“190 5 a Mira eaae Reeve Pah RR, a ia , THE UY, NEVES aed a ei | ; | NEW METLAKATLA HAS ies 7 THe Datty News | HIS LIFE RUINED ©“ prespyreniaN cHurcn SS SO Ses PRINCE RUPERT - Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F, PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: jity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $1.00. By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States in advance, per years. ......... nee cat eee oF mo osm. bbe. gad $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ..... odewie.c « O7.60 TELEPHONE 98, Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2,00 per ineh Local Readers, per insertion, ...... eeecesecss SOC, per fine Classified advertising, per insertion, ....e.¢..... 26. per word Legal Notices, each insertion, ....., oes Contract Rates on Az liostion. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ceding publication. All advertising reecived subject to approval i5c. per agate line Natives Decide for New Organiza- tion and Will Call ~ BY DYSPEPSIA DAILY EDITION, ase Friday, October 2@ 1920. British Miners Strike Settlement. While there is little information vet in regard to the strike settiement in Great Britain, it is good pews that an arrangement has been arrived at and that the whole country is not te be once more tied up, especially just on the approach of winter and ata time when industries are feeling a certain amopnt of depression This is searecely a time to ask for wage falling, and prices are advances, The tendency will soon be in the opposite direction, onee the cost of living is fairly on the toboggan. It seems a pity that there cannot be a permanent sliding seale estailished in all industries, which will make the wags corres poud wilh the cost of living. Strikes are an economic waste. the race. They are often worse than war, Elks Lodge and Public Service. They generate hate and tend toward.the deterioration of The announcement that the Elks Lodge would see that there was a skating rink at Morse Creek this year is most commendable. | The skating pond madly needed here. Ht is not often that more { frost severe enough to form ice for skating For that reason we should make.the most of the short time at our disposal. The Salt Lake is all right, but it is too far away for most people to go ex cept perhaps on a. Sunday afternoon. At Morse Creek pond the people could skate every evening and the ladies in the afternoons and if snow should fall it would be easy to keep the rink swept. We think that the city should undertake the work of repair- ing the Morse Creek dam. It is a civic institution, but if they fail, the Elks will be doing a real public service if they organize a group to do the work voluntarily. than a week or bwo « is recorded here in the eourse of a winter. Many People Many Tastes. It is a good thing we do not all like the same things and the same people. If-we did, there would be a great sameness in life. All kinds of people have different tastes. it i because of the diversity of tastes that there are such widely different features} in a newspaper. Some people like humor, some like tragedy, while yet others care for little except editorial opinions, Sport has a good many votaries. Ut is tc cater to all these that the editor of a paper tries. In order io cater to those who like ‘humor of a certain type, the “Bringing up Father” comie strip has just been added to the Daily News features and will run regularly. This is looked upon as one of the best comies printed today and is already being watched for by those who like features of that kind. It is one step forward in the making of a newspaper that is trying to keep up to date. People Noticing ' News’ Circulation. ¥ Every day we publish the Daily News circulation of the pre- vious day at the top of the first page. This is to enable adver tisers to see what they are paying for when they buy advertising space. The circulation is not as big as it ought to be. but it has been steadily increasing throughout the past two years and we look for it to continue to increase. The inerease is an indication of the appreciation of our efforts to provide a newspaper for the district that will take up local questions and discuss them on Minister. Until He Tried “FRUIT-A-TIVES” A So neiaat ' , al The Wonderful Fruit Medicine Pee FEOrISN CHUTE AAS nee, anized at N: a ieulla y 2 the presbytery \ i The . Inew church i en vas b liormed at the + . fa lore \ jnuiber of the i e resulnts lt the town, w hod ssned , ete More Tobacco for the Money / fs? ' bhe organization eetin was ey ~~ ie : held in the asas: ly ont it the Vi wa ‘ 3, 9 tf ‘ miblic school, The ‘ \ ch ¢ ug - : of > & Jad been in the bands of 4 Packages 15 RE, ' ahytery for i i os “s Sh. YE aa ifound to be in ul andthe |b Tins 85* ‘ep : a Pn oa petitioners, afts enantit ti y ‘- fy = - gether aceording he preseribed Tanufactsre :' MA. FRANK HALL forma of the church, were 4 9 a oD } 1 ‘ ‘ - . 7 Wyevale, Ontario. clared Members he M (Presbyterian ‘ en ' ow “For some two years, I was a nian en was ordered led sufferer from Chronic Constipation and in the presbytery of Alaska Board of Elders. A board of elders were el and after ordination was insta j jin office, The elders chosen are iJohn Davis, Menes. For Vancouver and South. i Frite-tives Limited, Ottawa, Oat. ) Mining News ater a 2oe. oo. x~ — armmermmermmeren BT i radays fi p.. D B ; SUITCASES Back to the Hills Saturdays i p.m Ze ayne | ole t s an. Sundays 1 5 ET RUN KS fiescrt o> terns naa | 2 igen ly ' on 10 OS, ; - tee ' the 15 ; \ ' Worsieg 9 te 12, AMernors, 1.30 to 5.20, Saterdays, 9 te 1? ay HANDBAGS st of old ‘ Every Evening trom 7.30 ts $ f rc ‘ i hee ; From Vancouver and South, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : id ers 1) — days : 19 p.m Dental Nurse in attendance ‘ : evinesday 0-30 mm Se Varden Mine ' ! jaye ; 3 ‘ 7 m5 Phone 109 for appointment \ 4 fa ' S ‘ ) ' i a F. MAGUIRE pis ) , h : Ragone ! Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and Me ‘ : : ‘ i |§ 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 3)" 0 8 O10" : t a ¥ ota i Best Equipped Office in Northern BC . a ne al laces liaetiatae ata Sl lait W hes the Sf i sid ~ nae ee RO eee eee eww ee CO MOG s Lo the discoverers For Anyox Oe eee tak his are e Sundays . 0 pam * PRINCE RUPERT TiDEs *)'*° “"* b ~ 4 lala 9 pin eee eee eseeeeenewee Sie A . os " ‘ : 4 Friday, Gctober 29. PRALS GEO, FAL BOLERO, 2 Can d N | R lw . Ry aged m.. 20.7 Tert jsays, does not suit bin af From Anyox and Alice Arm. ky a lan ationa aliwa' gh, 2:2 } : ; pomarade th. : ‘ ' uesda ‘ » an , 14:44 p.m., 22.9 feet. | : ALLS iNow that he is fre await ‘ ursdays io pice» ¢ac « Po Me a) 4 Lov 8343 « t.. 6 feet, = J, Hom Sid a.m @ feet [amne heck to the movniaine. an 2 Watita S.S. PRINCE GEORG! oss es eae wi $0. . ldves not intend to contin For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill 7 " _. BAILING Pa ta mig ore e P travels to Alice Are. for he may Say, Wales Istand and Naas River. Midnight Thureday / j ‘, Yow | igh, 3:4 a.m. 20.4 Tee j . 4m , info the Hudson Hay ‘ try.i? YR «sm erceses 10 p.m : Vict ' nd 5 53 p 22 ee ' ine te - ne oe . * tie is a big tna in stat ean ihu IAVR «+s o* if pawn ANYOX Wednesday 10 p.m. ERT * ra ee — ee } bie things. tein ¢ nit ; INCE ALB 21:36 -p.m., 2.3 feet, seers. hing oe 4 From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill | : ss PRINCE oe oa ‘ | “The -time used is Pactiic Stan-j*'*** 800 Bie om Qc P , Bay, Wales isiand and Naas River ’ - y \dard, for the 120th Meridian west.! [ be back in his ¢ or . ; i ‘ seo oe ON man wen }{t is counted from 0 to 24 hours | Zar wn t% bough . saturdays cme ta p.m from midnight to midnight. s aso 8 ae, ae: 2 i aes es ‘ " the ERVICE | The table given is for Port|’* : MeA ; ‘ Queen Crsrictte Islands: tars and Saturday at 11:58 Simpson but the time for Prinee|”'" 1e Dolly Varder ,. For Massett, Port Clements gnd , ane ‘ 8 ‘Ee tupert varies only a few minutes hcagageg hi eppacthe Bon: a : Upper ialand polotes ; , Sie on some days and on others is'|' v8, BT te hee : Weds I 6 4 , ip | ; rou ' . nes the same. The range of the tide Railway Now Running Agency All Ocean Steamship may be computed as 5 per cent oii Woat J rot Masset, Port Clements and Ger wormene re i. SS deaedl Prent 260 greater at Prince Rupert than at Sei hie and Light Compan ‘ Upper Island potuts ony, Tekst, oes, © Port Simpson both at springs and, ,, , ‘ 7 Vall« ha Fridays. a.m 4 tone gto niis us neaps. Therefore the rise in the), og on ww the Canada their merits. Prince Rupert harbor is slightly|, ee iothinw of CAM eee ak | “or Skidegate, Queen Chariotte ; ggeater than Port Simpson. oe Sale sigs emo’, alg City and Lower Isiand points: FIC RAILW —_——— | The height is in feet and tentus|\) i theliiely tt ot hls fits todd September B, 18; October 2, 16 CANADIAN PACI lof feet above the average level of mre . : hi tha aa Va » line and 3 ® eal J. Nesbit G. Clark jlower low water. si thubiiidile tee. ta: Me pper Mountals CANADIAN PAOIFIO OOEAN first train of © N CLEANING AND | saa wie C. & N. pRessine PARLORS | BA fire hipments iné bee 130 Eighth ilies c i TIMBER SALE X 2324. | when nderagi nad a the produe creased, and Sealed tenders will be received by the| Minister of Lands not later than noon on|! the 9th day of December 1920, for the Prince Rupert, B.C. Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty manned pure hare of Licence X 2324, tc cut 5,250, -| {1, 22 and November 1 ' 1 27; 5 ; een a . . . ss O00 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemiock on)? (00 tonsa. oi x @ slovment ' ’ ‘ sane . ‘ tine ' . Our Motto: ‘*To Give Customers Satisfaction an area adjoming Lot 1936, Selwyn Inlet, |~ |. o" , 7” yoy m8 ' PRINCESS BEATRICE Alert Phone Calls given Prompt Attenti Q. 0-1. District M1) men. The undertaking of th From Skagway and Yukon oe Ocean Fails, Mardy Ber ‘ & r a ntion j, Two (2) years will Be allowed for re-loompany ha { #7.000.000, but . from Prince Rupert for Bweneon Oey ver and Victor'e Geo. Ciark, Manager, better known as **Nobby’’ one moval of timber i pa las C08 j ' September 10, 241; October 1, Beaver Gore, Powell River, Ver - Further particulars of the Chief Forester, brilliant { ure seems assured, ar a in sors - Kvery Saturdey, © P Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince , o, ane YOVEMIDCr 0. s, apply Kuperi, B, ¢ Phe production at Copper M : — Por rates, revervesions end 9 ‘A ant i sy tee ‘a neral Agen’ - _ — = ——— a preted will ters Ne Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp w. o. ORCHARD, Gen +, B — —— jcopper production in B, ©, up t Point. d 4th Street Prince Ruper® - - . —— _ — . eT : _ . Cor 3rd Avenue and 4t jas high a mark as it @yer before r——SBaturdas 9 p.m. il reached Fro . -» Pm, . . * s r Victorians’ Return. = e © | Mr. and Mrs, 8 G, Benson, Mis Two-color window cards take Nat: eemers were Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block DE. Has everything to do with your suc- Dancanesn’ meltae : cess--your person- their ¢laiics, the I ality---your appearance and your good health depend f/!e Nes! tex. they upon your teeth, You cannot afford to neglect such a |f/'\"'""" “one the valuable asset. interie iy have esting stories to tel jpecting if the Bte |They were working jiu Whieh KR. C, Billie iW. Benson | ous Se Vancouver Cromie, the proper wilh the through the worst a Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Office Hours Lady Assistant Open Evenings J. B. Roerig left 9-12; 1-6; 7-9 hone 575 Sunday by Appointment a nn ‘Sica san Wi aaaainaiaaadaa — na — ore Whe trteve Jean Macdonald and C. G tenson Dentist. tas ve returned to Victoria after News Job Departinent | ~ " i ihaving spent the summer pros shipbuilder, and Kh, LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. ventures during.the season, Mrs.) letra teen ket wl and spe r load PERSONAL ATTENTION AND Prompt SERVICE will on the REST RESULTS. iBenson and Miss Macdonald were Price G60 Ver sere. Halt. cash, $7.00 per” party all the time Albert this morning for Blewarl, on a business Lip, j eal 4 From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Copper Moun City and Lower Island pointa B.C. Coast Steamship Servic rent Swe Ovtober 12 ams ine i yn. and 26, ; CESS MARY « Seog EARS: 8. PRIMO TS ee Print Burr temper 14, 28; all the mach t the Retehiten, duress, Stegwsr, Aiaste, For Skagway and the Yukon. oor : a. et adh prince Rupe plember 6, 17, 27; October irom tion will reach Por Vancouver Victories end Tests the eye quickly. Bee them at the! Kiln Dried indling Woo R ENDS iber Com- Se Abaoeita TERRACE viushlan, ine | FRUIT LANDS and Town Lots | Terrace $100 te $800 jetor of the interested KILN DRIED PLANE from the Prince Rupert Lun r : meaty terme jlue Bird and Acre Loteuclose w. Town 9160 te ‘ ‘ predict, will [| $900 per to. 00 rany terms pany’'s Mill, sitities, t 4 Teta 2%4 miler from town, to better faci richest in the eas’ ¢ the price : eaey wrimne . yar tot 9&9 miles out, all ome good tand, about tour acres of bear $40 4nd #54 pair aere We are now able, owing uce crense the size of the load, and to red ‘many tntler- 1 of their ad. Order from Pacific Cartage, Ltd. nd best of it, Kenney Bros. & Co. | Real Estate Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. Phone () yn the Prince