Page 8 ! SSS EE EEE THE DABLY NEWS ONERY We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw's bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of ONFECTI an , Lowney’s the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE :po. Box 168 ae ee 0 OY << by a1 | Rupert Table Supply Co, PHOMES 211, 212. OUR COAL 1S IN THE LEAD When it quality, and you will always find here the right kiod fur every comes to SPRINGS AT LAKELSE Hot Springs from|tage and they must be reasonable ., Peaches . purpose No matter what cual for-—cooking, power have you need heating, we COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager 424 Sth Avenue W. Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 762 LE AN re reer rere nen neerers | Careful Piano Tuning Repairs to all makes of Pianos, Phonographs, Cameras Spare parts in stock. French Polishing J. Slade Stevens fthe liveryman, Park Garage, Ter-|tions had rights and he urged jrace, who has a new Ford car and yeu alee ss the classified ealumn |representalions in regard to local “trmatters, pan Brings Out —S — rings Ou ‘Dare Pacific | i It seems to add jformed with the law and this they were doing as quickly as possible Phey to a will ischedule of tariff? charges, which 'y)¢ | | | 1.) | would have submit i } government would approve, ‘he premier said the company had been working at a disadvan- the I over the matter. Even corpora- unity od forn ty { that. they work together harmony, The premier dealt with a great many public questions in his ad- and at the all in wy? Refi ee ao meee & Cee ast tC oY tevin w s DINI escape from handentls, chair was DOUGLAS EDGAR GOLF CHAMPION | and close § heard As . ' ' nas HOU Hin Him Kitto, of the of Agricul arrival im the north on the Prinegss Saturday afternoon ith nit plunge between thi of a apes F,. dt. Department Dominios climb the side of a prison and Beat Murray of Montreal Armour of Scotiand, With Score of 73. ture, was the on fro. Alice waying far from earth! on the brink of a } fr = the re } Him Hit i leag acket and ed by Pp Kil aft the Mr (ottawa his journey Mar ¥ j ‘ rik tie last eve in orsge Mack Sennett Comedy - - ‘‘Up Canadian Pictorial m his pretut f months, dut tle some absence time he has which scent of the Mackenzie aut in Alf’s Place” rivet Edmonton coming overla out by way W hits Dawson and Yukon Synopsis ef z Lend Act Amendments Sere res, rst Upper and the vi BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL Pacific iny - International. ‘ No Advance in Prices NABOHNABOG NABOB NABOGNABOBNASOB NAM ABOB Save Certificates for } Wear Ever Aluminum National League. i, Bre rn f { CLineinna i Ph delpt American League. . Al ‘a4 ivve. LAND HEGISTUY i Pittsbur + Chicago Beeston pre-emptions o. but each making improvements on respective ~ s must cocupy claime for five years and make improvements to value of $10 per includin ing and cultivation of at jeast ore receiving Crown Grant Where pre-emptor in occupation not lems than 8 years, and has made pro- portionate improvements, he may, be- cause of iU-health, or other cause, be Granted intermediate certificate of um provement and transfer his claim Records without permanent resi dence may be issued, provided appli cant makes improvements to exten( of $200 per annum and records same each year. Fallure to make improvements or record same will ate as for- feiture. Title cannot obtained in ese 6 years, and improvements of $10 cleared Nationa! League. ‘ i acres &merican League VANCOUVER DERBY [=NABOB NABOB NABOB NABOB NABOR OavNEOawNGoawN GoawNGoewN Goavngouvil 60 per acre, including 6 acres and cultivated, and residence ' of at least 2 years are required ‘ Pre-emptor holding rown grant may record another pro-emption, if he requires jiang in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided Statutory improvements made and residence maintained granted land method With our modern equipmeat an! sa: we produce a w! Nutritious Bread Our Goods are all made from High-c:ass Mata TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery , 7i7 Ged Ave. Auto Delivery on Crown *# LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Unsurveyed areas "not opneetna 7 °E FS CARER ORCS eae acres, may be leased as homesites; , title fo be obtained after fulfilling real. mo tial and improvement conditions. el For grazing and industrial purposes . . . i areas ing 640 acres may be i leased by one person or company. \ t riy ' Mill, factory or indust aites on timber land not exceedin acres may be ; conditions include payment of stumpage tural hay meadows inaccessible . by existing roads may be purchased i i conditional upon construction of « road ie ary to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of purcha”” road, not exceeding half of price, ls made & PRE-EMPTOR® FREE ACT. GRANTS Th pooge ine} reons joint and serv- ing with His Majesty's a. The time within which the heirs or devivees ofa 4 bre-emptor may apply for titie under this Act ie extended | /illiils rivals fro from for one year from the death of sues person, as formerly, until one coer ee poectusion of the present 4 privilege is also made - “oy - ” © fees relating to pre-emptions due or payable , soldiers’ on A emptions recorded after June 26, {914 ' Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ac- crued, due and been paid since August o!' 4, 1914, on account of payments, fees Or taxes on soidiers’ pre-emptions. Interest on agreements to purchase town of city lots held by inembers of Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired direct or indirect, remitted from en- listment to March #1, 1920. SUB-PURCHASERS OF CANOS.” CROWN Provieton made for iseuan Crown nts to sub-purchasers | Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who falled to complete urchase, ifvolving forfeiture, on fyl- liment of conditione of purchase, in- terest and texes, Where sub-purchas- ers 4o not claim whole of original par- cel, ireneee grice due and taxes may be aourtees ispertionetely over bole ea lications must made by May 1, Peso ” GRAZING. Orasing Act, 1919, for wtermat Sevelopment of iivestock induetry ae vides for grazing districts and range administration under Commissioner ou cusutare renesd, pristion tee eaate * rang it oa owners. Block - co a o- u lates WHEREAS erur he te mh ‘athe te femattite in the 0 4 irray WHEREAS pri the } owners iteverst { wating Ue title vith day of whien ie sai ee ee that ” thee 1018 date on eee for there names TAKE shall Tf, a8 Stated « valle We Offer EDSON ee ‘Loose - .. $0 © F Sacked, Lum, ¢ vo eapective PLR THER NOTICE that at the effect registration ’ such application and ts of lodefeasiile Tithe te im the of jomnm A Murrey, take and prow proper 1 establish you to the sald lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part tat the Land Hee BLU, tees 160m day of April, ! om of Cortical of tye Act is enlarged to aa tne ant in Gefault of rate of ie pende ie registration eet Viiled und . or under thet tree pucsuance mur 1 said lands . the naine unless you cute the pr reons xs rocecdin r claim s boat ” vhe ity { on ded in last OMee, Prine: AD Thate «try pert, e titie, left il vhich xt frou Live ouvet MACLEOD of “oF Distetet Megtstrar Kila Mason, Milner 8, G. Titles, Australia. registered and assessed | der ‘ os 0 application tas f tudefedsltte 1 Un \ asetirt : 10 Albert agailist Lhe Lid., of Usk, damages for | a Aliii- Dee ’ 1 ANT> WHEREAS fiurrei, imade for @ Certificate the above. meer Mortgaree ciila UO i i Ut vt i t Albert & Ml Limite by wr ‘ d land tL wort « rewe WHEE AS pears that Kieanza | pi om Inveetiqatineg " prior to the 3th aay 1016, (the date on which tr ere id for tr ' ve “ istered, aseeeagd or equit LAND) REGISTRY ACT an ane 44 No 1eat7-t Vile TAKE NOTICE that ennmlication hee nade register Hubert ©. Crewe of al tree reort " ‘ T wher in fee from ihe ol flunmert ' 564, y 5 iny, ne 119) O00 an (Sertions 6416 worenrrrrr 4 Nication of mitra py ‘ the reg th = The Essington Martin & Bus NOTICE that at tie offect registration application and. ieee ’ ‘ tifle te O c_rowe e owners PURER ame tne pursuance Certifeat lamis in Ullicws the include HK. Me¢ aS eily A. Arthur, Carter, Paylor A. Del Vv. J. Morton \. M Easington, and Harold 0, Butedale, under 15 Tax Deeds lerter of the nee ‘ ing date the @8th day of November, 1917, of ALL ANT SINGULAR that cortain parrel or tract of tand and premisae® situate, twinge and heing in the City of Prinee Ronert more ferticulariv known and deeerthert Lots twenty-three ve 24 Hiock thirty-seven » nine ‘9 and ten ua end fifty-four (64), Block tMirty nine (490), Lote thirteen (44 and four lteen (44 Hloek Yorty-one (41), Lot eientoen 618), Hiock forty-two (4%), Lots ome (4), two (2) and thirty (90) Bioek forty ning 49 and Lote etghteeh (18) ! md nineteen (19 Hiock Mfty-one (51 rh rAU in Seetion #& ity of Prince HKupert, ! (Map 093 You, are required tw can Arth teat the claim of the tax purchaser v lwilhin 35 days from date of the ' end 7s | i “ tine pare late fl ' of Hubert mecule your ) prevent #4 Sinith \V fies fil Matheiso Kipp, Por Kh. Jelerss ileus proces ay, t Proposes HATE at rrince Hapert August, A.D \ and (a7), twenty-four Lot etent (10), Ufty-tiree whet bin dey of iis { HN. ft Nistrict Neeteten tern Dominion Land &@ Lid W b " MACLEOD, acco or Tm investipent First class fol visitors ® Essingt™ fo We if Lute through Vik Mrs dale W I, Jett Lown, to be nat pis howe “ ratmore, Pattulio, tava Miteneu hennaugnh, in ie ' ih. Pa on her way in J iloria, the «y