TAXI TAXI | 1 Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Si htering Ship f Oe ot L Vv » Stock now arriving c Oe week direct from the stock raiser# 0 { the Bulkley Valley. ZELL coon 4 FR PRINCE RUPERT pad Nate ae Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ares Re ere eer er arenes —wow www ——— 4 a | XI. NO. 269 PRINCE RUPERT B. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1920. Yesterday's Circulation 1,760 Street Sales 468 PRICK FIVE CENTS a COLONEL PECK IS ASKED TO REMAIN AT OTTAWA PRIEST 1S KIDNAPPED IN IRELAND AND FOUR MEN SHOT TRYING TO ESCAPE Board of Trade Discusses ae [WO PRISONERS Wreck Inquiry is Condition at the Drydock IS DISCUSSED ARE RECOVERED Resumed Today Gttawa Government Seems De- Harry Ross and Steve Wintonaik c : termined to Send Little Recaptured at Haysport After i : ‘ é Bankruptcy proceedings will ccmmence on Thursdzy unless Vessel South. Day's “Hike.” Captain Nicholson said Captains were assurances received from Ottawa regarding the Mi TTER TAKEN UP jucry Hoxs and Steve Winten- ever reprimanded for being late; Prince Rupert Auto ; 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert WITH COLONEL PECK i Ome ed prise < from the ss payment of accounts 7 ly jail, were brought buck to the rather have ships late I alter of cits toy the ty by ovineial police boat . AMERICAN EDITORS TO TOUR gers. oe at See: ee a ee than on rocks Long Telegram is Sent WESTERN CANADA. eee eee ee ee | —resein onel Pe 15 fend a6 joe Ss the. tes others < ah VANCOUVER, November 17.—The Prince Rupert wreck in- to Col. Peck at Ottawa ‘ | 1 sinrdsy morning quiry was resumed this morning. Chief engineeg Cochrane and ou loss and other witnesses are arriving tonight on the Prince Albert. Capt. ; mat sh i vere AeKewuz was examined on Mo tay’s evidence. Member a ked to remain there until ecme settlement ces : gut 1 | i whal he said on former oeéeasions and stated that is arrived at; other ma'ters dealt with ‘ “ at bia Ca i given to the helmsman, Burke, was not replied 1) | y for “ : , ; As Sut wx e learned Capt. Nicholson testified that in his opinion the helmsman hay iy yesterday ning of the escape, was at (. Hie had made an error in steering but the captain | t} Is = vanized | 6} Ue Ty Dp 2 ‘ 2 sreutae travelling both east ind west 5¢ , . crs cortectly. G. x P. captains were never repri- ! i l Local Suggestions. Seoreeeant: Adams: and. Constable Manded late arrivals. He would “sooner have the ships late y , . i Canmpbell took a launch te Port than on the rocks,” he said. ax f ‘s Edward only to learn that their Repiying to the commissioner, Captain MeKenzie said he did ; ? i ns ' ! ne f Mar- ad passed be une “'~ not check the compass after the aceident because he was too busy . . shel cbt ' . ~timinmete ud return at vw they had been seen at es are } ‘ : we % = Ce bi aee her Kair and Inverness fsoing nding to the ee = seus . . li be dismantled and foot along the track these ve A . A ler we A g e off i , ‘ eassemmbled in spring. followed up and got further word P. - - mime diate the balance as J. Bruce Walker, of the Depart- I - th tt ew ist be at Cassiar, Sunnyside and Sock- “a4 ss oixratron, who has ar- Pan wuths earlier than eye thal Ross and Wintonaik had saad rg es AR Afsna a esas — BY SEPTEMBER 1S-FOR PERRY ' yaar : ere egret bes nd--preprielucs ¢ th adi ‘ iresh waber [Wo- ja Havsport at midnizht a ifter Ottawa Alnerivar so Sinaotey eS oa - son and hi hullifavine a meal picked up the two oe Voug-| prisoners ina slack where ICY Oremier Ctiver Advocetes Taking Recent Arriva! Says Liberal Can- ’ ' r : ' e during ite i bw sven to go Cver Of Line by Canadian didate is Solid " that Part N ‘WION HAD snipe ' Were Tired Out. National. of Country. a d. Fresh watet bys he men awvere tired out and wa wile ss admitted that he eould { VICTORIA Now 17 Premier 4 reeent arrival in Prince Ru- POOR MEETING “ - \ al al Ve travelied) much farthe nh a sper here said that pert from Pouce Coupe and other : ” , » ! inside the do Pu h te 2 ; {f reach Prince Peace River peints say that Perry ? ' ai ? vere they we aptured Z vs ¢ ber of next year is the man for the people of the AT TERRACE . See ce eee a ging | i ost by that Peace River, He will get most of M . , yor t ! $37 00. The annual the support from that section and ‘ ers had ! iti. - I e Was $2,500,- he confidently expects he will be JAPANESE ARF Less Than Fifty in Audience. Told oie kine the a . i" hae ne was chiefty/eleeted for the Prince George 4 What He Did as Mayor. LORD CECIL My : . Warde Baily and oA i and Saskatche- constituency RHACE. N ‘ Me Ne - \ vd, Dryden and ur she M bsorbed by the - PROTECTED IN Refrigerater Gare ae ; ‘ os E RE y Sa | Haysport abo rad National Railways. Miss Mary Izard, Mes. Manehes- " et d as AND ad this and b en t ter and Mrs. Baird, who will be THIS PROVINCE | 1 ie fat that : ' 6 J. H. Pillsbury, superintendent performers at the Musical Society i sila “I tact a : ; ; : ‘ : \ ef tx of the are ' , Rup " jock 3 concert tomorre ight, reaches " - , . ; will Fight tor Open Meetings of is i capt t [ } I tu hy : Meet a ine "HV A it Yin a po ot : ‘ ! st . ; League of Nations—Boernstorff \ ov ae rege ake : j Aeip as ade oe ee ‘nate reakane thon of Provincial Government to be There. . ; hah nid in the wis : eonnection wills ioeal lalavink SL thei Pelun eee Deciared Ultra Vires by Huy . : scotland : if gh d storage and/.) ding affairs: pert Appeal Court. ; , = i GENEVA, N ber f At the ; wine ) n tow nd that thie hs : ' | Z ‘ s assembly I d : os as Sa re Nii ie eam ab af Shae Be . ; lited |, er . I lhe i is he arf i i fm + t h tt ; oe : , might a pt to get back | ' ' S cinabasicd BM Ea ee ee his home, Metlakalla, | if i is at I w " , oe pleds nself to” ex C ars Pobbery at Seal Cove. 1 e a | i and ady a i | 9 Cine ‘ ‘ fa volver, sack ‘I ‘ ind =a n il Was ms tna vy a : \ meeting of the supporters of the Hon. T. DBD. Pattullo wil i i M ' y ' ‘ ne Daws mS be held in the Committee Rooms, Patt»!'o Block, 2nd Ave. ' east end of Eleventh Ave 1 rh Leavy. |°"rs mn : Pce..sse0rge | at 8 p.m, Sharp, « ; ; , Community Plan. vab She ee | he i e suspect that Verin and 1 ! arp 1romised oppus Aurie ght have had something ‘ CITY TELEPHONE a ¥ M The speak i u Pl haw yy tra ‘ ' Th d 18th t 8. eady a \ tion ft preset Gaoverninent ms . » ” = . " ae all , I is a urs ay, Ins “4 bul ¢ pe ill Willhh @NY COAL i ‘ ‘ we it sis ’ even a flee are tray iitie i). - a . ; a mo yovernment s ne as they jing fre \ ia. Be at the) gethe T. D. Pattullo and Others Will Address the Meeting. AHeratiot “ait a it he wanted them to do| Westholme Theatre hear th hen Oo va pat W hin. He advocated land set { slay \ B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. After the meeting Committees for campaign pirposes will ent . jine 1 | Hement the community re me 5 7 be formed. 5 vith the government clearing thy ‘ a wn ee ern hot Wh # i“ d su iyving the roads to be — land and supp Four Shot en Trying a the sume before they were opened our ahi le a at epee eee Full Progr Hon, the [it Wecdsuah c6iAiad eerotiabel > * To Escape from Escort PRINCE RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY ‘ramme, All: interested in Newton, independent campaigner, invited. aguinet Lhe G ninent eRPenh ap vetitiiee’” a’ ake ree a Father Griffin of Bitky Pak. GC Park, Galway, is Kidnapped M ISS M A RY IZA HY [) MEETING ST ad souk. #6 eae by Persons Unknown; General Condition of Western Canada’s Greatest Violinist devitop the south. No eomvinoing Ireland Improves MRS. BAIRD a arguments were sud and ther = caidas tions Tr under the a ‘ vax no enthusiasm ino the audi a on 3 x : tral THE INDEPENDENT ASSOCIA’ TION anos. He was given a good heal WHITEGATE, Gounty Clare, Ireland, November 17,—-Four of Contralto ; at ife and al the close some ques—/| the six men arrested under the Restoration Act were shot dead S The Carpenters’ Unien Hall, lions were asked and answered when trying to escape from anu escort, according to an official M RS. MANCH E. TER Accom patits ird Avenue West report Be sure to heat Miss Maury AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight at 8.30 p.m. Izard al the Westholme Theatre DUBLIN November ae ee et aes THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18TH. ‘ ursdi ext o (8th. Park, Gallway, was kiduapped | ' PP peoraday Hoxt, AL S215 p.m, Doors open al & p.m, Speakers: Kiown | P . Kavanagh will speak to the ta “T DAL Y, ees Candidate for the Atlin ines eens ausaet at the While the general condition of Ireland is) much improved, |} Admission, ea na esi nnn Seats, $1.50 District; ’ . ROSS McKAY, Ocean Falls, Mointyre Hall tonight at Eight there are a good many individual eases of lawbreaking whieh are ener me & Ceres o'clock. being dealt with under the ew powers granted Ts oceeeieber antes emmeinemaie J