. * ri THE DAILY NEWS — Sg CHILDREN’S CLINIC | ~ OPENS AT EDEONTON market Prive eed | Examinations Made of Children for First Time. [Sirloin steak Se and 50¢ ° Reef pot roast, Ib. 25¢ to 280} EDMONTON, August 7. Pleven | Beef, chuck roast, Ib....... 350) children. were examined at the| Beet, rth roast, Ib, She and 88e) first @hitdrgn’s clinic in conttec.| Beet, boiling, Ib..... 22e to 260) tion with the new child Welfare |famburger, per ID, wees » T0GH poliew of the department of health Stewing beef, per Ib., 206 and 250) of the provitteial governroent. Corned beef, per Uh, o 6... hit} the clinics are held each Tuesday Lamb, tee, per Ib, ee eee ees 50e | Friday afternoon in the Wil- Lamb, lein, liameon ‘block and the nurses inj Matton, stewing charge are Miss Blahche A, Em- iMuttom, shoulder roast 2c to 350] merson and Miss Minnie Wilkin, Veal shoutder roast ....... {0G} both graduates of the Hamilton Leg of veal ........900 and ie) . ; 2 . }Plain satsages, per Ib...... 30¢ As General Hospital. Miss Enmner-|P , ee k the people who gon took Acoouraa in infant wel. |Tomata saasame .......--- sie have their work done fare work and for three years was Pork, 1, ...+es.ess He to on dis. Pork chops .....% Gem Noses 55e} eo ecte th babies’ here—particular per- Mee Mercurian. De, DB. here: COMME 6......---. ide! pensary in Hamilton. a ell sons too—and Ict them Lietch was the doctor in charge | Bacon, sliced, per ID,.....-. oy Tuesday. eur excellent Dry ' Fowl, per, Ib. 50e| vets . ALi . ; re babies and one child was of » per, ’ ° : Vy , j ’ . See 5e Sunlight 2. DAM IY Read Sunlight oN? sf the latter as She was from Bon (Rologna,;per Ib., ....--++5> ah }iinproper ; Steam Laundry required minor operations. The! Valves liver, Ib. Salli iam, sliced BG | on Friday and Dr. Follinsbee of} ’ , | tell you why we do their eae er iHam, sinoked, work, And then—try At the first clinic, five of the Balt WACKS .sseveceeeereees Swe eleven were of pre-school age, five Chicken, per ID, .+++eeeees vue She lets Cleanin school age: an exceptio: «made Pickled pork, per De shoes d g and Pressing hool ag in exception was made ‘Cooked Wam, sliced, pef Ib., ! d h k a -$ ; Ae) ls | \ : Service, Aecord \here there is no school cee rs per a teeeeeee ; o the wor * Sg 17 | $5000 guarantee 2 inspection. Of the cleven, three {Roast ham, per ID. ..-++e: F oy > ‘ y aks C di we needed dental attention badly, five; oe “7. Wn; 7 of purity \ naaiav re eases of malnutrition due to Jeltied Longue 50¢ te — feeding, and the others | Broilers oc Phone & wuvdde will Rilow up these Bases |COONCE Hees tongue, H+... Une ‘ during the week and See that the) Dairy Produce. i un i is ° nstruetions are carried out at Butter : h g { p t 3} d th: t » Deer) are requested to report{Butter (cooking a: | ec S e S la OW a Once Re 2 tack te the cligies or be referred |Cheese, per 1b... .6.-- cerns NT LL I ini s ~ th Pe ifito their family physicians. i Limberger cheese, per Ih, ... St I >} i io iii ann Kegs (ease Se} 1un over Was } ay Our Knowledge NO “TRAIL OF 98” FOR B.C. fresh eges vee 200 ; THE WANDERERS’ oLus | Strictly new-laid eggs ..... } : } ts | Margarine He | i . £ ‘ een of the Diamond Af he meeting of the Police |}Comb MOMOT ccc cccccensece Ze fact many women do not say Ww ash day” any more, mission this mornitig an ap-|Sugar, per 1b. 260 ney say “Sunlight Day”. It’s a genuine i . vas received from the | Bread, per BOAT, 20d daePess ) y 5 t ay It’s a genuine pleasure to use not ony mau alien Seda (ried white) BOthak 84.0 Sunlight Soap because it means an economical wash, it means knowledge ; ! es’ Club to run an enter- our Diamond | i : ‘ to be known as the | Milk, per case, .... 36.50 to $8.5 ° dad 1. f ‘ . . ’ ented other experts Riibcceia or ob>' This, guavesaiti- a quick wash, Why? Because, Sunlight is absolutely pure— Sr nee ; nent was t given for the pur- lod, 2 ths. K vou need onl , > estes . « " . Cia Ss ; to: Rute ee ee kes ‘ y half the quantity as compared with ordinary soaps, touch with thx T I ir I) ‘ ; r st , e . e ma Ket conditions dures proposed were wheels| Fresh black cod per Ib. .... 15+ nor will Sunlight harm any delicate fabrics, or hurt your hands When | ring 11 t chuck-a-luck, craps,} Finnan haddie . ° , : g ‘ . matinee a one] And it really takes the labour out of the washing in surprisingly any ‘ ate i Hlatibut, per tb, ask: for Tu aL Rei doth | eommission refused the re-/Herring, kippered, per Ib., .. i ' : , : , rs. ; : het ee nail Se contin ihe ee chat the leet MaRaae ALS: «0% a little time as you will see by following the directions. ‘ld’ be of the same na- | flounder, Filtats, Wi, ...i-ss 200 Mf for the house. |Salt Acadia Cod, 2-!b. boxes 6% ie skate, per ID., ...--- eee eees {0c R. K. Neill and party of five ar-|Brilis ...4.-..------ 3 for 25] 7 ? TR 1” Sed from Stewart by the Prince Salt oolachans, Ib., .......-- ive LEVER BROTHERS LIMI I ED, TORON ro George last evening and continued | Spring salinon, per Ib. ..... sey by the same boat to Vancouver, White salmon 20 Insist on getting the Soap you ask for SUNLIGHT SOAP. rake ¢« a 1 Lw ry i, e - Ihe Prairie Club” and “The | Cabbage +} 2 re ‘eas Oy ervis Party” of Chicago passed Cauliflower ....- oes SOc and ° et PRA RS through the city on the way to|Head lettuce ....-.. 10c¢ and 256 . Woon ead | Vancouver. i\potatoes, per sack, ...... Notary Public Venveyancer es — NS SO TEED oe 0s 0 cee 0 sees : es : — bre = Vancouver? B.C. ist Vegetables WO - XQ pre Last evening’s train from pha Onions, dry, per ID. ...---+s Te - Sa — a ¥ eniienesiaiaiiiaeal Bieast arrived in two sections.|Beots, per Ib, .....+..-+5: 5e| ie ST. nn There were many travellers and Carrots, per Ib., Re 1 a eS eee specigiy large parties known |Turnips, per ID, ...-+-+++ U P t ae tt eee me MINERAL ACT. iGreen onions, per bunch The >. nr an “ee . ’ For Quick Sale ; poral |Cucumbers, each... 35¢ and 40e} e ° ° { Toe Qsch oe | GL eee! Daily N fied Ads. || fss pantry, and TWG.Spleadid Leve NOTICE jot house cucumbers, each, 45¢ al - ews agssi 1e Ss. f ESsin tan NG LOTS, fenced a r Spa MRP Sg pete geen 2a oe pit | Radishes, per buneh, ...... Se 2 CENTS PER WORD re { ee . -— > IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S80c j 7 a $3500.00 ™ |Parsiey, per bunch, Sixteen miles Up ING) Cone artichokes, each, This property Section 5 angi ~~ near the Dolly Varden} Pees es Martin & Bust iP OP UD crcccseees Ne rAKE NOTICE that Johh Hugh wemaitn, | Parsnip, per Ib., . cf om” WANTED. inistratior of the Estate of Charles | Spinach spbcvece? 2 Ibs, for 25e7--—— —o — . hougtt rene t c First class accom Pree Miner's Certineae Oj, Onn | . ton sf outs bermat 7iret class a ™ intend, sixty days from the date Celery, per buneh, .... 15¢ to 200 WANTED nP e Rut : i Pat . to apply to the Mining Recorder | triet, per mment rep : for Vis jtors to rm a Certificate of Improvements, for the} ant hte ¢ Ti rat pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the) Bananas The} eithe OX or BRITISH CO. ble fo s ' : + wish Essington ibove clail.e s- nt Mit ' ‘ , Ae further take notice that action, tn |Grapefratt (California) 3 for 25: j LUMBIA MONTHLY lor section &5, must be commengced before) ,emons i ing ft th year as the esue of such CertiNeate of Improve: | ; c aI ae ments \Dates (drom ; Educational, Lite nd We i val f ; ae ther $1500.00 Cash —_ OHN nea MEM OLLIN, 1929 Valencia oranges A0c and $1.00 ligion Mas ne of f na. cleen at | payments rereeceerecererrt ae -—— - Wi fen of FOR SALI 22.ft. launch with ai ; . Night P oe ee iRnisins, per 1b., | dian “1 indepe eect or faction Sub cabin and good engine. Prive . racifie Railway Day Phone 5 ’ M. M. Stephe IN THE SUPREME COUNT OF BRITISH) Currants, por Ih .+....---. a6e} party nadian Pa ¢ * pnens ea biasada tl |Peel, per Ib, ..- : stantial commissions; renewal £200. Apply Daily News, if a hid io i wnt : ; Es RO ’ " sas seecsinetteeieniaal Aa ~ en oe Se aaa oti atieceant er , . Real Estate insurance Financial Agent fii rue MarTER oF TRE ADMINISTRA. Mixed nuts, per Ib. ......-- 35c} premiums. Address mention STEWART LOTS STEEN & LONG | TION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OP | +¢ ‘ Ps riences ¢ eferences TN eg OP BALDOMERO SALINAB,| Cable Figs, per pkg, ...--- {60| ing cxperienss and references, | Work creates eee DECEASED. |Mince Meat...... 90¢| Manager, B. ©. M. 1100 Bute! ion SALK—Lot 2, Block f 1 Sheet Mets NOTICE that by an Order of His , i \ 4 ' : . porn Judge Young, dated the w day | Strawberries | Street uncouver, B. OG. 905. Stewart Townsite ; Agent for McClery Ft enor we werner oo ? f y, 1920, It was ordered that Wiliam ok 9 . ’ ' 7 Shampoo Parlor |), wisn,’ prccitor"at tne ame f| Black Tartarian ehemes «-- Te) Wax ren — Youth about sixteen) eens stim an sixth, Str itary ond atlas Ea ryt Colinas, Geonenet, ” ie’ | Tomatoes ....> i a nee Py n et ness section on Sixth Street San! ie atin . — TT , swe s 0 2 | ) , > as }t or cler ince Tope ~ . , GO TO I Hk DAD Raldomero Salinas, as of the 2nd day of |OAntaloupes, each, .. 20¢ to 35- , i : Apply Day News oftice afi x NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR Mareh, 1920, after the expiration Of. o@ | \\ra tepyye) it 100} Dry Dock and Engines KUO, oonted a ' ft te mot a fecial ‘massage to see th month from the date of the frst publica- atermelou, per tD...... wee ( Ltd tf KITSUMKALUM SCHOOL, , té ar ag ee th inion ot notice of the said Order; antess | Gooseberries’, per Ib 45c sue LODGE MEETINGS j Dring gpd sare to ~~ expression; a n tie meantime proof. 1s furnisied to the P| , b ket a Poti an ore , we TU iNT i ' enpa Vack to change the gre f istrar of this Court at Prinee Rupert, ums, per baske BL.OUIWANTI { er at the rinee 408 . id f . 4 sh Columbia, that the said Basdomero ' : dere dene 8 pe LODGE 1054 LOYAL Oli e alr af itr . . . . ’ ‘ = tp any shade. Scalp treats Ninas was alive subsequent to the said Peaches, per dew, .... A9¢ to 50) Rupert Genefal Hospital, Apply Moose meets e@very Monday ntétectrical vibrator treat- § ond day of Mareh, 1920: And it was turther| Apricots, per basket $1.50] Matror tf ’ ' nister « upne ments, face powder and all kinds jordered that nofice of the said Order be . toy gees ind ae errr ed Pe evening at the Deep Bea Fisher \ yt / look | of Weanes Oo i othe neaaenelie get sq nubliehed in the Daily News, @ ne Bing Uherries, per Ib, ..... Age men's hall, uf jes te vat ¥ of Angust, 1940, for SMITH & M — — within five minutes. walk of the * Post A4 roomed HOUSE with pantry, et¢., plastered and .in first class Gondition, with Splendid Level LOT, near Pry Doc! LEGALS LIDL LL ALL COOL OD g EA Rupert wep j Oppos site Government Buildings f a her W fase ae Honey, Dew Melons, each 750| ANTEED toy for warehouse 7 — " ‘ t for 4 wer or ) ne is ’ ‘ see . . ’ ‘yt . nt aii "ee 8 DATED this Sth day of July, 1920. ted Apply P.O. box 836, tf} kal ‘ ‘ pe eclor 210 4th St. Phone 493 ; WILLIAMS A MANBON, | asiack — Prete. — Re ae ene. . ( Se a ano He olicitors for > Execn , p seroecveoeeereceece oe : ne were ne 6a Obe 6 Been y y FOR BALE trINKE HOME, Dest residentiat te lay of August, 1v20, at tn PLUMBIN oIReens = | SS SS See IW ON RTO e a ees ro a ee siete | Coon Metetets teste: 414- IF a ale la inet . pauses Pa ; POR SALK—26-40 h.p. Medium | geraon, Heal iMathbe, Insurance | ter t si aaleieetiieiads ‘Atel Batimates oo ae ae Duty Sterling | Mngine, Bosch | Notary Public, fcourt e, Prince Hupert . ad APpleB .scseeseee z pro «pore mal . Saal { oil | ail fea sa. eeeretary to Henoo! Address, td avenut, Seediess Raisins . Ignition, 4 eyl.,,4 cycle, M Per) nities AND LOT FOR SALI ; ee Lowe ofr ny tender that necessarily ; :. Hoard, & pkaium, or the Department of 4 a fect condition, $1,500.00, .| : et wee EE Ea ery - eae ; tf Apply W. G,. Humble, Fifth Ave. |% bos * 4 po, . ee : oe Phone 49%, ‘ BD | Kk. POREMAN, Phone 17 ror SALIH Fishing boat Hoald, | oy Bart 7 F apie Work ee te rks bLogineer, i BUS SERVICE TO HOT 0! S814 rsniog boat Hal) ayeiowten, |i SPRINGS AT LAKELSE 7% h.p. Buffalo engine. ApPIY | anoy 1ON OR PRIVATE SALI (a | bee enaeneneunetions Ba ai va Patmore’ * Fulton, Phone, 76. prone Green 607 ‘ | Notice to Advertisers Hand Y Bay. ve Checks to | in ~~ Poe e j Casual advertisements | JOE Br OWN | for insertion same day 4 should be in the Daily . Motor Transfer and News office before 10 a.m. . ji Changes in advertisements Passenger Service should be on hand before Stand, Empress Hotel 5 p.m. on previous day. Phones 264, Black 334 Seeweeeenavonss linetihntteiceeetniees Auenat 9° 10u¢ conducted, on your own prem. Visitors to Lakelse Hot Springs FOR SALE, Gas boat Nadu. Best oa os our ee ee M. ; | p | rnd & { : : “ 7 a ai . ‘hor ek, Auctioneer, Second Ave., g , Quick Deliveries can got automobile service from| trolling b at in the harbor aahion &. tf a _—— a < Terrace by notifying ©, A. Waite, 36% « 0%, new heavy duty en es eed ta : (0 (| OE rere Hotel Prince Ropert the liveryman, Park Garage, Ter-| #ine. Phone Red 495. Si FARMS FOR SALE 4 BUILDERS AND" wt el wan trot ‘ Sper’ ‘2 ¥ —— alis ion, race, who has a new Ford ear and) _,, . , \ dave’ ; | - ~~ 7On SALE OR RENT Slightly | : ak ae ga Fo! \l ni NY | os FARM LANDS—The rich} CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. a EUROPEAN PLAN truck for this business, Ke - sats. 12. Be Be PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. 9120 ocr tae ind tes aaae toe 5) iis business ie used piano and sewing mac he} prairies of Alberta, Saskatche NOTICE 1@ HEREBY GIVEN that the} | PHONE 83 ines, Singer Bhop, 144 1 hird| . Reliable Service at reasonable Kates, ‘ —_ Avenue "1 87 | wan and Manitoba are especial. |), saiian os ae over Lot 4044, Uapslar Whee Weeesnanee facilities. | FIRST-CLASS OAFE Two-color window cards take Pere Se tenn? 9 1Y. Ailes Tor mixed farming, 0. RR. NADEN, 5, Ferker, Mansoor A La Carte. the eye quickly. Bee them at the | POR SALIH Snap 20 h.p. N, & Land that -wilh produce bit} tands a aiaeiee pay Ulnieier af Lands News Job Department, 5. engine new Today's fac-! crops of grain and fodder, and! vier sare Tades, soon ood