CATARRH , BLADDER 24 HOURS peared in Prince Rupert. icle, od Stork’s Hardware iting 112 miles order to Whalen Pulp and Paper CAR FERRY T0 ALASKA POINTS... Quite Feasible, Says Representa- tive of G. T. P, | Pacific Railway Company aa a to Swanson Bay accommodate THE DAILY ABWS ~~ * —_ PAULINE FREDERICK IN “BONDS OF LOVE” Actress Beautifully Gowned in the Very Latest Creations in This snteresting Play. The establishment of a ear Pauline Frederi¢k, in her lot ferry service between Prince Mu let pieture Bands of Love RK’ pert, B.C. and pointe in South-jwonrs wome of the mo«t heanti TO enatern Alaska is being erionealy des which her SELL yasidered by the (rand Prun Hiemlints has heen able to exe cute Mix Frederick ne all T OV E means of getting a portion of her own gowns, and they are \inskan freight consignments usually along simple fines ut routed over its limes, aspeciaily their effect dependa so much on ear load totes says the Alaska the finish with Which her siinple ays commenced mak- laily Minpire Its interest in (his ty, is are carried o that , nves in 1843. Still in fF matter was manifested recently in i yerintends in detail the makir ame line of business a letter to the Forest Service, ex f ench irment In Bond f - ° — cerpts from which recently ap Lo Miss Frederic wears . Hundreds in use in the Ketehiks in CHTON~ | tay exquisitely tailored walking z ‘ suits, morning gowns, and afler ie The company’s experience with ' ting dresses ON SALE AT « Pithe recently established ferry car lhe jealously of a family of 5 out of Prince Kupert op- parasites directed against a pretty eoverniess culminates ina stirring he 'elimax in Par tnpany Goldwyn picture line Pre@flerick's ne Honds« of Love ta POOND AVENUE has inclined it to view similar py, «ister and brother-in low Phone Black 114 ' cts favorably, Ne fering LO Daniel abot have been living u \laskan eervice along the), ;. hounty since the death ef bh heh ae ree sme Tines, representatives of thie first wife and they resent th. any write employment of a governess { ihe installation ef a car ferry eare for the bor Their.idea ‘is to a" slip dock at Ketchiaan, Alaska, keep their benefactor fram mar fj dy We nderstand, be @asily rying again in’ the hope that the l} wee nyplished and navigat Nena wsitie life will continue. How ; ' would be safe between that point eve thes are disappointed eee cna tae nd Pp Rupert, , ¢ ad + bt. ne ' us nye fe tance 9 <<” ry ha wr if hie . hh ae tion to hi che cerlor n i “ Huppert and Ke ' ity } proteédled pra y all ; ' ‘ i y a hf ' \\ I Coal - = $12.50 4',2mrrslbrenkwate pein : »p- NUMBER OF BIDS this en First Favorites in the Old Country ! In the Old Country, as in Canada Player’s Navy Cut Cigarettes have increased by leap@and bounds in popular esteem, until today there are more Player’s sold than all other brands combined. Player’s are the most satisfying cigarette that can be bought at any price--unequalled for their smoothness and delightful aroma, consistently high in quality wherever or PLAYE NAVY CUT CIGARETTES ined, sacked, $13.50 a aaa lode sacked - $14.00 | atta FOR PROVINCIAL LOAN Government Secures Loan of $3,000,000 at 98.91, Pay- tn we ment 6 per cent. ‘ . , a ‘ ' A 1 ‘ t ary atalled it i hin bond | ee ae R p t ut cn ou tries located and/*’ Au ON OO provinciall ce u er i peration as to make it an ob- n, hue 40 h sere recently eed Co. “goede Papier eae “ny hmmm rs Sarg wh St vase a nt ited vy the cree 6 TIEXALTED RULER OF [tions tamitcas nencrn, Geog, | ELMS VISITS CITY i2r!,* ieee. cr Searis, and th ; Varn rt bid accepted by That is whenever you buy them. why men prefer PLAYER’S! . d NCE RUPERT Joe Morris, of Vancouver, to the Government feures out at a Le - 1 ° Spend End of This Woek rate of @8.41 for the whole jaane | Labor Council Mere of Bve-gear six per cent. bonds 4 ’ Lhe emi meerns submitted O.B. U, It wre gay day for the local anaiher bid f 07 half ‘ ain 2-5-3208 | . ¥ ‘ r J Ml ‘the foll a ssid “Hi , yi . Dates of* irand Eeaxatted Marler arrived n a de i yb lo a if NO\aGes st om MEETINGS bi i n the ts ' rt | f the ent f malt tin by me ee & Trades Unit, Piret he trip | a ’ gure al ; _— oem Mi M “on t ' ' s ; ' a ae C ouncil, ot ' ' ‘ id s Patt ‘s Auxiliary, First ' : \ : ly : I : _ N einesdayn. $ I \ sy ‘ and A. 1 -_—S” era aeaee ; Seen Ut al Tobahe sense pa together with H y, Stewart & “toe pm kver ihurmiay, N und Mra M a wer tl ' f Chica t OR mf rades, First and Third {the trait y a lare rivit fais in Joh } Price & Cx tt ‘ ! ru houd Carsten & Ea ind | s & kera, Firet Sat inday j ne a «hb t tin ni nj ge \ ere ‘ bid 99 Di the ty the visitors left for A for $1,700,00( f th /, 9 rae yor, and will return to Prince (Canadian Bond Corporation, Ltd., 5 , fae , 208 ¥ Ss Rupert on Thursday night. They of Toronto. bid for $41.000.444 in| funds at a th cent | MINERAL ACT, 1896, LAND ACT. FORESHORE LEASH ‘ will thon visit during the rest of New York funds for delivery in ium and. he st the govern — -- sited ny oceaaias Take notice that wy THE Taste : . me « nel j ‘ : > i i o mu t - HNEERING COMPANY, . LEE CO. he week here where an excellent Now York lhe Canadian Rank of ent is not if trade n ' at } i vine ‘Te ae hee — CONPARY. i ea! ros ' f entertainments has 4 mer bid on belralf of W. A./ exchange ct : The Na un situa m the Naas River Miging VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT | alice arm, B.C, mine owneté, ond Avenue, W : ' ‘ vis aasiar striet k As “ppiy for permission to lease the~ “ me om. irranged hy the ' ut MacKenzie & Co the First Na} tonal Bond | n bid Wb cat vm Dolly Varden Hill deseribed lands;— @ ! u { ' nd \emilius | $1,000,000 at 98.75 ! edt Dolly Varden ctauns, TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills, Limited, Commencing at the northwest GETABL ae ee peers : and ts about seve : Miles from te lor Ocean Falls, B. ¢ ceupation pulp and | Lot 3643-A; thence runaing 8 ES - larvis & Company 1 syndicate f Alice Arm paper makers » apy for per- 29 min. West & “distance of 715. esale d R : aii ; fake othe that ft, Frank ‘Stringnam, malok n to lease eseribed| hence north 84 deg. 31 mia on otal RAILWAYMAN DIES presented by the cal firm of Bathing at Snit Lake and | Pree Miner's CertiBeate No, 36621-C, m- | lands . ance of 175.7 feet to the soulleriy’ ! Contrae ' , ( the m y » o) hes in the | tend nt jays from the date hereof, to commencing @ & post planted at the; lury of Lot 8643-A; thence fi / \ctone and mE 1 ‘lar & ompany le price | nicking on we t ' ! f eH wider for a GCertul Ww ner of Lot ti False Inlet, Rivers utherly boundary of m a4 OF . . a : Terns rel og ef I 500 Wineighbort! d ‘ the chief ‘ or u ovements, fer w purpose Of iniet, themee east 40 « 8, thence south 26 deg Bast @ distance 0! Of. ; 7 hange, BT PAUI Minn Aug. 9 D, ¢ at 5 v8.4 f $1,500,000 | ‘en : . pla “ ~ os one "\enane of yw above “0 hains, theme we " ihenee point ef commencemem, end econ Pate hepard, a pioneer railroad build i s latter Ibid was rejected by/lantusements y The water aim northerly along shore nt of com-'two acres, more or less. ee, Ry , ; } . ° Men . the! at the lal me Aally warm And further take notice that action, un-! mencemert, and contal scres, more; THE TAYLOR ENGINEERING CU, LT®., ‘port, B.C, er and an associate of the Ia mae ister of nance on m9, Et WHO IARH Wa ee r section 37, must be commenced Before! or less (Mines eae Ky 7 ! ! ‘ “d fo £ }and a few pec ed in the sea jthe ts ee Of eh Certiicate of im PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, | Agent (Signed) 8. / P.O, Box 725 Pa ae died here, yesterday at ound that it called for the gov-} and a few 1 p . in the i whe | tas an su ertilicate ¢ IC MILLS, LIMITED, patent (Sted) 8 ae ait : the age of 02 ernment purchasing New York jand declared it mud Dated this 9th aay of Jaiy, 1920. | tghth day of May, 1920. Date June 2151, 1920.. DAW/GGONIT — THERES NOY A CHECK IN (Tr-lil PEORE MADDIAGE, ArtéD AFTER Gz oem jd $y THANK HEAVENS. HERES ONE wWwitHour -A Bitt WW rr—illll