ENT VAKING START PORTLAND BOND Order Early|| ONFISHSHEDS HOUSE CLOSES Scotch Shortbread High Winds Making Boat-Owners Mad Big Quantity of Edmonton Use Safety Means Bonds Sold and Could Not Pay for Them Currant Bun | PORTLAND, ee. 28. More Xmas Cakes the rover ances" in age Sin itm CURRIE’S BAKERY Phone 177 P.O. Be Phird Avenue | ; ST. ANDREW’S BLOCK FEATHER BEING MADE OVER NORONTO, “Bho, | 30-—Wholp PILLOWS “rttonea Were Renevauon™ [reer ork bar and are ie “ CLOTHING PRICES AT ROCK BOTTOM NOW SAY DEALERS General Purchasing Strike of the Public has had Its Effect i on Prices ONONTO “ REPLY TO UNION OF MUNICIPALITIES Canadian Sleam Laundry | . Como='y Phone 8 ‘ City Sends Tentative Answer to Inquiry About Taxation Matters. ~ . — nme PRINCE RUPERT BAPTIST SUNDAY at melts Central Labor Council OO ae ne ca eek QO. B. U, Ex Reflects Much Credit On Stock - Reducing SALE To clear the Entire Stock for the next 30 Days ~— Blankets, Comforters to clear at cost Pictures of all kinds at Cost Carpets and Rugs going at cost One Quarter Cut Dining Room Suite, fumed finish, 9 pieces for .. $200.00 One Oak Dining Room Suite, golden finish, 9 pieces, for $175.00 One Fumed finish Dining Room Suite. 8 pieces, for. .$100.00 One Walnut finish Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, for. .$275.00 One Walnut finish Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, for. .$250.00 One Walnut Dining Room Suite, 50, now $475 9 pieces, was $5 One Chesterfield, spring cushion, tapestry cover, was $200.00, POU Se $159.00 One Chesterfield Bed, tapestry cover, FOr. hr 3.0 h $50.00 One Davenport Bed, with mat- tress, tapestry cover, for i's Fide erates baCah a nee $100.00 One Davenport Bed, with mat- tress, leatherette cover, for ninety 30a aes wie aid $90.00 Two only, Arm Chairs, tapestry cover, each. ....5.... $35.00 Two only, Arm Rockers, tapestry at 1 " rr rd We rT Rusiness Meeting at #.90 p.n Nest Dence « he n Sth Political Economy _Club, : i Bove r Fric ‘ Metal Trades, Fis and Third cant Fr as tan tative minresnt Shipbuilding ee Se i oa vs ind 4 ” : », detinite offering Pickens Ses bel Wher progra a ee enn OPEN FORUM (commencing Sept.) Second ets ' | sures pal legislation, 5 v > Aft Naty een one Detenes Training. ots ‘ i ta r Building Trades Unit, First os a : 4 Th Mondays, ® p.m \ ve ‘ erta ‘ ren bao. Central Labor Council, t i s . A , - Every Tuesday, * p.o ‘ stma a i ne that som Women's Auxiliary, First : i uld } ea Wednesdays, Dance & Social 1 whort at ¢ 2 ny : piece Bed es a cover, @ach......,.... $35.00 mattress, 2 eac eae is, $4000 caak Floor Oi! Cloth and Linoleum 2 only, Brass. Beds, = hobigiin és. 65c. “square yard l only, White Bed, slightly used loess... 85c. a Po white «eaten eee $18.00 — — fore f... $1.25 3 l only, Brass Bed........ $42.50 Inlaid Linoleum, 3 dal, Iron Bed, white, each WE DO PICTURE for...... $2.65 le yard Td box cn 4 Sees $10.00 FRAMING Odds and ends to clear at cost. See Wirdow for Bargains =| Barrie’s Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE and Fourth Syndaya, &.3 - : a ’ » CRIME WAVE GETS. 2 < aa V 2 = resided over the WORSE EACH DA WATER NOTICE. "and ony ot xovemver, 1900, aly M. EN satan : Hh ‘ "= Yeqggs Break into Stores on Op- ; a 1 ri be Hed it “, mee ot the Wass W h ] L h . tint de of the « nt train i f.§ i rane gon Sariress Gers} ¢ mat St i 5 a0 ine ation may be arene Hin Miss Kati! PON icnreat Cetera eal eer esthoilme unc LE r . 3 Pla Rea rn P Sigg lg a Mee AD 1 a : MONTREAT De oR. Thi i water = a a : iste, A tne ie a st SS Under New Management ary elas w S pret ere k, erer mei aito, kan | is notice ip ALL WHITE HELP a ‘ . s daily Within the last torage-dam oc locat 1 eee tt) simmy 1 and watershed ier wEIOWEN TO "PEG nan safe in Mmnatein Drow. age” Seu Hae stn SG ie nen } XMAS | XMAS TREES! | 7 hlown and 26 pote u eated Is at ; acs ie ene as : ; "y tt e bi nne + sai bay dt , ek S Westholme Special OTTAWA 1) . Pr er gold an . ‘ fanen and yeee n ; i, Coast District } Vistas Gero ert eNZ Ba cigton te lastnight for Winn men alse blew the safe in the po ba ger a ve aehumages sees, | Three Course Meal - from 45c up , CITY MARKET ; Hay ce cod ' , y — ae anh ea r ve ind grown a ms te no the date © i tive est sn “ation of this ; . 9 wee a i a <== LIM — NOW ILL Fix " eee 2 is Ae START Divorcine = Youre JES NATURALLY Au. RUN DOWN MR SMYTHE WV/HAT YOU NEED [8S Rest AND QuIET You UP A ut’ PRESCRIPTION THAT OUGHTA WHIP You INTO SHAPE IN os TIME GOT YO GIVE uP EVERYTHING THAT DISAGREES -Doc 2 WH ‘ou — EVERYTHING) “THE WIFE RIGHT AWAY —— EH 22 ]