1920. THE WAILY NEWS fonday August 9 pre BO: ov (- Tae gee S DONALDS BRIER SMOKING TOBACCO Te Big Plug $00 ke ie an. 80 cents Department of Customs and Inland Revenue NOTICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers 1OTICE is hereb t Returns ' } ' kK x« nea 8 { t I I i t hon n desired may a . Lux I bn rst and ' acn . Manufactur Tex, and A mace nm the t of r ‘ ‘ . eT 1 ’ ‘ } the Re ’ for Tz ‘ Art s t r rthw ith he per pr ! e enforcer iy oaLrcetr Loe DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE, HN oO j Act i t Bt ecw 4 ‘ oal Raised Again at the Mine August Ist , +} “a iat th ra ere! ect IN YOUR WINTER'S COAL AND SAVE MONEY bnaimo-W'ellington is the cheape omical the end LBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116, 564 and Biue ¢ have 600 tons on ise does not PUT NOW st and most econ- oo or Rent---Furnished Reoms at DOMINION HOTEL Just Remodelled and Refurnished ther First Ave, and Eight Street, Prince Rupert THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA KRECOMMENI MONEY ORDERS Bale and ec * Seonomical method of’ remitting amounts up Mindy ts to S50, j in Cannda 7 ‘re payable without charge at any branch of any | N excepted), in Newfoundland, at the principal ‘ MLOs i e negotiable at over 800 points "| " Great Britain a lrelanc § A ; Over 810, not exceeding $30, 10 cents . : Over Si t exceeding $50, 15 cents e Ru de "Ae rt . | Branch A. W. Cameron, Manager Senne: POLLO ELLE LEAL LAELIA LEE te eet 0 in Town SVEA P ear Beer, S Bclersen Come to the OOL ROOM oit Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes Proprietress ores re POOR Ppp eres OOOO POCO rE => | " 7 7 1 . 1 Local News Notes || Sport Briefs | j re ts ree | nM" io Ponight is the nikht for thi Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, tf great alfray between the Hed Sox e ° ° and the Sawinill ba ill teame. Julius Levy, of Vancouver, is a;Both nines have |} i rking lvisitor in the cily. Ivery hard to get int od stand-! ’ . . s ling and the Sawmil ive pulled Barrie's Stocktaking Sale. See up exceptionally we luring the withlows for bargaina, tf. sy e ° ‘ pa ew matches fhe present M y Shier returned from a|!P8ders of the leagur e the Colt trip to the interior by the train)!4! 4 win for eith an SEES ist evening ip a dangerous s¢ Jj placer ~ . iBefore the season f pleted I yihing reduced clearing there will be som liing t pecial line at Barrie's |¢ogagements on th 4 polis { luking sale tf rounds, on Saturday an nteresting One advantage in the Za- he dansant was held in the Deition of a nava Is hy de Luxe hall, which was well attend. |h vill be that } t! il ed have the opportunit i- a al training under | j fae Shaw { W. J. M t ! Box i v ing che * drug tore eft f te va sold th ig y th the south last ight on holiday jy, eck to ma i tter brent i ill 2 nd Ag sports | >. . . al ee ‘a lew fe Inspector Acland, of the N. W iltention than thes ip t . : : [Mounted Police, returned to the|the present i BEHIND every industry in Canada— ity by t passenger train yester- . ‘ , is jday evening th ri wr teain il boys a. oF 4 sbiind: Gaeatahédaiy | \ont iGvenal —from the patient truck-gardener bowed over his | G. A. MeNicholl, G. I neg that they dd more lettuces— ra passenger agent, arrived tha rely juggle ball rm some last evening from a flying ; ; on vahgy and at rem: & perior way that they served the —to the young manufacturer struggling to prove = Pom Btewa ce cream rie Cia med a ed . ot ame, 50 a ate worth of Canadian skill and Canadian material i 1,000 tons Nanaimo Wellington ' fue eee al - ” nal some new enterprise— oal have arrived for Albert & ' S a ; - ; ) oi Via jay on tit b 5s ved ‘ » ‘ . MeUnfory, Lid.; also 100,000 feet) nt. ware —stand the railways—the intelligence, the power and tii lumber *hone 16 f . : ’ ns tamper. Peery .ise- § 7% the hopes of the railways of Canada. Chief M this morning ’ eS Leas f the capt at aie ? ¢ ? } f Orval Oxl alleged x ~~ a8 a { Thomas Dodd { mts : Not, like the Exploiter, watching to take harsh advan- e Georg satin: dani tage of hard-times or the follies of a boom— { Margaret I. W f ‘ : ; has bee Not seeking by a moment's shrewdness to “clean up a te a million and get out!" \ x i i i “ ep ete Not interested in the price of real estate in jyst ONE wo is ‘ 3e town, or the prosperity of just ONE province— M e St Dighy Is a '» I= GAMBLING IS SURE TO . eh Peale page KILL BASEBALL GAME But, instead, employing their widely-gathered . at . . : a ag ASEDAL intelligence in the interests of all Canada for all time ~ zg A Piptiry : to come! at at pe Peasants paced eind ; For the railways of Canada cannot be lifted up and ~eppanabes bets gh Biage ae mvedaone ar carried away to serve any other master than Canada! , ‘i a4 ul Wed “day at 10.30 hy S . ; h g directly afterwards 4 el Their services cannot find any buyer but Canada! the train for the Fast startle , S . ea tly They injure themselves if by asking too high returns d « reecived here on Sat. j i . Js 4 ’ Tr i saat lel wie dui tne te ; °t To-day they damage the prosperity of the citiz:ns ir d given up the idea of of To-morrow. : iw t Peace River by . us ! { If they go they ga s Prange it | * * * i i { st direct route. ew s ‘ in 1 , ; _ The request for increased freight rates is made with ii 2. ib these facts in view. } ‘ i ~ any : 7 Canada will still have the cheapest, the fastest and W the most reliable railways in the world! . . . e ‘ f . a, Thts $s the third of a serses of advertisements published under the authority of M MeN : , . : o . : Cees The Railway Association of Canada God speed. ‘1 2 . formerly the CANADIAN RAILWAY WAR BOARD rales host ‘ ‘ ef ttling wn t a3 Va 4 A. } MeNe i : — a ‘ i i : ' 4) - ie Une checking : MISS GLEESON il th s, i ‘ , nn Anvox i Ch ; ! .’ ; t . paiiiy: Me Bark SS 20 per cent. Discount on all WV i eby ity ull per > A, 2 M ! Was a S Summer Goods { \ nts mustithe pa th last) x wilt te ved by ' \ ts not/night shot S Including Coats, Voile Dresses, Cotton Skirts and : , ae — : etree § atte Hee Voile Blouses i —e . - . n.. Hemiock, = lar and Ka placed i f leet is x = sk area situated False tniet,/ t ha ®) » pay . Saar t Three (31 i ars will 1 “al rea fob re = - ———- — Il payable al th {fice pe mos tank 3 PPR Sede ae he company Second Ave 4 ao : \ B District Forester, Prince NO es ‘ ae Z ‘ aan - mapenedane cnmnpepiinied it. A Bav ‘I k ¢ 85 v ae BG. z= oO Hication fo ee on me ° : z “= & xe Sh TIMBER SALE X 2556, latte ola’ Gan Sh certilteate ‘of ttle ts The Smeeton iLot 23, Block 7, of Lot 369, Range 5, Coas An g tho eaving for the NOTICE TO IN TRACTORS Sealed ders li be recetved by the |iietrie’ Map 972 ooms i} n tl Girand Trunk boa! # his i i eemeeies = t ta woh bean me : A TECE ish by given thes saiiecacine? Tea R “ ‘ re Att : Ninth day f Aug 1920, for the of the certificate of title heaenneenmeremenmeee ne aapmemnel . * ; uden il I \ AHP EXTENSION . hast t ‘ we 5 on . e : ‘ . ove as been f . ae * as, ovening We Sam Hauder os by the Honour Od :. 1 cut : : 5 lineal fect. or Cedar ished. ‘ a 4 ahem Pray = 2 . “attr ihe 309 Second Avenue selibd if the firm of Lynch and! a it Works up 4 les expiration of One month from the date of Ri, He has gone to Seat ’ & a ADS : Ome i yea will be allowed for re the ee pa t sole te roar @ reeee pore Home Cooked Meals 5 . the « . . Z , ” nova rou . eae " eate of title to ne above lands, tn he : ' for a rt holiday moi. WEN i D 1 a \ ; ia ne m he ’ a ; She oon wast Prin odtoleer ‘eis and Break fast, Dinner and 1 valued member of the Sawmill j Hiraet and FOrMS | punert | is numbered 8105 he is iecaates Supper t i md a ul — . E a baseball team and his pt sath o Me othe office of | : District Registrar of Tiues. Try our Home Made Bread VT RTSBA A ui ‘ t ER SALE X 2535. Da Fg ap a ere ) * will be missed on the line-up) Pho SIAL | ENGINEEK VAN TIMB Dated this 26th day of Jun nett y ; and Cakes this evening PROVIN ENGINEER, PRINCI Sealed tend ll be recetved by the . . RUPE Minister of nae be t later than pou on} ee woe ee Ie ih y 20 8 the ur Mi Joe Fadool wishes to an-ipepanro! : ' WORKS, VIt , 5 La : Pita Pe to ar 3 225/000 | POMIA o Spruce Cedar and Hemlock on nO ce that he has bought out all iy ' Mt wanes . o sina adjoining on ae Tallin kwan minkan Tuning nterest in the Asia ‘Trading Com 1 a 1» Island, Dana Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Pig “ ul } . dis i“ inv, and has redpened the ve A marked cheque OREN De Onn ellie’ Akal has eal and All Kinds of R epairs. for b He will t Ne es by. Burther particulars of the Chief Forester, GEORGES GAGNON ‘ i hi id cl in" ae , Victoria, B.C, or District Forester, Prince 4 / a O 8 charters ‘une iw For Outside Orders address Cn aei aah le i dial invitation |} baa, ayeple 10 the | Ae oe sini: TIMBER SALE X 2384. P.O. Béx 1648 Phone 71 i" ra . VJ. to everybody f mene 7 8 **ifor a> q A, ven ; a) TIMBER SALE X 2500, Sealed tenders will be received by the | S7S7S*Se\eSe eee eS Ve weet the at The | ! Sj the | ¥ ‘car tah : iMinister of Lands not later than noon on) | nt j ! im the eS al i seu tencers Will be received by the [the 2nd Gay of Sepianber, tha ro the will be carri ' ' sieie mr ' Dis ster not late than noon on |purehase cones 2384, to ¢ } vill " ew ta? sant In AL work ac 1 b triet I 4 ' ! ma 1 ‘ian moe K I as a sprue Coda and teu A. GC. GRAY wou t cened wht ovas lock on an ar 4 ining ore. 6 : ' ” , mii one nel t ~ i oe wo f a itosan Cumshewa iniet,- Queen Charlotte Islands Teacher of Piano Prices slaughtered at’ Bar aa ee lee ' es gh A biog Ee ge ig A) ge pe years will be allowed for re: Studio 187 Second Avenue Stocktan sale A FOREMAN Fane rs of Chi reste ™ Pur he Darur lars of the Chief Forester, Blue 444 ‘ ‘ & \ t . bo. oF the ‘DA ines Paeene victoria, Bet a District Porester, Prince PHONE 421 oF Advertise in the Daily News \ ia, t Prince Rupert, B,C, Rupert. B.C, ' ee “eas t =e SOLRF NSP erie hye ete: