ee manta usin Yl) Local Dressed Beef Staughtering Ship ¢ Live Stock now arriving ct from the stock Our Local men pte « k dir ‘ Bulkley Valley eae J. FRIZZELL Phones 10, 25, 185 Fulton Market | | | Roya Market ep er er RF OPO BI SINE SIRI RT ET ET ESS “ “~ a ) i fi cl ily ye rivs PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - oun PRINCE Ri PERT, B. G., TUES! } IECEMBER 7. 1020 Seturday's Circulation 1,836 Street Gales 448. PRICK FIVE CENTS COAST FISHERIES REGULATIONS ARE CHANGED Court at Vancouver Decides for Prince Rupert Creditors Mission Boat Thomas Crosby Wrecked at Queen Charlottes Craft is a total loss but Capt. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jolliffe are safe ‘ ist HODGES TS paces 2 RECEIVER Liquidator Appointed by the Court at Varcouver This Morning. ‘ ‘ ‘ The Supreme Court this morning granted a chambers petition of the Prince Rupert creditors for the appointment of W. E. Hodges as receiver for the Prince Rupert Dry- vock and Engineering Co., \ Ltd Judge McDonald on Drydock Receiver bankruptcy court. A meeting cf creditors will be held soon possibly at Prince Rupert or Says Vancouver Credit: rs Tock Acticn after having Asked Others to Stay Hands, but Made No Frogress wherever the court on the recommendation of the liqui- dator orders. LEGISLATURE CONVENES ON JANUARY a CHORE BOY bISCOVERS HE IS REALLY A GIRL. « * $4; a ideal t pK ‘ fa if \\ = th v 7< sir ~ x 1 \W J City Council Considers Change Fisheries Regulations 1921 Boundaries d -fined for Naas gill netting; siz of me-h for salmon and smelt r-duced; Captain’s licenses 7.—The 10921 fisheries regulations at Ottawa and they make VANCOUVER. December have been issued by the Department uges over those of last year. In regard to the = Rive listriel, a line drawn from Boston to Parkin Islands the uitside boundary of the Naas River sockeye gill The regulations also call for a cod fishing close season from J i 1D » March 15 in the Gulf of Georgia and adjacent the American boundary on the south and a line tas ij wes Duval Point tits to the West- al 8S" BARDISTRY MAN \ : the amended rezu- w i re ts aud seimes © AND DAUGHTERS { ai h and a quartet ner regulations and au FIRE VICTIMS ive ha n the Wings. Salmon Gill Nets. NL 1) Itt sa m gill net fishing the rex de be not jess than. six @¥F Paterson ‘Loces Life Trying to Save His Little Children. nda hall miches instead of seven ches as present, . Phe. «amended regula tion.ce. EDMONTON, bDeoerbor 7 fimuy duces size {the salmon drag Paterson, a pioneer of Hardistry, fathoms length and two young daughters, seven sh extension and four years of age respective- hundred depth to 180 fathoms by were burned to death here vhen the Pater stroyed by fire son home was de- iptains of seme M: Paterson's efferts to save tain a cense pe- lis eldest daughter were success. y t the license ful and it was in a desperate ei- led fort to rescue the other two that Prince Kupert { j % ntizgu- he died with them Street Surface Question if Vancouver Mrs. Paterson was badly burn- | i Inlet. no sal- ed in an effo » save the family, ses wil rT Tarvia and Permanent Concrete Discussed and Former eM , Favored; Board of Works to Present By aw - NEW HAZELTON Next Week 609 06S e ee . ere coron woseeo =: RESIDENT DIES , vt \ I FORCED TO KiSS * . g g vas THE UNION JACK * : : la » W. J. MacKenzie, Merchant and : ‘ MONCTON, N, B.,, Dec. 7. # Cid Timer here Passes M aero fh * ! say Crawford of To- * Away i the States- ° M ti TA - Uihis vt He SUPlacing jm n, a irnal that is very * NEW HAZELTON, Dec, 7.—The } r * i ny alistic in its *®/death occurred here yesterday of : i s x ymew » nly advocates *#)W. J. MecKenzie, a mere t of ) =u Lex Parlia a I \\ * td of Can- * this place and an old timer who ; fo , wo - Sas ot allowed to ®)was wi wo i high re- RAILWAYMEN FEW MORE ELECTION toc, PON THE Des. |e McBride 8 ghth, #ixth, Second |, Sits, Yalan, Maa ged iit cceanat aka uae 4 OF BUSINESS , ‘ Mel - - \ \ M #