ‘ ; | tin and cs mmpiei it f 4a one-room addi D Hérr . ‘ af . = \, , van, »o" lo present School House at Kitsumkalum, ETIMB «+--+ e ee ‘ ibs for 2 . rived the city « { eo Prisce Rupert Electoral District, Salt oolaehans, Wb... ........ 10 j ‘=o | sans, and Specifications can now be/ Spring salinon,.per lb. ..... 3th } @en af the office o , 7 ) | ““d. Mahony, &=4., Government Agent, Court, White salmon .......+-... ve \ cha for every ste t j louse, Vancouver, Wee PRE evibbawtiecseons 25 i S14 i i J. H. MeMullin Govermment Agent, re : : are ; Vegetables ! ’ M ee 1, ea w at ) 4 Mchingon, retary 1 the 1 Board, hit r the Depart-|(nions,. dry, per ib., ...... 4&5 ltavers J ‘ st or 8 tender pot 1 Ranintti Carrots, per |b., ....... " , ' pled See SO ES he ss ew as 8 A. EK. FOREMAN, “Fes ah i - Public Works Engineer Celery, pe suneh, MM bite Works Department, hibited sie side. 15 d Ali -# i May 1 1920. RUIN OWEP . ox ccce aT d al VAND ACT. lead lettuce .)..-.. 10 : ah iT S66 i CAN | WRRSOM. BOTOUIS. .vicsiccescs 5 P oa I | NOVICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO! Potatoes, per sa as g ‘I y v LEASE LANE { Se awe sk oe i Here at Last! {| In the Cassiar Land bb aa; ct, Recording; Rhubarb ........ ” Ibs fi P Big assortment of Sj distinc: of Skebna situate in the vicinity |, “ I t i if j PLAY z ‘ io 10744 Cassiar. ireen onions .... 2 ibs. f ‘ . ' . ie miticn tant wef ‘oe ; ; \ ‘ a § . ER ROLLS $l albert ‘B.--Armstrong, of Al m, B. cumbers, each istallhe It's 5 { x Q.R.S. and Solo Artist Word ? upa tic iriagemen, intend to apply| Fresh spinach, per { . . Rolls ‘ r permis to lease the following ae . Why it W ’ Ma , i ay pe Siseriped ian lot house cucumbers, eact ; ie You'll have to hurry if you want ¢ Commencing at a polt ter Radist ois ba ae ‘ : I he ‘ Sal Ch Ary, for they are the very latest } indary of Lot 1074A, fee ‘AdISHES, PEP HUNCH, ...... es % April song s idan ; aa by 7 m the fate ner of Sweet potatoes, per Ih... . wih aiK i nce at righ angle 1 sa ‘ oes . a ‘ “f 1920 is Player Piano Year os era a doe y, perunch, ....... 1 Comunit ft 3h; : resh asparmgus .......6%- if fea ‘ ‘ 4 Our Piano Tuning and Repair 2) i (Globe artichokés, each, .... 20 . ‘ ' ~ . ee repartee rent a , ‘ a eonth. California beets. . 2 ibe. for e , . , s ; V InGeé ryvision o ‘ te ‘ ; } aon a ‘ > ‘ a Mill yi MR. GRQRGES CAGNON 5649 <4 oeniar thence north 57, deg. 41 Parsuips, per ID, ..--+.e., 10c\4 ons x of Ma A certificated expert Seat ieee ee oe ae eae Evaporated Fruits. Wo Bt ind M Phone your orders Black 188 ore f f said lot 3643; thence north 26|/Blatk Figs ............... Nella Mel ' tex ast f feet to the north ‘ ; ot i; Will Ed d orner of said jot 643 thence ‘os rant RO sO . . rtherty along the east boundary - of : . ci \ 9 a muncs beaid Lat (034A to ths . ee oF chet | ROO 0.000 on caenen ee se 45 W rs Prince Rupert Mesic Stere jment, and containing ten acres, more or| Peaches ..........es05% B5«e ng aft a less Opposite the Post Office ALBERT B. ARMSTRONG, ES ES PEP ee OP ee A501 engaged th a Bor 644 Phone BLACK 183 ee Lee ee -¢ , TOROER HMIBIO 00: 5:% vc'e's B5e |G 7 irvey party, | ’ jDated 12 May, 19230. NN a eo. tir ae 20c-30¢ bas ta 1174 aeres of land up coe LAND ACT Fruit. ler the» oldies Settle — rk MNORG odoin cdg sei cinas 7 5¢ { | fotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. (jnanefryit ilifornia) 3 f ; ¢ e248 } atiaiecs oti “Ben i" f ens or 2h For Comfort, Courtesy~ ee ws ae sad vere ~ wane ewe ee ee A hie itt of securing ha # i Hsu ) a8, ange ve istrict, anc ee ‘j and Service ituate and known as Zayas Island BOOEOe: LOPONR)... . . cots % dele a5c\t? me fone! 1 at ' TAKE NOTICE that William A. Noble) 2ulk Dates er Ib 60, net! t last iight's meeting of 0 to een iet oe - 4 ‘ictnaa baie , | g Pe eee OS. - aa as Navel orangas ..... 40c to #41.01 the | | i] Board and a «special The SAVOY HOTEL linission 10 lease the Pree be described Apples Yellow Newtons No.1 4.50 mararea i z isting of Directors | ands Jonathan apples No. 1 £4.00 Mel Wi Murray and Mra : | commencing pts post planted. oo thelCooking apples.<....+:... 92.75) \ermicl named to bi a OPTS | ‘as saat, abou miles distar 5 7 . ‘ ae. j F, I i owness 5 fogtbagty direction conned rw S.F ee vanned Italian DFUNOS «+++ ily re ; Mp hi patean if MANAGER |} oint of tie Island; thence including the Pee, . OOP: AB. os i-1 0 cee Shi Coma ® prachieally iinpossihl be | Vbole of the said Zayas Island, and con-|(urrants, per ib- .......... 9c | Bet 4to come in under th Phone 37 P.O, Box 1704 aining 3,000 acres, more or lest Peel, per Ib G00 | Pres cumstances. | WILLIAM A. NOBLE, 4. haga all mt oe _ 7 re | Per Maomes K, Freeman, Agent. [Mixed SG DA FDS o shoo. 0 4b 35e¢ sik va it ~ } bs | fated March, 12th, 1920 |Vable Figs, per pkg, ...... {Scl,. Pen cow alterson and 14 mmm | MINCG Meat .....,.ccccceee 20 » Ge ' Agent 8. H. Hosk won : Srnvithye e'On a visit to the Hand Your Baggage Checks to PACIFIC CARTA E LTD ree oe ee QGotsa La ifitty. whey trit enone 06 ? ° As a follow up to the case of H. gent meg ‘Me fa he te ‘ JOE BROWN | Kellable Service at reasonable Rates. fom, who was yesterday brought! deal wit) of'the school bay | We have Warehouse facilities, up in the police court on a charge there who i ing hat ‘ roving "1 in Motor Transfer and - 43 6. E. Parker, Manager of having Jiquor in his posses. |ineorrigit| ise! Dat are Passenger Service | rion, but was dismissed, Chen! retuen tp: the Mterion ih a f, fy : ‘ Ying appeared this morming on nik s ‘ded St night and Ht then go tk ‘ tt and, Empress Hotel A. G. CRAY the same charge. Vhe magistrate, | Ones 8 he etottd fos th Ne Phones 176 Black 334 however, found that suflicient evi ? hi itd: Teacher of Piano dence had not been adduced to Kecent irrival in lad ; ee re Studio 187 Second Av. 2 co ot acocume ary ; . a ales aa Quick Poliverion econ enue yy et . eu : jow . es bottle! dpeses sale Thupaday, Friday , PHONE Blue 421 or 444 of liquor found, 80 he also was and Sal 6 nemon ren. y Rrerrors \rererretonrooons me. ° dieuskinad. ea } pe@ cent off rag 1 . i j i 77 pri tL Jabour 20 . i bi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS || 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c Tuk DAtty News WiLL Not Be Resronsinte For Instructions 0 CanceLLation OF Want Aps Over Tne TeLernonr m Tus | te eee ae anette en aens Bl ote peat ts es one onsen ete sem on ma WANTED (FOR RENT Room tt ' ' ae ta prive for he WANTED -Woman Saterday af oa en prefert Let ns to clean oftiee: P. G. heii pane : Apply box 7 box 88%, Pr Ley Neows olllcs Uf 2 fot tO REN Comfortable 1 ' WANTED -Dining room maid for mfortabl wus Ny private family (i 1 locat 1 General Llospital. Apply Ma ’ , a "4 ri if Room tare and airy Pt om tee j Green 165 j Ry WANTED Experienced house 3 th, totel I ch ie ail POR RENT hres ed f : Sim sensecttanetei taal fat, furnished Mra. W i WANTED Watch dor preferably St. I ie Rooms, Phy ne lled j 3m] > i } Airedale PP. ©). box 9528. is ‘ _ LOST Re WANTED—A barmaid, 825, 2nd : ba LOSI Nuewe i M " & Avi ‘ ii } ? mei } der pleas ‘ j i Sm OY WANTED i) s Dr lowellery BI j i st ¢ i! ward, i j 44.75 to $y pee es j SITUATIONS WANTED LOST eat i dog . markings on face a j ‘ . y ‘ desires situate bn swat \ aan , Mm : : de ‘ ' nd ba ci ‘ Apply P.O) deem of ‘ ' $4.09 to ¢7 . ) me | 4 | i i Fé ; iz! i>) eI a ; ie ; ALL STYLES IN RUNMING FOR SALE ENNIS AND OUTING : os LODGE MEETINGS SHOES OR SALI 4 h.p. Mbdiun LODGE 1054 LOVAL ¢ CAR Ht unr ‘ bese mtd ‘ teams ae Af Mill who > oe moses M meets every FAMILY vnue STi len } t cyel in per 4 D ; - eer "¢ GEO. HiL ' ' et 0.00 M - hal “ ee E ; TABRYE M, Stephens tt . ‘ act Shoe Mey MISCELLANEOUS PHONE 357 ORSALI La s bieyele ‘H al : | } ; ‘ i mn LONELY W eats — te wilh t ait Perfeal ul | be ‘ t j Peak aa vee { # | ; iH i i ind ¥ § nq { | iM 14 arty “ } | ‘ MlHSt ephens S47 i Notary ? crvences | a ) — ' } ; ; ; sii ; tees ; : ; . : ‘ 4 ' ay x “Al . : | FOR SALE ' ‘ ' ‘ sy ; { i ~ : AYN . ; t ; ; SAT ' : . ‘ ; | OU se : a“ j = Al i , wre fly ; ‘ new i “ iB i ‘ . Wor M . : : ; ! \ Sth A Kast 21 , Of SALE—Two 4x8 pool ta . nis ; it bit bare . S ’ ‘i * . \ 1) News ©) ‘ 14 a att — sid Water Hern AA Ceonhee R SALE— Ratys wre. Library we M. i¥i. Stephen ' ; ete. Aj : afale tae Bee : + Rea! Estate j rang ket 8 Sth A bast i a hora) Bewspe al i ; and : } ! (ys 809 Hord ; . ——— gy gy se n ae SAl : d Aut . ue ; h ENGINE : SAVE VAR \(h a Wie ao ee JH HT) du ; ALI ; ’ ‘ : j ‘ . ‘« wt <3 HOUSES FOR SALE. KIN 1OoMi best reddent pe “t = M rock im te He af x NK ! \ Ir ' : ot . » . ha) AL! Me ’ itt 3 io’ \ bast a 5 ; ie nial : ; . ic A a oual STEWART LOTS rn es Fred Jouary : Pry } tres OK BALI Lot Hlo« ‘0. Mar ay of May, 1086, to * ope ; = ‘ l ‘ Pri en, tals ' ‘ ; ‘ ' . Third Ave Prince Repett ' { . : x a ‘ ne at - 1 eet 7 ‘ \ Lol ‘ tfi, ; a. . - A ZX (Mt SALI Lot 16, Bloek 7 indi ® . : . ' senescent Lot 10, I k § May 905 DATKI | Spegeade e ’ i ’ ' \ Sixth Street. Ste t £500 each i , 5 SI rt M M Stepher tf _ ; Opens 0 enncejiaiilieinasendet : ie cist ali ? : FARMS FOR SALE } ‘a oe ition 4 a ae MIXED FARMING.~The ©. P. Rt ; H. Thomas h still i choice lands in As 4 A venue, , el tied districts in Weel ? May ' ante ov "i" > ' ern Canada If ale at low ; On Monday, 10th sald price twenty years to pay; TIMBER baa X 2331 ; Farm Om irvig ated lands in Sunny South bl ern Alberta, with loan of #2,000 Sealed tenders w ! , ; $ canoe snr Mint r of an i ate ‘ att i mprovements to assist new i — ‘ a = for the SC neoocorrnrrnreen il eitl 4 ; they are Licmnace X ous i “ut # ‘ F edar spruce Heomterk « ’ going fast For free booklets! on an area situated on i ' —cooeeeeer and full information write H.)* ~at! et cenes will be allowed f per : G. Loughran, Canadian Pae ' pmovel Of timber i | | p ce t Further particulars of the Chief I ) Hatlway Station, Vancouver, B | vic a. HC, of District Forester, | I ole rit ( fhupert, B. ¢ *% . ps lettin X pLA ee AE lnihininish wai nA rUROPEA om “FOR RENT ee $1.00 por 487 es | re POR RENT Newly completed and) pinsT-ObAss oA ; rhe. decorated hall abovee the Candy La (are ee , on Store de Luxe, on Third Ave aeoenetntne” Le eoeret , Hall is a hundred feet long and anne nee r TIMBER SALE X 2218. especially suitable for dances Rua ; e crore and other social eventa, For| BE he SP “—e- Tuning terms, apply to Jim Killas, tf] sealed senders will be received by tm piano ait ' | Minister of Lands pot later than oot 1s of KeP . ihe gm day of duly, 1920, for me y All Kine FOR KENT Furnished anche; Vatled of Licence X 418 to cut 6. ane Gc GNO ON , fee of @prue Mentor aud tt : ; 29 Ambrose Avenue, Phone | pica adj laine a T, L. 9710p, Com - : GEORG sES ; Hed 40) 44 | Inlet Gueen Charlotte Island Districts — sh de no 1 minders ' two (2) years will be allowed for | | phone, 4 Imoval of timber ; “s 600 ere ROOM TO KENT with or without!” Puether particilars of the Chief Por f PO. err nar ‘ toria, H. ¢ or Dietriet Fe rf “ow board Phone Hed 415, 13 | dupert, B.