ruesday, July 20, 1 THE DAILY NEWS r = = —_——— —=<—<_———————— | Morle y Shier is on a bu ine iit i. [ | N N t my to Aliee Ari ews 0 es | Greatest reduction ir cos at ! ° Vite's July Bale preawat S ] ht ¢ Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, tg | Lines. t! u n ig t Ladic suits at our sale 25 pe Mr. and Mre. G. A, 4 i cent discount, Jabour Broth: Port Essington ' W h D y Lid 69 le city yesterday as a S ; . . . , d ‘ : il Mra. M. McMillan a { fron , Towels illoy - Cases and ; i heelings hy Se sides Ps Anyox by the Uy A Sunlight Wash Day 1S free j ite's July Sal tc] Chelohsin, this: morn from the toil and labour usually Olof Manson returned from!) We eam save you 15% on Fi associated with washing, ' , oo a? aa ; nsurance in old strc npanis ® ~ oe Sonin 9B Yay Rrencese Mery) eee, earn eee because Sunlight Soap washes : esterday arvernoon. Cha c ee Ltd. tf clothes beautifully clean and . Demers Block Heducing Sale ’ F . ® ° “ i cuiiline anid Yate St tne] TRO d the white without rubbing or | é Sie ds Islands this morn i 1 Day . | While the choice is guod,. tf os 7 raft of logs for th Rupert scrubbing. i i ae Miner, the Alice © Arm |®awrmill, 6 4 77, b ie man, t# in the cit today ' * ° NW 4 DIFFEREN uf of ree erent n route for Seattle on the Chel >. Jo RES . un I WH s a oo , : ~ ! ac am . . . morning and Ww ia few s WW HH) ys se 3 Sa “ 12 cee 7 ry ukely 40 per cent discount on all our)|ays in the city be : - Pe, .F we damaged ¢ ‘ a wAS 4 IM ° salf, d link cotton, to the Atlin dist Sere My es ae This is one of ther be d the vention fF ichamoisetts Jabour Brothers F. oes Y ‘ZEEE : of the Brunswick U1 ey atk which Lid 60 oo ra J . er Les : _— te ; ° e > fnandaer if) iw ! { HT = j hy a mere twist o \ ; y adiue + hy am ; t r t vijusted every member G. W. V. A. ur rmy In Franee Alaskan a '. ; ' to all makes of re ea didi a iad te pbs Mn x the Alas post being the surest, gentlest, purest of k The adjustable wei! the Tone Arm day night's meeting. Urgent of the We we oc i ot nee ee ee | UTE i il : es vactly the oht a Be ae ; bas pg | tne nands. . : ; eee nS fe . ee a so ay ik yr heres tet tiene ast nt they last ever so much longer—kind wen 4 rt bee ae o- x aia = For three ply cottonwood lining towards the cua to the hands, too. Every cake “ona 1, MAKES OF rer eG CORKECTL ¥ for buildings—can be put on by td td : : oe 9? Wipers 5 and without possibil ry to aa wnabe-el imatéareeee KM, Shockley) Licut-Cit, WN. Winsby hea carries the Sunlight $5000 guarantee ‘ record Cow Bay. tf | bee appointed of purity. - is : _ 0. Pe « one 453 Shawatlans Passage n of Ald. Dybhay : assiat r r for b ts to 100 feet db id. MeLennan, th I . tables ‘ : , yal. Mokennan, this) Bolts, dining tables an a . om WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED ; M oon Ki? MAC HINE SHOPS és i . N a M Mans Butedale, B.C. a } aal ontinues all this wes There may samelhing ven 5 S : Zz i 7 alte 2 a, Brothe Lid 69 want t lnssified coburn "Cortiticate No saree — ae _ Seal Cove Marine We ays, Ltd. eel di sunt dab ‘Fro Ghedn ‘. Mauager \t last nigh cil meeting WAM NOTICL ‘ et Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 é Phan ane 391 Wace Green 153 tt mayor ' ed further su \AGE , : 3 ~ with t sale of local muni th { at i in i Sete al bynds, Some Buyers asked/ TAKE Neri a ae peateof" tm e ine ri f, td. r f Section bridge bonds inj} rl ver, B, AD 102 : Lipreferer to others and it was “Pi Te a . ah (PEcK, Moor: ©, BULLDENG) J ; ly these would soon be sold./4# Clearwate creck LAND ACT. . --MISS GLEESON The figure for. the, conptesotion ifevs sttgy i UGA Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. | Lumber, oe and General : f the new bridge ms°* been re- ; lish Columbia in Cassidy Lend District, Recording Dis ' > duced toe $22,000 and it is pos os w “8 rhe oe , 8 as oF Skeeus, anu uate at Alice’ Artti Brokers % 20 . . me ible an even lower cost may belo t reated i “ab ut Take notice that John M. Merrisén, of . x 8 per cent. gC ount on a os Nasal 2.50 it Mill Mood about |atice Arm v4 fretinter, | intéuds Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ‘ ? ‘ ‘ ale 1 ‘ ly 1 pertuission » lease we fo S =—-73430 { E # rit Jul s le i i ») we r ‘Lan: the + t rf a be is st planted at Uh — : w UT7iieT m0dS ; s SUly ee Use UP | posit be determined after i ret f Lot 4079; thence| , x | lid thish s in full swing, tf jsurve : “ ed : t Reet P 4 deg 3 n W 462 feet to the] LAND ACT. y Z netuding Coats, Voile Dresses, Cotton Skirts and ° * e ae . ‘ sis tn on ." 1 Wolf fox ; \. “ » und of , aa} P Vuile J ist Thy Prineess Maury arrived | Group M AiLhts near the ‘Kites My hesery pre tueed: then a a |] NOTICE OF Ae LAND. ele The Smeeton ; ; iver the soutinwest cera o e ’ TD 4 — refrn the uth at one of eloek ves rt \ sted My tn ground Keser uw . hwester follov tu tsslar Land Distriel, Hoouriing » 0 . ; ; far : Oo? ont istrix skeen ituate i te @luity POOODO ore - one covccececcoccccooorocoooos |! Cay afternoon aid sailed for \ oft ‘nnd an application | feet ‘ the "! int of sitnencenn at and of ure of iA { scsiar ae settee Tea Rooms bad the north at & pom Just ~ the /pursuant | ‘ i to the “Water Act,/ containing 24 acres, IG or less } Take notiee that we, Allen Fateoner and eT Sad i n@,, Wa ° , f Ae . ‘1 " took hts” weil at the ottlce of i “sOUN M. MORRISON, [Albers B. Armstrong, of Allow Aras: &. t 309 Second Avenue « =; ’ oat as ready to leave e dock! Water mM i iner tu ert in the per od. Nash, B.C.LS., agent feceupations cartageiien, aErprty i * PPOEEROO OOO LAO ORLOPEL LEER OODOOL OOD tan : 3 nt a was ae a from |Previnee of B Nithib ta ‘ : : Dated Nay’ 2188, im for penn ae ty lease” UM “to i wing de for ; THEO COLLART, N P bli a, ve Ce ah, potas tla ; @bje + “ ' 1 Wate pes ; N PROBATE $ y nn . ing at ‘ point i ti ust y Home Cooked Meals : . Seay u 1c lated pussengers upon arrival - one Build Viet ria od A Pa LSP Of { Mat . eer | u { lot in a the 2 rl a D ‘ Ey i — foe a : ot 10, Block 27, Section 1, Avenue, $2650.00, sel up a loud call for assistance [he o ot : newspaper. ; R” OF THE ADMINISTRA: {boundary easterly 175 feet more | et eS * room aane and Baseme at twe lo th Avenue Bast, lou be fo ‘ “the : had Peo Close ' t whit tne power will ot i N ACT ee es 5 sine wi eee 4 tbe star shee co eae : ry our Home Made Bread 5 00.00, . — . Te ! buted area oof 50 milos . 4 ‘ egal i r x o 5 . - s : ¥ - : , Cake P a Lots 19 and 20, Block 16, Section 8, $100.00. enough to see that the plank wat rediua from the Woll Grgep of :afinorel IN. THE MATTER OE THR Ber Ate: rie a Deane, Saueiery, See Soe Sores Hf and Cakes * Fire Insurance Real Estate Accident Insurance only oven moved cane ady The pet f pied yi th M me me ae TAT Sees ) rs the = oh He coun ary of 1 4 ad ; Ph Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast carrying a sullcase Was ony LL ee pirate Water Rights and with YAKE NOTICE that of Mis res Pe asslar ae: ce borth a Gog , pense sn c0sRsn sn snee cEsesee, one Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. t ) ed from being precipitated into me Wat Recorder st Some. 7ikeerti Honour ® Bee. Seana: wale, are At LenkutiGeea hausdart lee ta: kee eauni st Ou if @ PIlOck . Fox 66 Y f » the strap of aforesaid, and wit be heard in th Mee of J Ab ft 1 was : ited Ad> |mention a b sndary ne 1 the “~ ’ MOOC>DCOOT a ne oil ms \ ary by “ eens Ne ri of thi RS ard Of ny sttation a hy date | niu 22, Oe come of Chas les fae, of ofa : ‘3 at ther 4 ore 26 Piano Tuning it , s Rights, ae re a ber “rin _ = ay c oi i ! utd . pie ir a t a ~ eB a Ste peree. ae ve and All Ki Kinds of of Repairs, . the Comptroller f Water Rights or of to me rt © Ue th day of Augtsi, said Lot 10744 to the nt of commence ee ubscrib f ‘ h D il N the “ at Reeorder at Prince Rupert A i ain é im ties Indet te tu 1 mont and containing ten acres, more of GEORGES ‘GAGNON t e or e al Vv ews Just arrived ae er al BAYLOR MINING COMPANY I JMITED these vdeb 5 i ; fort rwitt ars) ALLEN et AAMSTR ING, ; For Outside Orders address ~ House Furnishing l‘in ‘Pite’s By ¢. B. North. ay HN H. McMULLIN sae a P.O, Box 1666 Phone Tl : . ‘ ate " rhe dat f the firs blication ! eta ninist y Alte Falconer, Agent ‘ . pene ~ 7 he Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia male] uf thee is the 7th tas of July, 1920 DATED ia e july, 1920 {Dated 12 May, 1920. ita : ee os