o% mr a Dy ‘ { wf, . NINGS T ® | ; vert l'4 1 , eis ~” PTAXI TAXI i a mac ms, . Pho nds and #1 ; ies & Son N oot is * > one 75 ears’ Experience? £9 WE NEVER SLEEP is hie PRINCE RUPERT \ on F. Maguire Northern and Central British Col ia’ 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert , mag an S bs umbia’s Newspaper , h. of PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1920, or , ae “PRICE FIVE CENTS fty Cents a Nip Paid for Liquor ERINTENDENT PILLSBURY UNDERSTANDS CONTRACTS ALREADY SIGNED : SOVIETS ARE GREAT ACTRESS. i? St +T gee ie at IN DANGER OF ai ankers Soon loving Downward ANOVERTHROW LL ATPARIS As Steel Available ‘Sarah Bernhardt Cancels Engage- of a Dollar a Hundred Pounds Oa ee iments Owing’ vo Meath. DiiIsbury Thinks may Secure Some from y over Saturday; Decline said Waranige fn Dante Bay hardt. the eminent actrene ten, Sydney, C.B; Understands C: ntract ; > She nas had to cancel all her en- ° ° 0 be Caused by Increasing *PNITAL 2 N Auguet gagements and cheer Is nee 1S Already Signed doubt if she will recover. here state that the very Supply Navi * ' Fak eulia: Gin rhe divine Sarah, the most re-| VANCOUVER, August 30.—J. H. Pillsbury, superintendent of one es ioe timne. Prince Rupert Drydock and Engineering Co., is returning north was Born in Take. sie @"°™ tonight after conferring with Newman Erb in regar{ to the con- it jowiward le of the price t reverses and a _ ‘lan and also as id hundred pounds : Russia, A ed ae oe eae tracts for the shipyard at Prince Rupert. r | price yioted here are $21 r the m4 | Interviewed here, Mr. Pillsbury said: “We shall start the e, e ret g al Bra vt re azaiuet the Wife of C. P. R. Vieo-President VISITOR TO LADNER five tankers as soon as we get the steel.” Steel was scarce, he entre . Roane te sil i oe al said, but probably they would get enough from Sydney, Cape ' ' Z ; d Fre hips | ‘ Ae diat HAS THROAT CUT Breton. ‘ 1 il year for ‘ LD # Bay read ' ’ snd cos a. Mr. Pillsbury says he understands the tanker contract is ac- vhich it is held ! fu tive Wester l Was LADNER, B.A August 30 tually signed. He is doubtful, however, if Prince Fupert could ' . Lake Wine e, B. John Stafford, a visitor with Mr. handle for some time even a‘portion of the order of fifty-eight LONDON Aueus i | rains Whewell, was found dead _ hers . ships rumored to be placed in Canadian yards. ha ! iy* et with his throat cut near his host's) ank Destroyed at . | + Oi | R fi r an ‘Me Sovieh of Rénsta. Th CONTROL PASSES me Poconos a left on h 6,0, Ballanpes,miniter af mari B sso. Wein Reena Tk wae) orraws, Aue. atthe Cana-/DE PALMA WINS " rs aa - : | Wh t ontrel m Save Forty Tanks at Icco, when: One was in ‘ jcc: AUTOMOBILE RACE T ATE DOCTOR NEW ROADS IN Blaze; $50,000 Damages BEDOUIN BANDITS ! everything ex- —_— — ” —_-- i Diao ELGIN, Til, August 30.—Ratph | Pe: eh “3 4d dallare’ worth of eperted to have Killed 150 -- de Palma wot the auto road race, LARGE BEING | THIS DISTRICT i 251 i his average j : carat tcstt tn t the Christians Near Holy City. LOGGING CONVENTION pooveritte miles, wie , é : a ae es a i speed being 79 mites oer hours > a tp a meet alll Rare di ten = frail deme Tive tank wus Geatguyed 4 . CAma Anuecust 0 iin hun VANCOUVER Avicuat 31 The —- + = BURIED TODAY *"-- Arm and Port Clements to ef] e made to save the forty adjowung thoks dred and fiftv Christians are re i i I ging 64 gress is te be M. Desbrisay, inafager of the) Get Needed improvement ' eitht hor the firelightes were lported.to he : a i ‘ iiet 6. 7. 8 and’ Wales Istand Cannery, left for rey ee At Once nd Bede bandits 1 ! cuates will Vancouver by the Prince Georee many Attend Obsequies at Port atin ihe company 50.000 com feria LenG ust ent Simpson—Memorial Service Before leaving for the interior pth —————— Last Night. this morning, Hon. T. D, Pattualto, . ° e ' i minister of lands and represenuta- . : ir Off Ys t J il » The remains of the late Dr. !'¥e for this district and acting ‘ nee I h d ende Go O a Rh. W. Large, of Port Simpson, 7s ee aaah ical “a ass re ae i ; el announce ha ad be a ‘ Tr UN n to the Indian village .jigeg by the Government a if F d G ilt f S llin ohsin last evening, the ceed at once with the new road tr PROVES NO FISH CARS l oun ul VY Oo e g:: mer taking over @ num- at Alice Arm connecting the town " 5 : ber of Prince Rupert residents with a wharf to be built by the 4 o be present to pay thei? Dominion Government. Le 4 ARE IN SIGHT Interesting Evidence given this morning in connection With ius! respects at the funeral todas.| The Dominion’ has been post. is ' BF A FIZZLE rhis. morning Indian Agent - poning the building of the wharf Four Gar Loads Leaving Tonight recent Arrests urn cer FPrchibition Act Perry took over his boat, the Leila, on the plea that the province was a Uses up All Refrigerators with an additional number Of yot building the road. Now the : pe are Running on mine Varwe Chis morning saw lb ee a i} surt which is. Mr orley, Sr.. and | was told }!eurners. br. Thompsou Ferrier, luff is called at ie Publie te M Spite of Attompt . ‘ ‘ . fler th : ny . : ‘ re Was in bed Asked by head - the vee re Works Department of the Pro- a , ' P = : — noe “7 . - “es on ando al bv. S. Large . : ial , . Ky eth McK ; wail atid ; - ai in iron ie accused what I wanted I said oo ne 4 ei \ ee tnd vincial ovens nt ” K wane ah - , ‘ o s 1) and was told that it;’ Hel : ‘ ‘ » ae RG matter whether the Dominion ‘ WF be at ioutet ber ng when McKay, ‘Th - Olsen and would be fixed up ina few minutes oo a bees nyiniseioanliny t ne does its part or not. This will 7 ; Givorge Garls« were rele ed or ce arrest. nehts trai to be present a 1° be good news for the people of : i by tine : et ery Me Ss ih Wanted Scotch. hanerdl deed beh cesbeneded talame ae) peo} ea i ih ea : i ' ’ . ‘ . , The aceused served two men) pops Simpson, Another announcement made + , "I ed and & MRGPRIAG |S Wan and Black, charged e eaded not at the bar with drinks and then Last night an impressive me-/;phis morning wasethat work would phe rd n guilfy and were remanded until September ‘ magistrate went out the door towards the!,,,,,.jai service was held in the snignhilie’ al nate ase Dine Cane « look oes on t nention th hes ! T were found Citizens’ Club and came back IN} Methodist Church in this city./feom Port Clements te Tel-el on ‘ : ; @ yesjerca mel eoilly they would serve a@ year in prisol George Carlson was *"' 4 iy ye Steen that It W@Sjhey, YT, H. Nuttall presided and /Graham Island, his is fourter a NGI AND eet ro or not served with a mmous for the simple reas at he con : eh ; ue Coriay entered addresses were given by Dr.)miiles long and is an important ¢ . 4 1 ii x i 1 mM, sold t the : ' ‘ ' hha} here and’ asketl What do you Phompson Ferrier, Te AF a work, ) .Wwae v toyal Fish Co not be found want, Ken?’ and was answered Sonat f Hazelton. and MM ICNIC WAS FINE I) ! v.00 N.&& O00 The Ja Miller trial was ¢ i : license for t x of cigars “Scotch Mr. Corley then went vee a representative une the ad Atl if 0 is vold t thre nenced t u we and Deter wna t ! er had re mut and returned in about five or Genera Mission Board of Te- STEWART MAN WAS | for Enjoyable Time! ! abe aeiendihais tanh’ Claciadee fags y and Sinith gave evi-' ferred would not six minutes with a bottle in his|>onto. all attesting to the worth of BADLY INJURED ands of Tugwell | i Oot lia, 7.000 Bayview, dence us to ha g gon to the swea ! Ir. Williams lip poeket which he placed in the the deceased A spe ial musical Island, ’ Marguerite, 8.000 Ibs New Windsor Cabaret alleged to that he had ! Carlson sink or cooler under the tray of program was also give n ik Chir ob eee dite tt Allin Fisheries be Miller's place, and buying upto wet Ul i question. the bar He covered the bottle) were Mrs. Bennett, E. V. Ling and Fell Long Dictansa: but was it ; \ll the above boats sold at the liquor direct from Jack Milles Want Two Girls. and then left the bar, After an-/,4 male quartette gave vocal se- Found and Carried to Hospital Ma of 18.3e and & himself during the abst e of the M W illia | for an ad-jother drink with Money accused |jpetions, rhe Cold Storage Go. obtained!regular bartender and = alleged ent of in spite of|took the bottle from the sink, faking part in today’s services Andy Arehie, pact owner of the tbe incoming ears for the|partner in the business, G we ed zistrate that) wrapped it up in a newspaper and}; port Simpson are Dr. Thomp- Prince John ald gpther mining | , catch of the Andrew Kelly which |Garlion ly id the evi- handed it to us. f paid $7 for it) con Ferrier, Dr. H. G. Wrineh, of }¢8trs alt Stewart, Is at present al A ; ted with 45.000 pounds of Fifty Cents a Nip. d ‘ f i be taken/and we took it down to the Prince Hazelton, D J. 8. Spencer, and the h sspital at a ageeata es llow- iibut md 13,000 pound af lhe only kind of drinks he had then Ad was made Rupert Hotel where we marked pey, T. H. Nuttall, ing a bad falt whieh nears fish housht had bee hard liqu mntdiuntil teow ‘ ial the de. jit. he exhibit of Wiisen's Among the floral tributes adorn- him his life, He tol er a sleet Lhe Seandia 14 30,000 pounds jie nips were sinall Fifty vents fenee nay witnesses, Scotch Liqueur was identified by! jng the casket on leaving Prinee elit a0 ft. and rated abo : a he cold storage at 12c and 7e./a vip was the price paid, accord-| Nell ul | » were on the witness and the defence ad-| Rupert were those from Dr, and hundoey, . rive! ds | Caveeon soldjing to the testimany of Detective jthe scene at of the al-imitted that it was © intoxicating| Mrs. J. P. Gade, Mr. and Mrs, A, Where gory ig _ re the same firm at 13c and 7c. Sinith lewed sale. Mill it on $4,000 liquor, W. Carter (Oceanic), Mr. and Mrs.) — fm . es oo a yi G s Harry W. Bireh, acting city }eash ba Cross Examination. L. M. deGex, Dr. and Mrs, W.T. mia © ys % 1 if : i . wt William R, Reith MoKay Case. Witness was then subjected to|/Kergin, Mr. and Mrs, R, G, John- eee Sreseused ie his’ pe hinds G0 treasurer, and Lhig . ’ rk TO PRINCE GEORGE cashier, were called to the stand i Ke oth MeKay case was'a stiff cross-examination by Mr.'sten (Inverness), His Port Simp- |" ’ cos ary Be cone: j ; , ‘ : whigh was chiefly ehar-/son Friends, Nursing Staff Port James H, Nesbitt, They carried i som spicy) Patimmore 9 bide es him to the Stewart Hospital. : : n connection with the gssuing of an ! Now Westminster Musician is to the license, [tL was not establish} jeyiden was fort ning as to acterized by an attempt to under-| Simpson Hospital, Pattinson, Ling : ? ay ter ‘5 MO ’ . : “2 , . ‘ss! . Vv. W. Wright, Master ; Marry Man From Inter ed who had bought The Leense and | th a oO i about the mine the integrity of the witne s' Limited, W. ‘ ; 1 ” wren bs > In the e , of this|'Thamas Olark, Miss Hudson, Port AUTO RACERS WERE ie aceused evidence, course ‘ : City. \\ | Williams, counsel for the} Royal fot Wine , ; tb tin ts ' Wor n at th Prine ! fenn 10 ha Miller asiisxs bartencs tl >» & second examination 1e)«6«COTNIIsSsTO OF Simipson one a e , Serena “Reqved that. DADley we tannery, B. J, and M.H,| BURNED TO DEATH McKay the witness in the city was out-/Rupert Cannery, NEM 5 ~ rust} ne vartne the New Wind- joffer charge fi i M (i Ml * ; | Say a od Cabaret ak the city reeords Detective Willia Smith was) lined, Large, Dr, and Mrs, L. W. Ker- ae A.L.G. M,. a brilliant local musi-|were in error When the license ;the frst witness in the box, “On My orders in coming here were/gin, Prince Rupert Musical So- SANTA ROSA, Gal., August 30, , ein will be married here onlfor July 15 to January 15) was/August +0 ibout 10:30 in the | not to get any partioular, per-iciety, Mr, and Mrs, G, G. Perry, Beattlie and Walker, two auto- leomber 7 to George 8. Bonny. made out to him, evening Money and I nicred tho Continued On Page 2 and the Canadian Japanese Asso-) mobile racers were burned to ‘ f Prinee George Aftor the wed Sergeant W! Adams called to/Royal bar and Tbe uht a drink of elation, death and a boy spectator was Mr. and Mes. Bonny will re-/the stand told that Carlson had be I paid fi ihe drink and H, Nixon is a Ketehikan arrival — — ee killed when the car toppled over lo.ui-the Jdtenior contre. gard to getting | the a i Dad,’ that{at the Hotel Prince Rupert. _ 8. C. Undertakers, Phone 41. on the race tracy here. ‘