THB DAILY N#WS | WINNIPEGIS 7 ya ee Ask for Atkine” Bausage, ul irges Suspension of Freight Rates \. EK. Wright ret Order Until Rehearing by e last night. Board. ’ F arrived ‘genii wash-—EARLY ! ea one mage ri . r : = in" were — ‘ a j » ‘ : ‘i ‘ aang mplete cleantiess —— BF Sv WILUG Ke freight rate increase i ee ne ie Fn art vorrorannd Un rub? (Lo IVNe rd of ' red p ! | tee ah-board rub-ead , : t 0 “Vi - a ay iain » to Eds , ae somived sitet sian \| IVAW va ' Gurvieie alee z's traih from Smithers. will, unless it is | Th thu aking? ' ' ot ie , eae | Af attended to, mean a severe 1 | “ ’ ‘ ‘ ! ill . . Ve i } pte Heo the ese a e, ail stat ; . cont ig | , ag gporens U2MITE alii! ere “iy attack of throat trouble or ras ta tee iad F ; ’ im town fora WZ bronchitis this coming winter. d Maperd Without fir a) ey ey Therefore, get a bex of Peps and RIIPERT DRY DOCK taker ¢ railway) anil wi Mid: Edear | ; take a few of these wonderful little jh (f nui Scalar" oes | id: wetent Sane Lda Ling from Iton by breatheable tablets atonce. They will AND ende n | Shoe tf portage: . Wf oa you of that cough and make your ; sare he fi a las ae Meblireg : Uf: throat strong enough to withstand the Engineering Co., Limited. OH een store er a ts Y extreme winter weather. . » 20, Ton FPloating Dry Dock ‘ «te ' j , : M “’ parents rf ie.| hy Qperating—G-T-P. 20,000 Pe eee! et Se eae ay | | ee tet ie Peps give strength to the chest and are vad ’ | invaluable for coughs, colds, sore throat, Handle All Kinds of oe le tian ail ae for to pei t laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma. ” MARINE AND ae Bae c rea8 ny, ootaaee =| ALL DEALERS, 50c. BOX. COMMERCIAL WORK ration ie meter | Uronwe nd tan gard ot eee | FREE TRIAL THD (ur ' ache . i f Send this advertisement and lc stamp the Dry Dock ae a ‘a se persons (for postage) to Peps Co., Toronto, and : : ee ae ae 2 receive free trial package. ie ked Several boats may anc : be oocned 4 i cers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. We Solicht Your Enquiries 0, Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385° PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee TD To Properiy Gwners aid Tenants At this season of the year the prudent man sees to it that his heating plant (hot water, hot air or stoves) is put in condition for the colder w and bave knowledge are partly writter i when your wants will be attended to by practical Merk on Ged ue ma er 5 : hin je Dartiy ra POULTRY MUSTARD | © :ttate «= sen ah wae at hn ae K os wh ae ae eis P THE ADMINIOTI | ; | mining board NO BOYS SENT TO DO MEN’S WORK. aMDir ) ad the ew Preference is given to returned soldiers , » I on hy ee I with the necessary qualifications. rer tically 1 Why not char pre , STs . . J THE EXAMINATIONS : ———— t ONE TEASPOONFUL of MI IARD f{¢ aily to ef six Patered With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome Nutritious Bread Our Goods are all made from High-class Material TRY THEM = ee, | | ea a The La Casse Bakery 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. PO. Box 745 Pricee Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 — rer oree Mail Orders Keceive P. O. Box 183 Prompt Attention Phone 558 Miss GLEESON Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear 1000 Eggs Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. in Every Hen = a POD OL COCO MO POOLE TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West, (oe rece rarer eet New System of Poultry Keeping — Get Careful Piano Tuning ; ; Dollar a Doren Eggs—Famous Repairs to all makes of Pianos, Poultryman Phonographs, Cameras Spare ) TELLS HOW parts in stock. French Polishing VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Coutractors and Labor bavhange. 428 5th Avenue W. I t I ( . Witio ed st the layin one 2 O. Box 762 aale Avani oom nantes dishes seven years ax w ie eS int Ph a i Yet IN THE CASSIAN LAND Distmitt he N Your cooking and baki k ish ra 3 © es ; ‘ ix rakes eve’ ’ sine ani : rhe ry , 1 ry 8 ig rm ry ' ‘ j ‘1 : ra . { that COMDIAG DISTHICT OF SREBNA, AND Prince Rupert, B. C. dis ‘ sb as SITUATE AT ALICE AMM viii ie Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 J. Slade Stevens OO CC CC wewre~CeCeorows a*s # Brand ; ; qi Worite” 4 ; . poang There's a distinctive relish, a rich tead ' i i f } ‘ Oo . . we TAKE AUTICE that TAYLOR r ce on a bieniy | COMPANY LIMITED, of 607 Cred , ' , “\ cakes or cookies, puddings or pies made ‘ 7 ; , a be ; —————— 4 vd dist ‘ vow : bf four to| Building in the City of Vancouve \ ‘ ‘ : it Ponerr r, im the Company Provinee of British Columma, of the A . . . And there 5 high food value too. For a aa | oe " i i -_ pA ’ ms s , "sak onan’ tt ul corporated under the laws ns tual “oe of food value ~8 pound at : i : ar ; ce op — a i on vikes . latenas to apply for per eg Ny : M yh mn gioly + : ission to lease the fdllowing deseripea eo ets, 4 ” : of Lots Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avenue } cate ee} teak ora pound and a half of pork. re by ness : j i 1 Rane ta j) lands, situate im the viciuty : ws , ' sinlen ekentnn Senan anne. are | 3635,3638, 3639, 3642, 3799 and Ssv0 In fan economize b ; ; »pari ( rin i . . Z aan Tn the Cassiar Distritt om Alice Arm in the omize | ) using Eagle Brand in preparing : : ~. pottt kee fee S| Skeena District, commenemg at & post alts ‘ . These and Planted in the North West corner of Lot 4 le from feather light muffins to delicious desserts. sete Beauty is t ‘ ' te uit ry is 36434 tm the Cassiar District, thence run "aia South 5 deg, 29 min. West @ atstance Southerty boundary of Lot 3643A_ thence spec our a ipes makes your cooking more nutritious SU , i a x * ts, Bee’ ; ; , . ~ ae OUNL of other food needed to supply the body. beauty all 0 ve . aising, one eopy oy 468. zs Ke et. theme @Norta, 66 deg. ai BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ts in Light ana Uravy Con follows the sSoutheriy Doundary of Lot struetion Repairs Bast a distance of b “< have! Soe OR ¢ ° » k of “Borden 8 Recipes” — we will mail it to you free. Rea A Ci kaa ; « us B ™ ana tieavy Com, v | whe s means 30434 North 26 deg ST aa aha 1g] B dina bee i , POW try keene . * Set } feet to polmt of commencement, end First Clas J air mene Work end w@ Drand—it has n the standard infant x. er : b SPI.D Baek be pee See oe te ee iniah, * ; : ‘ v ‘ i were located on the tweifth day. of August, Estimates Cheerfully Given “ab te wet you i ad and send 1920 one It is Just as cheal et} » oe oe . BL NORTH, BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILOING My years, DEN COMPANY f ¥ LIMITED. MONTREAL ' yrinting done wel’ and dene a! ’ \ Tyne Bide Agent for the Taylor Mining Company ~ = ] rome as itis th Reng It away mf p ‘ tt ) DATED at alae ton a G., tis Tweilts ee ee I = =) (= 2 = ae eee Che News Print Shop. day of August, 1929. = 1S ssuauananciany aaseesteeamiaiaes Gia) Gams neem) oie h Ochi, ' —s Bal - he 63 5, A, ]