WE NEVER SLEEP PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert oe s = he Daily News 8S J Northern and Central British Columbia's ee. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., vit KBHAY, OC TOBER 28, 120. Yesterday's Circulation 1,500 Sirest Gales 944. PRICE FIVE CENTS cores —=—=—=—=_—&—————_———=——_— s Strike is Practically nded | —_—— PENDID RECORD HAS BEEN MADE BY THE PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION Se sttullo Makes Statement PAT DALY OF Miners’ Strike is Settled of the Government Policy Tae Subject to Taking of Ballot ;with general features and also with those that refer , Executive of Union reccmmend Government Terms te ibor Men of Mining Town Choose particularly to Prince Rupert and surround'ng district O16 “ot” Con- accepted as Temporary Measure until National | ~ we Wage Board is appointed ne address t he HELPING ALBERTA TEACHERS. STEN ' a “a 2 ai de it sa od FARING THIEF LONDON, October 28.—The miners’ strike is settied contin- tut dee weal in theis gent on a baltot of the miners which will be taken immediately. Frank Hodges and members of the miners’ executive announced said that AT VANCOUVER the terms agreed on with the Government and which the execu- Soap tive are submitting for a ballot with a recommendation of ac- ceptance as a temporary measure until a national wage board has Seizes Girl's Mand Bag as She Aacaiith tities at he been appointed to deal with this and other wage questions. init on. 2-4. ee TVER’S! ribtbery eek plave tm MAIL FROM RUPERT VANCOUVER’S*SLUMS ee eee nt a - IN THE WEST END "ois «es'tlos's SOUTH TO VANCOUVER = RETURNS IN Returning Officer Mortimer will Wow Have RecOunt and An- ; ees, oe nounce Final Result Miss Montgomery seized him =84e and nail Che bageaze and Pit aeeane ail will be aemtsouth Lumorrus With the arrival this morning of James Thomas from Ocean Falix, Swansen Bay and Smith lhe door Was opened ty Many as Eight Families Living in One House Says Health Officer. Monutcemery, the man seized her are engaged on the salvage hand baz coutainime *16. of the Peence Rupert and ber baz- Ga ‘ and a tussle followed in which the : co jan Bred two sols. on the Prince George and sorted a and nha} are = oat hear eS uss there. connect tiot ; ‘ _ bs : theusands of RE = ekperiie idres@ last night that linmediately everything is out a ‘winnie Ales ne of With helping the schuel, teachers py, siums of the city were BO OPENS ef ihe ship, efforts will be con- ane - pt of the ballot boxes runk Pacific Railway. financially. : » adtybably in the wisi end and reat ‘eommirated on the building of a for Prince upert dimtrict in the uses AS recent Prohibition plebiscite have ‘> ; and i ‘ y some we : eofferdam whick will extend 30 o. seshine 1 at 4a ed a om McLEOD IN ROSSLAND. e ved feet above the upper decks of the °°" TCtUrned a s soon as i ‘ things are sorted oul and in shape . vessel aud will form an outer leull riturnis Oticer Mastin wi NP LASGIN ‘ . : ~ pres ile L_«w a and a anti Hs Sos “ning ice Mortitne Viti ; ; os ae “ss commence the recount and the _ Tries to Make Capita! out of Dual eaches the drydock siltemooueaiit at: id iia oaielel Election and Government “ — Sar “Vole. didkciet (an be duke onditions y fren lida Contro! OLD TIMERS OF THIS During the past dég OF so Jt Neville arrived from aaa NI . - . 24 al. Ube TOWN MEET AT PARTY Queen Charlottes cine tere. EN VANCOUVER CITY ‘as ‘ ening last at the t ing tw >have oo ‘ , ome «o r. and Mrs. J. Car- each other . i96 Avenue West, Van- great number of absentee Prince i ‘ tu pha e apitat ove » \ P “ Ps eryv_enjoyable gathering Rupert votes coming in from all | ‘ as as yet ’ & i ' W ’ ) ws wid in henor f Leo les, over the provinee, among which 0 ror inli drafted and cave as tis 4 r erers t e al e are me a Me or : this eity on the oc- are New Westminster, Vancouver, ul min that none wouls be } na wes ms ‘ 0 ix birthday Many Victoria, Nanaimo, Allenby and dra ed until after t * eoectbon p . : he eectiotr forme Prinee Rupert people were | Copper Mountain and the hours were Followine are Teddy, the Joseph Scanlon and Michael Molyneaux to ORE iS PROVED e 3 nth ca wl Dipl airtime Ep meng 2's casion, as both his Surf Inlet pay penalty of crime of killing Pe wlunert ice prea: taat” meade Diamond Drill Shows that the Rich ~ passed with dancing and Ocean Falls man for his money Ore Extends Downwends cine ind after refreshments |. Hydah ‘ Far Below Present. . ? 7 rad lees served at midnight the VANCOUVER {darted : : epl ind) Michael Workings. ‘ i Re o er 7 ve ‘ were r} ‘ t ‘ . Judge Gregory to be a t as “ ests were: Mr. and Mrs ELKS ODG:: IS ‘ 27 | uirder « | e!| Morrison at tl opty : NS % ew n ’ chael, Mr. and Mrs. Ives L . 7 me BO SUS. Ore . ie und Mrs. George Toewn- , — et e ag * ley. Mr. and Mrs, H. Miller, Mrs BEHIND SKATING ae ee.ce sizes rt held her iely Was reeelved Pecemny. FB) Killen, Miss Beatrice Killen / ' p : i UL 1 ate i : hha Seti | nal vuight large Say that il ” lhe sa “ von oe wix« Carotine Mitehell ae ‘Saan ' ' : ; nor ham had bes lose " y ll people rues ae. 250s... oagery Ives. Miss Florence Ives and Miss ‘Committee Appointed to See That chiefly in proving that the ‘ Muriel ives, Messrs. Fred Ives and , ni depth rhe drill dure , Pond ‘3 Made at Morse James Mitehell and Masters Harry THESE ‘ hed rut rhe ta hole was run i rorizontally fron ee ee , Creek. Ives and Lawrence [wes e there t vere tine mi i mad rio sa ons “I do not ask the tunnel en the five hundred foot Une t jorauion f ‘ r mer beige senter 1 me I did not /tevel and at a little over a At the meeting of the Elks LED ne feet the ore was struck, was wdize last night the matter of a mn ae R ’ or — — ; ; | have dune uch the same class. of ore as Is . salting pond War discussed and een °r Colonel Peck © of nal oe o which frothing sund higher in the vein was decided that the Morse " Columbia says ater pewrr development can be There was av impressive seene in court as the judge wearing rhe drill was sao turaéd Gawes WAS BURNED : Creek pond must be put in shape Report pul if in the pulp and paper ! the black cap said it was his duty. lo sentence ach of the prison-) wards and proved that the vein this winter even if it has to be TAW iry porit art ! this } idone by voluntary labor, Accord 4 wate rn at ron ’ on ae pens») eer ' tiee conmsisting of 1) auete there © sever sult, preparations are being made ingly a comm ' ets wl 4 , im nt io it ae i ayer ; tunnel at ia baat Several Hund People at Now Ben Self, W. E. Thempsen and > lhe ete j er i pres i} o ¢ »% ‘ . inne d i t Poe York Make Demonstration iPred Gilhuly was appointed to see ee Thane jably the Brides Live wv level ef the railwe hieh is P oom aes . ‘South Polar Expedition a i cus a: Goes aan the] Against Woman. lthat the work was dong either by ‘ ne { M the 4 e that power praject, The formething ' kighest level of the mine, The the cily or by organizing a fang we ‘lot mimey; which will « ns ta Leaves Norfolk Tomorrow (22 ic ettect or ite Sey YORK. Oot, 28 Several of worm Ho ou AB de Hh money, whit ‘ ove insures Alice Arm being allundred people selenmnty burned It was felt by the permanent mining oamp foygmany the Union Jack here as a protest| way the time for attion, The city i sie r eee : peut | Biggest Expedition of its kind to Visit Polar Regions; veers to come, even if ne further against the display of the British | promised to do it last year but arin ries i . " Four Ships, over Hundred Men and several Planes {nines are discovered and worked, emblem by Mes, William Sarrler.) vas too late starting and the pond Phe British tag was displayed by¥y|was useless. If anything was to the woman while her neighbors | be done this year it niet be done has still greater depth As are run inte tiany el bite abel’ ——-- — mnt time is ' mibesr i! proper — —_ idera ooki { NEW YORK, October 28 The British Imperial Polar expe di Aw Foreman, chief engineer of John Ll. Gape, the veteran Antarcti of the publie works department at unfurled the flag of the Irish re-jat once Vietoria. has resigned to became | public ihe eones the establishment 7 a? Lion mder the command try and devetops fo a. tomerro ‘riday, fo se i ' n " ” ‘ . ‘ rbnnent Nortolk,"5 . ™! ver ta wn associated wiih a Vancouver com W. Miller, H. J. Moore and Jack aters adijace Pol rhis is the biggest expedition yel whieh hus ever set out Pythian Sisters Hallowe'en Ba-|Hampson, deunks, were fined #10 1 Rupert, and I have assured thos: pany : tu) : ; i for the It consists of four ships, thirty dogs, - 7 - waar Saturday afternoon and each in the poliee court this interested if the svinpathewe | f (continued on Page Four.) everal aeroplane nen 8. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. evening in new Frizzell block, 94 inerning, explorer si s Prom rane Polar region