Bo ee ] ea | ti 4... A = IL ( AA Js \ +, tee 7 ban =e Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. Box 1680 TOILET SUPPLIES | and all the dainty requisite at make habits of cleanli ess a delight await you at py Modern sie Store s r line of Toilet articles, supplies and sundries, Let our experts fill your ption Betier Than ies For Liver Ills. . You can't feel so good but what AR make you feel better. ORMES LIMITED THE DARLY NEWS HAZELTON oe '| Westholme Thea TONIGHT ON Pe SHERIFF'S SALE. IN riil Si} iM * BRITISH COLL MBIA “ The Scales ike ni Umbrella John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST Burglary Insurance is worth a lot—in pe of mand alam ARE you PROTECTED? We can protect you for re and residential bur- glary. SEE US FOR RATES McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, E.C. | DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing toott lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Boure~-Morning, 9 to 12: Afterncon, 1.30 5.30: Setur dey, 9 to 12 only Evenings Tuesday, Wedn eaday an@ Fri- Giday, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOK APPOINTMENT © POO ODED L ADD SPP LLB EOP OLDE LO = Sere enls 4295 First Cars of oul new creened Lump Coal have arrived IT’S CLEAN . Large stock Kee Coal also on hand Hlave you tried (ut Kee Coal in yout range”? it’s HOT Consumers Coal Co., Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7 MINERAL ACT j j Certificate of Improvements ‘ } : ale 4s Ait t i Mineraj WwW ' more ! ' Hans titicat ‘ nt late nh ter ! the : iT f bov claim ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ac- iba 1 ‘i » t ‘ itehine oo feate of N 1 A. Ww Ww MORE The Liberal Commit- tee rooms in the Pat- tullo Block on Second Avenue are now open every afternoon and evening for the con- venience of the elec- torate. Information regard- ing political affairs will be cheerfully given. Week-End Special! 1000 Ibs. Evaporated PRUNES]: 90-1008 15c per |b. 7 Ibs. for $1 25lb box $3.25 Rupert Table $ Supply Co, PHONES 211, { iM { | i’ i? ng hy ne | N which! | Noo he 5 H | e HKupe Dated al Prince Ruj i. 2 N iv2 JOUN SHIRLEY mie PUBLIC NOTICE. Having purchased tl \ Cafe from Lew Shonge Ways NOTICE. rHE HVYDr TRANSFI ir —= 1HLB. WARNER “The Pagan God” { Burton Holmes Travelogue, ‘The Land of the Yellow Robe” Paramount Magazine PRINCE GEORGE STRAND COMEDY, “ 4281 ee EMPRESS THEATRE - cane ee Ses —== - Tonight | Doris May and Douglas McLea “WHA'TS YOUR HUSBAND DOI” Even bette’ than “23 1-2 Good Gracious Me! ~, jn 9 X > ee TIMBER SALE X 2751. tenders wi tre LOCAL NEWS (TEMS . MeM WESTERN CEILING FINISH Local Agent« Prince Rupert, B Telephones G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. _ For Sale ha "Wy Five ‘ROOM. ED HOUSE, -| |; f Mx tellent ey Foundaliv Price $] $00 Jers arrang? H. G. Helverson, Ltd. Real Estate Bonds Insurance eo eee ee TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY oe eet oreo eee DRY KINDLING WOOD in Stove Lengths Phone your order ‘n early. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, Mgr Red Cedar Shingle Dry Kiln } Capacity: | ity SITKA SPRUCE HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING 1H) CRM) beet ’ ay arr. OF ALL KINDS —- Charlotte Islaxds Spruce Produc s Lit Milis: Prince Rupert, 6 ALBERT & McCAFFERY 664. 116, Blue {Smashing Sale of Ladies’ and Children’s Ready to Wear THREE DAYS ONLY Thursday, prigay 3 und appareay of this week Everything in our Ready to knocked down t» rock bottom ome examp'es of the values we 30 per cent discount © ! Cloth Coats, “uiee from $35 to $70. 25 per cent 200 Ladics’ Bieuses Ladies’ Suits, pemuiar #15 md *55 per sult, in Baws Black and Grey Sale Price. $30. ee 25 per cent discount or Ladies’ Dresses and Skirts moh latlela poplin, seroe and Jersey «beth, 20 per cent discount | Sweaters and Slipovers a 16 per cent discount Giris' Underwear, i re Dyeing - Dry Cleaning For good work, prompt service and reasonable prices send goods to CITIZENS’ CLEANERS & DYERS, 2087 4th Ave., Van- couver. Inquiries solicited. eccans | 6 Terrace, B.C. | Real Estate and Insurance KENNEY BROS. & CO. Jabour Bros. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh it off Misses 4d Girls Coats yibs ent on Boys o 15 per oe ters Underweer and Swoa el 100 = pairs Fianneliotle Biankols Sale price il Baie price $3.50 Ltd. B.C Prince Rupert