» r ceeg ee okie need = eemeny —~ Te DAILY SAWS rr : nneninas ‘ “!PRINCE. RUPERT BRINGING UP FATHER ores i Central Labor Council eee ae f | ee ican ’ a2 EIS MR ver MLL BET He | WELL. HOW at | WELL “WHY DON'T || O. B. rs. REMEMtBme @ HASN'T AT eal! AR ft . : AN YOU) GET Ait r emeumencesanes crmanainepmeaeataasaasmmmtti iif : AM <¢ Back? Affiliated Units a Dates of bf eee MEETINGS r) Building Trades Unit, First os and Third Mondays, & p.m * 5 Central Labor G council, od Every Tueeda " Lo Women's Askin First | Fy rar Wednesdays, Dance & Social te fe a 3, at 9 p.m.: Second Monday } oh Business Meeting at 8 p.m his Political Ec nomy Club, Every Thureday at & 7 Metal Trades, First and Third Fridays. : ° Shipbuilding Unit, Secx is and Fourth Frid at . \ Fishpackers, First Saturday OPEN FORUM i (commencing Sept.) Se j jl and Fourth Sundays, & 30 p.n eRe - - — ~~ 8 _ > caesar s ere so nen ents aaa ingrtineiataneinaansinsaestiatstltasiatasttiyseens cmt ‘i =— ; MEMORIAL SERVICE WHEAT CROP SAR aE ; ’ ¥ _ a E | BUSINESS DIR 7 || @TORK ; MAY BE POOLED | eatin 2 | @TORK $ Spesial Ceremony at Toronto for ; “A . \ Deceased Father of Local } vese are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to b: j \\ SELI Man. Cenadian Council of Agriculture / ; WT 9 V r ‘ Considering Pians for Market- amma sat a car en carne ce ace ect at ee em te ne a i CW ¢ i ing 1921 Output. sia ie . ACRATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES ee = : WINNIPRG Does MERCHANDISE 8 BEAV! OTTLING WORKS . CARADIAN bYEAM LaUaDRY ; ; 5 y 4 - WILFRID GRATTON (or Tir’ aoc Te ; ; ees, i ! trea ha — , \“ re la . Sis : Sees Oe. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS D. N. 3 " ' gy an YOKAHAMA BARDER sno FURNITURE FRED SCADDEN : " es, he 1921 smreminind ‘ FRANK BROONU o_o nN I> « boa Oreem 649 ___ SAKERS ———— . . ene PAINTS AND OILS a } ¢ Made uy te e WT ‘ i 8 CASSE BAKERY FEED STORES Twa A WwW. epee c ” re q Stork RUG*, LADIFS’ SCARVES, ETC. - ‘ . cd PRINCE RUPERT FEED co a oe rd yare D C. TAIT 4 CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS . . ws . ' } , THE DENNY ALLEN CO FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL fli 4 cRoserrs meee ' 1116 Brosdway, Vancouver, B.C. ; . _ Third Avenue “ Mee oe ae eee ate ae SERIE ER a ; Sie, wae mene re PLUMBING ~ ; CLEANING AND PRESSING oe pecsccosecs PB GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN 4 LONGW Prone © ee M > TOKYO DYE works cs ——------ - " 4 r > i wine CHIN YUEN CO i | () yi | EF (‘0 From a ' ; Naar a st a a 731 Second Avenus Phoen* Giect 78 RENTALS | ; j \A «, | ‘ ances meme i i oe . peeee Cares GROCERIES vB lace he ; = Patron S Letter ' Wit ‘ THE BOSTON GRILL LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY SIGN PAINTING VEGETA vig ; iin wat a" : “ = te wr ale and Peta - } — i * rr? ’ AMERICAN KILLED yin ‘end. selling Gait ensennrr — Pee | THE ELITE care HAROWARE * 4 aa ‘ IN LOGCING CAMP - - ' HOWE 4 MoNULTY A SHEET METAL WORKS the 1 ‘ i —— : , iY ° beaut : - fever ram oe wiat $4 , Danie! O'Meara Has Skul! Frac- - = ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO et , fem + en We en we eee, seeaye . vesiniena IMPORTED GROCERIES ~ corseeerreneestnoees na x at able Breaks. - ‘ Rew best we r ; as ae SALGERTA MEAT MARKET STEEN 4 LOPOWHLL 3 Preee S invarial ank RY BA : Da ers of the DRUGGISTS » 5 #t j - Toe Ne Na a SF PPP OPO R POLOOEE tee ring { ‘ / sa See wae Gy.) aS LAUNCHES FOR MIRE TAILORS—LADIES AND GENTS Pay saci on Raskate} ‘ 5 Launch “NARBETRONG,” Prone Black 400 =. v. (ef ; i fe : read 4 a : : kX ; "al as | ony > 0100.ee0. Ban’ | -STEENSLONGMT rh z ‘ i i i ee ; a socesciiiicilaliinaniacooliaia tiialatinmarennas ca STRIKE LEADERS MAY SHOT SHERIFF AND IS ! BE | HIMSELF | : a i s Sa ’ ~ t . ; Pa me FOR LEGISLATURE = sawraenoss , : ge B ; 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50« ; te W - —_—_-~——— ee i OE eo ee ee ee BE iin ee —_— M = j ‘ 4 WASTED \f j FOUND The best wz ” tay P : ° ~—eeee e . ; ; A : . 2 . w? tc ' ' | ue" f. AN | our’ Suit . , ! MUSIC for DANC TrID i. Cleaned and Pressed u | ARTHURS i VANDERHOOF eC HCE eee ee ba aA PRINCE RUPENT TIDES ° ia ; ; ae ACCOUNTANTS i i Irchestra Steam Pressing Machine é : } ee ee 5 ae HCO pthod lay Monday. December 6 m . Ah SALE OR LEASE—Job 5 ¢- EXPERT j ~ , t only takes 15 ’ —- i ; i : y f i f t * and plant Fo 48 Our Price is Low +49 a BS ft ‘ ' ) News 7 Reasonable . — aie ; . I apply Daily . Delivery is Prompt . . r : ; ‘ : ' I | tind me tte een) B —— : uesday, December 7 ‘ } a o ine : 7 ~ ' i were \ ; can : MISCELLANEOUS poocerevenaceseoserreee ‘ sund ‘ » ; LING TAILOR Hay | ! , . after tt rae . a ; @ ' are asked to piy the de * ' Minission, Anything you sntry and bath, Phone 435. [Pip Witee dhe MPNiNe * Ce mmnmnnonne TRUNKS — flo ies ioe? ci ets 3 Si a al Ba a et ner y reall . yi ad at mner Firat 7 F - ene me dale of the firet publics ' prerer in We have secured the agency for when they call. except * ny PUTMESHE SUIT! REN’ rae Sete OO ee 4b, (088 } iano Tus the best Cos! found in the interior HANDBAGS where payment has been © Second and Th rd Avenues a e . l m . my vot = ile x t i } Careful I ; “ and hil supply any quantity, made for the year in ad- #) | Ph Green 544 ' tf uis lodtnes mone Hee ae ; TD K sire - rices on application to vamer, The boys when * — ee TAG a ts fn etoek: | : PO SALI = heater and re ; par’ . s Prince Rupert Feed Co. F. M. Crosby fe collecting carry official re. * f ‘ Apply 266A LosT PACIFIC CAR Parker, Mer : J. Slade Steven Sipe ceipte which should al. ® Sih Avenine t 987) en one ‘ son Sth AY 7. oe emer 2nd Ave. aga ood ne 0 Avenue © ways be preserved met Mc LOBT, While gold stick pin with Careful attention given to 8) | i rince Kupert . @ FOR BALI i w b y Phon Nitaire pearl. Finder please aad ae ster werk, sup WOOD to ve ~~ Cee ee eeeeeeeeeeee be $01, 4 return to Daily News OMice, tf) gums