. Fe Bs, ‘fe eS ae! ag an hee oe ie £ “fee Bede ce 4 i) ; RY aie a : wee = ~ ee otek es Se ee _ be supperted by THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. ROLLEN, & Panne EDITOR. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month-..... By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, $1.00. in advance, per VOar 2... ee cece eee ee eee eet eee ewes $46.00, To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... - $7.60. TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch, Local Readers, per insertion, ..... Mie see ceees 25c. per line. Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ide, per agate line. Contract Rates on Ax ptication, All advertising should be in the Daily News Office cn day pre- ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. | aggig tins Thursday, October 28, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Local Member Outlines Work. Hon. T. D. Pattulle has given in this number of the News an outline of the work accomplished by the Oliver Govern ment and hing of what they expeet to doa, They came} Daily also somet into existence at a time when the condition in the province was] at its lowest ebb. They have fought against tremendous odds} and have brought the province through those diffiealt times to normal expansion Up to money ior new) Now resume unable to where they can now they have a piace the present borrow peen work. It took them all the time paying off the old debts things are changing. We take it that no one claims the Oliver Government has been @ perfect institution or that it has carried, antralb the mashes of the people. There are marty problems to solve yet, and the ordinary understand all the dificnities. In all governments too there has to be a give and take polity. All do! alike. The problems are thrashed out in eancus or wy) and the proceedings are not published in the} person does not not see execulive council press. No one knows how hard our own local member, for ia- stance. has fought for some of the reforms which he thinks should be brought about. He has done a good deal but there tsi more to do. We Kunegest the caption *‘Let Pattullo finish his work.” He has started well. He is just beginning to get for us the much needed local improvements, and if he is re-elected he will doubtless see that they are carried ont. He is no carpet-] bagger. He has his interests here, although in carrying out his! duties as minister of lands he has to live in Victoria. Study Carefully \ All Platforms. We suggest to readers of the Daily News that they carefully the platforms and pledges that are put before them and men and their records. We to time. in a reasonable studs all also consider the do our best to point out from time shall spirit, calibre of the without unnecessary personalities, some of the features of the present campaign. We ask them-also to study the personality of the me: ho are offering themselves for eleotion. Another thing {o remember, and a very important one, is what policy will should he be elected. What all seen what has happened -to nothing and got each candidaie follow? We have in the Legislature. Ht has jeader will he the Jone voice nowhere. This is done | an age of co-operation and organizetjon.. When a} group of people with somewhat similar opinions organize to carry out a policy, that group becomes a party. They labeHed, if they stand for anything. The Liberal party is an organized section of the country banded together to carry out cerjain definite policies, It-is the} party of progress. The opposing party is’ lahelled Gonseryative, | It stands for marking time, for holding on in the old way, There are Socialists and Li and Farmers, but when it comes to lining up in the members will have to adopt the j soon are! iborites Legislature the leadership of either Mr. Oliver or Mr. Bowser and will be either for the Government or against it. They may tell the efectors a different story, but the history of the past is that they will be They will be opposition. Pattallo is headers of Liberalism that the interests of Rupert district can best be served | either for the against it. of the Government In this district, Government. He of the support Premier John Oliver. We believe the province and of the Prinde Goverument or part or the Hon. T. D a member of the Oliver is one and he will by returning Mr. Pattullo again as the representative of the dis- trict. = J. Nes it G. Clark | CLEANING AND PRESSING PARLORS 133 Eighth Street - - Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty Our Motto: ‘“ Phone Calls given Prompt Attention Geo. Clark, Manager, better known as Prince Rupert, B.C. To Give Customers Satisfaction’’ Phone 563 . ‘Nobby e Rooms 7 ‘ond 8 valuable asset. Office Hours Lady Assistant 9-12; 1—6; 7-9 Phone 575 — members \f" ¢ eS DENTISTR LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will insure the BEST RESULTS. | Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block _ Sunday by Appointment iM. L. Stephens and &, OPERATION WAS NOT NECESSARY “Fruft-a-tives” Restored Her To Perfect Health a THE oe Y Naty MYSTERY HOBO HELD Original Affair Last Night at the Baptist Church Parlors Was Interesting. Staiéd tenders will be receivea by the} District Forester not tater than fhoon on the 25th day of Uetober, 1920, for the purchase of Licence X 2587, to cut 1,418,- 00 Teet of Hemlock, Spruce and Baisem, on Lot ¢5, situated om Alice Arm, Cassiar Land District une (1 year will be allowed for re- moyvgi of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fageste-, Victoria 8. t., or District Forester, Prince Kupert, 8. C. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE |: Open Evenings PRESBYTERIAN BEAN SUPPER LAST NIGHT /Affair Was Quite Successful; 150 Persons Attended During Evening. Success nded the Lad jAid of the Presbyterian Ch h it their Hear nd £50 persons sat down di jthe progress of the affair An’ Supper last nigl Dentist. ye petizing supper was daintily i served and the ladies are Lo be congratulated on the event Smith Block During the course of the affaly | i! wre Was a enjoyable musical ibiprogram harge of Mra. Wil Has everything to jp tian Millar {mong those who : . ipitook part in it were Mra. W. 1 do with your suc i Williams, Mixa FF, L, Edinands;, : cess--your person- jMr. Eason, Mr, Gardiner and A, ality---your appearance and your good health depend J Clavverton ‘Phe soliciting com upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a fi "ot ok or Pr onke ladies assisted in the serving, New names applying for mem- ibership in the Amateur Athletic Association are: G,N. tlobertas, H, W. Frizzell, Douglas Frizzell, RB. Lancaster, G, ©, Mitehell, dlarry | Pleater, Kd, Raby, M. A. Stephen, ‘MACDONALD'S } EC ut Srier — Canada’s best buy- ine ECONOMY Package ‘elb-85% UNTER EUEDT TUTTE SS RSET J Fa 5,0 Sarai | | Prinee Rupert is eer orieimal 158 Papineau Ays., Monraman, land up to date i r hospitality “For three years, / suffered grea’ ON ye of her peopl ever div pain in the lower part of my body, (of ennui, Am enteria nt th with swelling or bloating. I saw a nal and up specialist who said I must undergo |), th. Baptist ©) au operation. B retesed: . Inight when fh la Dunlop ee - Fruit-atives”" se and ae. Baltel o a Halle La ecided to iry td. hel supper tog ; nv of thei The first box gave great relief; and ata ee 7 ; 3 I continued the treament. Now my bes : biiaieneesaeh aan ; ’ ca ‘O ‘ que the ney cou health is excellent—I am free of _— od , , b ce . 9 spirit ne f hip ns ‘ ) J pain—aed | give ‘“Fruit-a-lves” my a , n : cjO , wea warmest thanks’’. . r a _ffie Mme. F. GAREAU. ae were rem nee FE BOc. a box, 6 for $2.5, trial size 25e, old Virginia, from nd neland Atall dealers or sent postpaid by from the Welsh \ ys , vid Fruit-e- tives Limited, Ottawa, (Scotia and also ere were aot naib idiriahasthesn —m FF (uannda« ral ! ! hay “al drifted fa tuyp SUITCASES aonve knows why i hres ‘ ! iRupert, no ons \ vy, thes I R U N K S left Rupert but ¢ ne be n i » AnOwWs WEY they re ter bec HANDBAGS they're here, a s Mr. Bowler a 1 as ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Nhe chief merry-maker was Mon Sn r A Kal. Dray i see eee €@78 ROP GO wM Bw Oe Sipe | iusician Von Bill Dav 8 ihe MAIL SCHEDULE » f J F MAGUIRE rtists were the hobis oe be 4h ands he hee > . : Mr. Bowter 1 tt ' t 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ps ah wa, j For the East + e ladl ! " da ‘ sil ana Sat bh trons * Fes i i Siedged by J I sul tw 0 "= " M ran j i eee Pe REE SET Tee ee ce Se : oe r * PRINCE RUPERT Tives & aida rom the est. eee eee eeeeasaewes| o Sundays, Tuesdays and Thura- the toast of ; n : Wednesday, October 27. h acd days st 7 p.m. High, 0:58 e.m., 20.4 feet, . . 12:57 p.m.; 22.3 feet : . For Vancouver and South. pile 6S te 54 nics : ie ? ; I lays »% ; i pon 19:32 p. m., 2.4 feet ‘ ; ' , . " . 8 lay i. 0s ebhwess mm Thursday, October 28. re hie Mel a ' Hich, 1:39 a.m. 20.7 feet , y ° . pe 13:33 p.m., 22.8 feet an. s { i i Pid ne. << eet, a ' “ d ‘ i : Low, 7:33 a.m., 5.7 feet. sows . 20:41 p.m., 1.9 feet i . o as ahem , ; From Vancouver and South, . ‘ he Was cConeiz le , The time used ts*PactMle Stan-|jajo- and ' a. agave seen on . m. dard, for the 120th Meridian west.}) 0. ae peneis pqnecdaye : pees 30a. m It is counted from 0 to 24 bours od ‘ete aErcay : oy B.tp) from midnight to midnight. f ; inelaeel ’ “0 ™ The table given is for Port}, ag 7 h . ! j ' Simpson but the time for Princes . pers a. MH. Rupert varies only a few minutes ann. b . on some days and on others isi), ¢, uaa : " For Anyox and Alice oan ‘ ait ct - ‘i i" the same. The range of the tide Fe tail ul * as nem. ‘ p.m. Wednesdays ei a eee : may be computed as 5 per cent),,,,.,.; the Loin , ? bn greater at Prince Rupert than at),,,..), Hobo Gouldras th his 74 'Port Simpson both at gprings and! ........ , adit gag Sm eh 9 Anyox and Alice Arte: , ay / : ” esd “ eceeee Ceeeeee m, neaps. Therefore the rise in the! y.otine poura «willy ed a . : mene Prince Rupert harbor is slightly!)),.. aij took to the road. Th sprtchns » salt eit ts. FL Salata p.m greater than Port Simpson. dae ss Ocalan os TH® height is in feet and tenths | ae ae : For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili lof feet above the average level of! Hobo Menu. Bay, Wales Iisiand and Naas River ‘ 4 . ’ ML SAG BO P, a . i0 : . : . y eeeeeeerer . p.m lower low water Muscle-Wafers-h | days .. notanls aan i bb . real Bs Smashed ta aati food From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill rc Dry-D Dowke Ray, Wales Island and Naas River Breath-W ar Seoa.(rlen a it in) rae . am TIMBER SALE X 2324. M Meas Dew Saturday seek dele ses Gan Sealed wnders« will be received by the 5 . : niste f Lands not tater than noon on “hHingi } vl i ‘ ‘ the vin day of i ‘Say s988, for ti Commissary. Conkian Queen Charlotte islands: irebas cence ? lo ew 0 ‘ foo fret of Spr ‘ edar “ 4 Hem k dm! Aliy ' J Ad s D For Massett, Port Clements ena a aie adjoining Lot 193 Selwyn inet, ' h rm [ pper island polotea two é ve ars will be allowed for re M Pe a Wa . [ ooval of tirmie Further part ara of the Chief Forester, be n Hoomerang yesuerie, i, , OF District Forester, Prince) 1). aie Siesah Sort rom Masset, Port Clemente and 1 Klose Upper Iniand poluts TIMBER SALE Xx 2615. POST PRANDIATI I lays a.m Sealed tenders will be recetvea by te Continuous performances | semnieee ce aa ™ m Biter a nee i Chief merryvmaker Mansiet Yor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte “ , y oi ctober, 0, fo ; : Reet on ad Tee ent , 4 of os esos \y EF Kal Dra City and Lower Island pointe fer of Sprtce an emlock and 0,000 ' tenftember L tober 2 ) feet BLM. of felled and bucked Spruce on Wizard cian \ It A r 5,.18; Ootober 2, 1é au area situated om hildaila Hiver, Range San and 30, 2, Coast Land District. "Re Te Me years Will be siiowed for re- Croupler De La Jay Bow moval of tsnpber, ~ : : ¢ Purther particutars of the Unlef Forester, Guests The Hobos From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte | reteese s ae , or District Forester, pa) Camy leared at 10 ‘piu City and Lower Island points , i Hobos take >the read at 40:30 Seplember. fi, 28; Qeteber 12 TIMBER SALE X 2587. p ind 26 For Skagway and the Yukon. Ss tember 6, 47, 27; October 11, 22 and November 1. From Gkagway and Yukon. dectober 1, i5, 26. and November 5, September 10, 21; Stewart, Maple Gay and Swamp Point. For—Saturdays ...... 9 p.m From—Bundays ...+++4+ p.m evel wel ig loos through the classified liat TERRACE FRUIT LANDS and Town Lots $100 to 6500 per pot on Acre tote close to Town §160 to $2300 per fot on easy terms rss : lois 2% miles from town, war #50 and #55 per acre in Terrace easy tories Town boi (in ; lot & milés out all good land, about fe ir acres of Dear ing fruit trees # 1 well and ine, no buildings, good read t& pretiiace® Price ep Ver acre. iiaif cash, balance year Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Evtete Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. Buga, \' TS A A ne a - tc atte, a a DENTISTRY} i QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning, 9 to 12, Mlernoon, 1.30 to 5.30 Every Evening trom 7.36 to 9 Saturdays, § te 12s Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6 Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C eT Canadian National Railway Ls batt S.S. PRIN cron midnight vuerecey for Swans \ No? Wednesday 10 p.m. $s. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT qo 45 y \ Sunday 8 p.m Ti wy ' ’ - TRAIN SERVICE Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 1 eis . ! 1:16 a Neeieal All Ocean Steamship Lines and reeervations st Prone 260 for tnformatior City Ticket Ofce, ere Third Avenue CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA CANADIAN FAOIFIO OCEAN senvices B.C. Coast Steamship Service _8. PRINCESS MARY WE ma or . ~ s Rupert per Ketchikan, dunseu, Greqwey, Aiasks, from PF om dicteber 11 and ‘ rt Beattie from Prince Rupe for Vancouver Victories end N October 16 nd caTRiCe 6 6 PRINCESS © Mardy Ba¥: Alen’ . From Prince Rupert for Swanson Gay, Ocean Fe torle-— Beaver Cove, Powel! River, Vane ver and V Every Saturdey, 6am piy for rates, rerervations and eeilings, eps | Agent. w. ©. ORCHARD, Genera Prince Rupert, B.q Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Kiln Dried indling W 00! NER ENDS, Lumber Com: KILN DRIED oF geen. ¥LA from the Prince Rupes t better We are now able, owing '° crease the size of the load, and " red $7.00 per load Order from | ! 9 ne Pacific Cartage, Ltd. Pho ae facile’ to d the Pp