THB DAILY NBWS ~~ are | ) |ANGLICAN CHURCH i mm Bond Between HAD FINE SERVICE t Local and Personal Bank and Farm Choir Has Been Asked to Repeat ~—-~S~SS~CSCS<;<«C;<;«<;C Sri LATION of ec: Program Which Was Highly a. ee ultura Pur a ° be eee atte! te the we ellis ie aoh Successful. \eibakenins, phon 80, Hyde 1 ao : ’ * Bank playe ite ' : aa ing fs - a ae Mr ee tend- i ti th j * * t ppe cee bt 1 tw in ; a | | to the ma r ; j M M Those int sted In nte nu a“ n roe ! f i . of the eel es ; Sg ait d , ] ! vith our branch managers. Ngee 2 "se , a Y . i plea re to th on a ad int ist night UNION BANK OF CANADA ° erate, | Weld ic vce ia Site taal ‘ i ¥1.05 ii Shes > zu ‘ nad fa i . uf Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager » oy } if 1 were itl th ‘ ’ j er j a ee pera a eta ate 1 \ ‘Bp a 1 Will Kan ° “DEMERS” |= Bargains Silk Skirts Handkerchiefs ; Bloas SEAL COVE SUNDAY og Mia wh! romeo fe in Xmas || Pies = SCHOOL CHRISTMAS 0. on ee, Silk Hose —_Lingerie Offerings =| See Demers First p ailed a xy : rey he winning | ee 7 Camisoles .Aufalta Hay NO ALFALFA HAY. re n this ha ( as been THE BRA SCKMAN-KER MILLING ( 00, 1D : 7 P.O. Box 745 » Rupert, B.C. Phone 380 ——_=-_-— —— Mrs | WARI ' 4 | ELECTRIC & MARINE | Mra. MH. Mart SUPPLY CO | rHE BANKRUPTCY ACT nnn COW BAY . See paca” amie ie ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, ™ oo ne Canadian Fairbanks Ge. Lid | . C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. : ' 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, ° Electric Lighting Plants rage : — , ‘ PPO PODS 5 ODO POOLE OOD ODE OBL LL AOC OO OE : | |Usetul ane] Regardless of Cost | Artisti Chris imas BIG REDUCTIONS IN Giks Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. Miss GLEESON | Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. GREE colenatbiinlednntnbnabsnaieednneieds Dever Miss I “ i ! . . on Bor ’ ; me i e Rupert, B. ¢ , , SILVERSIDES Sn00 bc RR” vee vene ee jar ‘iy THE MATTER . enone sieens for | a H "te Melt - Mow WALLPAPERS, ‘GL ‘ASS, PAINTS, | | ta 82 and D8, Block 24, Sect n't city ee Oe Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, NOTICE ta hereby miven thet itis mn : Peet ee ee ee IN A EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND ation 0 Weve Alter Se senmice ot . CARD WORK, fa fresh certificate of tite to the above | °°! a ae NA Vi k ? PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING | {))°°O) 02> leh rertineat TN ae a ed 7th te mber 1912, an is num Pea © | Phone 22 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 120. fir yctiery omee, vrince, mupert w. ate, git they es tated piscine: tc etoure® ot rittes. Vis ! p oe i bers Tor or 1 By Wearing a Woollen Morris Cond fn vis oat at a Raincoat or Overcoat. |: 8" KEEP rea nie i {Sse Typ | STEVE KING'S [7.00% Hart Block pI LES Do ri tape DOCTOR s t will reiie gna afford las tng be et om alers, 3 Edin atten’ ' Dr, Chase s Ointm A Useful Xmas Gift Torong paper and enol 0. Shan mp 4 Da y postage "WAR VETERANS HAD ) DINNER AT CENTRAL AWAY Extra Special Values This Week Bie hata of een ee ‘8 Sample hk ay Mt ye pay this # eee RR RR RR Ree 18 ‘per package Two for 55’ My ‘Snug Harbor Cigarette NAVY CUT CIGARETTES— Sumptuous Feast Provided on Christmas Day. n it * W \ Ass ! ms and y lo ina => : al Mi ald lent Kelty \ \ W : st i \ii- y > M a | M n I . iV Lie ! st s, Mr. \ | i \ ided i wish x pre Aes happu { ch t co New Yi M s 1 he } | ey Vane > % I> M Mf Da f s t eturned tl h \ i pet \ WwW I I ese ee eeeeaeeeerereaere Tv SUBSCRIBERS Subseribers to The News are asked te pay the db * livery boys each mouth when they call, exeept where made for the year tn ad- vane Phe bove when collecting carry official re. ceipts which should al. = . eo . . , . payment has been * * . . * ways be preserved . nr « THE LUXURY TAX HAS BEEN DROPPED so we are dropping our prices. Now is The Time to make your purchases Only a few days left. FRENCH IVORY, JEWELLERY, TOILET SETS, MANICURE SETS, TRAYS, LADIES’ PURSES, MIRRORS, PIPES, WALLETS ahd LADIES’ UMBRELLAS McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS A FEW LEFT This is a genuine sale and these goods must go. McCUTCHEON'’S Corner Second and Sixth The Largest Drug House in Northern B.C. NA. I'm hungry! Soam lt Iwas! You won't ties it you eat at THE EMPRESS CAFE Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business Strictly clean. White help only. Open day and night aeee THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE.—5 cho. *e lev el Lots, together or singly, on 7th Ave., near new High School, Hays Cove Cirele. Any reasonable offer. EDSON COAL; Bulk, $13.00 per ton delivered FOR SALE \ Sacked, $14.50 ,, Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Comet Insurance Company of North America, Pays Claims promptly _ P. 0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phoue Hine 69 /PLAYER’S 4 : k t ; ;