APP OOOEELOOLL OLE OOLOOLDLD DS oo peereeeere PO PPOLOD a THE EASIEST a andard good at n't 19 the nad tioned leader in their respective ' Waterman Fountain Pens, $2.50 up to $12.00 Eversuarp Pencils, $1.75 up to $10.00 Ingersoll Watches, $1.25 up to $14.50 Brunswick dpb $88.00 up to $500.00 Victor Records - $1.00 up to $8.00 icRae Bros., Ltd. eccrrere oorre FISHERMEN : NOTE! ICE 1 rage ri: R HARD ICE n Fishin Boats Save Canadian nadia fish i al Siorage Co. Ltd. Discount on nS ‘. “ i 7a » PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND Engineering Co., Limited. 20,000 Ton Flioa Operating-—-G. TP MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK Dock ting Dry| Dock Plant Enyineers, Machinists, Boiler ‘ Blackamiths, Found rn Makers, etc. teens seeee+ eee enone eee eee ans We Solicit Your Enquiries P.O. Bax 1713 Phones 43 and 385 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C — ‘eeeaaaaon COPPPELLOLE LOLOL LOLOL OOO + ee ee ee | MADE to ORDER | ns, Children’s Clothes and ail kin is of Plain Sewing Miss G! GLEESON PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING Phone 22 >: a o PLP OOOL EID OPOOOEF Pace COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE. r ¥ High Sehool, tay ‘ ‘ At teen a ; EDSON COAL, Bull $1: FOR SALE \ Sacked, $14 Most Liberal MARINE INSL y of North An * Lon ipat wal D Bor 66 Westholme Theale ‘Block. 3.00 per ton d vered 4.50 mm ANS E on the Coast { ‘ 8 prompuy ~ Phoue Blue 69 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C, OF OPO Om ~« aaeena —— _ WHAT Si: ou, and guar oe b iy WALLP APERS, G LASS, PAINTS, N Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND i CARD WORK, iM cond Street P.O.Box 120 fir i Local and Personal Ask for — F os age. & « | bok all dealers THE DAILY NEWS ' BUTTER AND MEATS DOWN is Cards at Wrathall’s tf Markat is Beginning to Put On a Usua!s Christmas Aspect— Irs. Phily Sugar 150 * . ' ! in { } | ‘ tf * 7 * do one b> , 87 + n ! I \ i ! I j rit f W } W Meals N . } = j | It j ; 1X j B I ehitd nd} | i y res ; | x sp M K . . 1 Aft ‘ «} d | » uly iP M s Bay ’ it \\ ] ht tt i I 7 | ‘ d I \ 5 Gt e ~~ . Dairy Produce. \ - S \ ; i “l ] ! Fish. ~ I> 1? \\ Vegetables \ \ kK ‘ 8 a hex \ ‘ \ | s Fruit Db : 1 i ’ as alt iy rape mS lown ¢ t value emor 17 a6 » Date dre a's tf |~ * . , Si 1 ‘ Va loz { \ ny ‘ do k hen | ’ toe whiel he h n) ba d has Currants. nor itt... . doe teu ; i ai ! Is and ft Pee I ot i j tit n \ ito Mixed nuts, 4 ; Kr } Pah Fig ‘ { but | ld Vik Mit Mi i nosts I iit n ait! Mat I x and tal polit a I We } ip N Wallace's Xmas drawing, three| ' wy s rizes, ‘Tickets with every dollat Wy purchase. 300 Apples Spitzent Appl North ss All carpets and rugs will have mamaneded Fruita, » straight 20 per cent discount at Black figs tae eeeee > 5 LE Wie TR) eke 0ds i eta he a oo BS Ads dec tases Caen 5 Yo m oare h a re FAA 3 Oar ing ay ‘n I you use ‘ Ohase's O nb Ne ea... wmetak a ao Oe went (or Rosana and xis Ir rita runes as it relieves ab « Qnee and gradu fll wale the sili Sainple boa be ent stay ut fre e if you mention thi paber aod avtul ppp for pe outage Oe. & \ \ Tit Rav } | STEVE KING Revision of Prices I will reduce my stock, due to changing market conditions, and to do so will make a clear cut of 30k on the Dollar on all merchandise in my store. Special Order - “ART” Clothes | 25 per cent. reduction. This is my first sale in seven years and a quantity of my stock is pre-war 6 Staal and ous Steve Ki King Hart Block - Third Avenue Like a Tidal Wave Heart Disease and Nerve Troubles Sweep the Country. Phone 34 ROYAL HOTEL RESTAURANT. Home Cooking with Quick Service 707 Third Ave. Here you can procure the kind of food that is just what you want in congenial environment. Attractiveness. Prices Reasonable, Superior Quality. Satisfying Service. f =) DENTISTRY oF aie a seni QUALITY Ti Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— es Fee eM Be ee peer ce 2