Ask the people who have their work done here — particular per- WELL-6Y GOLLY- ITS BEEN A PERFECT DAY- MAGGIE BEIN' OUT CERTAINLY MAIKES IT QUIET AROUND HERE ) —e MAGGIE AN'T FIND . | BY cc ANY FAULT WITH ME AN TO Trin THiS VL TODAY THANK GOOONE ss SHOULD HAPPEN THE | ao Sa ewes 'T BAWLED OUT x LAST MINUTE < AN N WHEN SHE ne . . | T vans. arvived thi ‘Out for Loaves and | Fishes i 7 “ Buckley Bay wher ‘ F It Was nivers as . ‘ ss and where 1 he “yi : ats . ‘ I ne bes gH 1000 Tons ; ae fe daughter a fe, Sir Arthur averted, a MURS the be jer ty of a] we ‘and 1} Fdsan boa! Mi and Mrs i A. Bu have nan ‘attend e ui - j . ‘ tre ti self fo jtaken a flat in the Me Mardle ee ee { for | ess ; ifs dqducatio As we anticipate n } | Me Butt «ie thal' of lil Educa d scarcity and increase in price of ‘ f presentative at the |*"owredse im oo 7 coal butalso a difficulty in meet- local shipyards the problems of the entre : ° apecker contended nal r ef ing ‘yout demands for prompt es ees pecker con , To find delivery this fall, we strongly Miss Helen Randall, registrar of from the burden of taxat tt recommend that you make sure the | al graduate nursea(weelth that had been destroyed ef your winter’s supply now by ye ition, returned last night/dering whe ist years of W phoning } : pecting the Hazelton|Would have to be made up, b 116, 564, Blue |Hospital training school. Today, more than ever said | men seem to be out for the ‘ Albert & McCaffery Bory itine Stella, 124 Ninth Ave. 'lonves and fishes. hs i West, was ip the police court this Science and knowledge mus ars Limited orning and pleaded guilty tolarolied to agriculture and pro a iy, aving a wash in his possession diction to yield the highest re- Bist Ce ae at . ats |suitable for the mannufactore of) sults, eer . ae Ispirits He was fined #300 with Apprec! mn of Valu ae The best way to have ! ; , . ’ oP ation @ -” ¢ be ’ the option of 60 days’ imprison- The day was gone when busi- mt , e L. jnessimen thought dhat a unive pm. our Lil | eee sity education Was 77 no valt n DY i } Mr. and Mrs. A. Brodstedt ar je onmmercial pursuits, Sir Art J ived in town yesterday and are). jg i was the very qualities ey Cleaned and Pressed } ered at the Hotel Prince|that made for success in business tf. by our : M Brodstedt was for- \yi¢g perception accuracy oh 5 "é . } nadian Northern freight preciation of values and honesty * if ren ‘ neonver hut wae re oi team Pressing Machine }j«:ent at Vancouver, but was re-|that the university sought t : nf Pad en Ee ; 4, Method. 'y ! d general freight cate and develoy What r 4 { ‘ ‘ » rT i : a It only takes 15 minutes gent for the western section Of| world needs today is balance and : Our Price is he Canadian Nationa sense of poise, and it is a Ay Reasonable Ps ass lee roplerly ay i that f i ; ' r arr ‘2 > ° ¢ ; tu " Delivery is Prompt rhe int r of Harry Mobley’s tore the equilibri Giv a tri *hone Ble 502 i ch, tl ss ole, was rather j ie zive us atrial. Phone Black 502 ! i We do not need many » sadly damaged a few days ago ‘ ar ad ities in Canada,” Sir Arti oh Pint L N hile it was out on a hunting eG i ‘ stated, “but what we need must! RE a : . rip. A gas stove was left burning , 4 AT 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert nside the locked cabin and, ex strong Education 1s ’ caiman j : ° x i : thing in this country for which oding ignited the woodwork. eh aaeomipuiiniinn rd ‘ the people will never pay t + ely the doors were closed we 5% much Ignorance is the costliest he boat might have been burn- H . ! . ! both ; ig thing in the world and the success d e water's edge. a ousewives ! Attention ° sovhknsaceed oe OF any nation is in direct propo WATER NOTICE. ifion to the attention that is paid i You ean save money on your : USE AND STORAGE fo its educational «vatem © ' : itl ' ’ ne | ; fuel bill by buying CEDAR ; TAKE NOTICE tyat The Taylor Mining Oe 7 ws os ; BLOCKS in stove lengths at } ‘ pan J oats ae , address is 0&7 } ‘ ai ler ullding ancouve j Fok $4.50 per ioad la y for a titense 1 take and use y A ; na me per teet ee es eee en) bee hears Ago } ’ 4 bhtDW i sik0 known a® Davidson Creek, which flows in Prince Ru rt ; I have the sole agency. P[south westerly and drains into the Kit- pe i 4 , 1 about two and a half miles c ” ples ‘ 6 . : enced teacher Individual in- | °?! WANTED { at Inlandes Seediess Naisins struction, ensuring prompt re- Me uf : . Prunes “ sulle Hates reasonable, For Fruit KOR SALE | particulars write box 1234 Daily banners : j News office. s if omen ereinpseietipitiiedicin sea eitemetn an Grapefruit (California ! FOR SALE—Or will trade for ap Lovae MEETINGS MBAEE i odcicovecces soot 6 proved close-in Prince Rupert! a ee ——————~ |Dates (drom) ...++-- , rea iki |LODGE 1051 LOYAL ORDER OF Valence ia oranges, per doz., bie t Phe fast run-about launch! Moose meets every Thuraday 85 “Echo ither with or without! evening at the De Loxe Hall, Raisins, per Ib. Ongine Currants, per Ib ‘ One first-class marine @1N~ | Meme Peel, por tb. ....+- 6 gine, M wil . , 7 ised nuta, per (ne firstclass large Fow boat Market oe ee eee wilh hp. Caille Pes fection) Minee Me at eT ‘ . panwbare engine, ee Meats. Preiateee’ o6cicdiseeee 4 ___M.M. Stephens, Phone 222. | sirloin steak, par Ib. ....... 48e\Cantaloupes, each, .. 20¢ to” FOR SALE One set doudle| Beef pot roast, Ib., 26¢ to 28¢ Watermelon, per lb. 4 springs, one jady’s déak, one Beef, chuck roast, Ib., eae 30¢ Honey Dew Melons, each...» ¢ open grate stove and pipes.| Heel, rib roast, tb., ade and S86 Grapes (Malagas) per |b Phone hed 508 Keel, boiling, Ih, .... 18 to 22¢ Wealthy apples No. 1 7 Hamburger, per Ib. seeese 250 Wealthy apples No. 2 ’ WANTED Girl for. housework, |Stewing beef, per th., 20¢ and 25c¢ Apples Jonathans #4 ' a Phone Green 204. if jCorned beef, per ib., ...... 220 | Apples (MeTntosh Neds , By George Mey, T f } Ro Wersorw i. ay ‘ | National’ . i at ‘ na i af f j Company, bad C SPECIAI ® dire. By weg e Pigteedh. TORK] \ SELL Wr 3 WT OVE 1 H fre rs Prince Ruj On Sacre if Fred Sto Hardwa pr'p RINCE RUE ahah fone f Central Labor O.B. U, neat mane TST MEETINGS Building Trades L Centra! Labor Cos “a Auxilia Ww men s rades Shipbuilding Unit ackers,! RUM Fieshp OPEN I woatt eoenerrr pecvrernr muss no PLUMBING A P ENGINE cERS Estimates / address i - ¢ Becond Str phone 174 — ?-° of mm arr! Variety in bloe CHICKENS & BRS ciTy MAR % wantet A t & of Pie + acon Studie 21 PHONE Blue ¢