Leg Alative Library ae AN 9 192) The Daily News” PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Pa R 0 F0 IO FR IELEERLELELO LA LE IDLO TAO Local Dressed Beef Our Own Slaughtering. Ship ments of Live Stock now arriving every week direct from the stock siners Of the Bulkley Valley GEORGE J. FRIZZELL © Phones 10, 25, 145 Royal Market Fulton Market ‘TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEE? r Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert eres REI RE SERIES SERIE BRON T Bree eee ~~ — SS = ol. Nl VO), JOG, PRINCE RUPERT, B. CG.» TUESDAY, DBCEMBER 28, 1920. Vesterday’s Circulation 1671. Street Sales 364. PRICE FIVE CENTS ) OLLY VARDEN MINE CLOSED DOWN ENTIRELY DISABLED TANKER AT KETCHIKAN IS LIKELY COMING HERE FOR REPAIRS Tanker Atlas May na RUPERT T0 6O Come Here to Dock __BACK IN WATER Understood in Local Shipping Circles ‘after Reprir Men ms: ke Examina- tion Will Leave Pontoons Unable Proceed Frisco in Present Condition to Save Expense. j svoeduhealtins Representatives of the ship re- pair firms from ithern cities will reac here on the Prince George tomorrow to commence their examinations with a view to tendering on the repairs to the wrecked steamer Prince “Rupert . 0 Ome > it kK ' Which is now om the pontoons at ' the dry dock at Hays Cove. Tr ha It is likely that as soon as ‘ i . these examinations have been rT made the vesse | will again be Word placed in the water by the under- 4 writers to save the expense of keeping ber in the dock. The boat will, however, remain in the har- bor until the eontract has been let. It is possible that the tenders Select ti a oe may bE hitiied up seo as io be in HANNA WILL NOT NAME - ie CONCILIATION MEMBER Dispute Over Famous “Hanna Order.” L, before January 5, the date that is now set for their closing. Telegrams were iast evening sent by the Board of Trade to the Department of Marine at Offewa, and General Manager A. E. War- apin jren at Winnipeg, inquiring if ar- LIQUOR lrangements could. net be made fail, London. Kergin Supp?rters are Sure, whils (ret . lug up the holes in the Lavoriien any Caney Mame crrrawa. tor, 2n—the man- POLITICAL ENEMIES BUT ry on aia tea ae Rien 7 op atid tienda COO PERSONAL FRiENDs DOLLY VARDEN RAILWAY PLAN KEEP EW : “ay ia otilied the tinis- ANYON, bee #.The final F tied tie i GRE RDA Hamme TD ; j eee wa : iwhereby H. A, Butt, the guvero- Cater enentet>gep Abbe eranen mh Chee ems POT eer at Ton the Men. J. 0. Reid and Hon. W. L \ EMPLO\EES WORKING sa ] ments representative, or some take pla « and th ; : i dale . eee e ee q ther official, could submit a ten- . , a wihset , Mackenzie King are Guests Rot Intention to Make General ‘ -. ver. ‘fob of repairing the eo dea aatly Ulee this c e He 2 { bee wees and at Banquet Shut Down Took Effect at End of Reduction, says A, E. Warren - Prince Rupert at the loeal ship- i ; ; . oo deel week—Alice Arm Will Rave C°vernment Considering Measure yari. ; ‘ye MONTREAI i At Hard Winter, WINNIPEG. Dee. 28 With few for Allowing Stronger Liquors — — ti \ tof the D ra : 5 h a a? aan iver iol ARM Ih le 8 snadian Nat nd Canad MONTREAL Ler 28, Che SUSPECTED TO BE : : i the tart ni of I) \ d ne las ¢ i : : ; " : ‘ % : ad and " su 1 7 ! ; cil t ivs here will be wel ; cislature is consider- lit Bee taro aoe as cua Paciie aways here Will be Well prox ioral einlatune t» eonsiders WANTED IN IDAHO - : I). Reid ‘ { i y { ' wins stronger beer and fe ' , " 1s und canals ' ’ eit w tt ij : ' ; 4 h a ae oe ie Man Answering to Description VICTORIA DOCK ge a that ste : ‘ E oe y generals io staff fail he present licensing Sent Here Was Picksd up by | Mar h is lead s AYS a# ee veal in t i cal de- sys stablishing shops in Police Yes.* aay. C : : i sitio uid said 1 i t = una a nent, buf a reduet w be ! irts the peovinee for —_—_— A iy i 1) i Canipl esac vere ; noes : ; dg a nade on the working heurs per the s of liquors, On the strength of a wire lately a er eee. ; : aoe til the I tated A. | eceived from the shriffs office of pointed tol. “Mr, Reid said that Hon, M M the sing of. the Dolly War “a: “neal T hbaeee ‘ vr e state of Idahe giving a descrip- P Lyall, of Montreal and Van- r . , oo Ried ihitian h * Vas W yh Mt Ne 1) \ " ; Mui \ * ch i Pep ack : lines " anad . LOCAL MANAGER OF ous ee Rafi ne ‘noah tee co , Gots B Job: Price, : his tax on and | believe he was ndustry . * mM &@ National | WaAVs. f\ ‘lony, Warden Bailey yesterday ei. 94,008,000, cree : : ~ « ’ a ; thus when w f . f ployed and this eee ROYAL BANK MOVES a ae nm ane se : . j vs i la XI ( he « * — : oP e ent . The rOntA, 1 . different | 4. noid expreaned a fear that hard winter ‘NYOX MAN BEING B. W. Cameron Promoted 10 the eae ecnwidon! hers vile . eve ees stionnl railways Would not show sO il K Assistant Managership at al ha ee as A ea ar ' \ de E ; , “ a thy eae , ob SS ia ‘a i: SUED BY THE BANK eect eh ae oe es grb ‘ veh ; F400 000 yey Ware BA: ANS emacs of i800 rat be ait be tt until tlie INQUEST ON DE ATH Alleged John A. Tuener Gwes twp SAV’, eron ieamanee of the eas, fet youd er anise \ y who a ‘a dtakia position gol ‘back OF MAN WHO PASSED Promissory Notes With ul branch of the Royal Bank of fo the new Beveridge building on HOPES F : ‘ 5 at ‘ he federal ‘ was fined th nh ‘tion be introdueed to pre VANCOUVER. Dee. 28 Pardon over. The many friends of both |$50.50 it e poliee eourt this ; ony ' he continuance of the trate ‘ SHOT IN MOUTH has been granted to Walter ©.)M ind Mrs. Cameron will be morning by Magistrate MeMordie it any hb ! in condemnus the adoption pro ‘ Findlay. former British Columbiatoleased fecd to hear of the pro-!for allowing drunkenness to take VOAe Me ‘ Ue er eoding is al present carried prohibition commissioner Wholmotion but regret at their de-/ place on premises oecupied by hee a added that high fre wut in the courts, stating that Edmonton Sergeant was Shot by... cantenced to two years in the parture will ie as keenly felt.}on Fulton Street, wi undoubtedly ey are handled informally, and an Insane Man penitentiary in the spring of 4918.) They will leave in about a fort- It appeared that the defendant venstrouetion of ging 4 ed ered as a matter of He was released tast Thursday) nights endeavered to obtain the aid of is i the west@to cut the thee eourts having ho EDMON'TON, Dee, 28—Sergeant morning ithe police when her Cheistmas ction ts eby to make investi Kdward Watsen was shot in the VANCOUVER WINS party became a little too boister- lie mouth by J. Strekweiler, who is Vhere are ne refrigerator cars ous and out of hand, and tele. TORONTO MAN TRIED insane on band at the leesl pathway yards VANCOUVER, De 24.—Van- |phoned the station four times, mp EVELYN NESBIT HAS today, fhe two whieh arrived on) cou iefeated — Vietoria at/On account of its being the holi- TO KILL HIS WI CHARGED BROTHER FINAL FIGURES. Fupday nieht havinew been sent) hackey last nicht six to three, jday season, the force were all out east last evening tilled with fresh on active serviee, and mo offieer Ut She Killed Mim and now Faces NEW YORK, Dees 27..hselyn VICTORIA, Dee, 28.-—With the hatibut from the Canadian Fish iWas available af, the moment to a Charge of Murder. Noah former wife of Harry” K, ibsentes voles counted inal gad Cold Storage Cobipany’s plant FUNERAL NOTICE. ize to her assistance, Phaw, and of Jack Clifford, the figures for the recent provincial) There were no tish arrivals offer Alex, Manson Who appeared for POHONTO I N sad!) dan appeared ino West) Side in Prince George ding jing for sale this uiorning rhe runeral of the late Wil. iMrs, Riee, pleaded guilty to the ‘ly deove the Christmas spirit court he Monday to press a ie: y (Liberal), 1140; Cock lia Brooksbank will take charge and asked for lenieney on iT the home of George Adams icharge of grand larceny she had lion, G. €, Baliantyne, thittisterjor Conservative 708; Hoss (in A crowd of young friends gath place from. the B Ads { nder- jaccount of its being the festive Adaiis was killed by his/filed against her brother, Howard,iof Marine and Fisheries, who ex ioponde Farmers, 130 ered last evening at the home of lakers’ parlors at 2:30 Wed- or holiday season of the year, ta struggle, during whieh lone of the principal witnesses im tended an oficial welcome to the Mr. and Mi P. I, Palmer at a neRday allonnoon, interment (The magistrate as well as the ' ied to kill her with an army the ‘Thaw murder case three ships presented to Canada 1, P. Wheeler, of the Soldiers’ |delightful little surprise party on to take place in’ Fairview icity solicitor, concurred with Mr, She is undep arrest charged by Great Britain and whieh are) Land Settlement Board, is in the! Miss Margaret Palmer Musik Cemetery |Mailson, that this might possibly 5 et | Advertise iu the Daily News pris db last week ty today on his way to Viel A.igames and difncing w LO) CU. ———— —_—_r__ammmeen \ taken Into aeeount. cus Aneto te evar cwemen eS ee nt £27 4 mesos Stes aes ae + ee Bae: ses as so see rT a - ee. “4