ie en o if Ns bie PRINCE RUPERT PPD OPI LOL LDL OL OPE OL OLB LE Your RAW SKINS BRINGING UP FATHER KETCHIKAN MEN ARE FIRST GAMES Made up into RUGS, LADIES’ SCARVES, ETC. D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, P.C. The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method. It only stuns 15 minutes, Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt } Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 j LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works “Agent for McClary Furnc aes Sanitary and een Heating Engineers 6th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - - B.C. POLE POLL LLL DOLL ei etm SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGIKEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Becond Street. Phone 174 — P.O, Box 274 head Careful Piano Tuning LORIE EE LRLR LD EOL Om Repairs to all makes of Pianos, Phoregrepks, Cameras — Spare parts in stock. French Polishing J. Slade Stevens 428 5th Avenue W. Phone Red 291 P.O, Box 762 Sommer A.G.GRAY | Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 EDSON COAL CO. ———— We have secured the agency for the best Cos! foundin the interior and can supply- any quantity, Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 68 Green 648 ee tro mre re ener lhe $0,000 pounds for »\ pilla dose. 25c. a box, all dealers. ¥iah and Gold Blorase Co. Dr. Chases K2T7Pitls 1ome a6 it is to send it away. Try Che Hews Print Shoup. It ie just as cheap lo wet your FOR SALE OR LE ASE. winting done wel! and done at, Fe me ee ' Central Labor Council TMT ero mAcaeS [| were [| deorgine vas UO] | Opener cow une — O0.B. U EXTRAVAGANCE IN HATS HOW BO YOU WELL AS Your OLD TT ON MAE, EITHER: | HATE TO GIVE voi) nied ee SHE BOYS ANEW ONE LIKE THIS NEW j ( ONES- THE STYLES TO TAKE IT BACK + THEY “IVE YOU 1 . EVERY DAY < aT sestiliiai OF TODAY WESE 50 NICE TO Me AMO ILL co n Affiliated Units and Dates of ail § ARE NOT fa \ i} A} AND GET An MEETINGS : ; o PRETTY: Fis j Ns ONE Building Trades Unit, First ~ 3 ak Tra 2 and Third Mondays, & p.m. oy Central Labor Council, / (4s a), Every Tuesday, © p.m. j * x \? @ Women’s Auxiliary, First ‘ | \ el Wednesdays, Dance & Social Sn | Ty j ty » at 9 p.m.; Second Monday, } , Se ee my) Peet Business Meeting at 8 p.m | a . / /e | | ante ¢ = | . ® Political Ec-nomy Club, Wf, LO . ut t tv] an 4aM Every Thursday at & p.m. Td Mok Y 7 / ; i>} Metal Trades, First and Third Ky ry / tee Fridays. s : y Shipbuilding Unit, Second } <\\ 3) “ff 7 and Fourth Fridays at 8 p.m. > i 7 Fishpackers, First Saturday U | 4 If] OPEN FORUM “as i Uy (commencing Sept.) Second be © 020 ov mr and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.m Altes ee hie ee ee ee Mutton, stewing ..--+ceee. BO PRE ENT ——e ume! Mutton, shoulder, Ib., 26¢e to 28e Job print- ih eg of mutton, Ib, ...+.- 4de ing business and plant. For|Loin of mutton .....+e00+, Abe particulars apply Daily News| | Von! shoulder roast, Bed Ib. . 820 office. Uf} Leg of veal ......-800 and 40¢ | SHOT AT FOR DEER ! "ARE PLAYED. ' Daily News Classifie d Ads Bullet Punctured Clothing of One 1 - i and Burned Skin as it Passed j 2 CENTS PER y. IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c |Basketball League Mad Gpening ai il aa bat — ~~ ) Watches Last Evening— fi = see taae ‘ a ed f nee ee ae be Me ; wo on rem Bi a ea mr i ey in iz agedy of « yO each fees ptilleta 0 ain sausages er ) Goed Attendance. season in Southeastern Aiaska MEN VANTED . oo each ind . + ae Tomato an : hy : oceurred on Sunday when P, F Apoiy after five o'clock, F Shaw Pork lew There was a splendid turn-out Snow of Ketchikan had his eloth LEARN ALTO AND TRACTOR corner Melttride St snd Kiehith | Pork chops, per ib hi \thletic Hall last evening ing punctured and the skin on his i ’ ‘ The Senior League game be-|Chester Shawver let out a yell to rm ! ! f our meth BEDROOM FOR RENT, bath and Li r ‘ h e Colts and the Callies|the others, asking what they were nd tt pleteness of our © of sitting § 508 Piri . : ' 6a is the best of the three games up to. He dropped to the ground pres alee tetiarel keira, t ‘ ‘ played, the former team winning/as he yelled. When the othe DHE BIGGEST AL TOMORILI OOM FOR RENT.-Centrally Margarine vy a score of 3-20. The lineupjcame up to him he pointed to a CONCERNS cated Phone Green 273 fiGomb honey and seoring for this game was asjiree nearby where 4 bullet had send their chanics to our zi ’ Sugar. per Ib ‘ follows: struck. het: mM ' al elpetrica, SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING Bread, per loaf, ‘ ; alts et é pes oe Fas-| Ag ner ie tra mz. Th automobile con- | Pyening Classes Monday, Wednes.|Plour (hard whit O.ib wk B45 ace : a ell on iO. ve are ' ater a . he erns @ tantly calling on day, Friday, 7:30 to 9:30, No, 10) Milk, per case . $6.50 to 88.5 Senaw por lardy, second half .tshot was Aired. rhis lime Snow us Py | ites, because they Smith Block. phone Hlue 205 if Fish. Greenwell for Mitchell, second! wis the target. He was facing ww (Wh tyy of men we turn -- od, 2 the. ahs half, 4). ithe direction from which the out music. on ni@es. smoked, ee eee ; Gallies—Smith (2), Martin (2)./ billet. Tt passed between his legs DAY AND RVEXING CALE ”6— oot bi emely blank eod ib ‘ harlton (8 Graham (6), and ‘as he was faking a step. His right NOW RUNNING H.C, BAILEY Feacher of Music! ee I a ite [Black (2). ttrouser leg was cut in two places, Call or write TODAY for FREE erRRO, - OPES. sheory of Hal but ae it i fhe Sons of Canada had nojbut the bullet did net touch thee iinstrated catalogue which Munir Ry appointment, phone ' i ae ae ; j r it idifitulty whatever in bedting theiskin. UH then cut through his lef tells tt omplete story EN Black 213 = 15 4th Ave. F is a . pe oe ” e ‘ Great War Veterans by a score of/trouser leg, burning the skin in ROLL NOW and save money ACCOUNTANTS 7 raed wn rt + l44 to 10. The following were the|passing. His underwear was also Jour the . Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes players: jcut in three places LARGEST AND HEST.ROUIP. EXPERTENCED ACCOUNTANT seats pe i ! Sons of Canada Scott, Menzies| The three hunters lost no time vED thor Ura thool in would take charge of set of j, if i Shakespeare (6., €. Blythelin getting under cover after Canada i hool that has hooks Whole or part time. soit oolachana. 1b ‘ \nderson x W. Blythe whieh they located the van who beer ected by the Dominion W b W illiseroft Phone Spring imon, per ib econd half for Scott fired the shot+ He was described Ga for the training of Black 259. tfiwnhite salmon G..W V A, Kelly Davies,|as being a very large man, dirty ec ' Currie (65, Campbell, Brown (4),/in appearance and with bloodshot HEMPHILE’S AUTO AND LODGE tears Vegetables Westwood, for Kelly, second half.jeyes. They did not ask his name PRACTOR SCHOOLS possmegapmeenctutenemmmies — — Onions, dry, per Ib He said that he had given the VANCOUVER SCHOOL LODGE 4064 LOY AL ORDER Or Beets, per Ib., ..... 2 Si'deer call’ and as he was not Corns ; ‘daetthe- anh: Whiine ath | - pone meeta every Thursday ( arrows per 1 | Th M . th M answered he concluded that the Avaniie Weal Orerene. at the De Luxe Hall. Pu we ns € an Mm e 00D jmoving objects he@ad seen were fake Sha bneasy Heights Gar Founo Cabbage ’ ! SAYS: ideer, Asked if he knew there at Poatofies ar eo ‘oa : ; rw oe So er ee ee errors were thliree real deer in the yremily VICTORIA SCHOOL FOUND at Carnival child's ee een — aa : rHAT in Winnipeg some of the |he said he did not. He claimed to Corner Blanchard and Fisgard slicker eape. Apply Daily News ae ‘ Saas ~ i ‘ " o f . 3 street cars bear placards with the heave a ve Hey iff one of the bays Streets omce if Rhub rb seni s Ibe fo f end “Go to Ghurch” and others {on the island. san tronafera to cur -Diftas eee neers epeenrnaneres roe a have the words “Safety pete Mr. Shawver said that a mem an bie in Canada ae ry FARMS FOR SaLe ait ore zs ae it Re oe jber of a hunting party he had Board and room at lowest rates C. p fh. FARM LANDS T oh a ange Senge od HD h PHAT some people ean't help |teken to Eagle Island a few weeks BRANCH OFFICE 23 Hasting : fy ) / ; = ce . me rs etek st = Roetemnre 4! g cra They are bred that\ago also reported he had been Street Faat Opposite B. ¢ oer a ae ae ee ee ae -% rei ye 3 tb : if i | shot at. et wan and Manitoba are especial - Fee plant, per , : 1 acca oe i ee “ ; ee, a a | ly suited for mixed farming. | y, per il ve af PHAT a man named Cheekeis REFRIGERATORS ARE FOR SALE Land that will produce big Evaporated Fruits. nning ou the Conservative ticket re , crops of grain and fodder, and Biack fles ; - it Duncan. The name of the ABOUT USED UP NOW VOR SALI Or will trade for ap well adapted for dairying or White fles 2 j}Prince Rupert Cons, cand, is For-| proved se-in Prince Rupert livestock raising can still be Apricots ’ rn Hope. dank? aatnta’ had at prices averaging about) Peaches .........-- 0 e.10¢ |Big Shipments East the Past Few Tie tact runeabout launch! $1800 an aere, with twenty | Apples BO a HAT any prisoners who $0} Days Have Taken All Babe steal ee e ce years to pay if you wish. Only! Seediess Halsins Leished walked away yesterday Accommodation. ies 10 per cent down, No further Prunes ..... 200-30 m wning, but two preferred the | The big shipments nt halibut One firstislase therina ‘en payment off the principal until Fruit ospilality of Get: Vickers. f del ‘beeutiten. tram ‘the taves ols the end of the fourth year; then ponanas .......00+000%? PHAT “now you're in and now|Catches recently: marketed have One first-class large row boat| ae rane ane ee In- | Grapefruit (California) 3 for 40 lyou're out” seems to be a pretty jjust about cleaned up all the with 2% hip. Caille Perfection | % aa cI a * a ' ; ; ONPONB cer eccereceeenee “ lative played by ‘prisoners here, spare refrigeratog cars in the Inboard engine ‘ : vl a » ", "auntie . Dales (drom) ...--eeee** Ne oie ae Yesterday at the Fish Le M. M St otier ns, Phone 222. OO: " , ation, 4~/ Valencia cranges, per doz., Of an rHAT what happened to the|Exchange the fish were selling at : Ee a ee ‘ibanner with the strange device?|a small figure, so the Kodiak PURCHASER WILL SAVE 86.00 00 |= Haisins, per ID, sereeeers zo 6 6i6 60,000 pounds, Sentinel, 28,000 von Oo lie p. nee? ys oo Bam Currants, per ID veceeeee or THEA celtic ak ad 4 on os engine price $2,200.00, 1 . ee 1. EON cr rey rr uM P PHAT pe ople are re marking on pounds, and the Fimte r ah000 pete of thin alaidahen eeke-up Market Prices | eel, per tb press isnt!" a, 1 bad augury for Newloniam in|¢leared for Seattle in the hope of kan 00 oo Ae } la ae lll a ial Mixed nuts, | (he line hanner ¢_ming down almoat (setting a better price. i) since we boug it this | iateneae ‘Table Figs, per pk, «+++ ; | : The tollowine boats sold here: from the factory, We have also} Meuts. IMince Meat ....cceerreeee! 0 ine enon as if was nuf nun Polaris, 70,000 poynds to the| on hand 4 li. p. N, & 8, engines, |Sirloin steak, per Ib. ....... ABolPomatoes «es eeeeccrererte ony aa Canadian Fish and Gold Storage| Price for same complete, $290, Beef pot roast, Ib, 25¢ to 286 Cantaloupes, each, 20¢ to i | Ti id > Co, at 12%e and be. j Prince Ttupert Cigar Stove.| Beef, chuck roast, Ib. ...... 30¢ Watermelon, per ID, ..e eee a orp! a Albatross, 23,000 pounds sold| Phone Blue 94, ___ tf Beef, rib roast, Ib. 35¢ and 386 Honey Dew Melons, each... 7% e? e ‘ to the Pacific Fisheries at {3¢ and| , | Beef, boiling, ib., .... 186 to 22¢ Grapes (Malagas) pet Ib. oes eo" Liver 6c. | jHamburger, per tb, ..++.+. 256 Wealthy apples No, t ...-. Phen | | By keeping the liver st bth Clara N., 2,000 pounds sold to} FOR SALE #6 choice heifers, [Slowing beef, per lb,, 20¢ and 256) Wealthy apples No, 2. «++: * ro | use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver , (the Royal Fish Co. al 19 and 8.5e, | grade Holstein. Apply to ic wrned beef, par Ib, .+++.6 22 Apples (Jonathans) «esses $4 . Pills, you have no trouble from » Andrew Kelly arrived with! Find Giatahe | Lamb, lem, Per ih., céesecee 506 Apples (Melntosh Reds Pa constipation, indigestion, etc. One the Canadian | mCAay 8 ae Lamb, loins sesseeseeresees 600 Try a classiffed advertisement if you want to buy or sell or if you want anything, A lot of bus! ness is done that way, Advertise in the Daily News, Ricos in ota <4 . / Waly Pearwas Seevics, we Ptr at 7 ——e wots} f1°/6 i } SILVERWARE SOLVES IT! - ‘ fi: K, Oem Vance ouver, B (; TORK’ SELL VTOVE — —— ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware iD AVENUE Phone Black 1l4 PPPOE OOOO OI OOTOF Centra New location Kees "Phase! 1 me 139 dune Tae yeeeet worcee were eccccereeeereteegnGet FOR RENT POR 52a Furnished Rooms Dominion Hotel reer + core woe Hot Prine Roe EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and FIRST- “CLASS oart A La ! larte. adi - en “ee penenenenne er ! und Avenu® 9] "aati untasl ' et pearooserrrtnet ts Variety of f Plast in bloom ol GricKkeNs & BF cITY MARKET |