THE Shows X ee NURSES "uiea. On May @ Firsi Hole Down Thirty Zam-Buk, because they have proved Lumber Mills Make. Usk A Prosperous Community relleved in mh? 24 HOURS name &@ that {t does what Is claimed for it. »ommenced mak- 1843. Still in line of business in Bai Hundreds in use Prince Rupert. —— IN SALE AT 2 Stork’s Hardware COND AVENUE none Black 114 Tee Sees jlversides R . Wl aD Fan) Green 156° P.O. Box 120 PAPERS NTS ARNISHES KALSOMINE, ETC. srauers care fully RINCE RUPERT ol lahe i ral Labor Council, O.B. U. iden Unit, : bor Council, Bj uxiliary, First age at Terrace Acre Lot tat Ter rrace or Ten fora before prices lots adjoin- te at reason- prices, te of fishing n Lots $75 to $200 ey Bros, & Co. J Estate and Insurance Clrrace « . B.C, ~lfrom the railroad treck. POPP one M LEE CO. Second Avenue, West. FGETABLES holosaie and Retall + Contractors and On Exe hange, Rupert, B. 0, P.O, Box 725 Tince 5 , P 047 wecscensceessopbinnneel 827 2nd Avenue SV. EVITT \Uctioneer pT and Accountant Wht etecercennoroosooe! jand Pattinson & Ling, #602. Four i in Active Operation and Big Power Plant to be Installed in Autumn USK, B. G., May 24.—Usk with it from Prince Rupert is at present in th of all tied mill workers, However, having industry up on “ace prospects ar early setllement and the consequent 1 present there are between 3800 and ae population are dependent the fo: titwir pon railroad Chas. few ranchers and hotel is who has been with a The district operated by in this Hhoais only po rhe general Kept by Lee Bethurem ment telegraph d as well room store "| A govern olice is also in- as the regular rail. ad requirements. Many ad cabins line the side tracks Lhie they are nah i house has been! furnished with an average of sotne twenty pupils graded as high as en- » class At the present time slers are eagerly looks |St4ges to the 24th of May,| be tors slal shacks of the where have resi. men now vacant. sehor In p der of eral ‘ Llendance are une ward ine ne 5, Lo them a picnic im real Kleanza Semmens. rh Kieanza Company ane! © carrying On yery extensive opera- jthé im tions here and have a laree puild-} Structu style, prog me two yegrs to complete. } which is De. the railroad side of ted to start out. /FO eit g of next week |?! for | buil bere, The and & ds saw rill expe lumber: «8 the Sk H ent of di ay Montre river de- | Wester from t train Hulatt Prince but Will be ream to ss to the railrs a spur will be laid lumber immediately for shipment. installation of service is only being yed by getting legislation igh proper channels to allow/and is iiiding of a tower on this | Prince of the Bkeena. As the cleared off, the land is/in sub-divided into small h will give ready access | ospective settlers. Further Development. further developments will on by the company hen they commence on the limits Kieanza creek, No work will) dom the large dam which furnish hydro-electric power > a low water in the fall, after Ux Jate of taken oul run an a0 sferred ‘o ears of the stiter came PROBAT tire? > d Limmbe;z being THE i iN THE whi TION }EN THE Lou! NoTL it MAY Still e carried Matter Is on will easily be iird big down stre imber is of district and well shing lumber will be first and best products of the 7 is furnist mill and can be |4) ‘prin am for sawing to the & fine quality in AND gmnined | Be paid of| News, a Rupert, DATET one Sertaking the of} prosper tations are sum and autumn, Kenney Bros., with their site in I a capacity of 15,000 ft., & Allen mill to the east of| ning out 25,- we little to the! Vietoris of the Kitselas vicinity ous and held out] mills in ls are ist as Cither creat expec Sealed itis ler the 27th }of Licen Spruce for a busy finer sk have the three Hanson miles wrsite tur feet daily. A west is the whilst Coast Di out One the ts are mu sawmill men, Vurham, part of the recently that he meved de SEVERAL BUILDINGS Bullding Ins spector Sent Cut Or- ders Affecting Houses in the school board is going to | Pullding inspector | aay issu- orders that ' . rain on hand whieh will @lthough there are on a Mr. A. W. His Hovour F on I ° Sunset . tore, as o , r : :n on 1 Clatms IT 1 Joh nt ver sic this order niles n wu t f \ Marti: . ttle ceased, Le 20th day joining Lot 335, val of timber Miss E. of 2220 says: fered terribly with piles. is the oniy remedy that gave h relief. “ar s Michigan Ave, 8 station about 107 miles @ rather unfortunate state of the the e now very an At} strike bright ount by for » ‘esumption of cutting. ee oe 10 residetits Most “omit a aan) A BK | | ey an old-timer of the Doxey, graduate nurse, Chicags, “T have a patient who suf- Zam-Bnuk er have used Zam-Buk myself. for the same ailment, also for sores ani burns, and have ihe greatest conuntpy since 1904. but and opened a hotel and GUGGENHEIMS LOOK | INTO ISLAND MINE :; ARE OUT OF REPAIR Repressntenivns af of imertead Min- less station. ing and Smelting Co. Take Samples and Make Examination. Samples of the ore old MeMillan taken by American & and the p examined. The not yet ay that if t Guge interest Sections 5 and 6. from ursuance of the re property at the ld of wera r about cent or- i] that sev. [ave been Cily coun 7 the buiidings lives of various the city the city iefining Go, thoroughly rest 1 down or fixes 1 tne assays able prove are is likely satisfactory but it to 18 and ten o owners in Sec- . the Section whers in effect The owners of ost of these tumble-down res live out of the city h t¥o or three heim oncern will mine visited min property Clothier, district recently, was “] the Southeaster n hor Inen are IoOimng sy fod @% har ex ed bape rated * SPARL rope the Jedway representa- melting & rty ilts ail- hey ene itself | by ing Clothier ine that on m. he ef STENOGRAPHERS. will om mn for jus and se Georg onday morn AL. : hers will be heid o: sina n Vancouve He and Rich eu ive r more cand nior sh sul jects Rertrand, ast one in tenening : ful ‘ f ss itee years, and this im : more than thirty-Nwe years of age registered at Rupert. m on ». App nars May sighed oF CINNES, E SUPREME COURT BRITISH COLOMBIA MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA ’ _ ACT . oa and MINERAL AC MATTER OF THE ESTATE oe 8 DIX EASED, INTESTA : ROVEMENTS BIS HERI ROVEMENTS CONCERN o- i No. 2,” “Maud “Su ADE RED Division McMullio ‘shall be all of Us said dex se ane “s , : + @4 niles t the mipnth « Jar 18 ' ‘ on i os ee expiration of one nth fr ¢ ‘ t mt Lewis W the frat { Pre Miner's nee i8 Cc, as a ned to opis f ‘ i Certin ‘ e I per ‘ that t id ° is « nt sixty days fron the was alive « 1 hereof. t » the Mining Re aid month of Ja: 191 : f in ments, for IT 18 PURTHER ED that) purpose. taining a Crown John H. McMvliin do publish not each of the above cisin order in the Prince Rupert 1 further take not hewspaper publishe at rinte r se n &5, must De B. ¢ for & period of e mont ‘ cna fs h ) at Prince Rupert, B. C., this ements, * of April, A.D. 499 " Dated this 2nd da JOHN HM MULLIN, : ee a Rwik W a} Adi — oe ‘TIMBER SALE X 2385. @in be rece not later for the 1,060.00 edar and 13 that action ramenced be rtifcate of of April, A.D. 1 PATMORR TIMBER SALE x 2286. t ved by tenders will be received 7 le ‘ ands Gf Lands Dot iat ? J day of May 102 ce X#286, to ent i o Cedar and Hem! nm al ‘ 1- | lime f on an Swindle mshewa Inlet Queen strict ul District 1 year will be allow ] r One { year 1 of timber rolars or the rther part ars oft or District ter, Prin Virtaria, B.C r Distrt ' rt. 8.1 Charlotte WUl be allowed for Chief F re FAYERS $370,000, ALITTLE CARE WOULD HAVE SAVED THIS BE CAREFUL! i Stewart Land Co, Ld. | ee Fifth Street’ STEWART _ 101 Pemberton Block VICTORIA Lots for § Sale All Parts af the Town Listings. of ines Lots Wanted === HELGERSON, LTD LOCAL ‘AGENTS === ‘ NOTICE TO FISHERMEN aa BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT | ‘and Ice | At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. =z ie E. H. SHOCKLEY Reopening in new works at Cow Bay With additional Machinery and a§fuli stock of Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint ‘ Phone 383} Quick Delivery by own Truck now been time an} daily.) j | which has for some about 20,000 ft, Mining. disappearance hills} and) umber Co., oul of rhink werngre rapid from the lower prospectors the snow With f the -—_- ——-—— =— es Gene Renal Says:—“It’s a . Great I Life If You Don’t Weaken.” there are many inter triet. Only recently the Kitselas Copper Mountain Mining Co, in- stalled much improved machinery} iat the Cordillera) mine which situated about a mile to the west £ land is only a few hundred yards individ- also contem- Is} juai mining men are plating further improvements he. lfone the season runs out. With the completion of the new ferry ia @reat tract of land will be open- led for new comers whieh is much |more suitable than the ground on the railftoad side of the river. A ibridge has also been promised land pressune is being brought to ibear. from many quarters but the jouteome is still rather a doubtful one, Tenders were opened at the meeting of the Hospital Board last night for the installation of an olectrical alarm system at the jhospital and were re ferred to the Committee, The tenders George Waddell, $614.50, | House were as follows: | , Parkin & Ward, Ryn: j 8670; ested mining men in the dis-| CANT Yor EveR. HAVE ANYTHING BUT BACON AND 6665 foR BREAKFAST-— 6ET SOMETHING Lse FoR A CHANGE whe! oe" NG ae LAMB FOR HWE (> AGONE vo. A RESTAURANT You KNOW 4 DONT LIKE STEW = ak On STEW AGAIN FOR, Sik (EARS WHATIA Go AND GET VEAL CHePs FER ME.~ You KNow iTS TS 6 uit ft Pant aut