q20 THE SAILY NEWs * 7 | ' : i | Local News Notes ! | } ' ry m | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf! } . . . | i ' A. Kilpatrick, G, T., P. railway ; iperintendent, got back to town ist evening George Frizzell and J. B, Roeri eturned last night from a busi trip to Stewart, | Mrs is Jack and daughter i i wd from a trip up the river), ist evening's train, | ia, F. L. Edmands returned] | ; ‘ ‘ ening « train from Ter-} ere she has been spending liday | mote." 6 George Durham returned to the { ast night after having spent he summer at Balmoral canne | % ear Port Essington, | See, c8 | | Mrs. F, MeB. Young returned] ast night from Prince Georg: | Z she has been visiting her , Alex. McB, Young . ' a th . . . so0d [OOKS, soun fee > The Newington returned on . iturday afternoon after a week ” 5H oO I vel tend-] eager appetite and ¢ in Observatory Inlet tend-| x the aids to navigation | > > * . , | digestion \. B. Armetrong arrived on the mce George last night from int and took the Ghelohsin ! dnight for Aliee Arm where gaged im the irausfer| ' \ M W I st f of DSN Taleiee [8 England you wil find ‘ i nm Sa ia . Mrs. Stamford, 8 men everywhere smoking i mit , ° 1 and visit a wh Player’s Navy Cut Cigarettes a with the same keen enjoyment M M ‘ ds i Ky as they do here! | e.M ‘ . ° ° ° ae Over in Australia, the sailor in the la ti ' lifebuoy is a very familiar character, and there, too, PLAYER’S are Flavour - ‘ universally enjoyed. ‘ Ww i LASTS f ty ns Ba There can be only one reason “After every meal \ er, Was it quality ! — ae . ‘ i vt h pend ss he ee That is why men , ! st i have another ind 's ta ’ ast nih Prince Georg prete ll Shipment of a rout Vancouver, ‘ {> sa lorie ¥ I : I ‘ Ma RATT’S I lee ae Tt t being “ASK “ r bas IS Kae bas it 2 oO the animals content- i Vi 2 ke a 55° t is humane---sani- -— Mer eee Se We 2. \ ‘ profitable to keep The demand far , : ay the way. exceeds the Ree see. supply Mr> J ‘tf Fa ind Swa I : ; Mi Derry i child j i i zg a ay 7 } , & \ is \ ‘ s ‘a I : ‘ en ; : F 7 pointed Inspector of] igh stom re or nent--- urns €d ncoms i Mr. Stewart hax bee t of Mrs. L. M Van from Stew i vl “wt fessio fa nea irrived i i i I le ‘ Georg last D T ns s, having been in the}Alice Saturd ; . 3 : By ; Wo tw few . ; : us init aa 4 ; ; Pei ‘ ; : ce ek Vancouver Milling& Crain WoTM 1 teat night Badurde actn : Just Remodelled and Refurnished ae \ Ca Limited my Stewart wh he has just}weeks’ vacat att eh cm nd Corner First Ave. and Eight Street, Prince Rupert , is ' ' ' ted the building of the new 7 . vers leaving 2a Office and Miil lis iledriver. which was Major ar M BO wD . th i p * an VANCOUVER Be. the w arrived in the . mn . < Mr. Va ahs. | flern having been towed /S#'urday a - . sa well k vn Juneau : ms aie AE OR ry ya tug. It will be used in|**!: ind ia®.a@lso interested Variety of Plants 3 ihe the wor f the new G. T, P. do oc. c. Din ian t \iguniean in the in bloom arrived _ ; Sy NA tty e : aR ee idee tno Pogether — wit CHICKENS & BROILERS 5 t ders Re . : Moca ; W. A. M turned south ® : wi R Celve P. O. Box 183 } i . John pets om ne a wong wae lin a tne i i g int :tuets night a CITY MARKET i 2 i % entio » Columbia, ane », | bes oeeing son ‘ vain tities Hackl in “alia eee : Ah ends Phone 558 Pattullo, Minister of Lands, re-|Wil spend a e and may \ Va phen a ba from PY ee turned last night by ~ Prine then gO @is j y the Aliee Saturday af-i™ uist og tan i } ° 7 hee Mi (ieorke from a successful speak . $ ; si, 2 ed here| Hi Dp R pert + a } iSs \Q GLEESON ing tour fo Anyox, Alice Arm and Mes ' , , M panky iotes rilice u a tg es Yan : \ i ri ‘ ~“L : na area situated on Fa t 4 » Bante . xclusiy ve Stewart They proceeded east} TPostiva ‘ > and) _— a ———— livers thiet, Ranse t District = ge e Ladi 8 ’ Ready-to-W ear his morning accompanied by M1 Miss |} sy ned sout NOTICE. three (3) ve Pe Wilt be at towed fur re- EUROPEAN PLAN } . hy \ ot the Vancouver Pro to Seattle ta VELOP Visit ~— ther particulars of the Chter Kérester; | 3 $1.50 per day and up, e UKeT : ve it ayes . Ly i : LAND DR TMET—Ke 4. ' vistrict Worester, Prince! > 2 Venue nee, The premier will return toj!ne in the ety \ ma Senlcy OF SKEENA, AND | Victoria, B.C, or Dteter ar) a ae > _ < x Prince Rupert, B.C, ly ' hy the p if_le Great) is the moth Agent | & \Te AT TALICR AMM IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE KUPBI ; FIRST-CLASS CAFE ‘4 stag ein ly " wi a aS im _ matir M | van + Ab \ i 1 PAYLONR MINING PTinate pene ee IN VOLUNTAMY A La “arte. Z ay #, +" +ecemennene aate i ay atin ‘ “a % \ Cred omahd vy ) vu ‘ , meas Se , ra fs s * ‘ sister Phe he ea * ; 7 \ Var uv ; - tne ais 5 ‘ - % oe + — bia ompany at asthe . — rr » Z iv — SS | Arvid A, Erickson, secretary tolern States . ed vahe ws Pv th 1924 Re .. & oe * pd He [ i : Mayor J. BE. Meyers of Minneapo ene " ro ae abe nds Sy Sa ene : addresses Al art c 4 e . 0 Conserbatory of WMusie { lis, accompanied by Mrs erick Feet ee ees se 99% ‘ . bs ty ors s = i a ; : i . yr et * F rit su ( Rnene Orpg G07 1017 3rd Avenue ; ‘ . ‘ vy and suv i ' ; 7 the Pre . Bie Bowery y . ‘ passed through the city last|@ ; 8 \ nh Ate Art in the ane : aan 7 as or “e = | W & ae A. 5, Vo, > ies yo a D., DOL, President evening fram the train to the Notice to Advertisers * Lb 5 ate th 8 MEPL +, au DS tice in weilthe Crom the sa Da arma alts ° } EST AND yo DO, Musteal Directer, ! Prinee George going south. They)® * ose +t ithe Ben a00 te ; : a prove \ Rs ee ie i ad x OM PREHED . at a Gistance t “oe a ee RE ’ : nis bono BQUIPPED SCHOOL are touring the west on a heliday Casual advertisements * North 84 ion 2 omy b ain . BUILDERS ‘AND CONTRACTORS 5 } H inter: “OPENS SCPTEMBER sr, 20 trip and were much enthused overt for insertion 8a day ~ " \ j a ae hie fees Y ra doreut, wy ex ee Specialists 4A Lurht ana Heavy Gone * Hal, Pe! res Leet oe what they saw on the route of the should be in the Daily * “ ‘ ys Gary oe befor such debts are proved struction, Repairs and Alterations, co ler Pip, ‘ ment tps teal Wh mew, Rudi ’ . ae 17) yafore 10 m * AN Gast & _— yyy DATED thts fete or fust, 1 Fist Clase Stalrease Work and ~ ; lagouics ‘i ae Mr. Erickson, however News oflh before a i \ \, anal SLIIUTT. dant LAN ‘@ BMAADLEY Finisbing. 2 neatra ; 4h e Kes ik Cale wostit that more publicity Changes in advertise nis * =o 7 at hi mnad. SGiitors Tor t ul me Estimates Cheerfully Given ~ G y es Rea\denes Sacnile Si be \ would greatly “a renee busi should ne = nal beta . ‘ ut rT} A be aie ‘ ¥ . BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING ‘ boast . ron : aa and rake the travelling & o p. in, ¢ n previous aay r npany sf . CONTRACTORS ne sant ane shirt * ‘ . —— lowe mh June and July, 1921, j eh nt and inet . wore Advertise in the Daily News a. eee eheneeeeeeen eee &