THB DAILY NEWS n ne ~~ x“ / Local and Personal | $0 Acemcomcomsomeomeermer: ere. BE Ask for Atkins’ Sausage 7 iil Ses rae See WOMEN of British Columbia THE OLIVER GOVERNMENT gave you MACDONALD'S: * PRINCE of WALES ,.,. CHEWING TOBACCO cede ee i. a The Franchise. Mothers’ Pensions. bs Equal Rights in Guardianship of Children ea 3 descents. Jaa The Minimum Wage Law. ke EPR iis ACR SIE ETE a aie The Testator's Family Maintenance Act. “a Keep the Body Healthy and the Brain Clear PUL ees . A Woman Judge in the Juvenile Court. a , a HIS RECEPTION. were eS Equal rights ia consent to marriage of Zo + RUPERT BR AND :: " ae aeit minor children and other important i . "ewes twens Scopes trem ”| fir. snd te laws affecting your welfare and that 7 SMOKED BLACK COD = - boiling water and cook for fifteen minutes |} . Wn | The Previous Government Gave Gave You NOTHING. nerd Canadian Fish & Cold Storage os, Ltd. | , Rei ee = =| Votetor Liberal Candidates Dec.1 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK | . and ensure a continuance of good legislation Engineering rae Limited. : 0 Sho 0 ee oon ladies cats | — on Operating—G.T.P. 20,000 a Floating Dry Dock * 48 ates FX oe My _ Otr Plas quipp » Ha e All Kir y te MARINE AND ae hy COMMERCIAL WORK 1 ster Miss Bai Se es st RoyalAutoService | 7 We Solicit Your Ex ries 1 yd Prompt Service Day and Night he. P.O. Box 1713 F Phe nes 43 and 385 . “ et pee First Class Cars Ke PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 5 : bs ERNIE LARGE - - Proprietor ee — = FREE DELIVERY nt Fa hin wa : s~ wot MieM Tea es He. ‘dg Mymentesec” ONDECEMBER | <<. aah eee 16] SILVERSIDES Bros] © i - Notice of Poll owansnsacrrerscen os os aise. =e" WHATS |’ : Ye le oe sarap 5 { a WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, | erese come. ee, cs wil at eh Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, ~ it Be 1 } ervies Soon ‘ TIMBER SALE X 2736. EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND aes } , poTul K . ah ea v CARD WORK, ’ E is he ft ; {3 1s at ‘Victoria, 1 nt ‘ NAME?) FE? PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING re ame, and that | have grwnted such Yoo and, farce wae A8. i eee eee edae wprre, and © | Phone 22 Prince Rupert “=: P.0.Box 120 i. ee: a ae ae rmeersexess 1! Westholme Lunch | ©] , Nigh Pele estnoime ee . I aier than noon on ; 4 ae ay of November, 1920, for tne —— a Under New Management ed, ( ‘ Xi 2 near Kilitat fer w Oedar Hemlock ALL WHITE HELP Pett Burrowgh John Henry Prince Rupert Logger Seats Formby Charles Bernhard Prince Rupert Electrical } "4. aides bios pe cere Uisiticl Forester Beince. Mupert Westholme Speciaie 74 |B ¢ i eee rs ler tracts ” Ae Engineer ansporting ore| ‘Dene TIMBER SALE X 2732. Three Course Meal - from 45c up a ’ Ae, TAP he | ! Hi \ sé be received by the i p ik ‘ # ] ‘ ’ . . . : Newton Seville Martineau Prince Rupert Publisher ane ys \ 1) P80, marynane af Lisenee & Ova i will pe rih om the \ i ‘ Ted eine cute Ro mer ata J. Nesbit G. Clark Et enn othe va of Kot 4 ER og a C&N. & N, CLEANING AND af ier pares me * PRESSING PARLORS rig 130 Eighth 130 Eighth Street - - Prince Rupert, B.C. oF i fattllo Thomas Dufferin Prince Rupert Minister J ine o: sat Buith ar od i | TIMBER SALE X2731. of Lands ers WwW be reeetved Repair Work and Alterations a Specialty 7 , : Our Motte: ‘“To Give Customers Satisfaction”’ 9 aed Phone Calls given Prompt Attention Pho 563 Geo. Clark, Manager, better known as *‘Nobby"’ ne &. H. MORTIMER feturning Otllcer