Dressed Beef . Ship Siaughtering a Stock now arriving The Baily News TAXI TAXI Phone 75 Live the stock ok dire t fron the Bulkley Valley FRIZZELL : WE NEVER SLEEP Be 25, 185 PRINCE RUPERT Prinse Rupert Auto Pulte Manet Northern and Central British Columbia’s ees yriorsdamait al sidenote per es OOF OF OTe Or sie) ' PHRINGI (UPERT, Hf SATURN EPTEMBER 18, 1920, PRIC E FLVE CENTS aN — = See ae ee ———— oe = EEE —_ — = —_ B. D ] t Gi WILL SOON BE HUMMING WITH BUSINESS. — Plan Pre d “Once Over” at Conference for a N Stati . > > | . ° é ittee of the Board of Trade goes into matter with the ‘General Manager of Railway says two . % > . . . ity Council and an oe a is Reached . |’ or three sets in Winnipeg office ——_ | . e e 7 ‘vee le ony HERRING FROM | ‘under consideration of ‘ i trad the to ny question 1” ; " Houslpp favor of relinquish Executive | that it is wiver im thereof! 1 i ' Ke hae Phe amount of wale ALASKA GOING j Pwo or three sets of plans for the new Prince Rupert station i etl location was net have been prepared in Winnipeg during the past month and are ‘ i iZ wh ' now undergoing consideration by our executive,” was the statement ‘ i Va ‘ thee 6 idian National Flevator at Transcona, one Of A. E. Warren, general manager of Canadian National Western WW ern Canada elevators which will soon be humming lines and officer in charge of operation, ntaintenance and construs ' ‘ Bay qu and, if ful ¢ « now being harvested in the western tien, as given to the Daily News this morning when he was seen ' _ Eleven Cars of Cured Herring, One on his way with his officers to further inspect Oow Bay in regard Car of Oil, and Six Cars of —— —_—_—————— [to the questions which the Board of Trade are taking up with him ' 8 oF. De Halibut Last Evening. Pp t in conference today. , : ndatior pata Fy oles Conti Inue Oo Tetwas his is Mr. Warren's first visit to Prince Rupert. He arrived . ; .. TILAMCOK HAS BUSY in his special car attached to a freight last evening at 5:30 and is TIME AHEAD OF HER F d A R d A on a trig of gerieral eh He is ie is accompanied bs a 2 party of of frot orwar gainst e rmies operating «officials comprising A. F y i I t nahi eich H. Eager, mechanical superin- CLEW FOUND TO \ i eee e : tende . 555 ee e am .. Bolsheviki Claim Victory over Navy of Enen y; Peace °''®"|) !. A. Dixon, chief engi Give and Take : ! peer; ©. J. Quantic, general uras uM 1) . M Parke i j i Delegates on Way to Riga ter mechanie; D. RB, Campbell, t that Wa ‘ \ diaecillasinamapialais jsuperintendent of construction, | { jas iereement ne east States and WA WW Sept. f8.—The Poles RIGA, Sept. 18.—The Polish|and A. Kilpatriek, assistant su-| ve ia ine and * rau eore i { Lutsk fortress in delegates have gone to Libau|Perintendent. G, H. Lenney, me. a ) f and take “ars } hh A a . ‘ drive of 219 miles. aboard British destroyers and |W artes private secretary, is] ha f the freteht last ev ng at ¥ th (ussians lost £0,000 prison- will discuss peace terms with the} jalso making the teur with sad tik, Tie ae” lal a er Phere was alxo shipped a_car uf 9 ouia ee The party returns to Win. . Bs Phe ont ‘ i} I ‘ iu ' Ai lw I led ere v tHieds al Riga: ote thiad AB ebiel, ey ¥ - 3 ) Githanes: SMe..d¥llaburw .«tated —thal. {he POerring’ oi trom Yakatat, Alaska M ve -adt that the Reds oe Hipes tonight.” Today they are Circulars Discovered in a Mail on. Pe al Government would. be All the shipment reached her Oe nae ed inthe Lomberm:+e- MAGNIFICENT RECEPTION lbusy discussing matters with Box—Damage Set at Two "0 he the Tilan thie |, has local officials, | and Half Millions. f , ) ‘ n ‘ LONDON, S 18.— The Reds PORT OF SPAIN, Sept. 48, A; “Since large gangs -have been 4 hy i - Was x tra . . Wrangell’s magnifieent reception was given /at work along the line west of Ed- NEW YORK. Sept. 18. Che first 1 Mrb ; , ving received e Prince of Wales on his arri-/monton this summer, the road is tangible clew to the cause of the st ‘ u J val at Trinidad. ow in first class shape,” said Mr.'explosion opposite the business t rh i — —————— | WVarren fhe work of improve- premises of J. P. Morgan | PUCD>S e-em ee eee eee eee ment will be carried on mext sea-|the financial district of Ne } ! rielity inein e . MINIMUM WAGE son as well, Was the finding of five cireulars vi nu ' ' '» WEW OFFENSIVE OF * Asked as to the possibility of signed, American Anarchist i a ‘ BOLSHEVIK! IS * an augmented train service for Fighters” in a mail box Broad- ‘ IN PREPARATION * ext season, Mr. Warren stated | way The police have also di ‘ and . that this had not yet been under jcovered the blacksmith who shod Break Deadlock i e MOSCOM Sons {8 * __ consideration by the new manage-/the horse that w found dead : cape ~ 1 ssary * Meeting of Executive of Synod Sets gent bul was a question that near the scene of explosion. - . s i * New Rate to Take Effect would be taken up during the The damage is ‘timated at y ‘ ' , . tus Sowit says * January Next. iwinter months when such matters $2,500,000, M I Wa ° “oF * he Be ire prepatr * are dealt with. Terminal facili- ; ‘ t \! Vis s . nsiv * o>. Vv. EVITT APPOINTED ies, including a roundhouse, are ur ‘ ay » h { = ize t 1Y ire Russia * SEC.-TREAS. OF SYNOD now under consideration and an NEW CHAIRMA i OR . eV he * inspection of the condition in that Si; | TLEMENT BOARD \ Sha ! ’ * rhe executive committee of the regard is one of the purposes of ; : . * Anglican Synod of the dice gj 'he, visit today. a ish age ti oad 0 © clocese |Major John Barnett to Succeed A d ' . ¥ i eseceweee een ereeeeenee Caledonia met last evening at the | W. J. ee Sieeat) ah be obi ateeedky?** tintbat ry ~ iW st eoin feta) kh ad wiv bishops house with ashinare “S/OLD TOM MOORE OF Sire! orig. thers er VANCOUVER KILLED © swon uns we Wt ation Larter and Mesure, SLEEPING IN SHACK (i... “isoceite wick Man. ARGUMENT CORLEY. CASE FOR MONDAY) ii ays. Sent ts dase Court Visited the Royal Bar this aut arnt os * a . RT at as hy Cate ore ; and HBagzett- Morning ’ guaee Distances le rary office of the board, has been a4 4 i ' pe ! , . 6.000 | ind Clara N 100 Ibs . Jones. nvolved lappointed chairman of the Sol t , | rt Ue Sant , . munis asked tie be Paise —— : ’ dels Adages a Fisheries at 16.4¢ VANCOUNI ? is he ee ao a 1" d ; be nent he taking of evidente in the |diers’ Settlement Board in sucees- Wholesale Hardware. - first fa ae sea | bey - 1 eer in the diocese Was}, \. Corley liquor selling appeal | sien to W. J. Black, He was bern AN .. : ; Pe ! 1, 8 f nt, 7 son an the pre oe pn ee . gor See o ' yj was campleted this morning and} moa New Brunswick farm in ! N ote ( t } Old ror slack nereases Lhe i sal- ‘ ‘ ’ 1 Winng n : i topher. 8.000) When i | : ‘ aor RECS. 10. SNG FADE ae adjournment made until mee mrleton County, i vl a ave : } ) ,ismith fe he \ uve® city tire ary for clergy in the diocese were Phiof ! ! ! ; . ee ae | well nown | made Married men in future when argument will be heart er Of Police Head ' eee BERT ee 1 ié.4c end 8 departune : - “hs we this morning Ed, Matsen a [RECORD ¢ CROWD AT Of Poddiers ; \ be handled through here to 10 00 s¢ KI Salvati \ \ ker here, wasimust be paid at least $1,100 a). . i ‘in tO 7 one ' (or ' A , : - 1 10:30 last nightlyear with’ a parsonage, ‘While|“@"US® bartenders, were heard in Perators avy, LE il there should be}: goo Ibs., to Roy Fish Co, at | stanly ar Mens yee ™ m ., ’ é she the defence and they testified adi BASEBALL MATCH the ready transfer fron 8 Ge tat 8 brite shack at Co- poe ye are to ” ne gn McKay was not On shine ‘on the| ; Ml ~ ails to tra ‘ view versa, M . yuitla “ a sama “79 ae a = “ei bt a fi nicht of August 20 when McKay CHICAGO, Sept. 18 \° reéord cherso ote dseto the zreal ina f the seus ree Tannet ake etlec 0 anuary Xt. ‘ , Y . is alleged to bave seld a bottle to ork of 35 aasube 3 : that Bil be built up ft RELIEF IN SIGHT by the wit ugh the poof, |The minimum at present is $1,200 De : oe fain dia? McKay him | ho f 35,900 nes a oni ‘tee » . ' | « . - . oe » . . ’ : I . ' s ongs . fifor arrie . u s ” . ’ jaflernoon’s game, the erucral ene ¥ Alaska over the Grand Trunk Pa FOR BAIT SHORTAGE pit alongside of - ried men, and $1-100 for self, was recalled this morning. |r the series belween the While ( NO eck es Hel 4 , I ani i four S i es Mr. Larter tendered bis) VUTINE Ee womens oF Fhe Bros | Sax and New York Yankees. The ri" il bunkers, being established, Salmon. Humpbacks wooeased i Wite and fo "Vv. . ba t ‘ Pt weddings ayes ike a at Queen's l. B. Hooper, respondent fe ee 0 s game. The White Sox pir ee RePOURN ae Ne oF rivin ace, s U nix I sity, King t a, Ont Gc. ¥ IY thief Vickers. Stenpgrapher E. x sot three runs in the first inuing. ang [WOOK Lease there would got be so; Crews on tet : a , OPA Ss ae ey Woods and Court Registrar W. “ee Fae 5 tive thin . . i trackage in the vietnity of fd ne the pa iy or so tell of ®* DECORATE WINDOWS * Evilt was appointed to fill the Saas pst wnt to the Royal Bar te rae ae a Be a bv hy ! , ; a _" Nations wal, t. \- Cow Tay as al first was anticipat. | moor i fa sulmeo hump. |* FOR CARNIVAL WEEK : vacancy until the next maecting\ Uf} see for theniselves certain meas-| patti 14. Brooklyn 5. ‘dd When it was proposed: te put) bao : prevailing: on ru ol the synod, lurements that apparently will! ———— 2 r : , y shop and round, house |the ea Queen Cia . Phe di it the fau ——— laffeet the judgment largely. +O. FL fin tnat sient jie yin long the wpter-|e ake social roauent Mat, 3° BA LEAGUE BASEBALL | oe % . ; ' ts lecorate * i iat this could. be used to/#” the merehants — deeora PROHIBITION MEETING | Church Notice A Closing Bay. 1, aie ahead’ thoi window amanner #* ; tM Nbe sinter yt the ¢losiiye up atin P : pop ah ois Gaia td eping with the earni *) ead : dhe