Tt EL ye ‘ > * a we a "ge 8 » ————L——— —————_L ee THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F, PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliyery, by carrieror mail, per month .........-. - $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United ‘States, } in Advance, POr VEAP Le ee ee ee Meee eee eel $6.00. To all other countries; in adyanee, per year ............. $7.50. | “TELEPHONE 68. Transient Display Advertising $4.25 per inch each insertion. | Trmsient advertising on front page .........,. $2.00 per inc h. Local Readers; per if@értion, .......eee,e0045 B5e. per line. Classified*advertising, per insertion, «Hb ede abet Cy, DAT Wena Legal Notie¢es, GacWinsertion, ...... neces ibe. per agate ‘line. Gentract Rates on Apfidiestion. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ceding publication. All advertising rece ived subject fo approval, = = = DAILY EDITION, asta Saturday, August 7, 4920. _ Cow Bay Question Pet pet bee ate Should be Settled. The Goy Bay question undoubtedly should be settled soon and the status of everyone made clear, \ Reeently Captain Free- man asked the Board of Trade to recommend that floats be built on the waterfront between the old Hazelfon and the Imperial Oil property. It is found that this land belongs to the railway com- pany and may be transferred to the Provincial Government or somebody else. Elaborate plans have been drawn for improvements to the provincial docks. It is Cow Bay that is holding it up. The Cow Bay bridge is anything but a credit to the city as} it at present stands. It ts a smelly place and something should be done to improve it. It is tied up, however. It has been pointed out that the level crossing to the pro- | | | | } vincial dock might be put in without closing Cow Bay. There is plenty of space, apparently, for a road where the present road] crosses, i The joint committee of the Board of Trade and City Council will be able to gather data in regard to all the proposals and not} only make recommendations but will be able to give reasons for} those recommendations which may clear the matter up. There} is a lot of ignorance locally in regard te the status of the different | controlling bedies and if the committee does no more than show | the public just where everybody stands, it will have done a} service. j j Boys’ Naval Brigade oe Js to be Formed. A Boys’ Naval Brigade is to be formed here under the direc- tion of C. V. Evitt. This will be good news to a good many of} the boys who have been looking forward to the time when they could get into uniforms.. The use of the Naney Jane will add zest to the work and make it much more attractive than other- wise it would be. Mr. Evitt is particularly well qualified for the work of com- manding the brigade and €apt. MeCoskrie should make an ad- mirable instructor in nautical matters. There will be no difficulty in enlisting a good corps here and its success depends on the organization and the support it gets, Skeena Wonder , At Terrace. The Michaud Brothers haye been experimenting in their garden in’ the production of new berries. The News has heard something of their work before, but new a correspondent says that some of the new berries are on yiew in ome of the shop windows at Terrace. ‘There is so much to be done by helping nature, both in the field and garden and also in the animal kingdom, that the wonder is that more has not been accomplished along these lines. If a) better berry has been produced by the Michauds that is suited to the climate of the mortherly sectious of the country, they will have benefitted the world. We shall look with interest on any! further developments ‘along these lines. TEETH It is net only to add to your appearance but your health demands GOOD TEETH You will be able to mas- ticate your food properly and reduce the work on the internal organs of the _ body. ‘Live a Little Longer”’ . Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Member or Tue B.C. Dewrat CoLizce 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 Sunday by Appointment 7 & & SMITH BLOCK. , PHONE 575 STEWART LAND Co., Ltd, 101 Pemberton Block — Fifth Street VICTORIA STEWART LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE _ STEWART TOWNSITE Listings of Business Lots Wanted HELGERSON, LTD A Marine and Phikertes Ottawa, obtained by cadre of Prince Hupert, B.C. eta | J Buen a © uncer | Na dog0s-C and HM Free M N t0¥0 nage Certificate No, i HAD RHEUMATISM FOR FIVE YEARS berrios Ne Randin bf te Teeublé Since Taking week “FRUIT-A-TIVES” inakel |Prinee | ne mee + ik ae PB. 0. Box 128, Parrsboro, FN. 8. “1 suffered with Rheumatiom for fee years, having it so badtyat Games iwas | unable to get up without assistance I tried diffesent medicines I saw oa yacht which hy advertiend and was treated by dootarm but the Rheumatiam came back. Tn 1916, I saw in an advertisement — that ‘Frais-o-tives’ would stop Rhee | watien, amd took ome bor and got | retief; then I toak them right along metiam was all gone and | hase acow fel tt sinoa, been diekering with (eer Anyone who would care to write ||. me ae regards ‘Fruit-o-tives' I would (¢).....-0,, ba glad to tell them what ‘Fruit-a- tives’ did for me.” JOHY & GUILDERSON, Contractor and Masan. At all dealers of sent postpaid by Fruit-etives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. } ALL KINDS OF j Canvas goods, oilskins, boots, overalls, tmackinaws, gloves, waterproof clothing, baggage, harness, shoes, woolen underwear and socks. CALL AND SEE THEM J. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert Cee eR eee eee eeeeee PRINCE RUPERT TIDES *| eCeeeeneceseeaeegnc Saturday, August 7 jclumsy High, 6:28 a.n., 15.7 feet. {8:36 p.m. {8.6 feet. them Low, 0:13, 6.1 feet. 12:04 p.m., 7.2 feet. le Sunday, August 8 High, 7:43 a.m., 15.4 feet 19:42 p.m., 18.5 feet, [wir > Low, 41:25 am., © .2 feet. 13:08, 8.2 feet. The ttime used is Pacific Stan- (©! dard, fOr the 120th Meridian west. It is eounted from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. i The table given is for Port} Simpson but the time for Prince). Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is the same. The range of the tide may be computed as 5 per cent} 4 igreater at Prince Rupert than at! y Port Simpson both at springs and) dance neaps. Therefore the rise in the! Prince Hupert harbor is slightly greater than Port Sitnpson. frees lhe height is in feet and tenths jless the of feet above the average level of hole j lower low water. i DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND PISHERIES, OTTAWA, ONT. | been : . June, 1920 years and | have never seen better SEALED Proposals will be receiwed at ,.,.,, \ps this office until 12 o'clock moon, on the} ou day of August, 1920, for furvishing Cc the Msteriats and labor of all kinds necessary for the construction, equipment YOriNe and delivery of @ proposed Steel Twin Screw lee-breaker of fe following lead ing dimensions: Hon LORE CEM ck Ss henuiabie s 6% ore feet Breadth Mid at LeoW.L 57 feet pedi ation CR aig oie ee 8 32 feet j Leagt Mean ......: 19 feet 3 inches |'**” DEUS bdbdke ote taebaboters scceet 8,000 'extende d te to be delivered’ ‘st ‘the Azency’ ‘of ’ the Department of Marine and Pisheries,|{ricls in cents tral Alberta, Quebec or Halifax for s Gxed sun. at accept or reject sere § ject any one or all of the bids | and Forins of prozwsals, plans and specifica. | 50 li« tions Swing wast is required can be had! The Department reserves the right place to the Department of | Any further information desired may be THE P DEPUTY MINISTER, Department of Marine snd Fisheries Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Sinith MINHBRAL AOT. Camrose, boring mectmes at Alice Fractional Sinerel Claim, wate tn w the Naas River Minus Division’ of Cassie plained the policy ‘and eek of the stric Where located:—-At the head of Al¢® | ge Cortificate At, of tmprovements, rm. TAKE NOTICE that I, Alex” M. Mansoo,|twe ar mee tings and in every case found the pecgia of he district Kergin of Allee | deeply Free iners’ Certific 05 - %, dintend sixty days from the are reof, apply to the Miniig Kecorde ey a cerusieate of lnprovements, for he a cone of obtaining @ Crown Grant of saa rabae cleun. opening nd further take notive that action un- | ge hool : a nagtion 65, must be commenced erovennie” eee Corllncele of im: jabout twenty-five miles north of Dated this 7th day of July, A.v. 1990.) Vesreville, THE DAILY NEWS Ten Years Awe in Prince Rupert eat August 7, 1910 Hihis renth Ager 1 very Week | | des ided all | in Anohersé, also fn my .bome town, Jand } The Man inthe Moon for about aix months and the Rhea il inceceetiee are SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. litae AGENCY FOR |": pani likely to 4 patches : at > Wednesd at iwas sto sandPacetine elicacious @ud less mussy jafd keep them iia trip ta evel Hazelton about Tuesday worsquiloes sting ALBERTA CROPS Hon. Geo. P. Smith says he Nover 2" rave Saw them Better In Central EDMONTON, this country two or igolden Iwhich I found and the appearance of the farm forecasts peosperihy. ifeet taore or leas to the int of com-| |} Dated June tat, 1920 Agent depart tana af matters lusion on Monday with the two- roomed *e@ eee eR Bea eee eee WAIL SOHEDULE e [ee O48 CSR YS ORE For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays at 10:30 a, in, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver and South, Puesdays peeeens ip Phursdays ..ascacssces fip.a Sat i) . 1 p.m. ‘SundayS ....+¢ gitdiee £4. p01 Saturday p.m. HE call for thin the aa i ' source Of the B; t~ Is Vor inerewalny tye” ald = pn the larger r dy a¥ elope um pring nt Offer finang rs ¥ ™may be of ®pprecia hi, rae oo in the furth a pre or Of the lutere c i ta > esta Of ali } Resources exceed 1174000 UNION BANK OF CANAD; From Vancouver and South. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, M Bundaye ...s.csseveees 10 p. » Manager Wednesdays ......-- 10:30 a.m. eer — ee sai days . 10.30 awn Fridays . . Pn oa seer Mondays, a.m 7S For Anyox and Alice vs | The Royal Bank of Canada Sur days p Wedn lays | From Anyox and Alice om ' They are recommended for the protection from fire or} begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate pri SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES l sduay UarE ME 65's bukea sd kaos p.m. nH lary of valuable business or private documents, \ ithe i} Bonds, jewelry, ete. ) For Port tmanon, Arrandale, Mili 4 The Manager will be glad to furniah particulars on application Bay, Wales Isiand and —s River Prince Rupert Branch - A. W. Cameron, Me lays ) p.m) ; hursday- 100 ny.) beeps ee ys ca ae eo ee al From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill | . —— a Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River F ru ins a.m 1 ; : . E. N ] | S I R Queen Charlotte Islands: Yor Massett, Port Clements and Mbper Island poiota \“\ jesday, July 28, 4! ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points for Skidegate, Queen Charlot City and Lower Island points Saturday 10 pom From Skidegate, Queen Ohariotte City and Lower Island pointe— \ For SkagYay and the Yukon. ~ eel we QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Worning, 9 to 12, Mternoon, LOO-te $90, Seterdegs, 9 ts 12 my Every Evening trom 7.38 te § Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. Mofiteys, a 1y i From Skajway and | Yukon. wehlurdays, | ftewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Poimt. For Sat v2 9 p.m i = . pa NOTICE. N EREBY GIVEN that 4 a au Au ' to the Town 1 ‘ paserd al : a: i 4 * : 4 ' i ‘ “ a as : ww b s ‘ parpmeent ff t and w wi : 4 ri ite allotment . ation f the : sp icaves ™ : tet ds ? . 1 dat je vr Mune 6 prop henate a “ * is uy Dereon io ar yee fr ' ural 4 sgreetment for }*4 ae af aid failoe to make apy a ; a | : Wil thereafter be ds {Barred fren taking advantage of such Privilege and w be subfect t the ful jai ment f the terms f the sele and the . r hie land Acts governing i bas money in conmeciio#r With which special attention * drawn ww) }@e hollice appearing ia the current issues f this paper obo. 1 NADEN, Deput Mintater of Landa the | D rtm f Land V I ‘ Bh. ¢ Oct Ma th, 4920 LAND ACT, | Motes of Intention to Apply to Lease Lona. | at | Land District, Me rns bis rict « \ and tuate al Alice Arm Bt | ' TARE Ni rigs that Weg Alice Arm Mining | and th tent Lid head office at A om, 8 on upatic m mining at af le velopment, intend apply for permission | to leave foliowipa described foresabore j LYDON at & poet planted at the ners mn of the high water mark of Ad ice Arca with the North Boy. of L. 3810 t artboo Mineral Claim, thenee yi spuith 7 dex vs min. t 00 feet to the itheast rher of Lot 3643; thence south) « . ae lex. St min. B. 440 feet to the Weat ©+ |) udy produced of the Indian reserve; year a) h 1,4 feet more or less t ihe low ater twark of Alice Arm; thence! followk “a water tuark 800 feet to the South Bay, of Lot 35146, produced, | thence north 69 deg. 22 min. W. 400 tt the bigh water mark; thence northerly | nd following the bigh water mark 1,960) = oe wt and containing 5 acre® more huck ARM MINING AND DEVELOPMENT | cu., LTD. per Pred Nash, B.C.L.4., // CANCELLATION oF RESERVE. | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that te | reserve existing over Lot 2666, Range 4,) Coast District, ta canvelled G. Kh. NADEN Deputy Minister ‘of Lands, | Lands Departme “ Victoria, B 23rd juss, 1920. 60a EUG S.S. PRINCE RUPE Ne S.S. PRINCE GEORGE \FIC is -—— BAILING - Midnight Sunday and “Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ont Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt!t Anyox Wednesday, 10 p. m. Stewart, Saturday 19 >* 5.8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Amyox Saturday §7® Port Oloments, Massett and Bucktey Bay, Ave 519 and 25th.— Southern Queen Ohariotte Island Pee Sunday Midnight. TRAIN GERVICS Passenger Monday, Wedneadey snd Sevurder ag tine ee fe —y Prince Geolge, Bamonton and Winnipeg, aking rect eaenerrm all points cast sed south Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines For information and reterrstione apply © Oty Tichet OMes, 628 Third Arenas Pron? #00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWH! CANADIAN PRCIFIO COmAD SERVICE B.C. Coast Steamship Serv 6. 6. princess “pany For Ketchikan, dunedu, Skeqwey, Alesha, from Prince Rupe” August 6, 16, 89 ena 30 For Vancouver Victoria end Geatele from Prince MH" August 7, 1@ @4 sna a4, 6s. eqacese Gy Pails, here ee. From Prince Sveert for Swecete Bey Beaver Cove, Powell River, ancourer and Victorle— Every Gaturdey, © p- For rates, reservations end sailings, *pP!! bed W. G, OROMAR®, Genera! Agent 1 Bt Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street — Prince Rupert, Ss earn). s PATIFIC: ee method With our modern equipment and sanitary ™ we produce a wholesome Nutritious Bread Our Goods are all made from High-class TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery, 717 3rd Ave. renee When in Town, Cow SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and “6 ori E. Petersen sorasers =e