THE DAILY NEws' PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ..... «+s. 84.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, int BUVANCE, POL VEAP 2... ce ee ere ee eee eee reer eeeeene $6.00. To ali other countries, in advance, per year .......6.66- $7.50. “*e TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page ........ $2.00 per inch Local Readers, per insertion, ....46.6.6eee wees 25e, per line Glassified advertising, per insertion, bes anda 2c. per word Legal Notices, eacn insertion, be. per agate line Contract Rates on Ay aheation. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. oni he Weadne DAILY EDITION, Has Minister of Lands Been a Success? Anwone travelling throughout British Columbia finds that the general opinion oO he people is there never has been a mints- ter of lands who has dministered his office is well as has Pattullo, Take the matter of lumber. He prtat nerthern B. C. on the map msotar the mber business is eoncerned, True there is a slump just now owing to the drop in prices and the action ¢ the Dominion Governmeut in raising the freight rates; bul that is only temporary. It was in « nection with aeroplane spruce production that Mr. Pattullo first made a mark. He forced owners to sell thei timber for use in the war and established an éndustry ‘in this part of the province which has had most far-reaching results. From now.on the lumber industry will be one of the basic imdusines of the place. This was wel! expressed by Vice-Preside Haves of the Canad Nat Railwavs when he was here recently. Puip and Paper Production in North. In the matter of pulp and paper production, not only are these industries already operatmg suceesstully down the cous but nezo . ler Ww for several more industries o similar ture, which bo be Kitimat and another this neighborhoo which « iot be given « ow The waterpowel ‘ tere - ve id part cutars t gard to limits othe letans r ! something wil hw never done by former administrations, Lands Opened For Settiers. An attempt is being made to show that the present Govern- ment is not responsible for the settling up of the lands, but that it has been done by private companies. This is very wide of the mark. The ; ten rv Lands t similar weanizations have been force ret throug! he pressure put on them bv the Land Seitiement Bourd and everyone knows the results in the Bulkley and Nechako valleys and adjacent districts. The minister. of Jlands jis the first eflicient minister of his departments He has used energy combined with commonsense, the two requirements in addition to common honesty, which are necessary for the work does the werk PRESENTATION TO “THE PAGAN GOD” MISS A. M. DUNLOP Griental Drama at the Westholme Theatre Tonight Full He is wot spectacular but he aml gets resulis. A surprise party to Miss A. M. of Mystery. Dunlop was giver last evening by To his sweetheart, Beryl Addi- Miss FE. M. Ear! at the home of son, and to the Ar an Consul Mi nd. Mrs. Jack, Fifth Ave. E. br Wintl ~ ed an i The occasion was the presenta- and a trai his ¢ nirt whe tion of a bea : -£ ass hi ‘ intung d tt i Miss ID op by bh fellow re I Pong of J j ' i t tl es a oO la ne bee | asa ning ie at ©) hi ‘ I } hope ecards After « nty est nis day | wuld sit on huge punch bowl was ght ith de J fing? Was j ane } toasts were p his li played the renegade wed by the singing - his swee a and hbe- Syn hatcehetmatr the Those preset! were Miss A. M | iZ Or wae { learn the Dunlop, M Inez Ross, Misa I ~ i by the Jade Buddha LaTra Mra. 1. Moor Mr. and hicl = | the chamber of Mra... J (uli Mr and Mrs. th Tong? &. K. Shan Mr. and Mrs. Howard fhe Paga (rod a gripping wi Mr. and Mrs. J. Ja Harry ' if a Mongolian conspiraey. Jolnsos A. A Lii-€ W \ Mac - ! B. Warner in the role of donaid A. Donohue and Willie \ diploma will be Limbie en at the Westholme might, Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Lady Assistant . Office Hours: ay 575 Open Evenings Sunday by 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Appointment CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY EN Fel CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES ry B.C. Coast Steamship Services WES. 5. PRINCESS MARY for Ketchikan, Juneau, Bkhagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: 27. November 15 and 29; December 13 and 2 for Vancouver Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert November 20; Decentber 4 and 18; January 4. 6.6. PRINCESS BEATRICE from Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falis, Hardy Gay, Aiert Gay, Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victorie— Bvery Saturday, © p.m. For rates, rerervations and sailings, apply to W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street weer wren ', greater ‘When You Get up “tired as a dog” and sleep is full of ugly dreams you need BEECHA TITE DAILY NEWS CONFIDENCE IN CANDIDATE ~ ISEXPRESSED Terrace Liberals Elect Officers and Predict Overwheiming Majority for Mr. Pattullo PILLS PERRACE, N / Ai tt “9 o Fatigue is the result Monday, the of poisons produced Foor th by exercise or failure : to digest food proper- : = ly, and eliminate . xe . ei promptly with the ai Waite, John \ ves “ of liver and kidneys. ing .. r€ ! uu j . rv ; rs Sh merece ee tt SUITCASES TRUNKS HANDBAGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL J. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second Avé., Prince Rupert - PSP eS eC eRe eee PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * > eeeeeenerereeeawe ws Wednesday, NOvermber 17. High, 5:56 a.m., 17.5 feet 17:39 p.n 17.1 mw, 41:56 a i {a4 cert Thursday, November 18. High, 6:52 a ! feret 1R:i68 1 1¢ Low, 0:5 a.n 12:39 | 10.4 Phe time used ts Pactfic Stan- }dard, for the 120th Meridian west it is counted from 0 to 24 hours from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Port Simpson but the time for Prince |}Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is the same. The range of the tide may be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prince Rupert than at Port Simpson both at springs and neaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Kupert harbor is slightly than Port Simpson The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average level of “ lower low water. the Daily News Advertise in MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements. wert I I tr per na ' pr fT N : and Lopper conf : 7 Minera vines situate im the Nags River Mining Division of Casciar District Where tocated Kitesanit Hive Aliee Arm lane NOTICE that I} George A. Youns ree Miner's Certificate N 6505-C, act ing for myself and a® agent for Joseph Welle Pree Miner's Certificate Ne 40e6nt ‘ ema? Arie avedeon, Free Miner's Cer tificate “ sVO28-C, intend sixty days from the date hereof Lt mptys te Ue Mining Reeorder for @ Certificate of im Praverents for the purt ‘ f taining “ own ant Of the above ai tnes And further take mot that action, um der ction * mat be minenced before the besuance of suet ertificate of Improve ments Dated this 6th day of November, 1020 el hy PRINCE RUPERT COURT HOUBE, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, superseribed “Tender for Princ® tupert Court House and’ Heating Prince Rupert Court House’ will be re- ceived by the Honourable the Mintater of Public Works up to 12 o'clock noon of ihursday the 25th day of November, 1920, for the ‘ mm and completion of & Court House at Prince HKupert and the Heating arrangements in comection there fwith in the Prince Kupert Electoral Dis jtriect, #. ¢ Pians and Speetiications, Contract, and forts of Tender may be seen on and after the 4th mice of J. Mahony, Eeq., Government Agent, Court House, Vancouver | J. H MeMollin, Req, Government Agent, Court House, Prinee Hupert, B. C., or the | Papertaseas of vublie Worms, Vietoria, B.C. ; le lowest or any tender not necessarily jaccepted k day of November, 1020, at the A POKWEMAN, lvublic Works Engineer. — \Public Works Department, ; Vietoria, B. ©, | October 26 1020, | TIMBER SALE X 2733. | Sealed tenders will be received by the! iDistrict Forest, Prince HKupert, got tater jiban neon on the {7th Gay of November, 1020, for the puechase of Licenee X 2748 jnear Burns Lake, B. C., to cut 7104 Jack pine and Spruce Ties | Two years will be allowed for removal) ef timber Further particulars of the Chief Poresier, Victoria, or the Distriet Forester, Prince | hhupert j News j +e ree SF ; Mining ze ~ Princess Roya! tsiand i ' “ we \ f te ane ; ; “i nent tee " t? \ L£ ; ' ‘ I Kio® . ‘ Rossiand Wants Mil! tud nhen « « duet ay ; ; ; . es ate ‘y : N t esinned « igre T actor Ker ! fated witht dt tier ? bevy ‘) : ‘ Babine Bonanza ‘, 2a iv } wil ; ' h Hal I ope e wl . a) ? tie ‘ ty ' cal ' wailing for bee as meer Mr. 4 id eee WITTE aditior ! h a \ i” | | michin ; ! frhe tec srt ot st rs ee BE Ten Years Ago | in Prince Rupert i N°vember 17, 1910 Phe Phos Pheatre ba down and the sheriff POs seRsion the property y day. o a * H | Mehae addressed Presbyterian Church Chub on New Thought last evening Rev. F. W. Kerr told-the it ling story of Bt. Franci« r* Dr. W. T. Kergin, Frat Aldermas Naden, Mra. Phipy Mrs. DD. MeLeod, Mra. Dunlop and Mesars, Cowal and Poole took part in the din: ion a + Miss McTavish is on her ways to Prines liupert to become matron of the new General to pital, > Ze a H. O. Butler has returned to the wily after spending four monthe travelling is Alaska and = thé Yukon 4“ - ~ H. F. Methae is boliding a new two storey building on Mecond Avenue, on oe vs SENIOR ARE OM = SP re EOE, Bl hal Eat A AES ea She BO EOE ERA PENS eet A RAB, Gee a) dh hudae se IKaOORP) (9) Q}) S 5 (ey) "s WY Ws c ¥4 \ Wao Ai) *teesreagee what it ie made of, built entirely of wood, Made in Canada The Brunswick Oval Horn Is Built Entirely of Wood Hear The Brunswick in Prince Rupert at McRae Bros., Ltd. Walker's Music Store Prince Rupert, B.C. SALES CO WINNIPEG Remember } } eri) tor Sole Canadian Distributors MERCHANDISE Portage Avenue E.., THE MUSICAL 143 4 11:16 a ™ rire Py , . Pan ant ean ! é Li es TIMBER SALE X 26706. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lin t aa Dy tne / for information and reservations - Toast reo vember Clty Ticket OMce, GRE Third Avenue 4 ti U sliowed for removal , th 0 . E. of SKIR S iriel Forester, Prine A ! ’ TIMBER SALE X 2734. S . { . ] Skirts ied tenders witt be reestved hy the 20 per cent, discount as ring ; : ! ef ert, later rT . 0 & % ta mo \awamine f Starting 1 HURSDAY ’ ' : ' ' we Xv : ——— om Boe ' ' to ¢ ( anao sack N ’ i ; wil ! aliowed for removal Miss GLEESO C ' " wal in \ ile f the Chet vore ater, Prince Rupert, B. : Me rey ee Third Avenue peosoneoettsecnera TIMBER SALE X 2219. c- seen eed e v In ed be we Pypblic " i " is a View p not later otary 4 . Sy coat: FFE COLLART, Notary *"; in Halsam 1 Avenue, Seer enths 1 lemiluek | i wea adboinin ’ lie oo Graben | 12 mon a4 ” ' Pp, James Teiand ange , FOR my EOP D half caahe balance © ae : delivered ' iopat i ’ ", ? ® 13.00 per ears will “e allowed for re ON COAL | Bulk, % t mney es EEE oe sae inlet Saspntes FOR SALE | ache RANGE on the Cont ‘ ‘ Dietrict Forester, Prince Most i AR , Claima pe D a - } —— od anes ithovel By of North Amerie Never forget to look through f P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre the classified list | ‘annem TIMBER SALE X 2740. ey Canadian National Railways us ci S.S, PRINCE GEORGE Midnight Thursday \NVOXN Wednesday 10 p.m "s S$. PRINCE JOHN op. Ocean Falls. Beaver Cove and Vancouver Sunday 6.8. PRINCE ALBERT Vi } : ™ wilt t altiowed for re ' ul ' : TRAIN SERVICE = Passenwer Monday, Wednesday and Saturday & TIMBER SALE X 2324