ner 29 ans Actobe (& fe Ts. nce Rupert Branc h A Considerate Service ‘ +; ° SOR 55 years, our air hias been of individuality —a_ service not Mrs. Ros: only efficient but interested We take pride in acquiring lasding business relations, reflected in the courtesy, and promptness wi th which « tomers’ requirements ate rr yON BANK OF CANADA eS See ee er ae SPEAKERS TELL somtn the outbreak IRELAND'S WOES °°, the development of a service Honders hart Add: on and A. Urau. ese Weil Att nded ae Meeting me ane te Ch and this {AiSH HISTORY AND PRESENT CONDITIONS ur cus jj witt } Did Her Part. A. T, Broderick, Manager ep ll wes for Hallowe'en ur 1821 Boot HVencouver, B.C. MC for DANCES ATHUR’S Pece Orchestra ng Saxaphone 4% Phone 481 ee ee New location Helgerson Block GREAT LOVE STORY = wns fan. rata al BROUGHT TO SCREEN (20% 3.000.°%. ns 7 Doris Keane Turns From the rf bd . fre) | d Stage to be Picture Star. : yer anil iy id Maiority Rule i é ract Historical Review in ueen Cbar Or cUupa Lic 7 to apply for descrife f tice af ‘ ‘ i sue Mr. Urquhart. r . . eet more + lees to rage fisnt to he Sutil the . ' . , . ne i nore casterty foil : a4 ang t ‘ : : 1 t the point of . British man , i hace aiming 7.5 a? ‘ . ‘ fw the « . . 4 Conquefed by England. \ THE SUPREME “Me \ THE MATTER : ‘ TION ACT yt Huntley Tate - POE OOO OED EEE BDBDDDLO OOO OOOO OO mm. RENT shed Rooms on Hotel CV.evirr 3 Auctioneer ee and Accountant ; seu ' ‘ vith . THE FV AN wer made py i ghte : cs inanetentiaeneted re sonn 1 , ” “ THE 1ATTER rs wo the } ' ¢ p N ACT . ‘ {F SAT ret mit ' . . ; ‘ atic fie ; ' 4 ZADOBIW ‘ ‘ ESTATE ' ‘ 5 eight a \l “ TAKE Ni me cE tt ° ' Ss ! y a ‘ 1 ; ! i ‘Aa ind « t ines mis ait J my Home Rule. \ I \ irried a In { hawt 7 ee DATED tis’ 94st. hn eg * WHEN A MAN’S MARRIED wee WEL NOT ME SAM — \W/ELL - Just ABouT+ || NO? THATS WHY | HAVEN'T ~i Ls ae == WEL | 1M enn O NOW |) RICH ~ SMoKe . | Shoen 4 pia iat» Sco “KNOW 1 | PERFECT | SIN 2 N HOW Age You | c 1] A se fh Gor MarRep — FRED WHY | HAVENT SEEN YOu IN A PUPS \ } } | LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. iy b&b ary of Biock 53, permission to tease tne rd iands :- um ne s 4 Paced : erner of i 2 . «{|Dertn 4¢ 7 ont. west 29.9 feet; 7 thence north 70 deg. i ;. . > , ¢ sna § » ‘ \ ‘ eTl- | feet Sines south 23 Ges. west 468 feet; . try wer rt hene eutn 236.5 fee tnence east 474 tnwest wrner of said Diock 53; t®ence mark along the westerty boundary of ecres more or less URAHAM ISLAND SPHUCE & CEDAR Uv.) LIMITED ; Dated August 26th, 1920 IN PROBATE.” » MATTER OLSEN Roma “sontrs STEWART COUPLE BACK [si ‘ss.ciet* is Be Be nun oconet cane FROM WEDDING TRIP) sacs ss sw So 3 IN PROBATE THE SUPREME OURT OLUMBIA ‘'P THE ADMINISTRA SkE DECEASED, IN oung, mede the 13th 924 ~ Estate M. A eased, and & parties nst the said estate are Meal Ac am nist NOT ME SA m= | r na » netriet, f paneen, and situat on Masset Iniet ee. —_ SSLAND | .TD., of Port i m rela merchants fanted at the $3; thence oS min. west 510 a post pianted af the wing me nhigh-w Zz: commencement, con- * BRITISH 4 r ADMINISTRA Red Cedar Shingles Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc‘s Ltd. Dry Kiln Capacity: 160,000 feet per day SITKA SPRUCE WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 OF BRITISH Westhelme Lunch | Under New Management ALL WHITE HELP Westholme Special Three Course Meal - from 45c up and ‘F THE ESTATE OF nat in rder of His was appointed rea aM MUL Gay of Uctober, AD GOWAN - AN YOu USED TO BE SucCH A HEAW SMOKER IT MUST TAKE SOME Witt Power TH BREAK OFF A HAGiT ~ THAT Quick \! THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE. Hous e (6 rooms and ind bath ), near Borden Street School ished, "$4700, part cash and easy terms. EDSON COAL FOR s ALE —Loose $12.50, Sacked Lump $14,00 furnishe urfur er ton Jelivered Most Liberal M. Ano INSURANCE on the Coast Pays Claims promptly Phone Rive 69 Insurance Company of North America. P.0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block | | “YES SAM. AN’ | BELIEVE ME | SHES GOT | | | | Tw | ca a“