vag = ro Ee be tees se Oi Wishing our many Customers A Happy and Prosperous New Year i Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE P.O. Box 1680 BLADDER 24 HOURS i i Sie) uy MIDY Card of Thanks » wish you one and all the Hon = com aa “nts of the season. We thank our customers ao, for their splendid support in the past. With added experience we ' expect to give stil better service in 1921 and hepe with your continued encourage- ment to have our liitie store so well stocked that you wil] very rarely need to send out of town for anything in our line. John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST MODERN HOUSE We offer a six roomed rodern sv’, Very desirable Price $2,600 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, 5.C. DENTISTRY | Don’t neglect your Teeth One deciyed or missing tooth lowers veour efficiency beeen DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- d«y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. LENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT @ First Cars of our new screened Lump Coal have arrived. IT’S CLEAN Large siovk Keg Coal also on hand llave you tried Our Keg Coal in your range? IT's HOT Consumers Coal Co., Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7 VICTORY ROLLED OATS 7 ib. sack 5c Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. ! j | ‘ M | I o > . A. McMa a : i . . . MS Jon sae > . j 1 Tr nt Fr BI su i A Ht Al STHA STATE 0 ALICE ARM A EAS INTE i it ’ a s Wet Y ache ith day . ! N € ‘ 1 was amy ea nid Fre ‘ clatene I by required i} i, tw me December ‘ j i : lebted to the : I mmeunt of bh ‘ st a i M M ator Novel wh rt . ‘ i ’ t iT *@e*e eweeeeeeeeetete TOO LATE 10 OCL4S8SIFY ee ee ee \ ~ \A i ‘N ! ! i oe STS eas . RE: Bs Tew ht ts Lio eer y . . ' 4 ' | ’ TUESDAY Special | {°° ce. \ ‘ ] sotice of Imtention to Apply to Lease Land eis MID. WINTER SALE at Bargain Prices SHOES G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE Policies are carefully and intelligently written by us in sound com pani jes that are hoth ab pay an) Recs that may occur, YOUR business is solicited. Phone 96 for your rate. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate © Bonds Insurance UNDERWEAR MACKINAWS Mitts, Gloves, Caps WING, CHIN, YUEN CO. 741 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.( oot eww ow on rw rw ee wees oo SPPPLOLOOLOPELOPLELOLDEOLOLOPOLO LEP Furnished Rooms Sembsies Hotel Juat Remodelied and Refurntenes Corn er First Ave. and Eighth Street, Prince Rupert Phone Ked 46% P.O. Box 363 ee ed POO LLL LE OOOO LOL OPPO ROPE OOD wee Hotel Prince Rupert Pat FIC CAR TAGE ITD a 93 PF Tarn Mgr. Careful attention giver tw ai rere for furniture fr ) Meaee or olner ansfer work ORDERS tAken ypoR COAL anv WOOD EVROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE 4 La Carte. — THE DASLY NEWS Be mere tree ccs | Market Prices re Beer rr ee eee ‘| Westholme Theatre TONIGHT ONLY BRYANT WASHBURN “Why Smith Left Home” “Movie Stars or Tricks in All Trades” a nd Burton Holmes Tra vegeye Dairy Produce Evaporated Fruits A HERB REMEDY OF | EXCEPTIONAL MERIT «!!"'s ee ee ee ee FOR RENT }' ~— rare teal this 90th da EMPRESS THEATRE, HEATRE, TONIGHT ONLY. MITCHELL LEWIS “The Last of His People” EDUCATIONAL Margaret ne a t- ms? Oh TIMBER SALE X 2679. MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements. ‘ rue " Lopper ng ! gs NN 7 and Copper tun oral Cites effeate in the Naas ¢ Mining f f Caseiar District Kiteauit Hever, Allee Arm TICK that |, George A. Young, ertificate No 1605 -c, eet r mreetf end 46 agent for sJosnepn free Miner's Certificate N 4uest 1 Art Liavedseem tree Mieers Cer Nd, deen. intend, sity days ' apply t the Keoorder for a Certinicete 47 for the purpose of opwmining of the above ciate further take fetice that action, en #5, must be commenced before f such Certificate of lmprove Dated tite 60m Gay of November, (evo IN PROBATE [HE SUPREME COUNT OF BHETist ot 1 WOTA rue MATTEM (+ Tie AU MINIBTHA Ths ACT ar rir Ma ren so rath RSTATH Pil KN TS DPCPAPED IN THMTATE NoriCt that in order of Mis i Mel ’ fie, thade the 141i day mber, A. D. 1080, | wae appointed al wu tate of EL Knuteon amend ated ‘ partice having Claithe aid tale are leereby required eriiied, to te f January, A.D Hil all purtie Hhdebied to the estate i ed ju the ammount of Uelr : /u fortuwitn t 1 JN HW. MeMULLIN OMiecial Adtoinistrator Vrinee Rupert be December, Va The Bond Between ares l eurle is eee the Dome r peri ene on Theor betrrceted in © “the - <= - oe ery ee ee rr _ Xmas Cakes. Place Your Order in Good with LA CASSE BAKERY 7i7Z7 Grd Ave. Auto Delivery will earry on e Genera on tent Pertaer GHORGE RORIE, Chartered Act ccc rr errr POE OPO OOE OOO OOR OO Ae ee o- MESSRS RORIE & SMAL Auditors aoe i tiave pleasure intimating that the co ; 4 Smith ck Third Av ‘ ne ' ‘ business at n si jh ’ s : ans 14 3 ore \e oe } . PROLONG ABOLISH W Y 2 LIFE FINANCIAL O R R you! Superintendent of Annuities, ] \afermation required Mention age ‘last birthda iii aad) A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY Y WiLL IT n for life than is obtain Gives a larger retur f investment with abs from any other form o urit bis pres | from Dominion Income Tax. Any person resident or dor. ici . the age of 5 may purchase, to begin, t once, oF later date desired, an ¢ to be paid in monthly or quarter Any two persons may purchase , ointly fe Employers may purchase for their employ aster, or write, postage [rn " to 5 Apply to your postm Tacince, for’ pant eR —e “h oor Teoosh mone _ UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Brod Phone 180 ROYAL Auto Service, — Prompt Serv’ Day and Night Firet Class Car E. Large, Prop cocceoen cornet led in Canada ove! Annuity of from$ 50 to $5 Quv, instalmenw me sklet ane