~ EE ATTY Swe ~~ senvnineh cists Scaapiaa ; — = _ COLTS SPRING SS {) 001) BIGSURPRISE 2° m2 : -="= MACDONALD a MT q MACDONALD’S “BRIER” has become On Buying Curta ins pot? | a Canadian institution. Smoked by the ane i ia Dias tae | | men who made history. In the bush, on the vivid -eretonne, thimmering ilk or goasam. | P| trail, in mining camps, prospectors huts, factory chiffon— buy it with never a fear of not being HI yards, on trains, steamships, in the luxurious ~ i able to wash it. Remember LUX is at your S. O. E. vs. Vetsrans iit service—its pure, bubbly suds whisk the dirt Sons Hy homes and downtown clubs of our Canadian away, leaving colors bright and clear, and 1 ; itil e° ’ ‘ daintiest fabrics sheer and fresh a a | HHH cities Macdonald's has always been ‘recognized s when n Silk and colored Curtains--- and 77 T x as the smoke. Whisk = tablespoonful of LU? pt ;, | | €@ MACDONALD’S CUT “BRIER”—the same tobacco lather in a gallon of very hot v | : s ¢ curtains abs ’ ' ! . . . hy : os ‘ a eieate Sail Gnakagh tee a omy Hh but in new form—maintains every Macdonald tradition since three lukewarm waters. Hf you ca, oll nae. a WK 1858, and gives to smokers—more tobacco for the money. ” 0: ! Hit , i stile For white curtains—not ’ eonk £ . Hida Then wash in the same we : ‘ a inec in there : \ waters a er in the sun ' Tiificums vs. Spartans A handy LUX recine booklet The aan e. 2 Care of Dainty Clothes,” will a u be gladly sent on request , , ‘ E ; 2 * f Lever Brothers Limited Kibo: Toronto ye . eT aR « y 5 a ineeielill WANDERERS SCORED BY NARROW MARGIN / ret Meet Of Billiard Tournament We have ee Ten Years Ago Was Watched With Interest hand Lagaghe cree erent. “S's gues Spertaione 1000 Tons December 7, 1910 Wellington Goal }.. o 1000 Tons Edson Coal bat - ee ah RUN ITS COURSE = ren sniointed bx the se Liable to Develop Into Influenza, ’ ; ‘ Pleurisy or Pneumonia. eo NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT 9 ence eteomeets j j . Revised Statutes of Canada 116, 564, Blue 6B . Albert & McCaffery . 20 : acne mre Gr oe aga | 4 elramil, haemo, Revored 2 wot ee Limited 5 : , , « aia ie mh ' r Hogrsiry I Lu D ¢ bi aT ee oe $14.00 > < & deseription of th Lump, Delivered in Sacke ..< cesses $15.50 ' rib | n, i ed Ry $12.50 \ | i iD ' rs on a rae ae m sont 1869 705 Branches 19720 . . . oT “ . nets. -y ee tats 1367 Pembina I np, Delivered in Bulk .......... $14.00 ast Dissriet, in th Pembina 1 Delivered in Sacks ......... $15.50 The howal Bank | 7 ro aI sera Mos aR, oaome 3 wieoa aedackl eee . OLYMPIA NEGRESS eS erg, 2) fe | of Canada IS BRIDE OF HINDU ; x So Geto seer "| | Prince Rupert Coal Company OE ee OYA campeer || Som |uohneed toe, spond % i Office in Central Hotel Fhone 15 !ov will not miss the small 1 28 it nt punts SANTA CLAUS ARRIVES, monthly amounts. e ee ree ae Ur irst day of every mua Alfalfa Hay th draw a cheqne for a eoetab So , a eee ne . — 7 ha it {]We have just taken into our warehouse ’ tor the credit of your oad * —r Sa a he groom gave ry . la car of CHOICE NO. 1 ALFALFA HAY, Wings Account. Dx aac ae 7 wich — 1. the om — Get our price on this hay’ which has been S regularly for, say. ten . ee ” " ' le said she- was f = = bought on the lowest market. years, “re ¢ ad i Wash ‘age! _ 1k ~ m We are always pleased to quote. é poee ‘boy will then have iden xa ere Rae. Aa ‘ Mail orders have our prompt and careful attention. * iS. He can own a "CK 4 INTRACTONS “Siness when other bovs : aks ; oa ae See a vou wanswoces | LADIES ENTERTAIN thle " ‘ ! ‘ Work up LS SS bie Naa a "D comber, 1920 \Mospital Auxiliary Give Tea in Capital and Reserves $33,000,000 ne the new extension to Provinehal eager ot Mrs. foray we ek he belies at Mm oOsp il Vola! Resources =. $588,122,317 ace, SPCIDCRLIORS, CORTE ta ee ee ee etactnined ot tem wee i ia trade wa ity om a the Pp j eer, Deparment ef terday wm hone of Mrs Jarvis SS ; b j * Rupert, Bt ‘ THE- BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO. LTD. P.O, Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 bemttiees (Tn Oe ea RO he home of Mrs, David ae Re a NN Hank i ans ® i bot ~ ed r co 6 Sd A vahabits Nae N mace payable ‘ the ‘ Learn a Good Trade 4.728, 2 atts oP Rabie Works \was poured by Mrs. F. Darton and iy Six in Eight Weeks oe ae “on e eT in " ees iif she ecotlee by Mra. Pringle, while Mrs pf) ie. = et alt B. A ue » et ; le te t 1 ler no i¢ \\ ergin and Mrs Rn. Blanee hs _ aS ‘ 2 ‘ . - 2 bart es ae oun re une ‘antract wit ated 1 to do 90, OF , K ; ” ; Wp SS ‘ I'm hungry! Soam!! Iwas! You won't be if you eat at : ‘ ; ; n te the work neractec . ] ‘ uk : : SE a inethods Experioncea § {he 1 . \ i Von : tonite ‘ab ahs THE EMPRESS CAFE "0 practioal work in hop , oneaut nosuceessful tenderers » een ne OT Tne leting aeettien ie me. Heeo ved to them Upon the exec ladies. the est of honor sang Santa Claus arrived in Winnipeg last week and delighted the course, — 8e hina cet " ‘ie Tun aovuils — ; eg ote ee ender not necessarily two ao nia. thiousands of youngsters who thronged the streets to see him Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business 200 wae Ganesan cones accepted wine guise 8 = Mre. MeLeod is leaving in a few, and his parade Photo shows Santa surrounded by a number of Strictly clean. White help only. Open day and night » Vancouver o. i \ GINGER , , Wer rer nenrnregees me a f Departn a af ’ _ , wars jdays for Salt Lake City | enthusiastic admirers,