Page © LS — CON FECTION ERY We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw’ 8 bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Lowney’s Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SPORE -po. pox 1680 in the art of skin-healing Even obstinate and long-standing sores yield in an astonishing way, for Zam- Buk has antiseptic and germicidal properties that cannot be found in any other prep. o Draws Disease out of the Skin. The marvellous success of Zam-Buk is due to its rare herbal origin and the scientific methods employed in its blend- ing, refinement and concentration. Then Zam-Buk is entirely free from the animal fats and mineral impurities which make common ointments and salves harm/ul and even dangerous to some skins the ch anni fle a lint This WATER” NOTICE. Take not iha The Maritime Fisner- * , “ e rs me) a ; ; Silverware ty Sgt A Be pert, B. ¢ Will apply for a tiéence for’ ! et wf water! ' a nia stream als known Ss 00 = | { Nowiteh Creek, wen flows - tlw lrains int the Skee River, about west corner of Lot 4443.) awe Coast District | ’ ar rvit or storage fam wilf' be focatett at There are quite ait DEE tabout 100 feet fro asterly boundary of of new designs this Fall and The anarit fou reservoir to be reated ia a t 227,69 bie feet, and ts} i rtres of land The? at ay a8 ih zea ft conditional) ‘ “ bw liverted f m the stream N Ss amended, and will be! I handle only reliable silver rd Ae a the ane serie s 8 t ‘strict Lot No. prices are about the same aS | wry nood about 1 last spring. and pers lly know all the |+44 is to supple. makers and have seen them 'ment ae ke a se water as',, i ' e oN 3705 = as 1 a application 4 Water Act, Call and look around. ' tt f f the John Bulger 95 Che Pe es ippearance of Never forget to look threugh the ground Jeweller his 1 wanapes i eries Liniited, Po aaa i ee ke Ate t The da t ition of this sieataelidtilikadhcsaiainiy september 83rd, 1920, ‘ HOUSES || Special 5 Rooms, Modern... $3,600 7 j si £4,700 3 £7? 500 - Ge i ” + 0 o Bb " ! 2 Ibs. 55c aI ang lly $1,600 Fines 4 i Bbc 7 jj ES vb bse $2,000 ' “ 38c Ae Babs Sor A Tee $2,006 oe ee i POPP 800. $1,850 by : ~ oe 3 » and furniture $2,300 t : 2 ibs, 28¢ : 75¢ | n McCaffery, Gibb : i 3 ke 26 ery, ons ~ : 2 Pigs. 56 ‘ j 3 ibs. 50c & Doyle, Ltd stn Be ’ ” 3 Ibs, 260 yi @ ibs. 25 Real Estate @ Insurance 10 ihe. Tee Prince Rupert, B.C. a ee eee ” ‘ , 4 : - Bod . 56c . DENTISTRY i eae ) al © price Don't neglect your Teeth } re Cup Soe ed or missing tooth owers your efliciency Rupert Table supply C0. DR. BAYNE PHONES 211, Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, —— Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri c @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE TAXIDE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT gf MY in all ite branches, OUR COAL 1S IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every sens, ee D. C. TAIT No satter what you need Work life-like, Satisfaction Guaranteed, 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. coal for-—cooking, heating, . power we have ae COAL THAT 18 RELIABLE h GOOD TRADE WITH GUARANTEED. cee Consumers CoalCo,,Ltd, fs»: Eoranany met ’ sider r training, Ex J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager vert instrued and practical work in ne hoy We wuarautee sidcuts OK LG: Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Bi eiinpieunn course, wend pt POOR on wiving f deta Moler Barber College | A aS Mein S1., Vapovuver, B. C, Dr. Patterson Shibley. of 1860. Wroming Avenue, Wasbingtos. DC writes * For sinteen years | have weed Zam Bok in my preetice and know nothing to compare it with it in skin trouble, from roughness and . irritation te chroate skin disease = Zam-Bul without doolt. bes wonderful curative pro perties, and I siways recommend ft ia preference to other remedies.” : all 4 is and stores Me. per bes, or from im Bub . Tereeio, FREE Trial sample on Pri Seqnest if le. stamp is sent (for return postage) a hii en am-Buk PRINCE GEORGE The assize doukil here befor: The Man in ¥ a’ Henderson and P. EE. Wilson a nducting “the deéferneé in 1“ \Ogle case. Phe Grand Jury at the assizes I hus entered a veport Licizing the government buildings and settling forth th ecessity proper court louse and jail. I Ac the home of Mr. and Mrs. P heey EK. Wilson dast Friday evening the : joy Scouls mustered lo present hev. Mr. Potlinger a purse mark | ing their appreciation of his)at ellorts as scoutmaster, Mr./ Pollinger leaves shortly for Eng land. . . . Alex Ogston was host at a dt j li, btful dinner in the Alexandra [pals Hotel on Thanksgiving Day CARD OF THANKS. ] I wish to sh sd io thane ie ta ' great hell ' y fath aut , i ve du ig “ay ‘ J. M. MeCAWLEY Prince Rupert, B. fet 29, 1920 | NOTICE, Lheré will be ne’ purad Tf thel® Boys Navat Brigade tonight ' G. V._EVEuay ae < S. Vv. Ardagh, of NewsHazelton arrived im Qie city Gh Usst fight's | train, . Mr. k, A. Waketieid will address j the Baptist Church ¢ ne Club ih Hleonight on “Personal Reeoilec- | thy : . . Atmong yesterday's applications for adiiissiou to the Athlett ria [Association were W, FF, HKoberge liich and J. tt. Beatty. © ¢e@ eee eeaeeeaeseeeaes * TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY * CORPSE HOO Hwee we FOR SALE Davenport and kit chen cabinet, practically, new at Phone Redsg9 254°" them La f Bulkley Valley | Beef Prices j.- No. 1 Side or Carcass. 140 ey 7 do. Hind Quarter .. 18c¢ aa do, Front Quarter -12¢ rm These prices are F.O.B, Olive Valley. Weite or wire hhoyal Broughton & McNeil 3 om | ELKWA, B.C. wa: O — ior Try a cClassiffed advertisement if you want to buy or seli or if sence you want anything. A lot of busi- | Murine jtiess is done that way. at ‘| netic.” Sores and wounds are cleansed oii and soothed, new healthy skin grown, ‘ a] ' in a way which is a positive revelation ’ aration. Zam-Buk Buch THE DAMY orren LIK! a HYPNOTISM ENTERS DOMAIN OF MOVIES MAGNET .... “HE manner in which Zam-Bul intbro draws disease and poison out of the found «t skin has been aptly described as “ mag. ryt iat mers ee Mr. dustice Murphy is the larg j bh in civil and criminal BOS | Semcommerecomes itstde of Vancouver, The th i hKuest important cases are Rex tbe Bri at sed of stal KN Wa é i pot ssioner charged with a t j bribes, and Rex vs. Osh harge wits the murder of Thotmas Dod at Mud River on July 26 st ene - Loria wii ee — ce ee «08! -| Westholme Theatre Tonight and Tomorrow---Matinee at 3 and ea DORIS KEANE DORIS KEANE- in? RLOMANCE’ in United Artists Producticn “ROMANCE” Haro!d Lloyd Comedy Fox News EMPRESS THEATRE VIRGINIA PEARSON “Buchanan’s Wife” MUTT AND JEFF 7th Episode of “Million Dollar Reward : art ‘ Vine ° ahve : le ris i? t Ve i % thie ive 4 wr Ltt Tonight and Tomorra As theré is no po G.H. ARNOLD * Notary Public. FoR BALI xi vely with two APARTMENT DWELLING nOUSE sud ty ‘ it > Avert id j Ww Sirect 1 | + ave fr oRtas i boll « t ! hleront leva ! : ‘ Sixth batl blat ex tionally well laid ou { rf hi t ine * Kitehe d i bath, bot a : Ly taxes foxes ; ‘ie hborhood and Wi how good re as anit tinent, Let "you H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. insurance ~ Rentals - Bonds city en lo nominate and end BRITISH CA NA i LAN { 1) LABOR CONVENTION bracing a {and unorgar Friday Night, Oct. 28, at 8 o'clock coming p ‘ I T. Ross Mackay W ! W. KeID JOHN 51 F. SHAW H. CHE VW. Suaw N. BE. D , W. E. DICKEN: ae ican RI WARD # iis C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engi Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS Oara A La Oarte. Eiectric Lighting Plants WHAT'S DRY KINDLING WOOD in Stove! Lengths Phone your order in early. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD, Phone 94. 8. £. Parker, Mgr, NAME? COW BAY ELECTRICAL AND MARINE ' Co. L Canadian Fairban: ee 4 i Engines 8.10 H. P. Heavy Duty Dist! All the La Silversides Brol mea A } Gl ‘ASS, “PA , Art SupP TING A sing pAPEI RS, Newto! Winsor & EXPERT SIGN wri CARD IN A PICTURES, et Second ote Phone 24 99 prince Rupe