1990, ou WHE DAILY Bews : WILL TAKE ire for fhe Red § Friday ening, It was only in odd 500 Branches 1919 | en n that the ha ped in | f inile “ from h re a ' : ry trnent of «trikes, Reot the “ AA d all | pies up to the ve end and i INRUPERT 1. ToxteuT fies es et" e rizzell was catching cellent | § Tomorrow Alright totaal anck kane oe sd athe ) f th any aid q ” NR Tablets stop sick headaches upport at all should h aah ul ‘Publicity Department of Govern- oa biious attacks, tone ond § nthe os no t —_——_— ment Will Send Camera Man regulate the eliminative organs, — Exhibiti make you feel fine. . , ’ i | Here for Exhibition. ** Bett ia Phu ched ; ant! RON S ot Thas Pills For Liver Ils Th IC viy | —* } 7 1 j re e this ( ‘ and Phat there will be i itiot 4, . aay ; ‘ i porter te ‘ | | safety Deposit, BOX Jfvicture outta the eity during Mitte, the fair days is How assured in } game Frid ning la letter received by the secretary Minad quickly 1 n tl the coupons every on Saturday afternoon from AK. iweiion. ae. te ae the in @ Savings Baker, director of the Diritish Go rmad. tite ee i ® ¢ream nd eart interest junmbia Patriotic and Kdueational if realized t ao terest at Picture Service at Vancouver. The . t had har ' - om | thus taken will be used ORMES. LIMITED c - a j ind ner annum, com- tg as pro- ’ . in government publicity work and With hi ‘ half.ves j is 6s genial rs ded half-yearly will be circulated as advertising 7 wal ee hae = t : handed ‘bi / ‘ i li i ed er his — matter Phese pietures will prob S B ‘ rs j » e revellers and retires e reguiarly with ably be exhibited in Prince Rupert port riefs j ‘ \ or & ie “A 1 , : f bond, you will giving many people an oppor. |*™ 8 wei podiniak aed hee cael terest than tunity of seeing themselves for OHALLENGE ISSUED iiden went behind nter pe the ae) time on pagans if| hautahe sicilnats bdo ake : ain Vi irs a get in range of the camera have chalidawed | tins , =pecial PASE Hi Bue 5 s is A Kilsay! fiver, about Two aha & half mijes Ce adi ak a : ». B. U. Al] went well with the stun ak: sent lees Manin, deine. tanaarieee ted by the. doctor and/norm%or me Dally Varaen mine ~ . - = sees a 3 TS the two nachines cir ne ne . ad @ ¢} Be saw t on? 4 Ay water will De diverted from the’ ' . } Shermans i K n different ™ : eR ee ye SOX. stream at a point about. one.mife from, the} é nite and Dates of fiove the other and a third, « ; ; enti , lia } ley vne broken and <eault Hiver and will be used, for. power) anata Ee TING © ; . 4 : ‘ , A : es upon the lands described a3 the . $ -ETINGS jiaining Director Willat and the 4 al eat h ' wily b sed Wolf Mineral Claims and Dolly Varden) 2s rades Unit, Pirat photographer about a indred ; r sd 4 ; cont ee OD eral Claims —— f Mondays, & nom iiry was c , PIM Une his nalice. WAS posted on the ground) ; n ne + away meal io ; : a E “ sa ft i Ernest Macdon mn the {itm day of August, 1920 ' vor Couneil, ‘er . . 4 copy Of Unfs notice and an appiiration : sday. § on » mMDRe maid on 4 i ‘ ‘ ‘ i e tl . suant and to the “Water Act. . : } ; ler i ‘ : ‘ dq in the office of the i © itu: f Auziliary,. First ‘ i idenly ‘ above : tee AS Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day j & Social : lifted. { er ‘plane jy ts Prid ; . hell vy Va e also wi : to the application “may De : hird ¥ ‘ : ae z 1 wit ¢ said Water Hécoter or with a eeay pper ‘ na? their pp i f ‘ ' ’ } ber) hospita a ox. Bott , mptr r of Water Hights, Paria Mee gate om ked They d ” ‘ . . : : 3 4 itt Victoria, 8 t, Wwilhir SI K A SPR Rver ee . i ' i s ' ' s after the first appearance of inte I » very Thursday, ra ‘ evolving sa on , dat a : h i a} 4 al bewspaper Ny A Se ee aed | WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING dean, b st : Third d at . PAYS ne ' i «J } ‘ : . i nea “ a on a be i the tw vietora whi 4 eee Se By « Nor Agen . fe ea, First Satruntag ee mn. a7re ee el he date af the NFst puniteation of tis CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS rth § vi ; t wi ! ! et the ' ‘ i o rut \KE NTE u irtment of Ma Ch I | d S : p d L d Sa hisuiibers enn / ioe ae [rine Ri Pisneries (Pisherics EAM)” Wide | arlotte Islands Spruce Products Ltd. z f the airmen: by, a vole ee * pies bh pert ‘of water. out Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. AAA ceded in falling into glic Sorrett : th the jor anite Creek, © hows northwest ] RT & McCAF Y n 7 i ad... addins, An ntien.. aracked Od SOX oA | Friday |#0¢, drams into. Lax a | Sole Agents: ALBE FER un n ' , hy ream Gh & Bein’ ehout 3S tia doeis Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 { nh into a fheld, the y in-}' t up owe SS bene ae ei pd Poet inds of Repairs. nn - sustained u ‘ light tt f ! th ar v t Tt breeding 7 ar. i ws deme bruises Not nly [Rose, Span ine te pe gh sy be OMINECA DISTRICT. - ——— ES GAGNON oe . sid heen ready i saa” "436 se ay PRANCOTS LAKE FRKKY _ Jers addreas This tice Was | m the grovna — | Dae ra rut I Vasion wu la lay f 1e70 iers will De received Dy the under _ ; Phone | A TT py of this police and @B appsicstion|s . . = ndid |, D ant theret : t tlhe ’ Water a t | 30 for pulsing. a Ferry ‘oat S$ feet > otary u Cc there : i wa im for | 19 il we ; the Office of the z at Franents Lave, 8. C a eee — een —— “4 OPENS EXHIBITION as w a r ne rder > r « Kupert, B ¢ i ne aulows and pian’ can be seen at H >. Ralph & ! ul fielded the Objections to the application May Dbelthe District Engineers’ ofttees at Vanedu- 4 Room House and Basement on Two Lots, 7th Avenue . nd Avenue ——— ha the cn i three fied WIth the said Water Necorder oF with ¥ ina Prince Kupert and af the Pubiie East $1500.00 rE EVITT OTTAWA deena 0 Si; oe a ae one ' “s tne ; ‘ mp i vr ‘ wat . t eae oe . re . * riment, Parliament Hutidings, | @ Rosas Baie aan Outbuildings, llth Ave., $500 cash, ; Auckland Gedde Rritia 4 ’ ~ | MLPLY days after the frst appearance of rhe lowest or any tender not neces- | ~ - . - - > 4 ctioneer . ee, aa" batik sow n the ground after the |tnis notice in a local newspaper sarily aceapted, | Fire Insurance Real Estate Accident Insurance mo bassador al Washington, opened j PRPARTMENT OF MANINE AND PISHEMIES, JAMES PAT TARSUN, | *Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast & 7 nd Accountant Mxhibitios iat , a) Aton Fisheries Branch), Aj pictas. <7 Purepasing Agent. . 66 nipilion, Which commenced . . . rt] tee Sa ningham, gent Parttiament ullaings, . iMaty ip . ; ’ The date , f the rst publication Of tins Victoma, 4. C., | Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Bex ‘ a aturday, Hossiter pitehed a high clasSigeiuce is Aurust 41, 102 August 20th 1920 | d 4 = = x —— Se ee . elas hen a Man’s Married ff. & ities WIFEY'S SYSTEM WAS TOO MUCH FOR HUBBY. Pa By FARR aes ii = ! r fz ( \ WHat FS SIMAE OEAR— IVE HAD | WHEN UN UP TO MAING ae ay = te ee — 5 NOTHING Bur Discsep ig (“"¥ MO Misuane \ Le TELL you wHy- NOERSTANDING. IN \ ~Heee's SYSTEM “THERE s PLACE WH - | } , LB Y CAN'T we > Yh F'2 INSTANCE, | CAN SPENO : : } N ArS. WHAT WE < . ’ : aso =. ove bt Peace = HAReMony ( fe aed Nn’ wears TANUARY, FEBRUARY. MARCH: = SEPTEMBES OcToGe BLL SMyTHE AND MIS MOPE WEVE Gor YO ; APRIL. MAY ANP JUNE } NOVEMGER — AN : r Tay oe es ARGUED iN 4 | ANID A SOUITION by ( DOWN ourn ANO — DECEMBER. ene e ! YEACS — Wy — wee 7 PRETTY, OUICIS = i ‘ THAT OUGHT sows. jl . Ay 4 en meres pe ~~ yah” 7s , wm, ! NY, ia 2 NY + % aL / ; 3; eee 1), r) Taek fan) TAL / ie mi)" * Ls | ‘ is x z + » , ate f