er oe et eh. ea rt Ee: a!" a ee a C Xs... eo See eee orge 8 TITE DAILY NEWS nn —— . Fee eT THE DAILY NEws HER CASE CFEME The Man in the Moon | PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SAYS:~ | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News HOPELESS ee ere erie a Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. PHAT “an coe add is the cali d { Ls a H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. rel " s she ox —-: —=. = — = eae, + ee ba —— —_——! But “Frult-a-tives” Brought (vais : ae , ===... SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | Health and Strength ah ’ arrangmg stock and prices for a grea: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ......... ~.. 81,00 ' ' eh - By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, iis Ge. thoes fe, Mewtinats ' a 1 QAVENCS, PSF YORE... vay ACNE 6 ee TES Fea Cea es $6.00 ; bs To all olher countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50 “I am writing you to tell you that hii - Senietnalhntenetincyis - lowe my life te * Feud? cdives™’. This — TELEPHONE 98. melicine relieved me when I had \I given up hope of ever being well. I was @ terrible sufferer from ’ . starting DAILY EDITION, ania: rucsday, December 7, 1920.| Dyvspepsia—had suffered for years; |! oe , and nothing I took did meany good. (nd r C I read about “‘Fruit-a-tives” and eens { Real Democracy tried them. After taking a few boxes, . Xa e, , () But Not Ideal. of this wonderful medicine made from VI 5 Add 1 a Yesterday it was mé oned that in this country we had a} fruit juices, 1am now entirely well” ) C} - F . neal democracy, because every man had a vote and the majority Madame ROSINA FOISIZ, ud osing rl ay, December 24 had control of the administration The intimation was that any! soe, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. ' ; / kind of Gove ment the mass Of the peaple wanted, they con At all dealers or send postpaid by PHA >: aoe ome ees have lf what - offen erroneously referred to he ibor Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, i . M element o } m sity « is he Socialists as the prole bariat ae Ce Sai ; — one par TS 9 ‘ec . L, ° is alle ‘y Se re vioritv of the people to support them, they oor \ ah anufacturers advise us thal prices ean ¢ bor Vvernmel ay “ uist government or gov | can | or 3 nt or a socialist government Gr & SUITCASES | are now on the down grade, We are rime nN it me miat le process . 5 pyre hier - \] \ » . e every Oppo zive “ g coutrol of the adn sty T R U N K S hile going lo get from und : ; | ; mS tO ge rand do it exce] hat o orce, Phat is democracy. = pre ‘ : ; : ? : 1€T e | On Me other ind it mnet be admitted that the den atic 1 : ina The ; > ae ak Goverandee? Woo cies ¢ eudiens,” Nether HANDBAGS | } | quick. Starting Thursday morning, we . ; ; : : : ; +f ‘ : am ; ae mea ’ \ ‘ . : ' . is Ch bce Seccccisahe cisie lscih Mere thal ttten Lect hat, PCa New Carn. | wns are going to throw our entire stock of w aire to see heve ihe pes local atlairs that otter la " s : vi j . j : nicl Saale eae : }. .° ‘7 the issues, Politicians wil] advays be clever, but the people mus « ¥ {But Jim had mens high grade clothing and furnish. earn to be equally clever and get a broad vision. We cannot : : SH} aus bh 'Wedl Gnnicctary ‘butik poowle teary Naw Lo Mele. Every: J. F. MAGUIRE ind-wes ings on the market at a great sacr body thinks he knows how to ds and the most s¢ satisfied 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert $§ : 7 : Sidi Sacri- Eee ee wiiek atten Ye | sa : a | hice. Prices, in many cases, almos a ee PHA ” Survival of ge nee as low as re-w ae A: eg Saag > 2a | $ pre-war times and at which e have nat e rot er far tro the old meth f the *~ =! ao —— 28 ’ Ws hav vet g \ ry 1 m th ] ! } 42% tee yeu cannot resist buying. survival of the tittest The old method exterminated the weakling . e . ° d Today the weakling is car vy preserved and then exploited. H TIMBER SALE X 2780. rHAT « ! -_: oe is exploited by the greedy capit st, the selflsh gaml ! ! ten ‘ww wT ’ t } ‘ ‘ . vendor of aleoho ks 3 reotic drugs. He is the not in . | ( & nd he erany d d h . : art Geli ine. Hie eset sisine beanmde the gramtitate, 1 ot wah all w ome and be convinced and at the same time save same strife is waged as of o j sa resu the w i . rt X 278 . . . ’ . “- . feet Me x e ’ , weaker and the strong stronge sly idl “ A most | money on your Christmas Gifts, Seeing nis ! st ( he HIn hat s ar ‘ sllowe ’ = ' ” 4 it is all bad ptt » the ‘ he w is to do r : po RR SEU me md with the pres« competitive system. Some w 1 do. away will : a eee f : it at one fe « ' Dp, oO h « } e the ev; onarv WAN ! ‘ ne hs THAT ' There ae os < ae, : — ee een, ‘ someth g better. ait pe haps in his itm > a lave ti mate ae cess : _ ve Musee! Iniet ‘ : come wherrthe race has evolved. The mills o h < g ni Thre vea will be allowed for re slowly and to hurry the general scheme is sometimes sastrous Pu at aos of tha thee? Pereneee.\ , " f so re ever ction there is reaction, as sl vn he recent)? strict Forester, F ? ' ( d N | Rail } ee ay meme Yas Seeenon oe Seow gt the spced) cs a : ; Tea Canadian National Railways for the return of Constantinerin England, when after a few years TIMBER SALE X 2768. : "FRUNK of republican government under Cromwell, they again craved for See ‘ . ae ne 1 by tm ce ve a king and brought back Charles. ; F ; Rag not lete rHAt ali S.S. PRINCE GEORGE for the has { Licenc® X 2768 i . vr Constant Adjustments ar Reament,’ G. €., to cut 24,200 lineal) WAS Midnight Thursday for Have to -be Made. One year will be allowed for remova : bs ee ee - Inder any syste ere has to be constant adjustment. We /of timber ee yOX ednesday | n \ I on iyetem th abe t h o 4 us n me * he Rl, VL burther particulars € the Chiet } rester. rat ; himinsiet veils None S S. PRINCE JOHN oie er, ae ae at ra soe . se art cates, or ae Rupert, B.C. nentedi ~ _ . Ocean Falls. Beaver Cove and Vancouver, Sunday 9 p. ™ micre are Costs OF se ng aie _ ” a oo re ge ; ’ — ——__ —- —_—-- - mm at eeeee #600684 © “*#-* SS. PRINCE ALBERT the prices Fa adownward ana anothe cm” 1 istment becomes TIMBER SALE X 274¢C. MAIL SCHEDULE . necessary. Lsome piaces wages mreadyv tre gi tor hours : * of labor creased, in order to compete with other parts ot the sorte nen ; hy a be oeees af : . eseaseneeneeseeee ovens { s necessary h ss cn va s Db . ule here isn Wwe ao "eos the oma nt aie x 3740 M : For the East ; ' TRAIN SERVICE sia a elsewhere. If is in making these changes that fricts oecurs and)! : oop See ene car, Dee . — : peers ane os . Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at : . ’ thas | Hem k and Paisan in area #tuated ; y. y : som he =h jlown th a sually ahi sa : n Na ake Ka n es D tr t CHINAMAN SUES A j there = loss Of wages and consequent suite : ; tim ° ! : 7 : \< we have said. business has been prosperous for several my. riher par u are Of the Chief F prester LONDON POLICEMAN - Pa the East Agency Alf Ocean Steamship Lines years. Now we are hearing-of failures, and the e of e B.C ? ’ ee Sundays eedayes and Thura 7 sal atd reeervations apply ¢ often drags down othe Mle a ore Nee oe ps Teen AND WINS HIS CASE Chy Thebet Offce, £26 Third Avenue Prone 200 lt will take a great deal of mutual forbearance this trving MINERAL ACT, lime to get once more t solid basis. Employers must not be Certificate of Improvements. LONDON. Dee. 7 Sm ‘ For Vancouver and South cat too avericious nor must emplovees expect ‘oo much With NOTICE era Serueant ¢ i adays .: ' mutual confidence, there should be little difficulty in weathering opper cum Copper CMi No. 1° Mi ' the storm. Copper Chiff No. 2,” and pper cin i No. 5 Mieerel Cietins eiteate.te the Ress CANADIAN PACIFIC RA - River Mining Divistor f Cassiar District Where jocated:—Kitsault River, Alice Arm t thie a nvices TARE NOTICE that 1, George A. Young th aj ‘ x & From Vancouver and South CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVIC Free Miner's Certificate N $6505-C. ect . and ‘Kar { : yi af « ° ng for myself and as agent for Josepn Wednesdays ti‘ Oa } ices } Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Wells, Free Miner's Certineate No. 40451. |! a6 a8 ' neem : B.C. Coast Steamship Serv and Arne Davedson, Free Miner's Cer : : T tifieate N 40628 -4 intend, sixty days ier ! pre a DEN I IS from the date hereof, to apply to the|, s rh sd e cd : - - ning Recorder for a Certificate of im i ‘ For Anyox and Alice Arm 8, 8. PRINCESS BEATR k from Prince : Ta ace Ee ea 5 eonmnne ' 10 pom For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway wa a, 21 P . a Crown Grant of the above claims is oe ane : e eo December 13 an Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block And further take notice that action, Un hen ‘net about’ the Chis i — ser Rupert . . es fer sect . st be commenced before ’ ' ¥ Anyox qi . Prince u Lady Assistant _— Open Evenings a ieetatis ae cece maeieee ee co orelimen a ed rom yox and . er” For Vancouver, Victoria and — sil ” ffice Hours: Sunday by ments yindow l Ch re December 4 and ; Janus 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Phone 575 Appointment | Ds'ea ims sin aay of Novemper, s990.|tered 1) ind th DUTBEAY® ve eee ee reee eee Dem nat P aoe onan A settings, apply CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili toe: tone ee aon a, oe, nan Duns to Pe, : t th Bay, Wales Island and Naas River : Prince Rupert, B.C. con Ro sae Fraction Miners) Gt deity had SUNGRED 4 cd ce ceseee) 10 pn Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Sag 8 ik Sey ofa Miners! ‘ ‘ ; Thursdays ‘ cs ae estholme Lumch [oe en aia ices a rn as, hana a j ere i daltiortn tees. dene % ae mn ure in ugeeaolt Bay, Wales tsiand and Naas River Under New Management === = City of Vaneuuver Province of British Co. cat by hi of CaMmeeee. ci cna es bes a.m er New nag en i sabia Pron Miner's (2 pasion te British to y : . Saturday) ELECTRIC & MARINE 8 actus om behalf Of tanya sad be gene a nd wif nar j atu iys coer erasees ALL WHITE HELP B, Pitine, “chal oF m™eeit and ap apeny| tie w B eeeanen: Reed D C0 mee \ ancouve rr y ers ‘ tifieate * b ar een ‘ ences = F 70234-H, intend ants ‘ da ae at to a te f imprisonment hye Queen Charlotte islands: SUPPLY ° ee reek, to abel for & Crown Urant followed h deportation, said tha For Mase Port Clemente and cow BAY OE es Go me pecia ASD RUBSHER TAME NOTICE that 8¢-|ho wes on (he premies duril Upper Isiand poiots oe eRe RINE SUPPLIES Hon, unde bertion 85. must be commenced , as Z . Me - " ELECTRICAL AND MA L« apr tM ‘ate ’ 7 ere vane “fl POLICE , epresenting Three Course Meal * from 45c up DATED ee ird day of December, 1996, /t0 the monew from the box and *rom Maeeset, Port Ciements and . F; banks Co Ltd b | ceereeenecterennenty ee ROGERS, so tithe defendant pushed the pla iT Upper Isiand potinta: Canadian as : : from 30 to 250 hp — _— CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. oo lowisfains, In Crosse , ie her 10 and 24 - C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines : Engines, + ee ele Bane Minera! (aun lat No. 23941 tion the witness said that he had b 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate ng R O YAL 4%: Epson Mincral Clot. bat wee daa, (lived in Knelend for eight years in Yor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte All the Latest Improvement® ie you a jDerby Mineral Can, Lot No. 2337-—Alithe Bilver Lion Court premises, City and Lower laliand points: j ; n Com Ar , 1 demonstratio! a ae Wining Dividtes gs att Bikers He had been eonvieted of gamb Decembe 11 and 25 Electric Lighting Plants practic® SS Auto Service ” TAKE. NOTH a teat te jotand. no of ne O° and opium smoking there From Skidewate, Queen Charlotte eee [City of | Vancouver. Froviice of Britian ae Soom er Amer’ — and Lower Island points " aamnageeaegennnnnt \Prompt Service 79 5 erting oy behatltl fi wre end ds w defendant satd that he hac boas ber a ad Zt. to & agent for Ne ersen, of the saide(ity @ a z .eountants © Day and Night Vancouver, Free Miner's Certiticate No, 9,-(VeCn in the police force fer 15 oe Chartered Accom. B.C: Firet Clase Care 431°C, sam od ssniy see) years and no complaint had ever For Skagway and the Yukon. MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Auditor®, Vane a of thelr E. Large, Prop jthe above claims been mace agauinet him He November 15, 20; December 43 that they have opened a art, where the) - AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ae ; : ; , ae s @ Have pleasure in intimating ue, Prince jtuper 44. en i Ne tion, under section &5, must be commencea Genied that he took the money and and 27 business at Smith Block, Third Avenu ‘musiness Phone je Phone 35 luprovements of euch Cormicale OF tbat he had pushed the plaintif From Skagway and Yukon. , will earry on a General Accountancy ae tane cnaininire® * 4 Gos | DATED tin Srd day of December, A. 0, downstairs Mr, Justice tnil November 6, 20; Decemher 4 Resident Partner: QRORUE RORIE, Chartered Ace td \' ” (. J, BENBEN, jlache, in summing up, said that and 18; pere errene?