THE NAILY NZWS ~~ — ey Sa THE DaiLy News | PONSTIPATION EVIDENCE IN PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News AND HEA AD ACHES | AP P FAL CASE Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Under Protection of Court Appel- A. F. PULLER, | MANAGING re tibiae’ aii ! by thie Grand | ant Admits Having Sold Liquor | Frat ra hei TERUTT- A- TIVES"* in Hig House. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00 ee ‘ay ls . ene: or the Ry mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States,| [ Pas eter fone fae 3 oo ee Hoourl vesterday attet of Poliee Vir rs a ' j | in advance, per y@ar ... 6. cee eee eee eee eens ee $6.00. To all other countries, in advance, per year ...... ee. oe. 97,60. Adams were heard and also the DAILY EDITION. ania Saturday, Sept, 18, 1920, ef e.¥ ‘eo 4 ' . evidence of thread defenee wit r \ me hnesses Was faketh The officers | a3 llestified as to the bringing of th Entertain Visitors lexhibits to the police station @nd ithe seizure of Niquer made, To the City. lhe directors of the fair anrtounce that there ~s a very serious}! f ; . : 1’ ‘The feat witness | ths shortage of acéommodation for visitors to the city; Soanany people | . ifence waa one Jacob A. Kile t for the tot n sie 7 are coming that it is very difficult to put them all up. jaws testified to having stlayec In view of this situation, the fair direetors appeal to the wilahe! . ‘he Roval Hote n of Prince Rupert to aid them in making provision for those who! ‘. \neust 20 H d been sur € come here. “There are hoties where a Sisitr could be put up for u| 42%. Catherine Rs Mosinee yet tg wee vars teins eco acka, e15 few days. If thre heads of these houselrolds would get in touch with For three years, I was @ terrible lthen as he } ‘ d i L. Secretary Hunter, he would try to arrange that people whe are con- sufferer from Indigestion, constemt Head lhe MeKay rmosing the genial should meet. _— se mt nse vee jeXauiihation by M oope Tie Me 1 The fair is a great event in the history of the city, and if no merry sie nothing iPatmore interrupted s al tire attempt is made to house the yisitors they will not come again, Pe Sieoae diieinads ra Many visitors will stay with friends hera but not all have friends - a > a I sy | we in the city. On ar oer eae are urged to do their utmost Indi " 4 Headaches, the |"°** in his own defeng to aid in solving the housing problem, Coastizatios te*eured, and I have |*tated that the evidence Archbishop Du Vernet on | gained considerable weight; and my re a . . _ Pr The Principie of Interest. geneeel heath ip Ane. oe * ¥ o aay une oa e ha One of the most striking laws of the human mind is the power Fruit-a-tives’ is @ grund meficine ond jeadiedt om sa eae _ a " of the attention. This power can accomplish wonders so great that T canoot say enough in its favon jhibition,” stated the witness a they seem almost ineredible ALFRED DUBOISSEAU, (saine evidence Was Biven in “When on a dark night we wateh from a steamer the search-| ‘Fruit-s-tives’ are made from fruit [preliminary irial im regard f juices and valuable tonics—and are ([H0tifs tn the atterepr fo pres light turned upon the shore geome objeets spring into view and seam tT 4 ; real. while other objects are lost in the shadows. In the same way pleasant to take, their action being palthi for McKay, who was og ‘ ee som ene T the objects upon which we focus mur attention become fo us in- geade and ash, yos always most jlo have made the sale \ mae E N | S T tensely real, while the objects upon which we never turn our atten- effective. server ri " rA tion might, so far as we are contverned, not exist. This is true SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sive 250. Admits Selling. ae . a ‘ whether the objeats be material or spiritual. At ali dealers or sent postpaid by | Mr. Hooper = cross exan It has been proved by experience that we best focus our atten-| Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, [proved somew! Loree cE Lor hi 4 ; : ooGhe at ’ a ce the facet was elicited tle rt ' » ' tipn upon the objeets in which we are mosot interested, rhis is ; ; . called the principle of interest. — ie an lid ye ' QUALITY This principle of interest is now being scientifieatly applied ta OILSKINS lags oy : on oe : ” ; P In i , ; Bes ; , , 2a the education of the young with most wonderful results. the mind of an apparently stupid child the expert teacher discovers Gum Boots, Rubbers, Shoes, . wooet ta some germ of interest and uses this to awaken the dormant prrwer Overalis, Gloves, Shirts, " we : ' 5 ¢ ‘ ;. ef the attention, which is then skilfully turned to some associated Waterproof Duck Clothing, {> che rep i say the . : os . Dr. Bayne interest of a higher type, and. so little by little a marvellous trans Canvas, Tents, Salis, Sult sole thee a ' . ‘ j) August OFFICE HOURS formation takes place, Cases, Trunks, Handbags, ep hetiabe { ‘ ; Harness and Saddlery jpeaduced | wae ’ ' Morning, 9 te 12, Miermoon, 130 te 5.30, Seartap, 1 uf May be Applied to lby the prosecut that ( y Pp CALL AMD SEE THEM ppe ated the mar ants Every Evening trom 7.90 0 9 Labor Problem. ; ; rhis principle of interest should also be scientifically applied J. F. MAGUIRE wRo was.geid by the & mn Dental Nurse in attendance to the problem of labor. Everywhere there is a ery for greater pro 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert B)!ave lodged there « : : : rat e the e7 ; Phone 109 for appointment duction, but if this appeal is to awaken a genuine response in the i'To this Corley ad minds of the laboring class if must make-use of this principle of ve jtjen that the name ! ! , I A Gay Beals Rooms 4, 5, 6, Heigerson Bik., Cor ‘ed ood ee eeeeeseesensses).., omitted by his wife Best Equipped Office in Northern BC and was checked by the judge @ & A. Corley was the main ingerest. It must be clearly shown that it is in the interest of the working man. in the interest of his family, in the interest of hia|*® PRINCE RUPERT TIDES fi made up tiese reports ° country, and in the interest of mankind that there should be greater | © eeeseeseseeeesve| Under cruss-examination i our ult production. The principle of interest must always go hand in hand | Saturday, September 18. lley sworgs positively that was with the sense of responsibility, but there Can be nb adequate serise High, 5:13 a.m., 17 feet, | ina yrena gi be) fim any ore te Kite the | TRAE TOM ie egek| AN clas Gatme —leorke-irm-ine eotciee «t 'nyll Cleaned and Pressed of rsponsibility without some measure and also in the loss involved. The power of coneentrated ailention, Low, 10:52 a.m., 8.4 feet. ibar as Sumia had sworn could be ; so necessary to eflicient production, cannot be dissevered from the ee ast an. oe ange ange octal 7 aah S. S. PRINCE R principle of sustained interest. Sunday, September 19. a ehange had been made in thy Steam P; essing Machine |} High, 6:12 a.m., 16 feet. larrangemeat and the cooler i Go Deeper Than 18:2 p.m., 17.3 feet. wen replaced, It only wkes 15 minutes hs GEOR Superhictal. | Low, 11:39 a.m., 9:6 feet. “In ome place he offered | ‘ Our Price is S. S. PRINCE ; roe ea of interest “— further be scientifically ap- ied 16400 with Mr. Hoops ‘ - Reasonable gatlixG — plied to the problem of religion. The majority of people today are rhe time used 1s Pacific 8 ~limmosaible fo om pt ‘ ' Delivery ise Prompt not vitally interested in the services of the Church. Not being inter-/dard, for the 120th Meridian aa. the sphidaien thie ban * us trial Phone B at 0 ee Te eee ae te ested enous fo focus their attention upon spiritual hings such {ft is counted from 0 to 24 hours. | eooler inside where he is alleges Anvoi menanaieaat 40 b. Stewart, Salieri things have «{ apparent reality for them No frantic eort tolfrom midnight to midnight. te ave jae the «botih y tickle the fancy df a congregation by sensationa! metheds will meet | The fable given a Port Se a 7. c ai casita LING T AIL OR 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN or PRINCE ALSEH! the gravity of the situation. In the realm of religion we must ¢o|Simpson but the time for Prince|ihe judge, “tiris is no sport M deeper than the superficial. The spiritual needs of the people, both|Rupert varies only a few minutes joyse and I would hav: 4 : individual and social, must be first uneoevered, and then truly satis-|on some days and on others is fine vour betting to » ” fied by bringing them into sympathetic thuch with the Spirit of|the same. The range of the tide MoKay Witness. at We Offer Train @ERvicn Beturgey of ree Redeeming Love, and the Source of Eternal Goodness. may be computed as 5 per cent Kenny MeKay was tlie last wit Paweenecr Monday, W*dnesdey * rhe laws of the human mind are the laws of God, and it is greater at Prinee Rupert than at) .,e«. venterdaw afieri dor i dies . Priore George, Edmoutun end Winnbes, matin ane only through the principle of living interest and the power of con-)Port Simpson both at springs and Snifetn 1 ; ' ai) points east and fou i I j F examination in. ebief b " iu amship Ling centrated attention that any man of any racewr any creed can dis-|neaps. Therefore the rise in he) patmore appelant’« cor Agency All Ocean Ste cover the Reality of God. (Prince Kupert harbor is slightly | witnes« denied having bes thee os For information and reervaticas are © jgneater than Port Simpson. bar on the night in ques! te Loose owe $12. 50 Oty Tieket Office, BPE Third Arenvt The height is in feet and tenth®/andg “*®lin” bad been ou , per ton, delivers | of feet above the average level Of time. 1 was net the trut th ; Sacked, Lame, $14.00 jlower low water, the detectives had bought a bot ale 2 | Ce oO . ¢ fallow ox on er ton, delivered ; : as NOTICE. from tim He had foll 1 { on #5 | ley's instruetions never te hay After careful investigation we i THE ¢ ASSIAR L "AND oOrmsTHICT— Hiquor in the bar or in hi« find this con! the best procurable . P a edie OCOURDING DISTHICT OF SREENA, ane | heard ‘ from Alberta It is not only to ad tog ; SITUATE AT ALICE ARM, He bad never seen or se . OMPANY Lisi Dot der Knead eae | COPI y selling liquor. ’ bi your appearance but 2, Hutiding im the City of Vancouver, m™ the | : . Albert & McCaffer B.C. Coast Steamship * your health demands Guly Incorporsies Uider ihe’ inws ef tbe] Limited y . ———=—— said province, intends to appiy for per- imitec 8.5. PRINCESS ten oe r 7 i mission t0 lease th faim , en ear : GOOD TEETH . 3 7 _ lands, eatuate ia 5 nelly on taal T yY s Ago Phones ie 6; 564, es Motehinen, Juneau Ghegwey, —— tr Fiala p \ ter . , $635,3638, 3439, 2642, 3799 and gH00 im! in Prince Rupert SOOOCOOOL POOLE OEE OOP EEE © ‘ { - Rey : neietle 13: ie prone aa t > the Cassiar District on Alb art You will be able to mas . skeenha District, cOmUMENCInS at . post , en — oe 5 planted im the North West corner of Lot) is | ie eee ee § Getover food ; 36484 im the Cas i f September Y shee Bepten ade ° ticate your properly ; ning South) des. $0 tin. Woes o aretenco| 18, 1910 Hand Your Baggage Checks to pre princess nearest ot 6 Of 469.76 feet, ’ ‘ i Br “aves tomorrow and reduce the work on ineia, "Wels Stabanes ae THEY inet at Teemet leaves fom ter wancon war, 00eee FUR Tee ‘ jSoutherty boundary of Lot 3643A, ron ieient for Vietoria where he will Prom Prinve Rupert for oer, Vancouver ant the internal organs of the ? lrolowing the Southerly boundary’ of ‘Lot Braver Cove, Powe! ae : S643A orth 26 deg. Kast a distance of! imuarry Mise Anderson, of Mont Every Seturdey, ye body : |501.% feet to point of commencement, ana real, Motor Transfer and as ond er ue m . ~ e containing aoe Acres, more or less, whien . . Pp Servi “ew ROHARD Ge 8 . , were locate n ' mb a ” - > ; ince Live a Little Longer ee rere. ona ol _ wellth day of aa Mitehe)l Albert predic t= that a ce w. o. oOROoH : Pr tl oe Agent for the Teyior wining ‘Company jthe Westholme Lumber Co, will Stand, Empress Hotel Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Stree Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Lada eS ene ne comet otras | Phones 264, Black 334 EM Pitino Thee 40) Memon or THe B.C. Dewrat Cor_ece ° CANADIAN NATIONAL HAILWAYS. — | ; eer Quick Deliveries Office Hours:- Open Evenings e 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 DENTIST cosiey ty arpoicmene Grand Téunk Pacific Lines. William Manson is leaving for! a 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 | Sealed lenders sddressed to the unaer- |“ trip into the Hella Coolaf . _ PAGANS TS Cpa e ar ¥ ened and endorsed “Tender for Ties" country, He is accompanied by will be received at (his oMice until tweive) Bec ais Te statins horaphs eK and Moy Moore, timber | A a dated Maren 48, 1919. jimepector, eu EAW PLAN ; SITK SP i ake o be a ) rand) 0 the Board of Trad cool Evenings. T home a Trunk patuie tne in liperte. ” lmitted to the City Council a tax $10. 00 Tender forms and specitications can Bel ality and the Grand Trunk Pacille ———--—__—— imade on forme supplied by the Hallway. No a ” WwW hi pt ” tt » P : o tenders tor quantities | jess) than le the salvor of the Prin- Cc. Vv. EVITT Mills: Prince *. : Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C, veweral vara Aget, Canadian their work a yein of good copper Auditor and Accountant ‘Prince Rupert, B.C. Vetotk poon Saturday, 260 day of sep. load Superintendent K, 0. Jenn. { ¢ , Sener Fett S00 AS’ Temes Bee 30 ings, Sehool Saepe tor Thomas | Hotel Prince Rupert | ; Dry Kiln Capacity Just what is required to take off the chill these O4.Fe0 20, Be Matveree a) me. urees| Te ee $1.50 per day and up. LooRINa /400,000 to be defivered Im Manitoba sna } FIRST-CLASS CAFE WESTERN HEMLOCK , oon i ; OIL STOVE $11 00 eer kd” 6 btee Recs tae w hailway | now -~ d § ruce ° Tenders will not be considered uniess e e Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue } Charlotte Islan $ P upert, BC 10,000 Ues Will be cons ” lowest ¢ enger , Clas M y were blaastin 0 Be a 6 Thom mpeon i ten Co., Limited sarily ecenpiee es 0 ert tines island is Siecerttiin “ ith Auctioneer ¢ ' Local Agents 1 gest! pegs, Seremte, Sat, jore was discovered * , ° male afd délivered between December 1st, Truok Pacific tine in Britten Columbia. has sub- ° t bet . » nattleme o . . Plain PERFECTION |] Nickie Patent 'niae action fremeeumane |"Chodule for the seltlemerh of th A Lo Carte, | CEILING FINISH OF Plated ental Keiwey. oan men petween be MUNIGIP PO DEAD AMP OP DM AM OD “DOPDOLD LDS S| Tends Sprac ret LANGHAM, Toronto, Sept, 3,1 26, SIT wt