=~ Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come * and inspect them. ORMES | IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phitnes 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! Sa o! For the Salt Lake Bathing Caps Water Wings HUNT man that a neat, links of approved styl scarf pins, a seal ring and other MEN of TODAY give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize prosperous appear- ance is a passport to success, The Right Jewelry quietly designed is expressive of good taste and adds distinction. Have you the useful articles every needs, a good watch, cuff studs, conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler | Lomhorrow {to Montreal. ee VANCOUVER commencing at corner of Lot 16, False Inet, thence east 40 chains, 140 chains, thence west jnortherly along shore Mmenrement, and containing 160 acres, less. 3rd Ave. Interested in CUT GLASS « We mean the real thing. i The kind with the brillianey | yinister TIMBER SALE X 2434. Sealed tenders will be received by of Lands not later than moon on | oipistrator to the Estate a . ste «| the th day of August, 1920, for decease ‘ of diamonds and CS WOTERE OF oe cor Licence ¥ 9134, to Our & er once: a. and tbe an ane ; oridmies I Ss N1o08 scan ae ~ 2h weed a th d ; . m4 On before the 6th day We think it a mistake to put — Ney Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis-+ 1920, and all partics indebted ve ; * are required to puy your money ihto any other ‘ a 53) years will be allowed for re-) jeje ate imaras to a | inove , iber. i sort. | Further particulars pf the Chief Forester, } ‘ometal Victoria, B.c., or District Forester, DATED this 61h day_ We'knew you wouldn't want | Kupert, B. ¢ . | a ; }NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC ( sf ve 0 ) eo eri 1 to, so we did not put the other TIMBER SALE X 2384. | RS. Chapter. 3 kind in stock. | ’ Sealed tinders will be received by the Little odd pieces from $3.50) Minister of Lands not later than noon on} 2nd day of September, 1920, to $6.00, Brilliant bowls $7.50) eres to $18.00. We'd like your}? 20,000 ock on Pe, feet of Spruce, of Licence X 2384, to ) years will be allowed for re- i ‘ile au ‘of timber - John Bulger gear ee or oan Chie Forester : Jeweler For Sale Desirable Furnished House tion. 6, for quick sale. B.C, oF District Forester, B. ¢ Terrace | Strawberries 3 reoms and bath in Sec- ’ are arriving cedar ‘and en m- an area adjoining ste F 5 he } Hegistry opinion on it. . | umshewa Milet, struct the | NAVIGABL : WATERS hereby give notice 7 of the said Act, | Mints ster of Public Works in the Land Registry ’ Rupert Land Hegistration Distr et at p jRupert, British Columbia site and plans of a wharf pr built in the Skeena River in said Provines $2,350 cash [J eacn Plan and blue print of this house on exhibition in our window. & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 We sale youl train sees heavier Shipments agents for twelve of the largest shippers in this dis- McCaffery, Gibbons |} ‘° ity are right. Gur prices and qual- | Wire, write or phone us orders. are acting as wholes» PUS SERVICE TO HOT SPRINGS AT LAKELSE | Visiters to Lakelse Hot Springs} can get automobile service f Terrace by notifying ©. A. the liveryman, Park Garage, rate, who has a new Ford ear and) truck for this business; able rates, NOTICE Wake notice that Hunt & Shrub-| , Ltd. intends ty pt to the | Registrar of Joint |panies to approve the name from that Shurbsall, Ltd., to iHunt, Lid., in aecondance lsub-seetion jpanies Act. Dated at Prince thie 42th day of June, & SHRUBSRALL, Guy ‘Tombs, tratic the Canadian Export Paper Com ipany of Montreal, will arrive from south by the OF COA TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Of Oecan Falls, B. O, oceupation pulp paper makers, intends } Hanis to tease the following at PACIFIC MILLS, | By Mark Smaby, | Date June 2ist, 1920 IN PROBATE ju THE SUPREME COURT | COLUMBIA THE MATTER OF THE TION ACT anid THR MATTER OF HERMAN ANDERSON rESTATE TASE NOTICE that F. MeB. Young, mace . July A.D. 1920, | was JOHN H. MeMULLIN Minister of Punkic of British Columbia, that he has, under Act deposited with the Works @t. Ottawa the District eeeeirer District of Prince Queen CBarlotle Islands | description, of the sile and the plans » eXtension to the Eastern end upert Wharf, Waterfront Block i “ Townsite, And take notice that after the expiration y month from. the v4 pubes tiem of this notice Works will under said act, apply to Works, ¢ttawa, for approval « {Said site and plans and for 0 sak) whart extension Dated at Victoria, B. &., jor July, 1920. 1u Minister of Public Ss. CHAP Fish 41) and and €., being a of Section Eleven, Blor District, and Blocks part of District , Coast District in said Province AND TAKE NOTICE piration of one month the first publication of }Fish OH and Products |