For Quality, Fair Prices and Service-- Limited for your Christmas Presents Card of Thanks - san amare RASER, DECEASED, INTES ORMES Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles of all kinds. Rigaud, Roger 6& Galiett, Piver, These names mean reai PER- FUMES and TOILET WATERS. We have them. Page ©® Shaw Chocolates--- the best. Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. Kodaks. Christmas Cards, Tags and Seals. Let us help you choose t Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. Box i6ao iA HOUSE mode locat MODERN Wi offer a SIX I oho: HT VICTORY ae 82, 600 We wi h you one and all the |i eM " Souk te compliments of the season. en Seabed 40-ake nea We. thank. our Scustomersjageinst tne said estate are hereby nes for their splendid support in. ae nade vaats VOrwed, tO me the past. ; ‘ + With ad led experience we meaate nic tn expect to give still better m iemen” Mareen tia service in 1921 and hove with ,33°°" my of Noveunner, & your continued encourage- ‘ ment to have our little store ') THE sturneve ! Y BRET so well stocked that you wil}. J bropi s H very rarely need to send out \ of town for anything in our ' : Att line. ‘AT John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST rt a TUESDAY Special ROLLED McCaffery, as () ATS & Doyle, Lid Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. 7 Ib. sack ss d»y, 9 to 12 only Ev @day, from 7 to 9. (EePNt ae TT, ate First Cars of our screened Lump Coal have arrived. IT’S CLEAN NR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; : Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; && tur- i PHONES 211, 212. Tuesday, Wednesday had “Pri DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE mths HT © HE ARNOLD eer eres er ere er er er rae werur DENTISTRY || 99¢ One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency Rupert Table Supply Co, 5, THE DASLY N#WS » | FRAUD SCHEME TRIED IN HOLLAND Jewelry is Sold = Alleged Russian Cheap at The Hague. HILOH 838i COUGHS oe ee ee ee ee ee Market Prices Forres. seers OF BRITISH WALES STILL HAS PLENTY OF GOLD Though Practi- cally Vanished in Other Parts of Britain. Fra sims 5s Common There FLOATING CREMATOR : INSTITUTED IN TOKIO Local SMITHERS Pacific Milk Co. FACTORY AT LADNER, BU MID-WINTER SALE at Bargain Frices Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE Policies are carefully and intelligently written by us in sound companies that are both able and willing to pay any losses that may occur. new YOUR business is solicited. Phone 96 for your rate. Large stock Egg Goal also i. ¢. Helgerson, Ltd. on hand, Have you tried Our Egg Coal in range? iT’s HOT your Real Estate [Bonds Insurance UNDERWEAR MACKINAWS WING, CHIN, YUEN CO. re., Prince Rupert, B ¢ Furnished Rooms Dominion Hotel Just Kemodelled and Refurnished Street, Prinve Rupert Phone Red 46% yPrwwewre Consumers Coal Co, Ltd, || PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, Mgr. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Carefui attention giver to all orders for Cal f niture reight, b mage or other Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 usfer work ORDERS vane ron COAL anv WOOD Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte, ———._ estholme Theatre _TONIGHT AND TOMORROW - Bryant WASHBURN “Why Smith Left Home” “Movie Stars or Tricks in All Trades” and Burton Holmes Travelogue a = a ee EMPRESS THEATRE, Tonight and Tomorrow MITCHELL LEWIS “The Last of His People” iy llowe Lake, &. ¢ to cut 9.400 : will be sliowed for removal " } ther particulars of the Chief Porester ‘ ' ‘ or the Deatriet Poresver, inee Rupert, B, 4 IN PRORATE rue surniea CONT OF BHITini ILUMBIA rue MATTER OF THE ADMINIBTHA T1GN ACT and rir MATTENM GF THE ESTATE GF FLL KNUTSON, DECEASED INTHMTATE rik Neoortee that in order of iis ! wet ¥ he, pace the t4th day f December, A. D. 1090, 1 whe appomted f Administrator to the estate of Kill Kowteon, aned and all partios having chains t tie sid estate are hereby required i natin i perly verified, to tne before « 90th day of January, ALD |, and all parties indebted to the emtate equired to pa the amount of their lcbtediiess to me forthwith JON Me UT OMecial Admintstrator Prince Kupert oe bat i : gOth la f December EDUCATIONAL Y ET ORT. aye a ee " ’ Pee ee ee eee ee POSH 25 ESS + 6000 0008+ 000 ccm nCeee, > ‘ - e IE & SHAL Chartered Accountants & } . o ; a ROR Auditors, Vancouwer, B. ( } eB ' } A ae } - s a y Phone 44 og : ' ; ’ ’ ; } ; . a . eres COOCCOPOOCOCPO—OOD POO OR EOIN t * dates —_——— $$ -. 190%. & quinbered wi tt ‘ake feetiee theet tt ote ' ° * & Certificate of in : t at ha theetitened 6 cnn team tt inate u wing " , s e f sai 7s na t : chim Angwe Ww . ° 4 Lana . , aw e s t ‘ 4 . SACLE ier er ‘Tf ~ wat? m =) | ee a) TIMBER SALE X 2579. 5 Y Bed Pillows 4% . ° ‘ gee od Licence 3 959%, 10. cul Would You Like To Have Mone. if Lote rer oO ou Like hang e.g h 9 will be allowed for [Them Washe . 7 a r ts er? t hos Forester, | Bed pillows are seldom wasne households—the same piilo wa sare a 3 r ve TIMBER SALE X 1037 through summer and winter, iliness and , he dwellings, too, © : ~ Stead Om This often happens in the 4 of theif Landis at Victoria fot (tater housewives who are justly prov : f Deon us ' : a eee SN oe ern home sanitation. Sweet, clean slips are WO": £080,000 feet of Baisem, ttemétor but pillows nevertheless are frequently over ar areca asdjoming r ) n Cove, Mussel Inict, looked. : sat District m tt for ¢ care will be allowed for re Why not send your pi ave wd us : 4 nore niber subble them up! Pu particniars Of the Chief Vorester, thorough cleansing ? Wet juffy suds. W ’ ria ff © District Forester, Printe down in pure soft water und f . y , iry ert B. Li ne rinse them time and again. Then ion hle TIMBER SALE X 2074, them quickly in fresh, warm gen downy vcome delightiu se sled tenders Will he reauved by tne them until they be t Forest i we fhupert, B, ¢ not once more, « hether thar ‘ Pend day of te It gives new life to the feathers, W less mt i for the purchase of Licene feathers, oF the } they be snowy breast oe i The pillow, too, is ste lized. Slumber becomes a new pleasure. ves Send your pillows along ne xt time ouF driver calls for your family bundle, OF a phone us and we will have our driver next time he passes your way, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 fluffy tail feathers. sn the ‘. : Send it ofaundr Y Besse panagnetennnnentr ett ee ———EE ————————————— ee ee