THE — Y saree Page & / a - ie - —* en th aes oe ! J TOILET SUPPLIES | ° e tu . Ormes Limited wi The Pioneer Druggists se ial scale Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE uly BLADE 24 HOURS Bach Cap- ule bears the jaioy) name 22 Rewarea eee fetta the that make habits of and all dainty requisites cleanli ness a delight await you at Our Modern a Store our line of Toi hi na sunari Let our experts fill your pre iptions b ed t tae \it Buy That Diamond Soon We have a We es ¢ beauties at $75, $125 and $175. John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST MODERN > * * P.O. Box 1680 { an MM. Je ey \ \ Pete ! } l \ inarrie l M lay v \ NOTICE. : : “ ried , ! La g N. B & | a held in th MINERAL ACT f Thurs Perm 1 : 8 Certificate of Improvements NoTICH ] Melb \ Ke} ‘ © FRACTION Mineral Clan St etate nh the Neas Rive Mining bDivisior Secretary rr «District Wher located About * from Alice Arm at head of Kitza edjoining ver Horde Mineral Advertan n TAKE NOTICE that |, Lewis W. Patmore | No, 20661-¢ as agent for H N 1k ' Miner Certifieat sty days fro 4 ay 1 the Mining tf ' 1 Improvement f ‘ " Distr t ea rowt at I sm t t o ' He TART NUrTIce fr x nh here must De mtn i tt ‘ veh Certitica ArT 1 \“ i a « th ja November, A. I harge | Ss dated LEWis W. PATMUORE ee mbered SE that tt is hal TIMBER SALE X 2579. nent ‘ ! b ” A : Willan ' wa ven ut i t ; sted sa me ri t v ml Prince ‘ , tal TAI NCLEM " ’ HOUSE Price $2,600 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Frince Rupert, B.C. DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency _ DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur dvy, 9 to 12 only Evening Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 POR APPOINTMENT gg aie TT. new il have First Cars of ou screened: Lump Cos arrived IT’S CLEAN k Kee Coal also liave you tried Coal im your Large sto oo hand Our Lge ro” rules T'S HOT Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd. J, Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 TUESDAY | = == SPECIAL 1 Apples Boxes Winesap 50 Jumble Pack $2.35 per box Terrace Fruit Lands 133 Acre Lot, two miles from Van Arsdol Statior Conta 40 acres first class black so witli clay sub-soll l acre tivatior Frame hous« ft with cellar Frame 16 by 18 ft Log too! house, 18 by 20 ft Spring water near the house, 654 fruit trees four yea old Also 6,000 feet new lumber 6 windows and Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212. house furnishings For quick sale, $1,400 cash. On terms, $2,000, One third cash, balance 12 and 18 I> months at 7 per cent toh , SMITH & MALLET I KENNEY BROS. & CO. Terrace, B.C. PLUMBING AND HEATING \\ / ct ENGINEERS rn ‘yp tt Keltinates furnished. AUC TION SALE” beds wi jitie Lt Address, 3rd Avenue, head § Beoond “Ay Havin 1 tai ioe t Oe i eo I a) a a ee eee liad Maa f { Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 W dt d De holidays ednesday, ec. 8 : ut o2:30 por. of household ft The ‘ treat Masquerade - ture, Consisting of dining suite Eats en by Miss Jessie W - ; ranges, Wille Ax nate and |'!s! dis night wa » s a Dyeing - Dry Cleaning Ns Hotty ARIONRRL Ar